

Chapter 64: The Plan Was In Motion

Thirty minutes later

"And my daughter Calista, oh you must meet her!" Vilhelm bellowed, swaying tipsily as he gestured toward a plain-faced girl across the village square. "A true beauty, ripe for the picking! Strong hips, perfect for bearing many sons. You won't find a better bride in the region, I tell you!"

The old man laughed uproariously, as if he'd just told the most hilarious joke in history. Slifer nodded along politely, only half-listening as he tore into a juicy beast leg coated in savoury sauce. Slifer loved food but dry meat was the bane of his existence.

As for the drunken villager's ramblings or his daughter, Slifer had zero interest. Mortals were often quiet in the presence of cultivators but a drink or two was enough to change that.

Best to simply let the man prattle on.

Most of Slifer's attention was focused out beyond the edges of the village, where his spiritual sense tracked the multiple figures closing in through the darkness. Nine to be precise, they surrounded the village from all directions. And their cultivation...Core Formation at least.

Slifer's eyes flicked to Morvran, and with a subtle tilt of his head, signalled for his companion to take no action yet. Morvran gave an almost imperceptible nod in response. They would wait for the other party to make the first move.

"A fine strong lass, my Calista!" Vilhelm rambled on, oblivious to the silent exchange happening right in front of him. "Sturdy, obedient, and skilled in all the womanly arts-"

A blood-curdling scream tore through the air. The music and chatter died abruptly as all heads turned toward the cry. Vilhelm blinked sluggishly, wine sloshing from his cup.

"Eh? What's all this then?"

He peered at the seat beside him, only just realizing it was now empty. That strange immortal who'd been there moments before had vanished. And his grim bald sidekick too. Odd, very odd.

Brom and Oliviare exchanged tense glances from where they sat nearby.

"I warned you these immortals would bring trouble," Brom grumbled.

"We don't know that father. Don't be so quick to judge." Oliviare shook her head but her voice lacked conviction. Her father did have a point, whenever immortals visited the village, trouble seemed to follow. Always.

"Humph, stay close to me, girl," Brom ordered, standing protectively by her side as they began carefully making their way back to their house.

Meanwhile, on the far side of the village, the screams had come from a young woman who had decided to leave the feast early, she now cowered behind the corner of a building.

Before her stood a hulking black beast, it had the sleek fur and feline features of a panther. Violet, predatory eyes gleamed with bloodlust as it stalked towards the frozen girl, razor fangs bared.

With a guttural snarl, the beast sprung forward, lethal claws extended to tear through flesh and bone. But faster than a blink, a blinding arc of silver flashed through the air, blood sprayed and the panther's headless body crashed to the ground with a heavy thud, its severed head rolling away into the shadows.

Behind the corpse stood an elderly man in orange robes, face grim as he flicked the residual gore off the blade.

The young woman looked up at the old man, she tried to say something, her mouth was working but no sound emerged.

Slifer wrinkled his nose at the stench of voided bowels.

Always unsightly business, that.

"Go inside where it's safe," Slifer instructed before shifting his focus back to the matter at hand.


You Killed A Core Formation Beast

25 Karmic Credits Gained


You Killed A Core Formation Beast

25 Karmic Credits Gained


Save The Villagers

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

Current Progress 4/9 Beasts Defeated

Slifer's spiritual sense rapidly swept the area, taking stock of the situation. There were five panther-like beasts left, Morvran was making quick work of them.

Slifer recognised the beasts from the original's memories, they were known as Pantherions. They typically hunted in groups, known as prides. The pride that was attacking the village were at the Core Formation realm.

Slifer's eyes narrowed in consideration. These beasts were clearly more cunning than the average wild animal. They had been patiently stalking this village, waiting for the right moment to strike. The scent of roasting beast meat from tonight's feast must have lured them in prematurely.

In truth, this surprise attack aligned perfectly with Slifer's own intentions for the night. He had known the panther beasts were lurking nearby and planned to draw them out in order to display his strength and protection to the villagers. Now they could witness for themselves what would have befallen them without the cultivators' intervention. A necessary step to softening old Brom's stance against the sect taking in his precious daughter.

"But Core Formation beasts attacking a simple village…"

Typically only Qi Condensation or Foundation Establishment creatures would actively hunt mortals. Those at Core Formation and above required the rich spiritual energy found in cultivator cores to advance.

The Pantherions were stealthy, opportunistic hunters, but mortals were essentially useless to them so why were they here?

The chilling sound of a low, rumbling growl snapped Slifer from his musings. Whirling around, he saw another Pantherion creeping from the shadows. It moved cautiously, muscles tensed as it sniffed the air. Its eyes landed on the headless corpse of its fellow panther and widened in shock.

"Oh good, you're finally here. I was starting to think you got lost on the way to the feast." Slifer waved his blood-stained sword in a beckoning gesture.

The Pantherion tensed, fangs bared threateningly. But it hesitated to attack.

Slifer's cultivation level was only at Peak Foundation Establishment after all, by all rights these Core Formation creatures could make short work of him. Yet this human exuded an air of absolute confidence, even eagerness for battle.

It was...strange.

The Pantherion paced, its eyes locked onto the human. The prudent thing would be to retreat for now. But its pride stung at abandoning its fallen comrade so easily.

Sensing its indecision, Slifer laughed. "As much as I'd love to play with you all night, I've more important matters to attend to."

With that, Slifer lunged forward and swung his sword towards the Pantherion's head. The beast yowled in surprise and narrowly dodged the attack, leaping aside at the last instant. Its eyes lit up as it realised that the human was slower than it expected. Perhaps it had overestimated this human.

It pounced, claws extended, and fangs bared as it aimed for the vulnerable flesh of Slifer's neck.

But Slifer's face showed no hint of fear at the incoming assault. Instead his lips pulled back in a fierce, mocking grin just before the killing blow could land.


In the next instant, the panther's claws and fangs passed harmlessly through Slifer's body as though it was an illusion. Its eyes went wide with shock as it stumbled and slammed into the ground where the human had stood only a heartbeat ago.

Before the disoriented beast could react, Slifer's form solidified behind it and neatly slashed through the vulnerable back of its neck with a precise swing of his sword. With a final snarl, the light faded from the beast's eyes and its lifeless body collapsed to the dusty ground.


You Killed A Core Formation Beast

25 Karmic Credits Gained

"Heh, love that trick," Slifer chuckled to himself as he flicked the blood from his blade. The phase technique was incredibly useful. And if he was being honest, it made him feel pretty badass too.

If only I could spam it like Obito did...

Just as Slifer got caught up admiring his handiwork, his spiritual sense picked up a powerful aura and it seemed to be heading towards Oliviare's house.


As Oliviare stepped inside the house, Brom quickly shut the door behind them and slid the iron bolt securely into place. He doubted such measures would stop a rampaging beast, but the action provided some meagre comfort nonetheless.

"There now, we should be safe enough here," Brom said, attempting to inject confidence into his voice. Inside, his heart pounded against his ribs.

"Do...do you think everyone else is okay, father?" Oliviare asked softly, voicing the worry gnawing at both their minds.

Brom chose not to voice the bleak thoughts swirling through his mind. The others likely weren't okay. When beasts attacked settlements this small and remote, rarely did anyone escape with their lives. Instead he merely grunted, settling on a stool by the hearth and attempting to project a calm demeanour. He had to be strong for his daughter.

"All we can do is wait here for now and pray," he rumbled wearily, removing a chunk of wood and a small paring knife from his vest. Fighting against these beasts would be suicide and he would not risk his daughter's life. Focusing on the familiar task of whittling would help settle his nerves.

The rhythmic rasping of blade on wood filled the heavy silence as he carefully shaved curling strips from the block clutched between calloused fingers.

"That man – Hughie's master - he seemed kind," Oliviare said after a while. "Surely he would help protect the villagers."

Brom's steady strokes paused briefly at the mention of the white-bearded stranger. "Hrmmph...or he and his portly companion ran at the first sign of danger," he muttered darkly.

Before Oliviare could offer any rebuttal, Brom's head jerked up, the hairs on his neck and arms standing on end. The air had changed - grown heavier somehow.

It was here.

Oliviare gasped softly as she too sensed it, eyes darting fearfully between the door and her father.

Together they rose slowly from their seats, Brom placing himself between his daughter and whatever lay in wait beyond that feeble wooden barrier. His palms grew slick around the grip of his carving knife. Memories of the last time monsters had visited their village flickered through his mind, bringing bile to the back of his throat. His wife…she…no, he would not let that happen again.

A floorboard just outside the door creaked under some tremendous weight. Brom's breath stalled in his lungs. Silence hung for a torturous moment. Then with an ear-splitting crack, the barred door exploded inwards, shredded by claws longer than a man's arm.

A huge Pantherion stalked inside, lips peeled back to reveal jagged teeth capable of crushing bone. Hot saliva dripped from its maw as violet eyes focused on the cowering mortals. Powerful limbs bunched, ready to pounce and tear these humans apart in an instant.

But quick as a flash, Brom lunged forward with a wordless cry. Years of handling sharp tools had honed his reflexes and precision.

But the resistance of a mortal was futile.

Massive paws batted Brom aside as easily as one might a bothersome fly. The old carpenter flew across the room and hit the far wall with bone-jarring force before crumpling to the floor.

"Father!" Oliviare cried, dodging around the thrashing monster. She fell to her knees at Brom's side, desperately pressing her apron against the deep gashes torn across his abdomen by those razor talons. Blood seeped hot over her fingers no matter how hard she tried to stanch the flow.

Seeing the brute turn towards them, Oliviare curled over her father's body protectively. She squeezed her eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable as the Pantherion towered over her.

Hughie's master, where are you?

Chapter 65: No More Lies. No More Hiding

Slifer reappeared inside Oliviare's cottage just in time to see an enormous, clawed paw pressed down on Oliviare's back.

The Pantherion was easily twice the size of the others, with fur the deep purple of twilight. It turned its head toward Slifer. A low snarl emanated from its throat.

The message was clear. One wrong move from him, and the girl would pay the price.

Slifer clenched his jaw, weighing his options.

Of all the ways this could have gone, getting caught in a hostage situation ranked pretty low on the list. I didn't even know beasts were smart enough to take hostages!

From the weight of leader's aura, the Pantherion King had clearly reached the Nascent Soul stage. Slifer then remembered that Pantherions were able to reach human-like intelligence earlier than most beasts. Negotiating safely out of this predicament wouldn't be easy.

"Seems we've found ourselves at an impasse here," Slifer called out mildly. "So, what do you want?"

The Pantherion rumbled again in response.

Right, no convenient baby dragon around to translate. I'll just have to wing it.

Slifer tried to decipher meaning from the Pantherion's noises and body language.

The beast appeared reluctant to actually make good on its threat unless provoked. It seemed like it knew that its ambush had failed and that Slifer wasn't the Foundation Establishment cultivator that his aura indicated he was. Now the beast just wanted to secure safe passage for the remaining members of its pride.

As for why it targeted Oliviare, either the beast was intelligent enough to sense that the girl was the only villager Slifer cared about or Slifer just had dog-shit luck.

No matter what happens, I cant let her die… hmm, I think I can work with this…

"How about we make a deal?"

The Pantherion scoffed at the notion of cooperating with the man who'd slaughtered half its kin. As if reading its thoughts, Slifer laughed.

"Look, you attacked us first. If I was set on killing you all, would any of your pride still be breathing? I'm offering you a chance here."

Grudgingly, the Pantherion had to acknowledge the logic in his words.

Among beasts, it was kill or be killed. Temporary alliances were common when mutually beneficial. And right now, with most of the male members of his pride dead, the females and cubs were vulnerable. Perhaps this arrangement could work. But how could this human help him, and what exactly was being asked in return?

Sensing he needed to show his worth, Slifer subtly adjusted his aura until it surpassed even the Nascent Soul beast - stopping just short of Half-Step Origin Realm.

Who knew the Peak Slifer Aura Card would be useful.

Immediately the Pantherion tensed, claws flexing as that oppressive pressure settled over it.

"Let me sweeten the deal. Swear your allegiance, and I'll help you rule the nearby lands." Slifer smiled.

The Pride was in a precarious situation. Before the ambush, the Pantherion Pride was one of the weaker beast groups in the area, had it not been for their speed and intelligence, they would have been wiped out long ago. If what the human was promising was true…

After a stretched silence, a fire of ambition lit up the Pantherion's gaze. It dipped its head and stepped away from Oliviare.

Well, I'm glad that worked out, and here I thought I'd have to waste another card.

Crisis averted. For now, anyway.

Slifer's aura dissipated as he approached the girl and her father. He pulled a small brown pill from his sleeve.

"Here - he needs to take this quickly."

Brom's eyelids fluttered weakly at the sound of Slifer's voice. With Oliviare's help, he managed to tilt his head back enough to swallow the medicinal pellet.

The effect was immediate - colour returned to Brom's cheeks as the bleeding stopped and torn flesh began knitting back together. Within moments, only faint scars remained across his abdomen.

As Brom struggled to rise on still-shaky legs, he eyed Slifer warily. "I suppose you think yourself quite clever then?" he huffed, nodding pointedly to the hulking Pantherion King. "Lure the beasts here with a feast, only to play the hero?"

Slifer raised his brows, looking vaguely offended by the accusation. "The Pantherion Pride has been stalking your village for some time. I sensed them closing in even before we arrived. It was mere coincidence that provided an opportunity to...ah, kill two birds with one stone."

Brom's expression remained sceptical. Slifer tilted his head toward the Pantherion King. "Ask it yourself if you don't believe me."

After a moment of what seemed like silent communication between man and beast, Brom grunted ambiguously. "It seems you weren't lying. But the arrival of you immortals always brings trouble. You can't blame an old man for being cautious."

Cautious? That's a…nice way of putting it. The old man was downright rude, but Slifer didn't care enough to argue, he did see the old guy's point.

"I understand. I know you only want to keep your daughter safe but left unprotected, even a peaceful village such as yours can become prey." Slifer placed a hand gently on Brom's shoulder. "The path of cultivation could give her the power to defend herself, when you no longer can. Is that not worth thinking about?"

Brom stared silently at the ground. When he finally spoke, his voice was heavy with resignation. "You may be right. I'm just an old fool, I can't decide for her. The girl must choose her own path now."

Oliviare clutched her father's arm, smiling up at him brightly. "Don't say such things, father. But becoming an immortal could help keep our family and village safe. With your blessing, I will try my best."

Brom patted her hand. "You have it, though it pains me to see you leave. Do an old man proud."

Slifer had considered changing Brom's mortal fate, but he knew that it would be extremely difficult for the old man to cultivate at his age. The body tempering stage was too difficult, most mortals couldn't bear with it, some even described it as torture.

If it was like my situation, where he would be recultivating, that would be a different situation.

Seeing the father and daughter pair embrace, Slifer motioned to the Pantherion King to follow him.

On the way to Morvran, the Pantherion King recovered corpses of its kin. When they finally found Morvran, they arrived in time to see the bald steward grinning savagely as he smashed the heads of two Pantherions together repeatedly.

The Pantherion King growled at the sight.

"Had enough fun?" Clearing his throat, Slifer got Morvran's attention.

Morvran, realising that the Pantherion King had submitted to his master, let the beasts go.

The beasts immediately scurried over to cower behind their leader, letting out whines of complaint.

"Ah, Master. We're done?" Morvran dusted the blood off his hands.

With a slight shake of his head and chuckle, Slifer nodded. "We are. The sect can dispatch someone to deal with the rest."

A Nascent Soul elder would be sent to guard the village until the Pantherion deal was secured.

Together, they returned to Brom's cottage, where Oliviare waited for them.

Slifer tore open a portal back to the Black Rose Sect. There was one final piece of business before this night's work was concluded.

"It's time to see Hughie!"

Slifer sat casually in his courtyard, orange robes draped loosely across his shoulders as he nibbled on a freshly-steamed pork dumpling. Beside him stood Morvran, hands clasped behind his back. As usual, the plump baldy looked ready to beat someone up at the slightest provocation.

Across the courtyard, standing alone near an ornamental rock garden, was a young woman in pale blue cultivator robes. She fidgeted nervously with the fabric, eyes downcast and cheeks flushed.

Oliviare's heart pounded as she waited for Hughie. She was eager to see him after so long apart, but what if he reacted poorly to her presence here? What if there was another girl? Maybe coming to the sect had been a foolish wish...

Noticing the girl's nervous fidgeting, Slifer smiled to himself. Ah, young love...how nauseatingly sweet.

No matter the realm, some things never changed.

A faint whistle sounded from above. Slifer tipped his head back lazily, catching sight of a dark figure rapidly descending from the sky.

Right on time. Slifer popped the last dumpling into his mouth just as Hughie landed on the ground and bowed.

"You summoned me, Master?"

Hughie's dark eyes flicked briefly to the shy, brown-haired girl standing off to one side. He did a double take. Was that...? No, it couldn't be.

"Allow me to introduce our newest recruit." Slifer rose and gestured to the blushing young woman. "This is-"

"Oliviare?" Hughie blurted out in disbelief.

Oliviare's eyes widened at being addressed so directly. A pretty blush coloured her cheeks as she gave a nervous nod.

"Y-yes, Greetings Senior Brother Hughie," she stammered, gaze fixed firmly on the ground.

Now that she was a member of the sect, Hughie would be her Senior Brother and she had to address him as such, he wasn't just her Hughie anymore.

Hughie stared, mouth agape. He seemed torn between rushing forward to embrace her and remaining rooted in place out of shock.

Meanwhile, Slifer watched on in amusement.

Ah, to be young and in love again. Takes me back to my first girlfriend, Kylie. Or was it Kaylie? Hmm, can't seem to recall her name, probably wasn't important, they probably have more realistic AI models now anyway.

"I don't understand." Hughie finally found his voice. "Oliviare doesn't have the aptitude to cultivate. Why is she here?"

At his words, Oliviare's smile faltered. After all this time, that was the first thing he said? Oliviare bit her lip and turned away before Hughie could see her eyes water.

A lover's spat? I guess it's up to me to fix it! Slifer cleared his throat.

"Yes, well it's true she doesn't have a spiritual root. But after hearing how my favourite disciple had lost his heart to a mortal girl, what sort of master would I be if I didn't help my disciple out?"

Slifer paused, eyebrow cocked as if waiting for some praise at his benevolence. When there was no reaction, he huffed and continued.

"As I was saying, a lack of spiritual roots poses no real obstacle for someone like myself. She'll have some spiritual roots soon enough, then you'll be free to pursue your, ahem, romantic interests openly."

"You really found a way?" Hughie breathed, scarcely daring to hope.

"Of course! Why else would I have brought her all the way here?"

"Humph! Your master lies. No treasure in the mortal realms could awaken a non-existent spiritual root," Li Fenghao scoffed from within the ring.

Hughie ignored the sceptical immortal spirit, too focused on Slifer's words to care. All that mattered was the possibility of a life with Oliviare.

Hughie dropped to his knees before Slifer. "Master, I beg you, please help make Oliviare a cultivator!" His voice cracked with emotion.

Slifer looked profoundly uncomfortable with this sudden display of gratitude. He waved his hands frantically.

"Alright alright, that's enough bowing. Just doing my duty as your master, no need for all this." Face slightly flushed, Slifer quickly rummaged through his storage ring. "Now let's get this over with."

He retrieved an unremarkable circular medallion on a long cord and gestured for Oliviare to approach.

"Here, place this on your forehead and close your eyes," he instructed gently.

Oliviare glanced nervously at Hughie, who smiled and nodded encouragingly. With a small gulp, she raised the talisman to her brow.

The talisman pulsed with a soft blue glow the moment it touched her skin. Gasps echoed around the courtyard as glowing runes began flowing outwards, slowly enveloping Oliviare's body in an intricate web of light.

The runes spun faster, weaving together to form the image of a massive wheel rotating around and around her slender frame.

Hughie stared transfixed as the hypnotic patterns swirled, holding his breath.

After several moments, the runes flickered and faded. The now-dark talisman slipped from Oliviare's brow as her knees buckled.

Hughie darted forward just in time to catch her limp body before it hit the ground. Cradling her close, he frantically swept his spiritual sense over Oliviare.

"She's alright," he announced with clear relief. A smile broke across Hughie's face. "No, more than that - she has a spiritual root now. I can't believe it!"

Overjoyed, Hughie spun Oliviare's slumbering form in an impromptu dance across the courtyard.

"Yes, the Wheel of Fate talisman is remarkably effective, if a bit rough on the user," Slifer remarked. "She will probably sleep for a few hours. When she wakes up, she will be at the Qi Refining realm."

He was rather curious what sort of root the girl had awakened. But using spiritual sense without permission to scan another's body was rude, especially when their lover was right there.

Eh, I can just ask later when she wakes up.

Hughie paused his celebratory jig. "You mean she'll skip the Body Tempering stage completely?"

Slifer simply chuckled. "This sleep is her tempering. When she wakes, she can begin refining spiritual energy. Consider it a bonus for having such a benevolent master," he finished with a roguish wink.

"Master, thank you. This means more than I can say."



Your Disciple Hughie's Loyalty Has Reached 100%

New Option Available: Convert Hughie to a Righteous Cultivator

Reward: A Righteous Disciple Will Earn x3 Credit

Finally, it's done, Slifer let out a tired sigh. His plan had worked.


New Mission: One Righteous Disciple Is Worth More Than A Thousand Demonic Trash

Description: Your Disciple Is Ready To Join The Righteous Path. Give Him A Sermon And Ask Him To Join

Hughie carefully set Oliviare's sleeping form on a bench. He turned to face his master once more, his expression turning serious.

"Master, there is something important I need to tell you."

"Don't you dare, boy!" Li Fenghao shrieked. "Have you mushrooms for brains?"

But Hughie didn't care what the grandpa thought.

No more lies. No more hiding.

It's time for Master to learn everything.

Chapter 66: Hey, I'm Zack

"I..." Hughie faltered, dropping his gaze. "I haven't been fully honest with you, Master. There are things I've kept hidden."

Is this what I think it is? Slifer raised an eyebrow.

"Back when you were in closed door cultivation, Oliviare gave me this…ring as a parting gift," Hughie confessed. "I didn't think much of it at first, but then I realized there was an immortal spirit trapped inside."

Li Fenghao let loose a string of expletives, cursing the boy's foolish honesty. Hughie winced but pressed on.

"His name is Li Fenghao. Apparently, he is some kind of Greater Immortal..."

Hughie kept his gaze fixed firmly on the ground, unable to meet his master's eyes. Would Slifer be angry? Would he punish Hughie?

For a long moment, Slifer simply looked at Hughie with an unfathomable expression. Then, he threw back his head and laughed.

"Yes, yes, I've known about your ghostly roommate for a while now."

"You...you did?"

Seeing Hughie's dumbfounded expression, Slifer chuckled. "Did you really think anything could escape my notice?"

Relief washed over Hughie in a great wave. Of course his master had already known. Slifer's abilities were beyond comprehension. Hughie silently berated himself for doubting him.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, Master. After everything with the treasures...I was worried you might take the ring for yourself." Hughie's cheeks reddened. "But you've...changed a lot recently. I should have trusted you."

Slifer waved off Hughie's concern. The Original had taken advantage of Hughie on more than one occasion. He couldn't blame the boy for being reluctant.

"It's fine. I am just glad you felt comfortable enough to open up to me now."

Now I just need to check this Li Fenghao out myself and find out if he is a threat. Can't have parasitic grandpas leeching off my disciples.

With no cards that could protect him, Slifer had been reluctant to interact directly with the immortal spirit. However, now that Hughie had opened up to him, Slifer had to basically do a 'security check' if he didn't want to come off as suspicious.

Even if he is evil, if I only send my spirit sense into the ring, the worst that could happen is it gets destroyed. And then, I'll stock up credits until I can get a card powerful enough to kill the old man…

"I'd like to have a chat with this...grandpa of yours," Slifer said lightly. "Just to make sure he isn't up to any funny business."

Hughie shifted his feet awkwardly. "Actually Master, I can't sense his presence right now. I think he's hiding..."

Hiding? Wait a minute…is the immortal grandpa scared of me?

This was unexpected.

An indignant squawk sounded from the ring. "Hiding? This old man hides from no one!"

"Oh wait, never mind!" Hughie laughed. "He's back."

"Great. Let him know I only want to chat."

The last thing I need is for this grandpa to go all kamikaze on me...

Hughie nodded. "Just...go easy on him, okay? He's very…proud, but I don't think he means any real harm."

Slifer held back an eye roll at Hughie's naivety. Clearly the boy had gotten attached to the ring spirit. Doesn't matter – I'll just assess the situation myself.

Closing his eyes, Slifer sent a wisp of spiritual sense into the ring. When he opened them again, Slifer found himself standing in an endless white void.

Strange, he thought. He had expected at least some attempt at a pocket dimension illusion. This 'Greater Immortal' was either incredibly weak or astronomically lazy.

Perhaps a bit of both, Slifer amended, catching sight of a robed figure floating towards him.

Despite not having a physical form, the weight of Li Fenghao's aura was immense, causing Slifer's spiritual projection to tremble.

This guy…he isn't simple, Slifer thought, keeping a tight grip on his spiritual form.

"You are not what I expected," Li Fenghao said, brow furrowing. "The boy thinks you're only an Ascendant cultivator, yet your abilities far exceed any mortal cultivator. In fact, some of your skills should be impossible even in the Immortal Realm..."

The old man drifted closer, scrutinizing Slifer intently. "Even standing before me now, you seem like a genuine Foundation Establishment cultivator!"

Slifer remained silent, allowing Li Fenghao's monologue to continue. No need to interrupt an immortal fond of hearing his own voice.

From his experience in this world, the greatest lesson Slifer learned was that the more he talked, the greater the chance that he would slip up.

"Just…what are you? Have you surpassed the Great Immortal Realm?" Li Fenghao's eyes widened.

Interesting. The old man thinks I'm hiding my strength. Guess it's time to pretend to be something that can scare even a Greater Immortal.

Slifer adopted a mysterious air. "The mortal realm, the immortal realm - such things are beneath my notice. The world is far more vast than you know."

He let that hang in the air for a moment.

Nothing Slifer had said was a lie, this whole Xianxia world was just one of many worlds, another being Earth. Even if the immortal had an ability that could catch out lies, it didn't matter.

Li Fenghao looked vaguely offended but also intrigued.

It's working! Time to reel him in.

"In fact, with your limited perspective, I doubt you could understand even if I explained it to you."

It was just vague and mystical enough to reinforce Li Fenghao's assumptions without making any definitive claims. Hah! Eat your heart out, Gandalf.

The Immortal spirit bristled, pride stung. But he could not refute Slifer's words. He'd witnessed the mysterious cultivator's inexplicable power many times.

After a lengthy pause, Li Fenghao rubbed his beard. "I see...I apologize…senior."

Phew, it worked. Now I can get some answers of my own.

"What do you want from Hughie?"

"I…I just wanted his help getting a new body."

"Hmm, is that so? Then you haven't been secretly plotting to make Hughie your disciple the moment you escape this prison?" Slifer replied, one brow raised.

"I - well - that is - " Li Fenghao spluttered, indignant denials dying on his tongue. With a scowl, he switched tactics. "The boy shows promise. I didn't want you demonic sc-"


Name Li Fenghao

Realm Peak Greater Immortal (Sealed)

Known Techniques N/A

Known Affiliations N/A

Disposition N/A

Comprehension 8

Luck 7

Talent 9

Will 6 (8)

As expected from a Greater Immortal, he's got protagonist-level stats.

Slifer wasn't too bothered with the grandpa's stats, the only reason he used the insight skill was to give the grandpa a little scare. The higher the cultivation, the more aware a person was of their soul, Slifer assumed a Greater Immortal would feel an uncomfortable sensation, especially since Slifer activated it so blatantly.

It's…it's that look again. A bead of spectral sweat trickled down the old man's brow as he snapped his mouth shut.

Slifer's gaze felt like it was peering through his soul, compared to the previous time, this was twice as intense, he felt like he was laid out utterly bare. He felt insignificant. As a Greater Immortal, he couldn't remember the last time he felt like this.

"I'm s-sorry," Li Fenghao coughed. "I won't try to steal your disciple."

Li Fenghao also couldn't remember the last time those words left his mouth. It galled Li Fenghao to humble himself this way. But the life essence technique weighed heavily on his mind. He could not risk provoking this man's wrath.

Satisfied that his scare tactic had succeeded, Slifer inclined his head. "Take good care of my Hughie. And don't try to turn him against me. It would be...unwise."

With that, Slifer's projection faded away.

The Immortal spirit sagged in relief. Dealing with beings of higher cultivation was always stressful, even for someone at his realm. And this Slifer unnerved him more than most.

"Still, perhaps I can use this to my advantage," Li Fenghao mused aloud. "The boy has gotten closer to me. If I help him out more, I might be able to curry more favour from his master..."

The opportunity to gain a few words of advice from a being who had surpassed the Greater Immortal Realm was too great to pass up. Even if Li Fenghao escaped the ring, he didn't have the confidence to succeed in breaking through. His only hope was this mysterious immortal.

Yes, that should work nicely.

Back in the courtyard, Slifer, unaware of the old man's plan to kiss up to him, withdrew his spiritual sense and turned to Hughie with a reassuring smile.

"The grandpa won't be any trouble. In fact, you could learn a thing or two from him. Just be careful if he tries turning you against your master." Slifer's expression turned sly. "Not that he could hide such a thing from me, of course."

Allowing Hughie to keep the ring was a calculated risk. The boy's loyalty was high, but prolonged exposure to Li Fenghao's influence could become a problem.

I'll need to monitor the situation closely. At the first sign of wavering loyalty, the ring goes.

"Thank you, Master," Hughie shoulders relaxed. He felt a bit guilty for revealing Li Fenghao's presence without permission. But it seemed things had worked out for the best. Neither Slifer nor the Immortal spirit had come to blows at least.

"Oh, there is one more thing before you go," Slifer added casually.

Hughie looked at him quizzically. "Yes, Master?"

"It's time for you to walk the righteous path."

Hughie's eyes bulged. Had he heard that right? His demonic master, suggesting he become a righteous cultivator? It was the last thing he would have ever expected.

"But why?" he asked uncertainly. "You've always followed the demonic dao..."

Slifer smiled. "My own path doesn't matter - what is important is helping my disciples reach their full potential. Your heart has turned to the light, even if you remain afraid to show it."

He cast a meaningful glance at where Oliviare still slept peacefully on the courtyard bench. A small smile tugged Hughie's lips as understanding washed over him.

Slifer nodded sagely. "Love is the light that guides us through the dark."

Wow, that one gave me goosebumps. I really need to write these down!

"Master, I..." Hughie faltered, overcome with emotion. "You're right. After meeting Oliviare, I have felt conflicted about being a demonic cultivator. I don't want her to see me as a…monster."

"Haha. There's no need to suppress your righteous urges anymore. Follow your heart from now on!" Slifer clasped his shoulder.

"Thank you, Master! I will be a better man!"


Hughie Is Now A Righteous Cultivator


Name: Hughie Card

Description: Once a day, you can activate any of your loyal disciple's techniques

Warning: If your disciple's loyalty goes below 100%, you will lose access to this card

Phew, just three left…

Over the next few weeks, Slifer spent many hours trying to convert Leah.

While their relationship had grown less hostile, the brooding girl remained sceptical of Slifer's intentions.

Looks like converting her will take more than just a few heart-to-heart chats with her father's killer, Slifer mused wryly. Still, the occasional playful smirk or snippy comment gave him hope she would come around eventually.

The girl just needed more time. But with the Sect Tournament looming, time was in short supply right now.

Slifer sighed. He could only do so much. The rest was up to Leah and the mysterious workings of karma.

As the Intersect Tournament approached, Slifer spent more time training.

I hope it's enough to win the tournament, Slifer, sitting in his courtyard, bit into an apple.

His disciples, who sat in a circle around him, glanced at each other in confusion before resting their gaze on their master. This was the first time they had seen him even touch a fruit.

I've not checked my status in a while, it wouldn't hurt to have a look.

Name Slifer

Race Human

Alignment Demonic

Spiritual Cultivation Peak Foundation Establishment

Body Cultivation Peak Foundation Establishment

Lifespan Remaining 100 years

Karmic Credits 11,570

Skills Firebreath, Insight (Intermediate), Mirror Mastery (Level 2), Nascent Soul Armor (Level 2), Phase Ability (Level 1), Void Being Aura (Level 1)

Items Reversal Cards, Peak Slifer Card, Critical Block Cards x5

Affinities Light: 25% Fire: 15% Space: 20%

Abilities Mirror Mastery: Level 2

Techniques Sunrise Slash: Level 3, Stellar Nova Strike: Level 2, Dimensional Slide: Level 2, Nascent Soul Armour: Level 1, Void Piercer: Level 1

Weapon Mastery Sword: 20%

Over 10,000 Karmic Credits…finally. Slifer smiled.

The credits were all thanks to the tasks completed by the Disciplinary Hall members, his new farming system had played out perfectly.

It's mainly due to that Dentos fella, he's always number 1 on the leaderboard…

Slifer then took a look at his skills.

Levelling up the Sunrise Slash and Stellar Nova Strike was the right call, both techniques will let Zack finish fights quickly.

Slifer's gameplan was for his avatar to show as little of his arsenal as possible. The similarity between their techniques could be explained through their master-disciple relationship but some of the other Ascendants may grow suspicious and suspect that Zack was a clone.

The armour will be my trump card, Slifer nodded to himself as he looked at the Level 2 Nascent Soul Armour technique.

Through gruelling practicing, Slifer was able to increase the duration to thirty seconds if he activated it through the System. Without the System's aid, he was only able to use it for ten seconds. It still wasn't much, but a few seconds could make all the difference in the tournament.

Ptui, Slifer spat out the apple. Never again.

He had noticed quite a few disciples in the sect eating apples, he had to admit they did look juicy, he couldn't resist trying one for himself. He had thought that maybe they tasted different in this world but no, he was wrong. It tasted just like a regular apple.

Nothing could compare to the satisfaction of real food, like, uh, dumplings!

"You have all trained hard these past weeks," Slifer began, wiping his mouth with the edge of his sleeve. "Well, for the next two days you can relax!"

The disciples all nodded enthusiastically; the Intersect Tournament was starting in three days. Their master had warned them that they needed to give their bodies a few days rest, participating in the tournament when injured or tired could ruin what was likely their one and only chance to enter the Sealed Realm.

"I'm sure we'll dominate the tournament and secure the most spots for the Sealed Realm," Slifer went on. "But it's not just you four I'm relying on..."

Here he paused for dramatic effect. His disciples leaned forward, wondering what or who their master was referring to.

"Allow me to explain," Slifer chuckled.

With a flourish, Slifer gestured towards the entrance to his quarters. All eyes turned. For a long moment, nothing happened. Then a figure emerged into the courtyard.

It was a young man who looked to be in his late teens, with artfully tousled brown hair and chiselled features that would make the statues of celestial immortals weep with envy. He had the sort of ridiculous physique that could only be achieved through years of cultivator training - wide shoulders tapering to a narrow waist, with muscular arms that looked as though they would burst through the thin robes at any moment.

The disciples gaped. Just who was this absurdly handsome newcomer?

"Hey, I'm Zack."

Chapter 67: A Fight Before The Tournament?

"Please, no need to fawn. There's plenty of me to go around," Zack flashed a roguish wink, the motion parting his robes further to reveal impressively sculpted abs that caused Amelia to make a strangled noise low in her throat.

Hughie shook his head; he was just relieved not to be the sole focus of Slifer's attentions anymore.

Watching this exchange, Caelum barely restrained an eye roll. So, they had a cocky junior brother now. Wonderful. As if keeping Hughie and Amelia in check wasn't work enough.

Ignoring their odd reactions, Slifer clapped Zack on the back.

"I must admit, I too was blown away at first by this young man's talents," Slifer nodded.

He had decided to go down the 'Zack is a prodigy among prodigies' route, it would explain why Zack used similar technique to himself. Not to mention, giving yourself a few compliments here and there couldn't hurt, right?

"Master, I heard you have a slot for the Sealed Realm…I…we were wondering…which one of us will be getting it?" Nomed piped up.

Slifer remained silent as he looked at his disciples, who looked at him expectantly.

"The slot will go to….none of you!"


The disciples glanced at each other in confusion, if they were not getting the slot, then who was?

Hughie noticed that the new disciple, Zack, nodded smugly. Just what did master's new favourite know?

Nomed held back a frown, he had to enter the Sealed Realm, but as an Early Foundation Establishment cultivator, he was at a clear disadvantage.

Despite there being five slots and a separate tournament for Foundation Establishment cultivators, most participants would be at the Late or Peak Stage, and that's just their apparent cultivation, their battle prowess likely reached the Core Formation Realm.

And now, he also had to compete against a new prodigy.

At his master's words, Fenlock shrugged. As a Nascent Soul expert, the tournament didn't concern him, only those below the Nascent Soul Realm were able to enter the Sealed Realm.

Whilst his juniors were busy training, Fenlock took Junior Sister Lenvari on date after date, he really felt like he was making progress. Who knows, if the Heavens smiled down on him, he might even be a married man by the end of the year!

"Don't worry about the free slot, I want each of you to focus on earning a slot for yourself," Slifer continued.

He knew better than to give any of his disciples a free slot. Some of them, like Hughie or Amelia, would be tempted to grow lax and not prepare, this was something Slifer knew pretty well, after all, he was guilty of it during his school exams.

The disciples slowly nodded, their master may have changed but it seemed like he was still the stingy old Slifer they knew and loved.

"Cheer up," Slifer laughed at their dismay. "Your master isn't going to leave you empty-handed."

As the Black Rose Sect oversaw the tournament, Slifer was privy to what trials would be involved. More accurately, Elder Fred consulted Slifer before preparing each trial.

Slifer would be a fool not to take advantage of that knowledge, and perhaps the trials happened to favour his disciples, it was not like anyone would dare question an Ascendant cultivator over such matters.

It was expected.

It wasn't without reason why the Heavenly Light Sect were adamant with wanting to host the tournament. During their time as the host, they had used every trick in the book to increase their disciples' chances of entering the Sealed Realm, they weren't the most powerful sect in the land for nothing.

Cracking his knuckles, Slifer grinned savagely. "So, here is what we're going to do..."

Two days later…

The Black Rose Sect was bustling with activity. Disciples scurried to and fro, busy making last-minute preparations. Pennants and banners in the demonic sect's signature dark rose colour decorated the normally stark walls and archways.

For the first time in its long history, the Black Rose Sect would be hosting the prestigious tournament. It was a great honour, but also a grave responsibility. Slifer had given Elder Fred free access to the sect's resources to ensure they displayed their best to their guests.

The Intersect Tournament was designed to allocate slots for the Sealed Realm; however, it was also an opportunity for sects to feel each other out. Presenting a strong front was necessary if they wanted to avoid war.

Despite Slifer never having experienced war back on Earth, he had read about it. The pains and tribulations of war were not something he wanted to partake in, especially in a world where beings could destroy stars with a flick of the wrist.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of credits that he would need to spend to survive one, wars in this world could easily last centuries. It was the last thing Slifer wanted.

Three young female disciples struggled under the weight of a huge ornamental urn, bickering and snapping at one another as they lugged the cumbersome pottery toward the sect's front gate. It was said to be a Heaven Rank treasure, containing the remnant spirit of a demonic general.

In the main square, two disciples were busy hanging up banners when one turned to the other. "Can you believe they're actually letting us host the tournament this year?" he said with a grin.

His friend laughed. "I know, right? The righteous sects must have lost their minds!"

They chuckled together as they worked. Nearby, a group of female disciples swept the ground diligently. One girl paused and leaned on her broom.

"Hosting the tournament is a big responsibility," she said seriously. "We have to make sure we represent the Black Rose Sect properly."

The other girls nodded in agreement. As a demonic sect, they rarely got opportunities like this. They couldn't mess it up.

As the disciples worked, a commotion at the sect entrance drew their attention. A group of cultivators had arrived, all dressed in white robes embroidered with the image of a tiger.

"Ugh, look who it is," one of the Black Rose disciples muttered. "The goody-goody Tigers."

At the head of the White Tiger group was a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She wore an arrogant expression as her gaze swept disdainfully over the Black Rose disciples.

"This place is even uglier than I remember," she said loudly. "I can't believe the Sect Master approved these demons hosting the tournament."

Her White Tiger disciples tittered obnoxiously. One of the Black Rose disciples scowled, dropping the lantern he was hanging.

"You're not wrong Elder, I can practically smell the stench of demonic energy here," one of the white-robed men complained, wrinkling his nose.

Angry mutters broke out amongst the Black Rose disciples. How dare these self-righteous fools insult them in their own sect!

One stocky Black Rose disciple stepped forward, an angry flush on his cheeks. "You come to our home and dare insult us? If you think you'll only get a beating for those words, you're wrong. I'll take your life!"

He unleashed his Late Core Formation cultivation base, prepared to attack. The White Tiger disciple paled initially but quickly matched the aura with his own, refusing to back down in front of the elder.

The blonde woman watched with an amused smile, always eager to see demonic cultivators put in their place. Things were just getting interesting.

But before it could escalate further, a sudden gust of wind blew through the square. A figure appeared between the two groups.

"Still starting trouble wherever you go I see...Liora," the man sighed, shaking his head.

Liora's eyes widened briefly in recognition before narrowing. "It's you! Don't think I've forgotten what happened!"

The young man wore the black robes of the Black Rose Sect, he regarded Liora calmly.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who challenged me last time. And you couldn't defeat me."

A faint blush coloured Liora's cheeks at the memory. It had been utterly humiliating that she wasn't able to defeat the youth in one move. She had only recently reached the Nascent Soul realm, while Caelum was still in the Peak Core Formation stage. Yet he was still able to fight evenly against her somehow.

"That was just luck," she snapped. "If the Grand Elder hadn't stopped the fight-"

"Excuses," Caelum interrupted. He cast a meaningful look at the other White Tiger disciples, who were still glaring daggers at the Black Rose sect members. "How can I expect you to keep your disciples in check when you can't even control yourself."

Liora trembled with rage, not used to being spoken to in such a manner. How dare this demonic scum lecture her on etiquette!

With great difficulty, she reined in her anger. As much as she itched to put Caelum in his place, she could not afford to lose control. As an Elder, she needed to set a good example.

"Hmph. You're lucky that I don't qualify to enter the tournament," was all she said. The look in her eyes promised that this wasn't over between them. Not by a long shot.

Caelum simply inclined his head politely in response. Though inwardly, he was surprised by Liora's restraint. Seemed like the proud girl had matured, even if just a little.

Before either could say more, a sudden spike of energy drew their attention. In the distance, the unmistakable sounds of battle could be heard. Caelum and Liora exchanged a glance, and with a burst of speed, they raced towards the source of the commotion. To their surprise, it led them right to the doors of the Disciplinary Hall.

A crowd had gathered, kept back by several black-robed disciples.

"Alright people, nothing to see here!" one disciplinary member called out. "Just a minor disciplinary issue, the Boss is taking care of it."

At the mention of this 'Boss', the other disciples nodded sagely.

"That's our Boss, always so diligent!" a short, pudgy disciple gushed. "Never have I seen someone so devoted to upholding sect rules!"

Caelum and Liora exchanged puzzled glances. Just who was this 'Boss' they spoke so highly of?

Noticing Caelum, the disciplinary disciples quickly moved aside to let him through. As one of Supreme Elder's personal disciples, he warranted some respect around here.

Stepping past the doors, Caelum was greeted by the sight of a skinny young disciple mercilessly whaling on another student. The victim was a boy in golden robes - likely a disciple of the Heavenly Light Sect based on his attire.

"Please, stop!" the Heavenly Light disciple cried, covering his head. Blood dripped from his broken nose and split lip.

Nearby, more disciples in golden robes were pinned face down by the Disciplinary Hall members, unable to come to their comrade's aid. They struggled and shouted curses but could not break free.

"That's it boss! Teach that punk a lesson!" one of the Disciplinary Hall members yelled. The others shouted their own encouragement.

Liora watched in disgust. Despicable. This is exactly why demonic cultivators cannot be trusted. However, since it wasn't any of her men, she decided not to get involved. She could sense auras that even made her tremble hidden within the hall.

Caelum remained silent, eyes narrowed as he took in the situation.

The Heavenly Light disciple being beaten sniffled loudly, snot mixing with the blood on his face. "It's not fair," he whined. "That Black Rose disciple was causing problems too. Why am I the only one being punished?"

The lanky youth paused his assault, smiling creepily down at the crumpled form beneath his foot. "Patience, friend. I will get to him."

With two final punishing strikes, the boss stepped back, examining his handiwork. The Heavenly Light disciple lay groaning at his feet, face swollen and purpling.

"You know the rules - no fighting during the tournament," the lanky youth said calmly, as if he hadn't just tenderized the boy's face mere moments ago. "But it seems you needed an extra lesson."

He looked to the side where a Black Rose disciple was restrained, his eyes widened in fear. The lanky youth beckoned him closer with a crooked finger.

"As do you," the boss grabbed the Black Rose disciple and slammed him viciously into the wall.

"No, please, I don't want any trouble!" The Black Rose disciple tried getting back up, but the Disciplinary Hall members grasped his arms tightly.

Other disciples watched on with pale faces as the lanky man continued pummeling the poor disciple.

"Does he have to be so harsh on his own sect member?" one muttered fearfully.

"That's just how Boss Dentos is. Ruthless, even to us," another replied.

So, this was the notorious Dentos who had rapidly risen to number 1 on the Karmic Ledger. Caelum had heard the rumours of his methods but seeing the sheer sadistic glee on his face as he unleashed such violence reminded him of a certain junior sister.

When Dentos finally stepped back, both disciples lay moaning on the ground. He rubbed his hands together, as if dusting them off after a job well done.

"Hopefully that will prevent any further incidents," he said lightly. "If not, I'm always happy to provide another lesson. But next time, I might not be so nice."

"You're lucky it was me who found you," he leaned in close. "And believe me, you don't want Senior Sister Amelia to be the one to find you instead."

At the mention of Amelia, the other Disciplinary Hall members visiblely shivered. One leaned to whisper to his companion, "Not sure who is worse – Boss Dentos or Senior Sister Amelia. They're both completely deranged."

"Too true," the other agreed.

Dentos tossed the two disciples aside carelessly to land in a groaning heap.

One of the Heavenly Light disciples helped his friend up, throwing a venomous glare back at Dentos. "Just you wait. Once our Senior Brother hears of this, you'll regret it!"

The other conscious Heavenly Light disciples were quick to chime in.

"Yeah, Senior Brother will crush you for this!"

"He just joined our sect, but he is a never-before-seen genius!"

"Broke through to the Core Formation stage faster than anyone on record!"

"Defeated numerous Senior Brothers one after another in sparring matches!"

"Even Nascent Soul experts can't hold a candle to him!"

Their words blurred together as all the disciples began yelling about the incredible talents of their Senior Brother. Surely someone so cool and gifted could put this demonic beast in his place.

But Dentos didn't seem phased by their threats. He crossed his arms, staring down at the disciples.

"I don't care if he's the Son of Heaven himself," Dentos said flatly. "No one will cause any problems here while I'm in charge."

For a brief moment, his eyes took on a distant, almost haunted look. "I won't allow it...I can't," he muttered to himself as he thought of an old man in orange robes.

He shook his head sharply, regaining focus. He was given a job to do, and failure was not an option. He would enforce discipline with an iron fist.

"He…he's here!"

The nearby disciples quietened down as approaching footsteps echoed down the hall. They parted to allow a tall, muscular young man with shoulder length black hair to pass. His golden robes had the insignia for the Heavenly Light Sect. He emanated an overwhelming aura of confidence.

It was the genius Senior Brother!

The youth glanced around coolly, taking in the scene. When his eyes found Dentos, he raised one eyebrow. "So, you're the demonic scum causing trouble?"

Dentos met his gaze calmly. "And who might you be?"

The corner of the man's lip curved up mockingly.

"I'm Ziven."

Chapter 68: Ziven vs Dentos!

Ziven smirked, sure that he would easily put this demonic scum in his place. But before he could make a move, Dentos suddenly vanished. Ziven's eyes widened in surprise - where did that weirdo go?

A split second later, Ziven felt a strong hand clamp down over his face as Dentos reappeared directly in front of him. With lightning speed, Dentos tried to smash Ziven down towards the ground.

Caught completely off guard, Ziven only just managed to twist his body and blast out a surge of qi to counter the attack. The force was enough to throw Dentos back.

Ziven touched his face and scowled as he regained his footing. "I should have expected such a cowardly sneak attack from demonic filth like you," he spat.

Dentos merely smiled, a true demonic cultivator didn't care about honour. Honour only led to a swifter death.

"I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face," Ziven concentrated qi into his legs.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared right in front of Dentos, hand formed into a sharp wind claw aimed right for his face.

He would return the favour.

But Dentos easily avoided the blow, his movements smooth like flowing water.

"H-how can you be this fast?" Ziven's eyes narrowed in frustration.

He was renowned for his speed, yet this lanky guy with a dumb-looking smile not only matched his speed but exceeded it!

Ziven knew this was a bad matchup, but with so many eyes on him, he couldn't just walk away now. It wasn't easy for him to enter the Heavenly Light sect and rise to the level of Legacy Disciple, he couldn't fail, not yet.

Before Ziven could attack again, his senses screamed at him to move. He immediately did a backflip, just barely dodging a blast of purplish energy that tore through the space he had occupied only a moment before.

Ziven growled as he recognized the energy; there was only one person he knew that used soul-based attacks. He turned to face the silver-haired woman.

"You!" he snarled.

Amelia smirked, her long silver hair flowing behind her like a snake. "I'm surprised you have the audacity to show your face here after you scurried away with your tail between your legs last time," she laughed.

"Y-you bitch!" Ziven's face flushed red with embarrassment and anger at the memory.

After some fortunate encounters, his own battle prowess had increased tremendously since their last meeting. He was certain he could wipe that annoying smirk off that girl's face now.

But looking between the troublesome Dentos and the infuriating Amelia, Ziven noticed a black-robed youth reaching for the sword in his scabbard..

He's not like the other two, he's dangerous…

Cursing internally, Ziven took a step back. "Just you wait - in the tournament, you won't have anyone to bail you out," he declared. With that, he strode away, the other Heavenly Light disciples hurrying after him.

As they retreated, the other disciples shot their own heated glares and curses.

"You just wait, demon scum! Our Senior Brother Ziven is invincible!"

"He'll crush you all when he gets serious!"

"Yeah, he was only playing with you!"

Their arrogant words faded into the distance.

Amelia turned to Caelum as the Heavenly Light group disappeared from view. "Master was right. That brat really did find his way into the tournament," she said.

Caelum nodded, releasing his hold on Bloodthorn.

Their master had warned them to be on the lookout for Ziven, instructing them to kill him if they encountered the arrogant youth in the competition. Killing him before the tournament begins would cause more than a ruckus. The strongest sect in the Mortal Realm, the Heavenly Light Sect would not let that slide.

If he doesn't die in the tournament, then I'll just end him in the Sealed Realm…

Even though Caelum was now a righteous cultivator, he didn't shy from killing when it was necessary.

He shouldn't have attacked Amelia…and he definitely shouldn't have threatened Master.

"I will go inform Master of this development," Caelum muttered as he walked away.

As he left, he heard Dentos calling out behind him, "Don't forget to let Master know of what I did here, them two troublemakers won't be walking for a few weeks at least…and the same with the arrogant kid when I next see him."

Caelum just shook his head, wondering not for the first time about the eccentricities of those that surrounded his master.

Zack soared through the sky atop his flying sword, the wind whipping through his hair. The Intersect competition began tomorrow, but he still had one final task from the main body - reach the Peak Foundation Establishment stage as a dual cultivator.

Zack smirked to himself. As an avatar rather than the main consciousness, he could act however he wanted without damaging Slifer's image.

While the main body had to play the part of an all-powerful old man, Zack could be cocky and carefree, kinda like a high school student. And he planned to enjoy every moment of it!

If only I knew my stats, then I could see how I compare to the disciples…

The main body had tried using his Insight skill on Zack, hoping to learn his stats and cultivation level. But unfortunately, the only information that came up identified Zack as Slifer's clone.

At least he bought me some cool stuff.

Now that they had a steady influx of karmic credits, the main body no longer had to be stingy. He had purchased a High Heaven Rank spiritual cultivation method for himself, and another for Zack as well.

Having two separate methods was better than sharing the exact same skills. After all, what was the point of an avatar if it was just a carbon copy? Different cultivation methods provided unique abilities to develop. And since Zack didn't have access to the System, he needed to rely on cunning rather than brute force.

So, the main body had chosen methods well-suited to Zack's needs.

The High Heaven Rank Thunder Wings focused on speed enhancement - perfect for Zack's preference to dodge rather than block attacks.

Not to mention it sounded incredibly cool. Who wouldn't want wings, even Amelia loved wings!

Grinning, Zack leaned back and rested his hands behind his head. The wind whipped through his hair dramatically.

Oh yeah, I bet I look so cool right now!

After a few moments, Zack coughed. He couldn't get distracted, no matter how handsome he looked.

I need to keep my spiritual cultivation at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Zack could feel it itching to break through to the Core Formation stage. But he firmly reined it back. For the tournament, he intended to compete at the Foundation Establishment level where he would have the greatest advantage. There was no need to rush into the Early Core Formation stage against all those Peak experts.

Thanks but no thanks, Zack thought, nodding to himself.

He planned to simply make the breakthrough inside the sealed realm instead. That's why reaching Peak Foundation Establishment now was so crucial. As a dual cultivator, Zack knew he wouldn't be quite so outmatched when the Core Formation cultivators entered the Nascent Soul Realm.

With the treasures the main body gave me, I should be able to achieve my goal in the Sealed Realm.

Arriving at his destination, Zack looked down at the scroll in his hand, checking the instructions one last time. His body cultivation level already hovered at Late Foundation Establishment from the main body passing the early stages.

Now it was time for the final push to Peak.

Zack hovered over the base of the Lightning Peak Mountain, a place coveted by all lightning-aligned cultivators. The very core of the mountain was said to harbour a rare Heaven Rank treasure that attracted heavenly lightning, the strikes growing even more frequent and intense the higher one ascended.

Though impressive, such lightning tempering grounds could be found in all the top sects across the Mortal Realm. The reason why it was so common was because the benefits were limited to those below the Origin Realm.

But that's good enough for me.

The Lightning Peak Mountain was separated into nine sections.

The first two sections were for Qi Refining cultivators, the third and fourth sections were for Foundation Establishment cultivators, the fifth and sixth sections were for Core Formation, whilst the seventh and eighth sections were for Nascent Soul cultivators.

As for the ninth section…it was for the breakthrough to Origin Realm.

All Zack had to do was bear with the fourth section.

Doesn't sound too bad, hopefully it isn't too painful…well it doesn't really matter, I better start climbing!

Lightning flashed overhead in agreement.

Zack landed lightly on top of the rocks. Immediately a bolt of lightning cracked down from above, splicing through the space he had just occupied. Zack didn't move, allowing the violet fork to splash over his body.

Rather than turning him to ash, the lightning was rapidly absorbed. Zack closed his eyes briefly, sensing the lightning qi flowing in a spiral as it circulated through his meridians, subtly enhancing his muscles, organs, and bones.

Opening his eyes, Zack continued onward. The strikes came faster and stronger in the second region, though still manageable. Only at the third section did he need to slow his pace, each Foundation Establishment level bolt requiring more time to temper his body without harm.

Finally entering the fourth section, Zack had to stop completely after each step, the force of the blows nearly buckling his knees.

Gritting his teeth, Zack stood his ground.

Immediately a thick cord of lightning crashed down, the impact driving him to one knee. His teeth ground together as he desperately channelled the Thunder God cultivation method, trying to subdue the volatile energy before it destroyed him.

For those several heart-pounding seconds, Zack grappled with the lightning. It was like a raging dragon, trying to break his will. His meridians felt like they would rupture, his organs were on the verge of liquification.

But Zack only threw his head back and laughed maniacally. "You think that's enough to make me quit? I'm Zack! A little lightning won't stop me!"

How could he return to the main body as a failure? He was the avatar; he was created for this exact purpose!

His robes, despite being buffed by runes, had turned to ash, but he wouldn't give up.

Better it than me…but this…this is enough.

With a roar, Zack summoned his sword from his storage ring and launched himself into the sky, sweat dripping off his face.

It was done. His task was complete.

He had become a Peak Foundation Establishment dual cultivator.

Being an avatar was such exhausting work!

Slifer was back under that frigid waterfall with four massive boulders over his head. The waterfall not only helped strengthen his body but also muffled any embarrassing noises he made as he pushed his limits.


Your Avatar Zack Broke Through To The Peak Foundation Establishment Realm

Karmic Credits Gained: 250

Slifer burst out laughing, the boulders shaking over him. "I've lost against myself!"

He and Zack had made a challenge to see whose body could reach the Peak Foundation Establishment stage first.

Since I'm the main body, whenever the avatar wins, so do I. Slifer nodded to himself.

With a final loud grunt, he felt his body break through the bottleneck, the telltale sign of popping tendons announcing his advancement.


Congratulations On The Breakthrough To The Peak Foundation Establishment Realm

Karmic Credits Gained: 250

Only a few seconds late…

With a wry grin, Slifer tossed the huge rocks aside and stretched. It always felt strange when he experienced a breakthrough, his body would naturally adapt to the sudden increase in power. Well, as long as he wasn't breaking through multiple stages at once.


Your Spiritual & Body Cultivation Are Now Equal

You Have Unlocked A Perk!

Dual Cultivator Perk: Combining Both Cultivations In Attacks Increases Battle Prowess By 35%

Slifer's brows shot up in surprise. He had hoped that something would happen when both his spiritual and body cultivation reached the same stage, he just hadn't expected a perk. He didn't even know the System even had such things as perks, it certainly wasn't in the shop.

Hmm, maybe it's saved for Version 2.

Reading the description, he nodded to himself.

So this explained the legendary fighting ability of dual cultivators at the same stage. An innate buff was granted to anyone meeting the criteria. Just one more hidden advantage among many it seemed.

As the Supreme Elder of the Black Rose Sect, it would be foolish for him not to read the stories of the exceptional cultivators that graced this world. The stories were not only interesting, but gave him a few ideas on how to increase his battle prowess without having to rely on the System.

At least Zack now has another trump card.

His avatar was already set to dominate the Foundation Establishment tournament. But inside the sealed realm, Zack would need to face the top Core Formation - and even Nascent Soul - experts.

A 35% power boost could prove invaluable, especially when he used some of the toys that Slifer provided him with.

Now I just need a few cards that could keep me alive, Slifer's eyes narrowed. The thought of being in the company of the other Ascendants for any duration of time unnerved him.

Now that I have a modest number of credits, I don't have to rely on my luck gambling, Slifer thought as he brought up the System. But the smart thing to do would be to save some credits, who knows, luck may save me once again.

Thirty Minutes Later…

Slifer laid back as he closed the System's interface. Since he entered this new world, he had relied on cards, cards that disappeared after one use.

Now that he wasn't dirt poor, he had the chance to go a...different route.

"Master, the Ascendants…they've arrived…"

"Ah yes, Morvran. I'm ready."

More than ready...

Chapter 69: The Night Before The Tournament

"Supreme Elder Slifer, nice of you to finally grace us with your presence," Zofia said sarcastically, eyeing the orange-robed man as he strode into the grand hall.

Slifer waved a dismissive hand. "Ah, my apologies, as the sole Supreme Elder of the Black Rose Sect, I actually have responsibilities to attend to," he retorted.

Inwardly, Slifer laughed. Most of those so-called responsibilities he pawned off on his underlings. Wasn't that what they were for after all?

Let them handle the tedious day-to-day affairs while he focused on the important stuff, like pretending to be an Ascendant cultivator when he had just reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

Zofia's face darkened at Slifer's flippant response, and for a moment it looked as if she might lunge across the table and throttle him. She was too used to letting her fists do the talking whenever she couldn't best someone verbally.

But one humiliating defeat at this man's hands was enough, no matter how much his nonchalant attitude grated on her nerves.

Sensing the tension, Leontius stepped forward, raising his hands in a calming gesture. "Now, now, let's not argue. It is an honour to be here at the esteemed Black Rose Sect."

Slifer raised an eyebrow. Is this guy being serious? he thought.

Kaelius leaned forward. "So won't the Black Rose Sect Master be hosting the tournament himself?"

Slifer shook his head. "I'm afraid he is still deep in closed-door cultivation."

Kaelius nodded slowly, a calculating look in his eyes. "I see. How…unfortunate."

"Yes, quite unfortunate indeed," Slifer agreed mildly. "But we will manage somehow in his stead."

"Enough wasting time on pleasantries," Astrid cut in impatiently. True to her no-nonsense personality, she wanted to get right down to business. "Just show us to our quarters already so we can rest and prepare for the tournament."

Slifer nodded. For formalities-sake, he only came to greet them. He turned to lead them out of the hall. But before he could take a step, Zofia spoke up.

"By the way, it seems the Black Death Sect really isn't participating this time around."

The Supreme Elders exchanged glances. This was unprecedented - never before had one of the major sects declined to join the tournament and lose their chance to enter the Sealed Realm.

Astrid scowled, crossing her arms. "If the Black Death Sect doesn't attend, how will we open the gateway to the Sealed Realm? We each hold a piece of the key. Without their piece..."

Each of the major sects held a fragment of the key needed to open the path to the Sealed Realm. Without all the pieces united, it would be nearly impossible to breach its defences, even for Ascendant cultivators.

"I contacted their Sect Master after he failed to appear for the Ascendant Meet," Leontius explained. "He assured me that if the Black Death disciples do not come, he will send an envoy with their key fragment."

"If?" Zofia echoed, one elegant eyebrow raised.

"It seems there is still a chance they may participate after all," Kaelius mused.

Astrid shook her head firmly. "Missing the Ascendant Meet is the same as forfeiting their right to join the tournament. If they want to enter the Sealed Realm, they'll have to do it through the one guaranteed slot allowed for their sect."

"I agree," said Zofia. "The rules clearly state-"

"Now, let's not be too hasty," Leontius gently interrupted. "I'm sure if we give them a chance to explain themselves, this can all be resolved amicably."

Zofia whirled on him. "If I didn't know how naive you Pure Sect cultivators are, I'd think you were secretly a demon yourself with how much you defend them!"

Leontius simply sighed and shook his head. There was no reasoning with that woman once she got an idea in her mind.

Slifer observed all this whilst trying to hold back a laugh. The politics of the so-called righteous path were endlessly entertaining.

Zofia seemed satisfied that the matter was settled, at least for now. She turned her gaze back to Slifer. "Well, what are you waiting for? Lead the way."

Suppressing a sigh at the pushy woman, Slifer proceeded out of the hall, the four Ascendant cultivators trailing behind him.

This was going to be a long month.

William laid awake in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow morning was the start of the Intersect Tournament - his chance to secure a slot to enter the Sealed Realm.

Just thinking about it made his heart race with anticipation. And nerves. Mostly nerves, if he was being honest.

Could he actually win one of the open slots? As an Early Foundation Establishment cultivator, the odds were stacked against him. The field would be packed with Peak Foundation Establishment opponents.

William gritted his teeth, hands clenching the blankets.

He wasn't confident. And William hated feeling uncertain.

Ever since that night when that 'man' visited his family home, William's cocky confidence had wavered. It was the first time he truly comprehended how powerless he was, how fragile his family's lives hung by a thread at the whims of those stronger than himself.

If he wanted to protect them, he had no choice but to become a puppet on the 'man's' strings. Securing a spot in the Sealed Realm was the first step, though William still did not fully understand the 'man's' ultimate goals.

The Black Rose Sect's resources were the only reason he managed to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage at all. But would that be enough?

You don't have a choice, he reminded himself. His family's safety depended on him securing a spot in the tournament. The man had been very clear - succeed, and his family would be spared. Fail, and...

William shoved that thought away. He refused to fail.

At least the 'man' had provided some resources to help him accomplish that goal: treasures and talismans that William could activate once inside the Sealed Realm itself.

The rules of the Intersect Tournament forbid the use of external tools, restricting cultivators to only their personal skills and weapons.

A buzzing sensation in his mind interrupted William's brooding. The communication talisman! Heart racing, he jumped out of bed and hurriedly threw on a dark robe.

The sensation grew more intense as William slipped out of his room, keeping to the shadows as he navigated the dim halls. Despite the late hour, the sect was still bustling with activity as disciples finished their preparations for tomorrow.

He spotted several Disciplinary Hall disciples patrolling the grounds, on the lookout for any troublemakers. William held his breath as he snuck past, praying they wouldn't sense his presence.

After what felt like an eternity, William made it through the sect entrance and escaped into the forest. Only once he was certain he hadn't been followed did he dare pull out the glowing talisman.

"Yes, I'm here," he whispered into the stone.

A deep voice came from the talisman. "Is everything prepared?"

William's jaw clenched. "Yes. As you instructed."

The voice chuckled. "Excellent. Remember, activate it as soon as you get near the target. This is almost over - succeed, and your family will be safe."

"...I understand," William bit out, even as doubts flooded his mind. Could he really trust the word of this mysterious man?

But what choice did he have?

Clenching the talisman tightly, William steeled himself for what was to come. Soon, everything would change - for better or worse.

"Man, you're so lucky you got your own place," Dusty said through a mouthful of bone as he lounged back on Nomed's bed. "You've got your own chef, no chores, servants to boss around whenever you want."

Nomed smiled at his plump friend. To Dusty, this luxurious lifestyle must seem like paradise compared to the rugged training under his strict master.

"It's not all fun and games," Nomed replied lightly. "Being alone can weigh on you after a while. I'm grateful for Master Slifer's generosity, but I do miss having you around to liven things up."

That seemed to delight Dusty. Beaming, he chomped down on another bone from the pile on the bed. Nomed wasn't sure where his friend kept getting these bones from, and he wasn't certain he wanted to know. Dusty's cultivation method seemed to have some...unique aspects.

"Well, you don't gotta worry about me and Master Morvran!" Dusty declared, bits of bone flying. "He's got me on this special training regimen to help my cultivation. Although..." Here, Dusty scowled. "He's making me grow my own food! Can you believe it?"

Nomed raised an eyebrow curiously. "What do you mean 'grow' it?"

"It's part of my new cultivation method - The Way of the Cock," Dusty explained through his perpetual mouthful of food. "I gotta raise chickens from eggs, care for 'em and stuff, let 'em grow big and healthy. Then, when the time's right, I absorb their energy to aid my cultivation!"

Nomed frowned, not quite following Dusty's rambling explanation. "But can't you just buy full-grown chickens from the market and use those? Seems much easier than raising them yourself."

Dusty adamantly shook his head, strands of his black hair swinging. "Nah, doesn't work like that. The method said I gotta raise 'em myself, from eggs to chickens. Something about the process strengthening my spirit or whatever." He shrugged. "Mainly it's just a lotta boring work. But Master Morvran said it's necessary, so I gotta do it."

"Huh," Nomed replied. "That's quite an unusual method. Are you making much progress with it?"

At this, Dusty laughed sheepishly. "I dunno. See, the first chicken I raised, Ol' Clucky...me and him got kinda close, y'know? Spent every day together, fed him the best seeds and bugs. I'd chat with him while we walked the grounds."

Dusty's expression turned reflective. "Ol' Clucky was a good listener. Squawked back now and then, but mostly let me ramble."

Nomed nodded as he listened patiently.

"So yeah, me and Clucky got to be buddies," Dusty continued, snacking on a rib bone now. "But then, when it came time for the ritual harvestin'...I dunno what happened exactly. It's all a blur. But next thing I knew, I was surrounded by bloody bones, hands covered in feathers, and one very satisfied belly."

He blinked at Nomed. "Weird, huh?"

Nomed stared. That was certainly not the heartwarming conclusion he anticipated. Trust Dusty to turn a charming tale into something much more macabre.

"Well, Master Morvran said that was a good sign!" Dusty went on cheerfully. "Means my cultivation instincts are developing well. Anyway, now I'm raising Clucky the Second. Hopefully the harvest goes smoother this time."

"I see," Nomed said slowly. "Well, I'm glad your training is progressing, if a bit unconventionally."

Nomed felt relieved his friend would not be participating in the tournament. As an Early Foundation Establishment cultivator, Dusty didn't meet the qualification standards to enter the tournament. The Sealed Realm would be dangerous enough without Dusty losing himself in some feeding frenzy at an inopportune moment.

As if reading his mind, Dusty flopped back on the bed with a sigh of content. "Yep, no big tournament for me! Don't gotta worry 'bout fighting other disciples or crazy life-or-death battles. Too much effort. I'm happy sticking to my chickens."

Nomed chuckled. "It does sound exhausting. Best leave the glory-seeking to the others."

Inwardly though, his thoughts took a more sombre turn. Dusty was right to be grateful he could avoid the tournament. With everything looming on the horizon, it was better if his friend remained far away from the coming storm.

Nomed repressed a wince as a familiar burning sensation erupted across his chest. Speaking of his role, it seemed events were being set in motion once again tonight.

He hid his discomfort behind an easy smile. "It's getting late," Nomed said apologetically. "I should rest before tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, good idea!" Dusty said, sitting up and brushing bone fragments off the sheets. "Big day comin' up. You gonna kick butt in that tournament! I know you got this."

"Thank you, my friend," Nomed replied. "I'll do my best."

After Dusty left, Nomed waited several minutes before slipping a black robe over his sleep clothes and disappearing into the night.

Kaelius sat stiffly on the cushion the Black Rose Sect had so generously provided, gazing around his lavish quarters with thinly veiled disgust.

This place dares call itself a demonic sect?

The environment was fit for royalty, not proper demonic cultivators.

In Kaelius' own Black Heart Sect, disciples lived in harsh conditions like inside a volatile volcano.

And rather than wasting resources on such useless luxuries, the Black Heart Sect's funds went towards more practical things - like weapons, assassination equipment, and information gathering.

Not that they needed money when anything they desired could simply be taken by force.

It was survival of the fittest - the weak culled out quickly in the merciless environment. Only the strongest, most ruthless cultivators thrived.

Kaelius curled his lip contemptuously. The Black Rose Sect was soft, an insult to everything demonic cultivation stood for. They even allowed laughter and cheer in their streets - outrageous!

He wondered if their disciples even killed each other over treasure. They behaved more like a righteous sect.

Well, he wouldn't have to tolerate it for much longer. Closing his eyes, Kaelius extended his spiritual sense past the confines of his room, stealthily probing through the sect. He took care to avoid the residences housing the other Ascendant cultivators; no need to arouse undue suspicion.

Satisfied he wasn't being observed, Kaelius' mouth curved into a razor-thin smile. In a blur of shadow, he slipped out into the night.

Kaelius flitted through the Black Rose Sect under the cover of darkness, disdainfully eying the ostentatious buildings and perfectly manicured gardens. How disgustingly decadent.

One figure caught his eye - a young man dressed in dark robes making his way toward the sect gates.

How curious...what business did he have sneaking away on this eve of all nights?

Examining closely, Kaelius saw the youth had only reached the Early Foundation Establishment Realm. In other words, a nobody. Whatever mischief he was up to, it would have no impact on someone of Kaelius' stature.

Dismissing the matter, Kaelius shifted his attention elsewhere. There was little of interest occurring within the disciples' residences. No, what Kaelius sought was information on the Black Rose Sect's greatest secret - their Sect Master.

Rumoured to be secluded in attempt to reach the Immortal stage, the Sect Master's hidden location was not known to anyone. But Kaelius was not so easily deterred.

If the Black Rose Sect Master was in the middle of a breakthrough, then that would be the best time for him to strike!

Devouring his cultivation will be enough to attempt my own breakthrough…Kaelius grinned.

Extending his spiritual sense towards the sect headquarters, Kaelius searched for anything out of the ordinary. He knew all sects had secret chambers and facilities hidden away, even from their own members.

There - along the edge of his sense, Kaelius detected several powerful energy signatures that were trying to appear inconspicuous gathered in one area. Upon closer inspection, they were shockingly all at the Origin Realm!

For so many Origin Realm masters to be clustered together could only mean one thing: they were standing as guards over something...or rather, someone.

Found you at last.

Locking onto the Origin Realm experts' positions, he traced their presence deeper into the sect. Their trail led to a hidden cave entrance secreted away in a remote mountain valley.

How delightfully sinister, Kaelius thought, lips curling. Finally, something befitting the alleged demonic nature of this sect.

He dissolved into shadow and slipped past the entrance, descending into the cavernous tunnels below.

Immediately, a powerful demonic aura blasted his face, so concentrated it was nearly tangible. Kaelius' cultivation method activated as it greedily drank it in.


The farther in he went, the more the demonic energy grew.

An unsettling roar echoed up ahead, reverberating off the stone walls.

This was no ordinary demonic cultivation, Kaelius hesitated. Just what was the Black Rose Sect Master doing down here?

Before he could proceed further, an enormous cavern opened up before him. Kaelius' pupils contracted to pinpricks, and he inhaled sharply.

Lurking in the shadows was a hulking form, crimson eyes glowing as they fixed on him.

"Demon!" he choked out before the world went dark.