
Renewed Vigor

James felt a grip on his arm. His feet left the ground. He was flying. With that he started to wonder, "Is this what it means to be dead? Am I going to the afterlife? Is there even an afterlife? What type of afterlife is there actually? Will I meet my ancestors?" Question after question popped up in James' mind. In his heart it was all over. He had not to worry anymore about what would happen next. His only regret was Loraine.

As James started to descend, his train of thoughts changed, "Wait, there is something wrong. Why am I descending? Have I arrived at the afterlife?" Before James could finish his thoughts, he felt a heavy hit on his back. It sure hurt a lot.

Opening up his eyes again, James realized that he was still in the middle of battlefield. He was lying on the ground. That hit was him actually being tossed to the ground by a heavy force. "Looking in front of him, James screamed "Why did you do that?! Why did you save this disappointment?!"

The voice that responded was stern as it shouted back, "Get your stuff together boy! Now is not the time to whine like a little girl!" The voice sounded familiar to James. Taking a closer look at the person who shouted, James now realized who it was. It was Sir Edward that saved him from being killed like a fool.

Feeling ashamed by both the fact that he failed to get himself killed as well as being saved by Sir Edward, James wanted to bury his head somewhere.

Fighting of the demonic beasts in the surrounding, Sir Edward shouted again, "Now tell me boy! Will you fight these beasts and return to your Loraine? Or will you throw your life away here and let these beasts hunt Loraine?" Sir Edward tried to pull James out of the state he was in by mentioning his love one. Maybe that would help him get his stuff back together and fight against the beasts.

Hearing these words, James saw images of Loraine being attacked and torn into pieces by these demonic beats. Anger took his heart, as his expression changed. Looking at the back of Sir Edward, James replied with a renewed courage, "I will fight Sir! I promise to never get in such a state again!" Saying those words, James stood and looked around trying to find his sword.

Without turning around, Sir Edward responded, "Good! Now get your sword and get back into the fray."

Looking around, James noticed that Francis was busy trying to fend off one of the demonic beasts. Last thing James remembered was that he was in the vicinity of Francis when he dropped his sword. With that, he turned towards the location where Francis was and rushed over towards that point.

Arriving there, he looked again for his sword. Luckily he knew how the sword looked like as he grew up with it. Because of this, finding his sword did not take long at all. Trying to picking up the sword, James felt something sting at his shoulder. He was not able to lift up the sword at all. Looking at his shoulder, he realized that he was bitten and that bone was exposed from the wound. The wound was getting infected because it was exposed for a long period of time.

Ignoring this, James picked up the sword with his off hand. As he lifted up his sword, James noticed that Francis was having difficulty with his target. Still having to apologize for his prior behavior James rushed over to help Francis.