
Clash at Dusk

As the sun was about to disappear behind the horizon, the waves of demonic beasts did not stop. Moreover there were also demonic hybrids joining in the fray. Seeing this scene, Francis' hope was that they would be able to defeat their enemy before the sun set. Yet it did not look like it would be happening.

"Formation, move 10 steps forwards! Left Flank, stop after 5!" Various orders were being shouted. As Francis was in the patrol team previously, he did not know what position he would have in the ongoing formation. The only option that was left for him was to take a supportive role, like the last time.

Rushing towards a demonic beast, in order to help with the formation, Francis noticed form the corner of his eye that the formation engaged already with the demonic hybrids. Taking a quick glance, he noticed that this time there were 4 demonic hybrids that looked like a lion. However, there was this time another one that was fighting the formation. This one looked like a bat, yet had the body of a bear.

The new beast had a different tactic of approaching the formation. As it had quick wings it could get back into the air with ease. Because of this. The beast made use of his immense body and dropped onto various positions in the formation, before quickly flying back up again. With every drop, it looked as if a catapult had hit that location. That beast would be difficult to deal with for the formation. However, Francis had no time to worry about the formation as his opponent arrived.

Having faced many of these beasts by now, Francis knew the power that these demonic beasts possessed. They were quick in the air and had a deadly beak, yet their skin was easy to pierce trough. Therefore if he was able to land a hit, it would be the end of the demonic beast in front of him. But the demonic beasts made full use of their mobility and dodged pretty much every attack that came towards them. This mobility also helped them with when they attacked.

Understanding this, Francis wanted to act quickly, not giving the demonic beast time to get its speed to its full potential. Swinging his sword wide towards the demonic beast, Francis rushed in. Because the sword was rather long and the swing rather broad, the demonic beast had no proper way of dodging the blow. It decided to regain its height as it flew up again.

This was another problem that these beasts had, that they could go up in the air as they pleased avoiding many of the hits. Because of this, Francis had no choice but to retreat his sword and position from that beast and try to look for another one. Turning his face to search for another beast, Francis heard a loud screech coming from the direction of the demonic hybrids. He was quite familiar with this sound. It was something positive, meaning that one of the demonic hybrids had fallen.

Looking over to where the screech came from, Francis indeed saw the last moments of one of the demonic hybrids, as it fell down to the ground, to never move again. Even though he personally was not able to slay his opponent, it still meant that the battle started in a positive way.