

Chapter 51: Disciplinary Hall

One day later.

"Remember, Caelum, the path of righteousness is not just a choice, but a commitment to uphold justice and virtue in all your actions."

Caelum listened intently, his eyes fixed on Slifer, absorbing every word like a sponge. He had never expected to hear those words from his Master. Recently, his Master's actions didn't make sense, the change in character, the Ascendant level cultivation, just who was the real Slifer?

"The righteous path values harmony and order. It's about making sacrifices for the greater good, even when it's hard."

At this rate, I'll have my own church in a few years, Slifer thought, barely holding back a sigh. The idea of guiding more followers along a path he didn't believe sounded exhausting but what was a poor man supposed to do? He needed the credits.

"But, Master," Caelum interjected, "what truly separates the righteous from the demonic?"

This time Slifer was unable to hold back the sigh.

How do I explain that the lines are not always so clear? Everyone has a different idea on what differentiates a righteous cultivator from a demonic cultivator.

"In truth, Caelum, the cultivation world is complex. There are demonic cultivators who act more righteously than those so-called righteous cultivators. Many of them will do anything in their quest for immortality, whilst other demonic cultivators have limits that they will not cross, the same applies to righteous cultivators but they like to justify their actions with their self-righteousness."

The System's view is too simplistic, Slifer thought. It sees the world in black and white, but reality is a spectrum of greys. Even Caelum and Fenlock, labelled as demonic, have shown more righteousness than many of those hypocrites. This System needs an update.

"The world isn't just black and white." Slifer continued. "Remember, righteous cultivators aren't always righteous, and demonic cultivators aren't always demonic."

"So, how do I know who to trust?" Caelum's eyebrows scrunched up, his master's sermon continued to get more complicated the longer it went on, he felt like they were going in circles.

Slifer shook his head. "Don't worry too much about the labels. Use your own judgment and don't trust anyone blindly." He paused, then added with a slight smirk, "Except for me, of course."

"So… are you ready to embrace the righteous path?"

The decision wasn't too difficult for Caelum, his Master had changed his life but more importantly saved his mother's life. As long as his master didn't instruct him to do something that would violate his Sword Heart then he would follow him, even if it led to his death.

Caelum glanced down at Bloodthorn, they were partners, he couldn't make the decision for the both of them.

Grrrrr, Bloodthorn surprisingly agreed.

Looking back up at Slifer, Caelum nodded firmly. "Yes, Master. I will follow the righteous path."

Name: Caelum Card

Description: Once a day, you can activate any of your loyal disciple's techniques

Warning: If your disciple's loyalty goes below 100%, you will lose access to this card

Sweet, it's a better version of the ability from the Soul Bond.


Would You Like To Promote Caelum to Core Disciple?



Your Disciple Caelum Is Now A Core Disciple!

Core Disciples Can Allocate Tasks To Inner And Outer Disciples

Is the System glitching? Why is it being so nice of all a sudden?

He didn't expect the change in a disciple's status to have much of an effect, the System was making it too easy for him recently to accumulate credits.

"It's been a long time since I have promoted any of my disciples, but I believe you are ready to be promoted to Core Disciple."

"T-thank you, Master." Caelum didn't expect this from his Master. Ever since issues began between Master and Senior Brother, Master stopped promoting us. We didn't think he would anymore, especially so soon…

Seeing the look Caelum was giving him, Slifer assumed the boy was expecting something. Oh, right. Core Disciples usually get a technique from their master.

He coughed awkwardly, trying to buy time. "When you activate your Sword Domain, only then will I gift you a personal technique," Slifer stated, hoping to make it sound like that was his plan all along.

No big deal. I can just purchase a technique from the System for him later, Slifer thought, once Caelum worked the other disciples, Slifer would feel more comfortable spending some credits for a gift. But not now. He'll value it more as a reward for a significant breakthrough.

"I understand, Master. Comprehending the Sword Domain will be my priority."

"As a Core Disciple, you now have new responsibilities," Slifer continued, seizing the chance to recruit Caelum to his pyramid scheme. "You will assign tasks to your juniors, but remember," he paused for emphasis, "they must be righteous tasks. If you must trick them into righteousness, then do so."

Caelum's expression hardened slightly at the mention of his juniors. Amelia, in particular, doesn't like taking orders, let alone righteous ones. But I will do what is necessary, I'll make Master proud.

"I will keep that in mind, Master," Caelum responded dutifully. "Righteousness will guide my actions and decisions."

"Good, good." Slifer waved him away.

Caelum bowed deeply and then turned to leave. A Sword Domain... a significant step indeed. But with Master's guidance, I will achieve it and earn my technique. A technique from an Ascendant Realm cultivator…

As Caelum's figure disappeared, Slifer let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. That went well enough.

Slifer's thoughts turned to his new disciple. He had hoped to complete the Master-Disciple Ceremony quickly, but Nomed had ran off as soon as they left the valley. He wants his grandmother's blessing first. A superstitious lot, these people.

As for Kalin, the white-robed youth who lingered like a shadow, Slifer had managed to keep him at bay. "I will offer you some pointers," Slifer had told him, "but only after I've sorted the sect's affairs."

Slifer didn't have any sword techniques that could impress the youth or even the credits to buy one, luckily for him, the death of a Grand Elder left issues that would take a while to deal with.

Wyatt should be here any moment with the other Grand Elders.

When a disciple was called to the Disciplinary Hall, it was a foregone conclusion that they would spend a few sleepless nights within the sect's prison. If they were lucky, they would only have to undergo three rounds of torture before being let go, and that was only if someone remembered to release them.

The chamber itself was grand and imposing, at the far end stood a large throne, this was where Darius, the now-deceased Grand Elder, used to laze around.

He really enjoyed feeling important, Slifer thought as he reluctantly took his place on the throne.

The leader of the Disciplinary Hall had to deal with those who broke the sect's rules, they were the judge, jury, and executioner, a lot of responsibility to place on one man's shoulders.

Now that responsibility had fallen to Slifer. He wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

This is just taking time away from cultivating and learning new techniques, he thought, a hint of annoyance in his mind.

The role of a Supreme Elder, which Slifer held, was typically that of the sect's protector, free from the day-to-day responsibilities of sect management. I was hoping to avoid any real work, especially since there hasn't been a battle since the demon invasion centuries ago, he mused.

Yet, here he was, forced into this position because of Wyatt's cunning suggestion in front of the other Grand Elders. Sneaky weasel. I couldn't really say no in front of them all without raising suspicion. And I do feel a bit guilty... Darius had it coming, but still.

Shaking his head, Slifer focused on his plan. I'll be the leader in name only. I'll let the old guy handle the actual work.

The 'old guy' was a Peak Nascent Soul Elder named Fred, currently briefing Slifer, who was half-listening at best. Fred, of all the powerful names... Fred. It's almost laughable. A man capable of levelling countries on Earth, and he's named Fred.

"Due to the actions of the late Grand Elder, the disciples of the Disciplinary Hall have a reputation of bullying the weak, if this were to continue, I am not sure if there will be any disciples left to discipline."

"I made numerous suggestions, but the Grand Elder refused to listen, I was wondering what you think of the following…" Fred continued listing off one recommendation after another, clearly he had been waiting a long time for such a moment.


The sound of the system notification brought a smile to Slifer's face.

The old man's face darkened, mistaking Slifer's reaction as a dismissal of his recommendations. It seems the Disciplinary Hall will remain unchanged, continuing to cause the very problem it was meant to solve, he thought bitterly.

Meanwhile, Slifer, oblivious to the elder's thoughts, beamed even brighter.


Congratulations On Becoming The Leader Of The Disciplinary Hall

Disciplinary Hall Panel Unlocked

You Have Gained 250 Karmic Credits

A management feature for the Disciplinary Hall…interesting.

Disciplinary Hall Panel

Number of Members

Nascent Soul 3

Core Formation 11

Foundation Establishment 65

Qi Refining 55

Current Tasks 0

Credits Gained 0

Credits Lost 0

As Slifer read the System's message, the smile turned into full-blown laughter. The new feature allowed him to use disciples of the hall to farm Karmic Credits on a larger scale. Each task completed by them earned him between 3-9 Karmic Credits, but with over a hundred disciples in the hall, the credits would quickly accumulate.

If I become the Sect Master, will I be able to farm the entirety of the Black Rose Sect?

Noticing that the panel recorded the credits lost, Slifer frowned. Credits are lost when members abuse their authority? Slifer shook his head. Demonic disciples are all bullies, praying on the weak is how these sects are run.

Trying to stop his own disciples from bullying others was difficult enough, just how hard would it be to enforce that on such a large scale?

Guess I'll have to take a more direct role after all.

"Fred, from this day forth, if any member of the Disciplinary Hall abuses their power, they will be punished severely. Send them to the Shattered Chasm," Slifer declared firmly.

The Shattered Chasm was a notorious place within the sect, a deep, dark pit where those sent there were subjected to the constant pressure of spiritual energy, crushing their will and breaking their spirit. The deeper one went into the pit, the greater the pressure.

A few decades ago, a Nascent Soul Elder was condemned to the depths of the Shattered Chasm. When he emerged, his mind was no longer his own. It was said that the elder could often be seen wandering around the sect's grounds, talking to rocks and plants as if they were his old comrades. He would meticulously organize pebbles, believing he was rearranging the stars in the sky.

On one occasion, he burst into fits of laughter after seeing his own shadow, the old man then challenged it a duel… only to end up losing.

"With these changes, there will be peace in the sect, and we will be able to use each other to grow stronger, not devour each other," Slifer continued.

Fred nearly choked, his heart clenching in frustration. This is what I've been suggesting all along, and now he claims it as his own idea! He sighed inwardly, realizing the higher one's cultivation, the more shameless one became.

Whilst Fred was stewing over the unfairness of the situation, Slifer was deep in thought, devising a new system to acquire as many credits as possible.

I'll create a system where they can complete righteous tasks. For each task, I'll set aside a third of the Karmic Credits I get, Slifer planned. Hmm, I can call them points.

Even though they would only earn a single credit or point from the tasks that gave Slifer 3 Karmic Credits, these tasks were quick and easy to complete so they would accumulate. Anything more than a third was too much for the stingy Slifer but if he didn't offer them anything then they wouldn't be motivated to complete the tasks.

Using the stick by itself is not sufficient, you must dangle that carrot.

Slifer decided to put up a list of treasures, techniques, and more from the system, he would claim it was from his own collection. The disciples could use their earned credits to purchase these items.

"Fred, I need you to create a leaderboard tablet," Slifer instructed, detailing his idea. "It will record the points each disciple has earned."

Fred nodded, understanding the strategy. "I'll have it set up, Supreme Elder. What shall we call this tablet?"

"The Karmic Ledger," Slifer replied immediately, he felt the name was appropriate. "I'll send over a list of items that can be bought with the points."

As Fred left to execute the orders, Slifer pondered over possible suspicions from the Grand Elders. They won't question the number of items I have. It's normal for an Ascendant cultivator to possess riches equal to a mid-level sect. But the tasks... their righteous nature could raise eyebrows.

After a moment, he came up with a solution. "The tasks are related to my new Cultivation Method."

That's close enough to the truth, it's not like they know what it takes to reach the Immortal Realm.

There was a lingering concern about the Sect Master, currently in closed door cultivation. Once he's out, he might get suspicious. But by then, I'll have enough credits to deal with that demon.

Slifer's thoughts briefly flashed back to the humiliation he suffered at the hands of the Sect Master. I haven't forgotten that day, we will see who bows to whom the next time we meet.

Chapter 52: Headless Training Dummies

Sitting cross-legged in his courtyard next to a serene pond, Slifer was deep in thought, his brow furrowed in concentration. He had set the plans for the Disciplinary Hall into motion, as for the daily matters, they could be handled by Fred, Slifer had a more pressing concern on his mind.

Either the System can see the future, or it's great at manipulating events. More likely, it's both.

Ever since he entered this world, Slifer had felt like a puppet, its strings pulled by the System. He had learned a few techniques to decrease his reliance on the System and focused on increasing his cultivation, but he felt that wasn't enough. He felt confident facing a Foundation Establishment cultivator without any assistance from the System, but that confidence didn't extend to Core Formation cultivators.

"The Dimensional Slide technique is useful if I need to escape, but I can't rely on it too much," he muttered, his gaze drifting across the tranquil water of the pond.

Escaping could only be a last resort; such an action would break the Supreme Elder façade he had...accidentally created. More importantly, techniques that have a chance of failing couldn't be depended on, it honestly wouldn't surprise him if it failed him when he most needed it.


Slifer had long since noticed that the System categorised some abilities as skills and others as techniques. Initially, he didn't pay much attention to it but after some experimentation, he was able to figure out the difference between the two.

Skills, like cards, did not rely on Slifer at all, whether that be his qi capacity or comprehension of the skill, it had total reliance on the System. On the other hand, techniques relied wholly on Slifer, if his understanding or qi capacity were lacking, he would be unable to perform the technique.

Even if I use the System to level up a technique, I gain the knowledge to use it without its help.

Each time Slifer activated a skill, he felt his body following the will of the System allowing him to perform the skill. I could use this experience as a guide to comprehend the skill until the System recognised it as a technique, he thought. It's like learning to ride a bike with training wheels and then without them.

Let's see which skill to test this out on.


Name Slifer

Race Human

Alignment Demonic

Cultivation Late Foundation Establishment

Lifespan Remaining 100 Years

Karmic Credits 4300

Skills Firebreath, Insight (Intermediate), Mirror Mastery (Level 2), Nascent Soul Armour (Level 1), Phase Ability (Level 1)

Items Reversal Cards, Peak Slifer Card, Peak Slifer Aura Card, Another Face Card, Avatar Card, Caelum Card

Affinities Light: 20% Fire: 5% Space: 5%

Techniques Sunrise Slash (Level 2), Stellar Nova Strike (Level 1), Dimensional Slide (Level 2)

Weapon Mastery Sword: 5%

The phase ability was an extremely useful defensive skill that he would need to convert into a technique one day, however, with his comprehension of space being only at 5%, that day was far away.

One skill stood out to him – the Nascent Soul Armour card. Though it only lasts ten seconds, it would be enough to kill any Core Formation cultivator, maybe even an Early Nascent Soul cultivator if I caught them off guard.

For higher-level cultivators, he had to be more cautious. For now, I'll rely on the System's cards and make… smarter choices to avoid trouble. He shook his head, smiling ruefully. It seems I'm often cleaning up after my disciples' messes or dealing with issues left by the original Slifer.

Just as he was about to dismiss the blue box, he remembered the new card he had acquired, the Caelum Card.

Wait a minute, my 'theory' should apply to cards too, especially one that imitates a Core Formation cultivator's technique.

Slifer decided to activate the Caelum Card, the ability to use any of his disciple's techniques intrigued him, it could come in handy, especially when his disciples grew more powerful.

Name Caelum

Realm Late Core Formation

Known Techniques Serenity's Embrace, Nine Celestial Phantoms, Sunrise Slash, Thorned Lash, Valor's Crimson Surge

Known Affiliations Black Rose Sect

Disposition N/A

Pick A Technique

Well, I'm glad the System automatically converted Caelum's demonic techniques into their righteous version. Slifer had been worried that using his disciple's techniques would result in the System penalising him, in that case, he would only use it as a last resort and not for training.

But many of Caelum's techniques rely on his sword's abilities, would the technique work without a weapon? Even though Slifer rarely needed a weapon, he did have one, the Skyfade Emerald Blade. However, since his blade was usually in his storage ring, activating the technique without it would reduce a step, and a single second could be the difference between life and death.

"Let's try a technique he received after breaking through to the Sword Soul realm," Slifer was hoping using such a technique would give him an insight into the sword realm three ranks higher than his own. Who knows, he might even experience a breakthrough.

"Valor's Crimson Surge."

Slifer closed his eyes, feeling the Card activate. Sword qi coursed through his meridians, and with a slashing motion, a small stream of white qi burst forward. The qi grew rapidly as it travelled, swelling to the size of a house by the time it reached the training dummy. In an instant, the massive wave of qi obliterated the dummy.

Training dummies were enchanted with runes, depending on the option selected, they would simulate cultivators. Better yet, unlike cultivators, these dummies were able to regenerate. This particular dummy was set to the level of a Peak Core Formation cultivator; however, the overwhelming power of the attack left no room for regeneration.


Slifer's eyes widened in awe at the sheer destructive power of the technique. The fact that one of Caelum's techniques could surpass an Early Nascent Soul attack shocked him. In the novels he had read, fighting across a major realm seemed as easy as a seasoned warrior swatting away a bothersome fly, but reality was far different. Only with exceptional advantages, such as the Sword Soul realm, could such a feat be feasible.

"Focus on how it felt."

Once again, Slifer closed his eyes, he recalled the surge of sword qi appearing within him. He focused on how the qi was compressed within his meridians, building pressure like water in a tightly sealed pipe. The intensity continued to increase until it was near bursting point. Then, once released, it rushed out with immense force, expanding rapidly as it left the confines of his body. The qi then ballooned in size as it moved, like water gushing from a burst pipe, gaining momentum and power, until it reached the Nascent Soul realm.

This mental exercise helped Slifer understand the technique's nature - controlling the buildup of energy and then skilfully releasing it for maximum impact by the time it reached its target.


Sword Mastery Increased By 10%

10%? Slifer knew that progress would only be slower as he continued to use the same method, but it would be many times faster than learning it the normal way.


Caelum Card Locked For 24 Hours

"If there was no limit, I could probably breakthrough to Sword Soul Realm in a day or two," Slifer sighed.


Congratulations On Your Breakthrough To Sword Qi Realm

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

"Sword Qi Realm?"

The Sword Qi Realm was the second stage of sword cultivation.

Once a practitioner refined their Sword Intent up to a certain level, they were able to condense it into tangible Sword Qi. This energy could then be channelled through a sword to enhance techniques. Previously, Slifer had used Light Qi, as a substitute for Sword Qi, for his Nova Strike technique but now he had the real deal.

With a wave of his hand, a blade materialised from the storage ring, Slifer extended his hand and caught it effortlessly mid-air. Gripping the hilt firmly, he channelled his qi into the blade, the Skyfade Emerald Blade hummed happily in response.

Slifer turned his attention to a training dummy positioned around twenty feet away and made a casual slashing motion. The sword qi burst forth, a visible streak of energy slicing through the air. It moved with such speed and precision that it seemed to blur the space between Slifer and the dummy. In a blink, the dummy's head was cleanly severed, falling to the ground with a dull thud, while the body remained upright for a moment before toppling over.

With Sword Qi enhancing my strike, I can take down an Early Core Formation cultivator, Slifer nodded in approval. And that's all without relying on the System!

His gaze shifted to the decapitated training dummy as it regenerated before his eyes.

A perfect training partner, Slifer mused.

Shaking his head, Slifer focused on a skill that could enhance his offence, defence, and agility!

"Nascent Soul Armour."

A smoky armour wrapped around him like a protective cloak.

Closing his eyes, Slifer tuned into his spiritual sense. He could feel the qi coursing through his body, weaving an intricate pattern that formed the armour around him. But as the armour began to fracture and weaken, Slifer's eyes snapped open.

In a blur, he moved, appearing in front of a training dummy. With a swift, powerful punch aimed at its head, the dummy's head shattered, wooden shards flying in all directions.

Watching the remnants of the armour dissipate, Slifer nodded in approval. "Impressive."


Nascent Soul Armour Skill Locked For 24 Hours

Closing his eyes again, Slifer tried to recall the sensation of the qi moving through his body. He attempted to mimic it, envisioning the Nascent Soul Armour forming around him. Hints of the armour started to appear, bringing a smile to his face. But his smile quickly faltered as the armour disintegrated almost immediately.

A wave of fatigue washed over him. I was right. My body isn't strong enough to sustain the technique without the System's aid. When activated through the System, it offers protection, but only for a limited time.

"I need to strengthen my body further."


Nascent Soul Armour Technique Level 0 (10%)

Hmm, 10% after one attempt, not too bad. Slifer nodded. He was right, the System now recognised it as a technique. Once the technique reached level 1, he would be able to use it for 10 seconds before it strained his body.

Forget about level 1, I want to go straight to level 2, Slifer thought. The difference between the two levels was not the power of the technique but the duration. All he had to do was make a few breakthroughs in Body Cultivation and practice, shouldn't be too difficult, right?

"Time to put the title of Supreme Elder to use!" Slifer grinned as his thoughts turned to the sect's resources.

Chapter 53: Predator's Vigour

"Ah, Supreme Elder, what brings you here."

Slifer eyed the weasel-looking man in front of him with mild distaste.

Just my luck to see this guy three times in the span of a few days! Slifer would rather avoid this particular Elder, but unfortunately, he needed access to the sect's resources, and this man, Wyatt, held the keys.

"Grand Elder, I was just nearby and thought I might relieve you of some… items," Slifer said, trying to sound casual. The less he spoke to the man the better, if any of the Grand Elders were to see through his façade, it would be the shrewd man before him.

"And what did you have in mind?" Wyatt asked, his tone carefully neutral.

It wasn't like the Supreme Elder to visit the Treasury, Wyatt couldn't help but feel curious, well that and he didn't like Slifer lingering around his turf. As the Treasurer, Wyatt had the privilege of using the treasures in times of crisis, and who else but him decided what counted as a crisis. But now, if the Supreme Elder were to take a Heaven Ranked treasure, that was one Heaven Rank treasure less that Wyatt could borrow.

"Anything related to Body Cultivation."

Wyatt looked at him strangely, he didn't know that the Supreme Elder delved in Body Cultivation. It was rare for a cultivator to choose that path, especially so late in their cultivation.

Unless he plans to cultivate to the Ascendant Realm, it would be pointless to waste time on cultivating the body. Wyatt thought, scepticism evident in his mind. What is it that he is hiding?

"I'll see what we have that might suit your needs," Wyatt said, leading Slifer into the depths of the treasury.

Despite his thoughts, Wyatt knew he couldn't deny Slifer's request. As a Supreme Elder, Slifer had rights to the Treasury that even Wyatt couldn't oppose.

The vast hall of the Treasury was lined with shelves of numerous artifacts and scrolls, too many for Slifer to count. After a few minutes of silence, they finally stopped at a small room set aside from the main treasury. Inside, the room was packed with items dedicated to Body Cultivation – vials of pills, aged scrolls, and various other tools and elixirs.

"Is this all there is?" Slifer frowned as he surveyed the room.

Wyatt nodded. "The Black Rose Sect isn't known for Body Cultivation. That's more the Black Heart Sect's specialty," he explained.

Activating his Insight skill, Slifer scanned the items:


Name: Vitality Surge Pill

Rank: Low Earth

Description: Enhances physical strength temporarily


Name: Essence Rejuvenation Elixir

Rank: Low Earth

Description: Accelerates body recovery


Name: Iron Body Technique Scroll

Rank: High Earth

Description: Strengthen physical resilience


Name: Gravity Seal

Rank: High Earth

Description: Apply to the body to increase weight for training. Contains nine levels


Name: Qi Lock Seal

Rank: High Earth

Description: Restricts Qi flow in Nascent Soul cultivators and below

They were all Earth Rank items, useful but not exceptional. With a wave of his hand, Slifer sent everything flying into his storage ring.

Wyatt's eyes widened in shock. "Supreme Elder, you can't just—" he stammered.

Slifer waved him off. "From the dust here, it's clear these aren't being used. They'll be of better use with me." He could feel Wyatt's hesitation but knew the man wouldn't dare to object.

Wyatt closed his mouth, unable to argue.

Slifer left the treasury, his mind already considering how best to use these new resources.

I thought the sect would have better resources; I guess I'll just have to buy a Heaven Rank Body Cultivation method from the Shop.

Slifer sat on his cultivation pillow in his quarters, scrolling through the System's list of cultivation methods. He focused exclusively on Body Cultivation Methods, dismissing the sect's collection as too low-level.

Why bother with anything less than a Heaven Rank method? he thought, clearly having been spoiled by the System. And demonic methods aren't of any use to me.

As for the mysterious Obsidian Rank methods, he likely needed to upgrade the System to Version 2, but for now, he settled on finding the best Heaven Rank option available.

Slifer noticed that Heaven Rank Body Cultivation methods were more expensive than their spiritual counterparts, he attributed that to the rarity of Body Cultivation methods.

After some time, he found three that caught his eye.

Name: Agony's Embrace

Rank: Medium Heaven Rank

Description: Inflict pain to yourself, the greater the pain, the greater the foundation you can create

Cost: 1400 Karmic Credits

Slifer quickly dismissed it. I'm no masochist. Why endure unnecessary pain?

Name: Beast Feast Cultivation

Rank: Low Heaven Rank

Description: Consume beast meat, the higher the quality of the meat, the more qi can be absorbed to strengthen the body.

Cost: 1000 Karmic Credits

This one sounds ideal, especially for someone like me who appreciates a good meal, Slifer mused. Unfortunately, its lower rank made him hesitant. If only it were a High Heaven Rank.

Name: Predator's Vigour

Rank: High Heaven Rank

Description: Consume beast meat, the higher the quality of the meat, the more qi can be stored. Then through rigorous exercise, absorb the qi to transform the body.

Cost: 1500 Karmic Credits

Predator's Vigour… It's a mix... Consume and then exercise. Not as easy as the second, but still doable.

"Looks like I have to decide between ease and efficiency," Slifer muttered to himself. He weighed his options, considering the pros and cons of each method.

The first is too painful, the second too weak, and the third... well, it's a balance of both. He knew he had to choose wisely, as the right method could significantly accelerate his progress.

"I'll go with 'Predator's Vigour.' It's the best choice for advancing my cultivation without unnecessary suffering." Slifer nodded to himself, satisfied with his decision.


You Have Bought "Predator's Vigour"

-1500 Karmic Credits

"My first High Heaven Rank method." Slifer's spiritual cultivation method was only a Low Heaven Rank method, back then it hurt to even look at Heaven Rank methods.

"Hmm, a list of exercises," Slifer mumbled as a barrage of information relating to the technique entered his mind.

I feel exhausted just reading them, Slifer shuddered.

One particular exercise involved carrying large boulders under a waterfall, all without using qi. A middle-sized boulder is manageable, but a large one under a waterfall? That's pushing it, he thought, shaking his head.

No, if I give in to the laziness, I'm only signing my death warrant, he scolded himself. He knew that to keep up in this ruthless, dog-eat-dog world, he couldn't just be Zack, the couch potato who binge-watched anime all day.

"Well, at least I can enjoy the fun part!" Slifer laughed as he sent a spiritual transmission to Morvran for the highest rank beast meat the sect had.


Due To The Actions Of The Disciplinary Hall Member Alphie

You Have Gained 3 Karmic Credits

Seems like my plan with the Disciplinary Hall members is paying off, Slifer thought, pleased. He had been receiving similar notification the whole day.

"Master, I have brought the delicacies," Morvran called from outside Slifer's quarters.

That was quick, Slifer thought, surprised. "Come in, Morvran," he said aloud.

Morvran entered and waved his hand, and suddenly, ten different cooked meat dishes appeared before Slifer.

Slifer's eyes widened in delight. "How were these prepared so quickly?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"After you…disposed of the Grand Elder Darius, I took the liberty to retrieve his possessions," Morvran explained.

Slifer had not thought much about Darius's belongings after the Grand Elder's storage ring was destroyed in the blast. I was too caught up in the aftermath to consider what he might have hidden away.

"You did a good job," Slifer nodded at Morvran, it was good to have lackeys who could think for themselves.

"Thank you, Master."

"Hmm, did you acquire anything else?"

Slifer was hoping the Grand Elder had some treasures or pills that could be useful or maybe something similar to that strange amulet, a man that could enter the Ascendant Realm couldn't be simple.

"I did find something. It's a… letter," Morvran handed over a worn piece of paper.

Darius? Letter?

Slifer unfolded the paper and began to read:

"Dear Sweetest Flame,

Your eyes are like stars in the darkest night, guiding my soul. My heart beats only for you, as fierce as a dragon, yet as tender as a morning dew. Your voice is a melody that intoxicates me more than the finest wine. I long for the day we can unite under the eternal sky.

Yours forever, Darius"

This… this is just embarrassing to read, Slifer's face twisted in discomfort.

From the little Slifer knew of the Tekken-like cultivator, he seemed more like a battle-crazy maniac than a romantic.

"Is this an attempt at humour, Morvran?" Slifer asked, looking up at the bald man with disbelief.

"I assure you, Master, it is not," Morvran replied, stoic as usual.

I knew it was impossible for someone with a physique like Darius to be single!

Slifer's mind raced as he considered the implications. Could this woman be the voice I heard, the Siren? He paled at the thought. If Darius had a lover in the Immortal Realm and she finds out what happened to him... I'm a dead man.

But for now, there's nothing I can do. If she's going to come after me, she'll come. I just need to be prepared. I need more credits! Slifer hated relying on the System but against Immortal level threats, that's all he could do, at least for the time being.

"Master, should we investigate this... Sweetest Flame?"

"No," Slifer replied quickly, then added, "Not yet. Let's keep this between us for now."

Slifer lacked the means to investigate a potential Immortal, and given his precarious status within the sect, he couldn't use the sect's intelligence. If someone like Wyatt were to discover the existence of the 'Sweetest Flame,' they would only lure the danger towards him.

I still haven't forgotten the last words Darius said, 'Wyatt'.

"You can leave, Morvran."

Slifer was certain Morvran would be relieved to avoid what was about to unfold. Indulging in a good meal was the ultimate way to lift one's spirits and Slifer needed his lifting.

Just as the door closed behind Morvran, Slifer attacked the first dish – a succulent roast of Fiery Phoenix thigh, glazed in a sweet and spicy sauce that tantalized his taste buds. He devoured it with the ferocity of a homeless man who hadn't eaten in weeks, tearing into the tender, juicy meat as if it were his last meal. The flavours exploded in his mouth, a perfect blend of heat and sweetness that made him reach for the next piece without a second thought.

This is incredible. If this was all there was to cultivation, I would have surpassed the Greater Immortal Realm by now.

With a hearty burp, Slifer patted his now swollen belly, feeling like he was on the verge of bursting. He had completed the first part of the cultivation method - eating an enormous amount of food. Now came the part he dreaded the most: exercise.

Retrieving his sword from his storage ring, he groaned as he jumped onto it, the recent meal making the movement uncomfortable. He flew off in search of a waterfall.

After a few minutes, he found a suitable waterfall and landed nearby. He scanned the area for a large boulder, the kind the method described as weighing around 5,000 kilograms – a weight impossible for even a Body Tempering cultivator to lift.

He finally found one that met the requirements, it was as big as a shed…

Approaching it, Slifer placed his hands on the massive rock, straining to lift it. His wiry muscles tensed and trembled under the effort, but the boulder didn't budge.

This is crazy. How is anyone supposed to lift this? he thought, frustrated.

Letting go of the rock, Slifer shook his head. Maybe a little 'cheating' won't hurt. He wrapped his qi around the boulder, levitating it effortlessly. It's like having a spotter in the gym, not that I would know. Gyms and I were never on good terms.

He positioned himself under the waterfall, feeling the water pelt him with relentless force. He sighed, levitating the boulder above him. Following the cultivation method's instructions, he manipulated his qi in a spiralling pattern around his body, preparing to absorb the pressure.

"Here goes nothing," Slifer muttered, his voice laced with resignation. Activating the qi lock seal, he suddenly lost access to his qi. The method didn't require him locking away his qi but it did mention it would increase the efficiency.

The boulder came crashing down. With a grunt, Slifer caught it, holding it above his head and back. The weight was immense, pressing down on him like a mountain, making his knees buckle. Water from the waterfall hammered down on him, only making things worse.

I really hate exercise. But if it makes me stronger...Slifer thought, gritting his teeth as his face turned an unhealthy shade of red.

Caelum was flying on his sword, lost in thought. Master wants me to be a righteous cultivator, but he hasn't taught me any righteous techniques. How can I call myself a righteous cultivator if I only know demonic ones? He was also puzzled by Slifer's instructions to keep his conversion to the enemy's side a secret. Perhaps Master's grand plan is to turn the demonic disciples into righteous ones, but why?

He remembered his master's words from years ago, insisting that all righteous cultivators were hypocrites and not to trust a single one. Why the sudden change? Caelum wondered, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.

Flying through the trees, Caelum suddenly spotted a topless old man under a waterfall, holding a massive boulder above his head. The man's arms were thin, his body frail-looking, but with an oddly huge belly.

Landing near him, Caelum hesitantly greeted, "Master?"

The man's eyes met his, and before Slifer could reply, his belly shrank dramatically. The fat transformed into muscle, redistributing across his body. In moments, Slifer no longer looked frail but lean and fit.



You Have Broken Through To Foundation Establishment Realm

Reward: 200 Karmic Credits

Slifer smirked, now at the Foundation Establishment realm for both spiritual and body cultivation. He released the Qi Seal and casually hurled the boulder away, sending it flying through the air with ease.

"What brought you here?" Slifer asked, turning to Caelum with a smile.

Caelum coughed, composing himself before bowing. "Master, all my techniques are demonic. I require righteous techniques."


Your Disciple Caelum Has Come Looking For Guidance

Teach Him The Righteous Versions Of His Techniques

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits Per Technique

My bad... I probably should have taught him some righteous techniques last time. Slifer's eyes narrowed in contemplation. But then, would the System have rewarded me for it?

"Ah yes," Slifer responded to Caelum's request. "I'll teach you a righteous version of each of your techniques." He paused, then added, "But I will only show you the technique once a day."

Caelum looked at him, a hint of confusion in his eyes. Slifer quickly explained, "With your level of comprehension, I believe once should be sufficient."

"Very well, Master, I am ready to learn," Caelum bowed. I like it when Master is strict. It shows he cares about my progress.

Slifer, noticing Caelum's positive response, barely held back a sigh of relief. Thank goodness. The System only lets me use the Caelum Card once a day. Even if his comprehension was dog shit, that's all he would get.

"Good. We'll start n-"


Your Disciple Fenlock Is Breaking Through To The Nascent Soul Realm

New Task: Act As A Dharma Protecter

Nascent Soul Realm! Well, I guess Caelum will have to wait a little longer…

Chapter 54: A Nascent Soul Tribulation?!

Why didn't that boy inform me he was attempting a breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm? Slifer thought as he soared through the air.

Fenlock's hasty actions irked him. Tribulations at the level of the Nascent Soul Realm were serious matters, and Fenlock had only recently reached the Peak Core Formation realm.

"Remember to let your master know whenever you are planning to face a tribulation," Slifer turned, reminding his now favourite disciple, Caelum. "As your master, it is my job to act as your Dharma Protector."

"Yes, Master," Caelum nodded respectfully.

Caelum knew that Slifer, despite not being the best teacher in traditional terms, always pushed them hard in their cultivation. He does take our breakthroughs seriously, even if he overdoes it sometimes, Caelum reflected.

As Slifer continued his flight, he couldn't help but be sceptical. Acting as a Dharma Protector, huh? Does the System really think I'd fall for that? Fenlock's rash decision is likely to backfire, and I'll have to step in.

He remembered his last tribulation vividly, how the System had locked the shop at a crucial moment. I guess it's time to stock up on some life-saving cards, Slifer decided. He preferred to waste his credits on cards he might not use than risk his life – or his disciple's – in an unprepared tribulation.

Slifer had 3130 Karmic Credits and he knew exactly what to spend them on!

Critical Block Card

Cost: 900 Karmic Credits

Description: Protects User From A Critical strike

Considering he already possessed the phase ability, offering thirty seconds of attack immunity, other options like the Impeccable Card seemed redundant.

Why waste 1200 credits for mere ten seconds of protection when I can get thirty for nothing? he reasoned.

So, the only useful card left was the Critical Block Card.

Purchasing three Critical Block Cards would provide ample security for most situations.

Unless Fenlock somehow triggers a Celestial Prism Tribulation, these should suffice.


You Have Bought 3 Critical Block Cards

-2700 Karmic Credits

Now, to play the hero, Slifer thought, ready for action.

But then, another notification startled him:


Warning: Your Disciple Young Fenlock Is In Mortal Danger

Task: Save Young Fenlock


· Disciple Loyalty Increases

· 5,000 Karmic Credits

Mortal danger? It better not be the Celestial Prism Tribulation…

Fenlock let out a deep sigh as the blue sky slowly transformed into a golden hue.

"Golden Crown Tribulation."

During his breakthroughs to the Foundation Establishment and Core Formation realms, Fenlock had faced the Crimson Wave Tribulation. Those had been challenging, and the thought of facing the more formidable Golden Crown Tribulation, with lightning strikes at the Nascent Soul realm stage, filled him with apprehension.

However, he knew with the added risk came a greater reward, the opportunity to enter the state of Enlightenment and create his own sound technique. Due to the lack of popularity, sound techniques were few and far between, especially those that were at the Earth rank or higher.

As a devoted sound cultivator, the chance to become a pioneer for the obscure path filled him with excitement. Yet, for Fenlock, there was an even deeper motivation driving him to overcome the tribulation.

"For Junior Sister Lenvari, I must succeed," he muttered, his fist clenched so tightly that his knuckles whitened.

Lenvari's hesitation about advancing their relationship to a more serious level had left Fenlock in a dilemma. She believed that twenty was far too young for immortals to contemplate marriage.

But how can I face my parents and tell them I'm with a girl, and we're not even betrothed? he thought. The mere idea of admitting that to his traditional parents was horrifying.

And the idea of waiting, of not being bound to her immediately, was unbearable.

Breaking through to the Nascent Soul realm, that will surely sway her, Fenlock convinced himself. Once I achieve that, she'll see. She'll understand. And then I can finally bring her to meet Mother.

Driven by this belief, Fenlock had hastened his breakthrough, accelerating the onset of a tribulation that he was ill-equipped to deal with.

Fenlock closed his eyes, focusing on the intense feelings he had for his Junior Sister, he brought the flute to his lips.

As he played, a melody rich with emotion flowed forth, each note tinged with a hint of sadness and longing. The sound resonated in the air, weaving an intricate tapestry of qi which quickly coalesced into a protective bubble that enveloped him.

The Heavens roared as three azure lightning strikes formed, their electric arcs crackling with intense energy. The lightning bolts zigzagged through the air, heading straight towards Fenlock. They struck his qi barrier with a resounding clash. The bubble shook violently under the impact, but surprisingly, it held firm.

Sweat poured down Fenlock's forehead but he played on, reinforcing the barrier with more qi.

Then, the clouds churned again, this time releasing three crimson lightning strikes. They came down one after another. As they collided with the bubble, each strike felt like a hammer blow against the barrier. Fenlock could feel the force of each impact, his qi shield quivering under the relentless assault but the force of the crimson strikes was too much for the barrier to handle.

The barrier shattered and Fenlock was sent hurtling backward, flying through the air like a leaf caught in a storm.

I…I can't fail already, he thought desperately.

With great effort, Fenlock managed to twist his body mid-air, reorienting himself to land on his feet. He stumbled slightly upon landing but quickly regained his balance.

Looking up at the Heavens, a hint of fear appeared in young Fenlock's eyes.

The final three strikes of the tribulation were approaching, and they were at the Late Nascent Soul level.

Can I really withstand such power?

The sound barrier, his most potent defense, had just barely held against a Mid Nascent Soul attack. The probability of succeeding the tribulation was slim.

Failing a tribulation didn't always mean death for the cultivator, but it almost always involved severe injuries. Such a setback could lead to the creation of a Dao Demon, especially in those with weaker willpower, potentially stagnating their cultivation forever.

But I have to try. For my future, for Lenvari,Fenlock grit his teeth, bringing the flute back to his lips.

The Heavens let out another roar, forming another three crimson lightning bolts which quickly merged into a single, formidable bolt. The crimson lightning bolt turned golden and like a spear hurled by the gods, it pierced the sky, heading straight for Fenlock.

I…I can't survive this…

Just as Fenlock lost hope, an old man in orange robes appeared out of nowhere. With a swift, powerful slap, the old man deflected the bolt. The bolt shot back towards the heavens.

With his back facing Fenlock, the old man stood tall and imposing, his gaze fixed firmly on the Heavens as he exuded an aura of unshakable confidence.


Slifer released a sigh as he looked down at his scorched hand, which was already rapidly healing. The Peak Slifer Card had elevated his cultivation to the Half-Step Origin Realm, but that was in terms of spiritual cultivation, not bodily.

If not for my superior quality of qi, that slap would have cost me my hand, he thought.

He hadn't wanted to use his last remaining Peak Slifer Card, but upon arriving with Caelum and witnessing the final lightning bolt descending on Fenlock, he had no choice. With only a Foundation Establishment cultivation, reaching Fenlock in time was impossible. Crushing the card was the only option.

Turning to Fenlock, Slifer asked sternly, "Why would you face the tribulation without informing me?"

Fenlock's head drooped, his voice soft with regret. "I'm sorry, Master. Forgive me."

His previous master, Elder Fron had never shown any interest in acting as a Dharma Protecter for his disciples, Fenlock had assumed the same for his new master, and his desire to breakthrough further clouded his judgment.

Slifer shook his head. "You'll make it up to me later," he said, then softened, placing a reassuring hand on Fenlock's shoulder. "But let Master handle this now."


You Have Interfered In A Heavenly Tribulation

Warning: You Are Facing Heaven's Wrath

Task: Survive

Reward: 2000 Karmic Credits

Note: Shop Locked

Survive? Oh, I plan to.

Slifer turned back to face the Heavens just as the golden clouds swirled into the shape of an old face, its expression one of wrathful fury. The face roared down at them, and a golden lightning bolt began to form in its mouth, clearly at the Peak Nascent Soul stage.

I don't want to waste a Critical Block Card on this,Slifer thought. His own techniques, even if powered by his Half-Step Origin Realm qi, couldn't match a technique comprehended to the Nascent Soul realm.

Multiple demonic techniques would only cost me 25 Karmic Credits. That's far cheaper than wasting a card. He prepared himself, channeling his qi and readying the Original Slifer's techniques to counter the attack.

As the golden lightning bolt surged towards Slifer, black flames erupted around him, forming a protective barrier.

"Darkflame Ward, it's been a while," Slifer sighed, feeling the force of the lightning bolt clashing against the barrier.

The flames held out against the attack until the lightning deteriorated into harmless sparks. Seeing the attack fail, Slifer let the barrier fade away, it would be of no use against the following attacks.

Slifer's eyes hardened as he sensed an Origin Realm attack forming in the Heavens. None of the Original's techniques could save him from such a strike.

Laughing, he stretched out his hands, challenging the Heavens. "Do your worst," he taunted.

Another roar echoed from the Heavens, and a golden lightning bolt with specks of black shot down towards him. The strike hit, enveloping the area in a cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Slifer was standing unharmed, his form flickering in and out of existence.

Twenty-five seconds left of the Phase Ability, Slifer noted, glancing at the timer.

Multiple Origin Realm attacks rained down on him, but he stood calmly, the Phase Ability shielding him. Luckily for him, before the time-limit was up, the attacks from the Heavens paused, gearing up for another round.

Slifer eyed the cooldown timer for the Phase Ability.

Sixty seconds... I hope three Critical Block cards are enough. He swallowed the lump in his throat, observing the size and intensity of the lightning bolts forming in the Heavenly Face's mouth.

T-these next attacks are at the Ascendant level!

"Leave, now!" he shouted to Caelum and Fenlock. "The barriers will protect you outside the quarters. I don't want you caught in this."

Caelum and a guilt-ridden Fenlock nodded, vanishing in a flash.

Slifer turned around in time to come face to face with a black lightning bolt.

Before the lightning bolt could pierce through his head, a shimmering barrier materialized around him. The impact was colossal, devastating the entire courtyard and quarters. Trees were uprooted, walls crumbled, and debris flew in all directions, the scene resembling the aftermath of an explosion.

Only two cards left, Slifer thought, steeling himself for the next wave of attacks.

As the Heavens unleashed two more attacks, Slifer was shielded by the remaining Critical Block cards. But with his last card used up, a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead as he gazed upward.

The celestial face transformed dramatically, morphing into a colossal golden dragon made of lightning. Its details were intricate and majestic, with scales shimmering like molten gold and eyes blazing with ethereal fire.

This dragon makes big Val look like a hatchling, Slifer thought, awestruck.

The dragon roared, a sound so powerful it pushed Slifer back several feet, then it dove down towards him.

Slifer glanced at the timer; only one second remained before he could activate the Phase Ability.

As the dragon drew closer, its massive form filled his entire field of view, its maw opened wide, ready to swallow him whole.

T-this is too close...

Chapter 55: Nascent Soul Realm Breakthrough

The golden dragon, a manifestation of Heaven's Wrath, swallowed Slifer whole as it crashed into the ground, exploding into a shower of lightning sparks. The explosion was catastrophic, decimating the surrounding areas.

Caelum and Fenlock, who had been watching from a distance in the air, were caught off guard by the sheer magnitude of the blast, the shockwave almost knocked them out of the sky!

"M-master!" Fenlock cried, not knowing how their master fared against the attack due to the thick heavenly qi-laden dust obscuring their vision.

He had witnessed Slifer's nonchalance in the face of danger before, but this was unlike any other threat they had faced. This is Heaven's Wrath, not just some Early Ascendant attack like that Grand Elder,Fenlock thought, fear gripping his heart.

Caelum, seeing the regret and worry on his Senior Brother's face, placed a hand on Fenlock's shoulder. "Trust in Master."

Fenlock nodded, trying to calm his racing heart. Moments later, he let out a sigh of relief. There, amidst the rubble and within a newly formed crater, stood their master. His robes were slightly singed, but he was otherwise unharmed.

Either Master has an indestructible body or he's a master of space techniques. Either way, it's incredible, Fenlock thought in awe.

Seeing his master risk his immortal life to intervene in a heavenly tribulation changed his perspective; the regret he had felt earlier, about being a disciple in a demonic sect, began to fade.

"Not many masters would do what he just did," Fenlock mumbled in disbelief, his previous complaints seeming trivial now. He realized that while the righteous sects often preached about self-sacrifice and duty, very few actually lived up to those ideals.


You Saved Your Disciple's Life

Reward: 5000 Karmic Credit, Fenlock Card (3x)


Your Disciple Fenlock's Loyalty Has Reached 90%


What Hinders Complete Trust In Young Fenlock?

Task: Discover the key to gaining Fenlock's utmost trust

Reward: Unlock 'Convert' Option


You Have Survived Heaven's Wrath

Reward: 2000 Karmic Credits

Slifer ignored the System's notification as he stood frozen, the fabric of his robes clinging to his skin. The dragon's mouth had closed around him just as he activated his phase ability, he could still feel its hot breath breathing down on him.

That was too close. If it renewed even a fraction of a second later, I would've been toast, he thought, the realization of his narrow escape sending a shiver down his spine.

Suddenly, the residual golden lightning coursed towards him, it entered his body and merged seamlessly with his cultivation, expanding his qi capacity and increasing its potency.


Congratulation On Your Breakthrough

Reward: 250 Karmic Credits

Peak Foundation Establishment realm, Slifer sighed, he hadn't expected a breakthrough so soon.

Turning to his disciples, he watched as the lightning poured into Fenlock like a torrential stream, elevating him into the air, his body surrounded by a luminous golden glow.

A tiny Nascent Soul, resembling a miniature version of Fenlock himself, appeared above his head. It had its eyes closed and seemed to be in a deep, peaceful slumber.

Slowly, the tiny soul began to merge into Fenlock's body causing Fenlock's eyes to snap open as the aura of the Nascent Soul realm pulsed around him in waves.

"I... I did it," Fenlock whispered as he landed on the ground.



Your Disciple Fenlock Has Broken Through To The Nascent Soul Realm

Reward: 500 Karmic Credits

"Thank you, Ma—" Fenlock's words were cut short as his eyes took on a glazed, distant look.

Fenlock? Just as Slifer was about to inquire about the sudden change in his disciple, an overwhelming wave of dizziness hit him.

Clutching his head, Slifer struggled to maintain his balance. A few seconds later, his vision cleared and he found himself in an endless expanse of white. He recognized the place – he was in the state of Enlightenment!

Noticing his master and senior brother's blank stares, Caelum immediately realised what was going on. He quickly sent a spiritual transmission to Morvran, requesting the death warriors to surround the remnants of Fenlock's quarters.

It was rare for a cultivator to enter Enlightenment even once in their immortal life, Caelum had never met someone like his master, for whom Enlightenment seemed like a daily routine. Gripping the hilt of Bloodthorn, Caelum whispered, "Stay vigilant, my friend." The sword growled in response.

Back in the endless expanse, a flood of information poured in Slifer's mind, but it was less overwhelming than his previous experience. He quickly assumed a meditative position, focusing intently.

I know exactly what to do with this enlightenment, he thought determinedly. A space technique!

The essence of space was notoriously difficult to comprehend but that didn't put Slifer off, in the state of Enlightenment, it was very much possible. If I can increase my understanding of space and integrate it into my techniques, it will give me a significant edge.

He knew this was his chance to be like those protagonists that could defeat enemies across multiple realms.

I need an offensive sword technique that incorporates the concept of space, Slifer thought, closing his eyes to better concentrate.

He sifted through the influx of information, searching for anything related to space. As he delved deeper, he began to grasp the essence of space – its vastness, its fluidity, and its potential to alter the very fabric of reality.

Even in the state of Enlightenment, the essence of space was too profound for him to comprehend fully but he was able to derive one concept.

Space is not just an empty void; it's a canvas where distances can be manipulated, and reality can be bent.


Space Mastery: 20%

Now I get why those xianxia protagonists have those 'Aha!' moments over simple things like fire. Here I am, geeking out over space and it's actually working!

With this newfound understanding, Slifer started to craft a unique sword technique. He envisioned a sword strike that could transcend the limitations of physical space.

If the sword attack could vanish from one point and reappear within an opponent's body, no one would expect that, it would be unstoppable!

He imagined the attack's trajectory, not as a straight line, but as a path that could fold space itself. The sword attack would slip into a spatial rift at one end and emerge from another, directly inside the target.

It's like threading a needle with the sword, except the needle's eye is a momentary gap in the fabric of space.

This technique would require precise control and a deep understanding of spatial dynamics. Slifer visualized the flow of qi in his body, redirecting it to align with his sword. He saw the qi wrapping around the blade, forming a cocoon that could pierce through the spatial layers.

The strike wouldn't just be fast; it would be instantaneous. From the perspective of the opponent, it would appear as if the sword materialized within them out of thin air.

Excitement coursed through Slifer as the technique took shape in his mind. He named it the "Void Piercer" – a sword technique that utilized the essence of space to deliver a strike that defied conventional defences.


Sword Mastery: 20%


Congratulations On Creating A New Technique

Reward: 1000 Karmic Credits

Technique Name: Void Piercer

Rank: High Heaven

Description: Manipulates space to allow sword strikes to phase and hit targets from inside

Feeling a tugging sensation at the back of his mind, Slifer realised that the Enlightenment period was ending, he sighed as he returned to reality.

He found himself surrounded by his disciples and numerous masked figures. The sight of the masked figures made him tense before he realised who they were.

Death warriors.

"Congrat—" Slifer started to speak, but he was abruptly interrupted as Fenlock dropped to his knees and clung onto Slifer's leg.

"Thank you, Master, for saving me!" Fenlock cried out, tears streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me."

Slifer looked down at Fenlock, who was gripping his leg tightly. He tried to gently shake his leg free, but the newly-minted Nascent Soul cultivator's hold only tightened as he continued to weep.

Slifer let out a resigned sigh. "Fine, I forgive you. But don't think you're off the hook," he said, shaking his head.

I haven't thought of a suitable punishment yet... I'll decide on that later, Slifer mused. He knew he had to discourage such simp-like behaviour.

Fenlock, still clinging to Slifer's leg, nodded as he wiped his eyes. "I understand, Master. I deserve punishment."

"Exactly how long have I been in Enlightenment?" Slifer asked, trying to change the subject and regain some normalcy.

"It's been six hours, Master," Fenlock replied, finally releasing Slifer's leg and stepping back, his eyes still red from crying.

"Six hours?" Slifer echoed, genuinely surprised.

It had felt like mere minutes to him.

Suddenly, a wave of fatigue washed over him. I need a snack... no, a feast... maybe those spicy noodles, or that grilled fish I love so much. Oh, and dumplings. Definitely dumplings.

Whilst Slifer was almost salivating at the thought of the delicacies waiting for him, Caelum looked at his master in amazement.

Six hours in Enlightenment? Caelum thought in awe. Fenlock's Enlightenment only lasted two hours, which was similar in length to his own experience, the longer the state lasted, the more taxing it was on the mind and body. But then, it's Master. I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

Slifer's belly grumbled in hunger bringing Caelum out of his musing.

Coughing awkwardly, Slifer waved his hand, signalling everyone to disperse, they didn't need to be traumatised by the ravenous side of their master.

This is, well used to be, my quarters, and Master is dismissing me from it. Fenlock hesitated, wondering if he should actually step away.

Slifer chuckled, realizing his mistake. "Right, I should be the one leaving," he said and then jumped onto his sword.

Fenlock watched as his master soared off, a smile tugging at his lips. Even though Master doesn't need a sword to fly, he still uses one. Such humility is rare. He reminisced about his initial impressions of Slifer. I never expected the notorious demonic elder to be like this when I first became his disciple.

Slifer sat comfortably in his quarters, leisurely munching on a dumpling. He had already indulged in a lavish feast, but he felt a few extra dumplings wouldn't hurt. He took a bite, savouring the juicy filling and the soft, chewy texture of the dough, nodding in satisfaction.

Nothing beats the simple pleasure of eating dumplings, he thought, relishing the moment of peace. This is the easy life I enjoy.

Slifer took a pause to address his disciple. "Now that your Senior Brother is still breathing, we can continue where we left off. So, where were we?"

"Master, you were going to teach me a righteous sword technique," Caelum replied eagerly.

"Ah, yes. Let's start with your signature move, Shadow Slash," Slifer said, wiping his hands. "After having a glance at your technique a few weeks back, I've developed an alternative. I call it Sunrise Slash. I'll bring it down to the Foundation Establishment level to make it easier for you to grasp."

Slifer had only managed to comprehend the Sunrise Slash technique to Level 2, which was equivalent to the Foundation Establishment realm. Teaching Caelum a Core Formation version would require using a Caelum Card, something he couldn't afford at the moment, given the card's renewal time was still a few hours away.

Caelum nodded, remembering the time he saw Slifer use the technique. Master saw my technique once and created an improved version. His swordsmanship is truly on another level.

"This technique harnesses the essence of light to enhance the speed and precision of the strike," Slifer explained. "The key is to channel your qi in a way that it resonates with the natural light around you, creating a burst of speed and power."

Slifer didn't know how helpful his explanation was, he didn't really understand the intricacies behind it, activating the technique was almost instinctive and didn't require any mental effort.

Caelum listened intently, his eyes widening with each detail. Master's ability to simplify and explain such a complex technique... It's incredible. He truly is an exceptional teacher, Caelum thought, impressed by Slifer's profound understanding.

"Okay, now I'm going to demonstrate. Pay close attention."

Slifer closed his eyes and activated the technique. In a flash of light, he appeared behind a training dummy. With a swift, fluid motion, he sheathed his sword. As if delayed by magic, the dummy's head then fell off.

He managed to hold back a smirk. I always loved that moment in anime, where the swordsman sheathes his blade, and then the enemy falls after a slight pause. Classic.

Composing himself, Slifer turned to Caelum with a serious expression. "Was that rusty demonstration enough for you?"

Caelum nodded vigorously. "It was perfect, Master," he replied, his voice filled with awe.

Master calls that 'rusty'? His standards are incredibly high. Even perfection isn't enough for him, Caelum thought, marvelling at Slifer's skill and modesty.

Slifer nodded in response before his eyes briefly lost focus.

A few seconds later, he turned back to Caelum. "Good. Now you practice. I have some... matters to handle."

As Slifer jumped on his sword, his eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Some Bart fellow dares to stir up trouble!

Chapter 56: A Not So Friendly Spar


A Disciplinary Hall Member, Bart, Has Abused His Authority

Credit Deduction: 3 Karmic Credit


Task: Discipline The Member & Make An Example Of Him!

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

Slifer sat on his throne in the Disciplinary Hall, his head resting on his hand. The hall's member, Bart, had dared to violate the rules Slifer had laid down. The disciple probably thought he could escape notice, not realizing the System would notify Slifer of his actions.

"Master, we should flay him alive," Amelia suggested. "Peel his skin inch by inch, ensuring he feels every shred of pain but remains conscious throughout the ordeal. The conscious part is really important!"

Slifer raised an eyebrow at her suggestion. "Maybe I should consider such a punishment for you when you disobey me," he retorted dryly.

Amelia visibly recoiled at Slifer's words, retreating into the shadows and trying to blend into the background.

Minutes ticked by until a young man entered the hall. He had black hair, wore black robes, and his face carried an annoyingly smug expression.

"Supreme Elder, you summoned me," Bart bowed, barely concealing a smirk. He had recently entered the Core Formation realm and assumed the news had caught the Supreme Elder's ear. He must want to recruit me, no doubt impressed by my talent.

Slifer scoffed at the disciple's demeanour. "Since taking over, I implemented a new system for you, the members of the Disciplinary Hall, to win cultivation resources from my personal collection at a more than reasonable price. But there are rules," Slifer paused, fixing his gaze on Bart, whose face drained of colour when he realised, he was in fact not summoned to be recruited.

"What was the rule I commanded all of you to follow?" Slifer asked.

Swallowing hard, Bart managed to reply, "Not to abuse our authority, Supreme Elder."

"And yet, you felt emboldened to break this rule. Why?" Slifer's tone turned icy.

Sweat beaded on Bart's forehead as he began to falter, "I haven't done anything, I—"

"You dare lie to my master!" Amelia's voice cut through the hall as she emerged from the shadows, her face flushed with anger.

Slifer was baffled at the blatant act of hypocrisy taking place before him, Amelia had no qualms about disobeying and deceiving him, yet she seemed personally affronted when another disciple did the same?

Bart glanced at the silver-haired girl, his legs trembling slightly. He knew her by reputation - the 'demon girl', as others called her.

"Senior Sister, I—" Bart stammered, but Amelia sharply cut him off.

"For the blatant disrespect you showed my master, I should rip out your tongue and feed it to you," she snarled as she advanced, her face twisting into a more ghoulish visage with each step.

Bart's eyes widened in terror, taking a step back. He knew it wasn't an empty threat, the innocent-looking girl had once done that to a Core Formation expert when he spoke ill of Amelia's master.

"Or perhaps I should flay your skin slowly, layer by layer, letting you feel every excruciating moment."

Standing right in front of him, her face now fully transformed, and her long tongue extended, she whispered, "Let me just taste your soul, just a little lick. It won't hurt much…I promise."

Bart, almost crying in fear, blurted out, "I did it, I'm sorry!" He turned desperately to Slifer, "Please, Supreme Elder, protect me!"


Your Disciple Amelia Disciplined Bart

Reward: 3 Karmic Credits

Slifer, nonchalantly waving his hand, signalled for Amelia to retreat. She backed off, her appearance reverting to normal.

At that moment, a white-robed youth entered the hall - Kalin. Slifer had summoned him, he had delayed the youth's request for too long, it was time to throw him a bone.

Two birds with one stone, Slifer thought, his flickering between Kalin and Bart.

Releasing his Peak Foundation Establishment aura, Slifer stood up from his throne. The disciples exchanged confused glances but remained silent. They knew better than to be fooled by the old man's aura; after all, they had recently witnessed him effortlessly defeat an Early Ascendant Realm cultivator.

"Kalin, you wanted to see my sword skills. Today, you'll witness them," Slifer announced, his voice echoing through the hall. "And as for you, Bart, you'll serve as an example of what happens to those who break my rules."

Kalin's eyes lit up with anticipation, a move by a sword cultivator at the Sword Will realm? He couldn't afford to blink.

"I will not use my higher cultivation realm to bully you as you did to that disciple," Slifer continued. He didn't know exactly what Bart did, but the disciple's demeanour suggested typical cultivation world nonsense like ­­­­­­bullying someone weaker. "In fact, I'll limit myself to the Foundation Establishment realm and still defeat you... in one blow."

"Master, allow me to handle this!" Amelia interjected, a twisted smile playing on her lips. Her silver hair writhed around her like sinister tendrils.

Slifer shook his head, this was a great opportunity to test out his new technique, Void Piercer. But more importantly, he wanted to make a statement.

He thinks he can defeat me in one blow? Bart thought incredulously. He felt the Supreme Elder was underestimating him, he wasn't just any cultivator with subpar techniques; he was one of the Black Rose Sect's most talented youths.

He only respected the Supreme Elder due to the vast gap in their cultivation realms. But now, with Slifer lowering his power below Bart's own level, he saw an opportunity to outshine the elder, if it meant humiliating the Supreme Elder in the process, then so be it.

"It would be an honour to spar against the Supreme Elder," Bart said, bowing respectfully while concealing his true thoughts. Today, I, Bart, will make a name for myself by defeating the Supreme Elder.

Slifer merely nodded in acknowledgment. He turned to Kalin. "Watch closely, Kalin. I'll demonstrate this technique only once."

Unlike Bart, Kalin had no illusions regarding an Ascendant cultivator's prowess. He already knew the outcome; he was more interested in witnessing the Supreme Elder's sword skills.

A sword materialized in the air, and Slifer caught it effortlessly with one hand. Turning towards Bart, he commanded, "Begin."

Bart's face contorted into a menacing smirk, his left arm enveloped in qi, transforming into a demonic, enlarged red limb that rushed towards Slifer with alarming speed.

In a swift, almost imperceptible motion, Slifer slashed with his sword and then sheathed it back.

The very moment Bart's mutated hand was about to collide with Slifer, the disciple's eyes shot open in shock. Blood spurted from his mouth as his hand reverted to normal. He collapsed to his knees, clutching his stomach in pain. He had no visible wound, yet he couldn't stop spewing blood.

As Slifer had predicted, it only took one move.


You Punished A Demonic Cultivator

Reward: 1 Karmic Credit


Completed Task: Discipline The Member & Make An Example Of Him!

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

Not bothering to spare his fallen opponent a glance, Slifer turned to Kalin. "Did you catch that?" he asked.

Kalin's face paled. He had expected a display of Sword Will, but never had he thought to witness a technique infused with the space element, at least not in the mortal realm.

The fact that Slifer, a mere Ascendant cultivator, had demonstrated such mastery over both Sword Will and space manipulation was beyond extraordinary. Such cultivators tended to break past even the Greater Immortal Realm!

A genius like this…even the Venerables would fight over such a talent! Kalin thought in awe.

Slifer's gaze rested thoughtfully on the white-robed youth.

Once Val manages to soften Leah up a bit, I should be ready to attempt converting her to the righteous path. Then, I'll have a spare disciple slot to take this one in.

Slifer turned his gaze towards Amelia. He thought back to the three Karmic Credits gained when she intimidated Bart and realised that he had been dealing with her wrong the entire time. Instead of constantly trying to rein in her sadistic tendencies, why not channel it for a more…constructive purpose?

"Amelia, from now on, you'll be in charge of dealing with rule-breakers in the Hall," Slifer announced, watching her reaction closely.

A wickedly bright smile lit up Amelia's face, and she produced a dagger from seemingly nowhere, already sharpening it with eager anticipation.

"But remember," Slifer added with emphasis, "you can only punish those whom I have judged guilty."

Amelia let out a small sigh, obviously disappointed by the limitation, but she nodded. Her master had a knack for knowing when people lied to him, she decided it was better to obey him. At least with this new role, she could have a little fun with some poor disciple once in a while.

As Slifer settled back into his throne, he dismissed the group with a wave of his hand. Kalin and Amelia gave respectful nods before vanishing from the hall. But Bart, who was still severely injured, struggled to stand and eventually had to resort to crawling away, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

Slifer made no move to assist him; in the world of demonic cultivators, mercy was seen as weakness. Power was what commanded respect and today's actions would serve as a warning to anyone foolish enough to think they could slip under his or, more precisely, the System's radar.

Resting his head back, Slifer closed his eyes, pondering the future of the Disciplinary Hall. When will the first member accumulate enough credits to redeem a treasure? he mused. The carrot and the stick... that's how you manage people.

"Master, I have returned."

Slifer's eyes snapped open, focusing on the figure before him.

Chapter 57: Being A Good Master

The figure was Nomed, who had returned from the village after gaining the blessing of his parents.

Great, I can put this one to work sooner than expected, Slifer thought, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"I'm here too!" Dusty wheezed, panting heavily as he entered the hall. His eyes widened at the sight of the leftover delicacies. He rushed forward, almost knocking over his best friend in the process.

"S-Supreme Elder, can I have some, just a little?" Dusty's mouth watered at the delicious aroma.

Slifer observed the hungry boy with a raised eyebrow. Though he was reluctant to share his meal, he didn't want to ruin Nomed's impression of him, at least not yet. Slifer waved his hand dismissively and the fat boy wasted no time, diving headfirst towards the dishes.

Slifer couldn't help but show a disgusted expression at the messy display. Turning his attention back to Nomed, Slifer asked, "Have you prepared the Master-Disciple Ceremony?"

Nomed, recovering from the embarrassment caused by Dusty's behaviour, nodded and swiftly retrieved teacups from his storage ring. Pouring tea into a cup, he offered it to Slifer with both hands.

Slifer accepted the tea and took a small sip. After a moment, he nodded and declared, "From today onwards, you are my disciple."

"Thank you, Master," Nomed bowed.



Nomed Is Officially Your Disciple

Reward: 250 Karmic Credits


Reward: Time Reversal Card

Description: Sends the user through the river of time, the user will retain their cultivation

Warning: The user will exit the river of time at a random point

Warning: Use of the card will render the System locked, this effect is temporary

Time travel!

Slifer was elated. Even though it would send him to a random point in the past, the card was invaluable. It basically gave him a second chance at life!

But for the system to gift me this card...Slifer's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

He knew how the system was, for it to hand him such an OP card for such an easy task, it meant he would definitely need it, and likely soon.

I need to keep an eye out and note down any significant events, Slifer nodded to himself, preparation was key for a regressor.

Dusty, not even half-way done with his impromptu feast, belched loudly, startling Slifer out of his musing.

Is this what I look like to others? Slifer thought with a disapproving expression.

He was glad he dismissed his disciples before spending some alone time, the last thing he wanted was for them to think of him as a savage.

Shaking off a shiver of disgust, Slifer got ready to send Nomed off to complete some righteous tasks and take his fat friend with him, when he suddenly remembered Grand Elder Tenzin's words.

The Intersect Competition was approaching, and with it, the chance to enter the Sealed Realm.

The Black Rose Sect had two slots for the Sealed Realm, one of which Slifer could allocate as he wished. The other slot would be decided by the Grand Elders, however, Slifer knew that the Grand Elders would most likely give the slot to the Sect Master's disciple, Zhen.

Zhen was a genius, there was no doubt about that. The boy had reached the Peak of the Core Formation Realm at the age of 16 and was only one step away from the Nascent Soul Realm. He had deliberately suppressed his cultivation, waiting for the opportunity to enter the Sealed Realm.

Slifer looked at Nomed, who was still bowing. Nomed was only at the Qi Refining Realm, and he had only a few months to enter the Foundation Establishment Realm if he wanted to have a chance at entering the Sealed Realm. Even if Nomed was a prodigy, Slifer wasn't sure if the kid could do that without his help.

It's time to act like the master I'm pretending to be.


Your Disciple Nomed's Loyalty Is At 20%

Warning: If a disciple's loyalty falls below 30%, there is a high chance of betrayal

Oh yeah, since he's a new disciple, I have to work on increasing his loyalty. Hmm, what better way to solve both of my problems than gifting him a Heaven Rank cultivation method!

"Nomed, as your master, I have a responsibility to guide you on the path of cultivation," Slifer cleared his throat. "You have a good aptitude and a pure heart, but you lack a suitable cultivation method. The one you are using now is too low-grade and slow. It will only hinder your progress and limit your potential. So, do you have any preference on the type of cultivation method?"

It would be counterproductive for Slifer to just hand Nomed a random Heaven Rank cultivation method and expect results as cultivators had varying talents for the elements, those with a particular high talent would feel some comfort or familiarity when they were around their element.

"Master, might there be a Light element cultivation method suitable for me?"

Light element? Slifer's eyes narrowed. A demonic disciple requesting a righteous cultivation method - how strange!

But Slifer then remembered these boys were mere villagers. Categorizing them as righteous or demonic was meaningless when they were blank slates ready to be moulded. This was, after all, why the System wanted Slifer to take in a disciple in the first place.

But why does the System still label him as a demonic cultivator? Slifer shook his head, it was useless trying to understand the logic behind the System's criteria in differentiating between righteous and demonic cultivators.

"Hmm, I'll see what Light cultivation methods I have," Slifer replied as he opened the System panel.

After a minute of awkward silence, Slifer found three methods that could suit his new disciple.

Solemn Sunfire Sutra: By assimilating the essence of solar qi, this method generates a sequence of nine miniature suns within the cultivator's dantian. The initial three signify the early stage, followed by the middle stage represented by the subsequent trio, and the ultimate three suns mark the late stage of cultivation

Candlelight Meditation Scripture Absorb light qi from celestial bodies to create a flame within the dantian, cultivate the flame to increase breakthrough.

Cathedral of Celestial Radiance Scripture Build a cathedral within the dantian where divine light converges.

Slifer gave a basic explanation of each method and then asked, "So, which one would you prefer?"

"Ah, they all seem incredible, Master! Maybe I could cultivate all three?" Nomed asked, scratching the back of his head.

All three Heaven Rank methods? Slifer almost rolled his eyes. This boy should be grateful for even one!

Outwardly, he adopted a sagely demeanour.

"It is not a good idea for a new cultivator like yourself to experiment like this," Slifer quickly made up an excuse, hoping it sounded believable. "Mixing cultivation methods can disturb the foundations."

"Oh, I see…then the third method suits me best."

A holy method? That's…surprising. Slifer was wary with any method related to gods, which were most likely just higher ranked cultivators loaning out their qi to those in the lower realms, and like most loans, it probably came with interest!

Slifer did not fancy handling an incensed deity chasing interest payments.

Eh, maybe I'm wrong, Nomed is a protagonist-like figure, he'll be okay…I'm sure of it.

Name: Cathedral of Celestial Radiance Scripture

Rank: Mid Heaven

Description: Build a cathedral within the dantian where divine light converges.

Cost: 1500 Karmic Credits

1500? Slifer's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. It was more expensive than his own cultivation method!

No matter, no matter, it's an investment, Slifer consoled himself as he reluctantly purchased it.

Details relating to the method flooded his mind causing Slifer to close his eyes as he began to process it. After a few moments, Slifer opened his eyes and retrieved a scroll from his storage ring.

To Nomed's surprise, the Supreme Elder began writing down the entirety of the holy cultivation method!

Cultivators were known to have amazing memories, and the higher one's cultivation, the stronger the memory. However, cultivation methods were notoriously difficult to memorize fully and only someone who had mastered a method could transcribe it.

Remembering that his master had not only given him three options to choose from but also the choice of the element itself, made Nomed look at his master in a different light. Just how many methods has the Supreme Elder mastered?


Your Disciple Nomed's Loyalty Has Increased By 2%

Slifer ignored the message as he handed the scroll over to Nomed, who bowed in thanks.

"If you require any guidance on comprehending this method, you need only ask me," Slifer stated as he realised it could be daunting for Nomed to ask him for help, the title of Supreme Elder could be intimidating to new disciples.


Your Disciple Nomed's Loyalty Has Increased By 8%

Only eight percent? I feel like it should have increased a bit more, maybe like thirty percent, Slifer held back a frown. Kids these days really are ungrateful.

"Of course, Master." Nomed then turned to leave before pausing. He coughed lightly to get Dusty's attention. The plump boy was still busily stuffing his face.

"We're leaving," Nomed said pointedly.

Dusty pouted, giving the food a longing look. But under Nomed's expectant gaze, he reluctantly got to his feet and trudged after Nomed out the door.

Good riddance, no more of that annoying whale to disturb me, Slifer thought, gazing at the remaining delicacies.

He frowned when he saw that there was barely anything left!

Muttering curses under his breath, Slifer picked up a half-eaten roasted chicken leg and bit into it with gusto, savouring the juicy meat and crispy skin. The Predator's Vigour activated absorbing the spiritual essence of the chicken into his body and using it to nourish his meridians.



Your Disciple Hughie Has Broken Through To Peak Core Formation

Reward: 100 Karmic Credits

Faster than I expected, Slifer raised his eyebrows at the notification. Is it related to the grandpa?


Warning Your Disciple Hughie's Loyalty Has Decreased To 20%

Well, that answers my question…


You Can Purchase A Hint On How To Increase Hughie's Loyalty

Cost: 500 Karmic Credits

500 credits just for a hint? Slifer shook his head at the System's shamelessness, but knowing he had no choice, he purchased the hint.


Hint: Your Disciple Hughie Has A Mortal Lover That Lacks Aptitude

"A mortal lover? Hughie?" Slifer scratched his head, puzzled.

That was not the hint Slifer was expecting; he had always assumed that Hughie was the type of protagonist to end up with a harem of jade beauties.

"She lacks aptitude, so I guess all I have to do is buy a treasure from the Shop that can make her a cultivator?"

Slifer imagined Hughie's immortal grandpa imparting him techniques, seeking to undermine Slifer's authority. But the joke would be on him - Slifer would gain a devoted disciple and more Obsidian techniques for his troubles.

Chuckling, he began browsing through the Shop's inventory for a suitable treasure.