
Forgotten Problem

"Duck left, parry to the right, lunge sword… Missed again." Francis was thinking every step he was taking while fighting the demonic hybrid. His full attention fixed at the demonic beast in front of him. Thanks to the arrival of the reinforcements, Francis felt a heavy burden being removed from his shoulders. The only thing that was still in his mind was the state James was in.

However he could not think about that as the demonic beast was getting upon him again, "There it comes again. I have to dodge the incoming attack. If I am lucky, I might be able to get a lucky strike on it."

Jumping to the left, Francis barely avoided the attack of the demonic beast. As he lunged his sword, the demonic beast flew back again. As it was trying to escape the sword, it stopped at its tracks. Francis got confused by this, "Why did it suddenly stop?" Inspecting the demonic beast closer, he noticed a sword leaving the demonic beast. Realizing this Francis thought, "So that is how it is, someone else took my kill. But who?"

Trying to find who took the kill of him, he noticed a familiar face closing in. It was James. Relieved that James came back to his senses, Francis wanted to approach him with a positive mood. Yet he remembered the dangerous situation James put himself into, therefore he instead was rather angry. This was also noticeable on his face, as it looked rather angry.

Before Francis could shout at James, James said with an apoplectic face, "I am sorry for what I did! I am sorry for putting your life into danger!" Understanding that James felt sorry for what he did, Francis softened up and did not press on.

As James finished what he wanted to say, he felt his shoulder burning immensely. This was also noticed by Francis. Realizing that James' situation looked even worse he said, "What are you doing here! Go to the infirmary and get that looked at. If you continue like this, they have to cut off your arm in the end."

Not having the strength to argue, James agreed and turned around to head towards the infirmary. Seeing James leave, Francis felt a burden lift from his heart. Yet this was directly replaced by another one. The way they were able to kill the demonic hybrids were thanks to the teamwork he had with James. Yet now James is missing and the demonic hybrids have yet to appear. This would definitely be a difficult and bloody battle.

A shout roar could be heard from all over the battle field. There they are, the demonic hybrids. Looking around Francis noticed that the surrounding soldiers all rushed into a formation. This was the formation that the prince used to slay one of the demonic hybrids. The previous battle showed that this tactic did indeed work out and was deadly to the demonic hybrids.

Feeling relieved by this, Francis knew that the coming battle would not be as difficult as previously. Maybe it might be bloody, yet definitely not as previously. That was the idea that popped up in the mind of Francis.

Looking around with a happy mood, Francis froze for a second when he looked towards the horizon. There was one thing that he forgot… The sun… The sun was setting. The upcoming battle would be fought at dark. This is something that will be difficult for the soldiers, yet Francis did not know if the demonic beasts also suffered from the same problems. He had to find out soon, as the battle had arrived.