
Royalty Love Triangle

(part 1) Prince Leon Tsunatsu and Prince Andrew Lloyd Mia both are after Princess Sasuko Heartless Mia. Each are aware of such thing, so that leads to a complicated life. Sasuko is also aware of this, but acts as if she doesn't know to see how far will they go to claim her. Eventually, one of them is able to steal the princess's first kiss which irritated the other. How will this love triangle be solved? With or without bloodshed? Or would it result in someone's death? genre: romance, action, BL, supernatural ----------- Hello readers!!! Be aware, each story I'll ever make here are all going to be based on my ocs. Some of the ocs I use are not mine but a friend's. Since I'm using her ocs, it pretty much shows that she doesn't mind a bit. So, with that said, please rate, post a review, comments, and vote!! I would love to know what you think of this story and my other story "Can you really be the one?" !! Cover: credits belong to MissDangerousAnti

SasukoMia · Fantasy
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26 Chs

RLT (25)

As time past by, Sasuko was able to give Andrew and Leon equal attention. Both were satisfied, but were still trying to win her heart. In the meantime, in another dimension, a woman who is a Royal Akuma seems to be planning something. She deeply envy the heiress due to her beauty and role. Despite having someone under her control as a puppet without him knowing, she isn't just yet happy. The only thing that would give her happiness is if she were to get rid of the heiress and become queen of the Royal Clan.

And that is exactly what she was going to do.

Walking up to her firstborn who is just about ten years older than Sasuko, Silver Darkness Mia gives him a warm motherly love. "My dear, have you decided whether you are going to help or not?"

Levka Mia gives his mother a side glance, "Don't you have father who could help you?"

"Levka, you know he won't hurt her. He sees Sasuko as his own neice."

"Huh, true." Looking away, Levka waves his hand lazily. "Fine, I'll help you. But.. you do know there is a chance of her being 'reborn' right? After all, she is a Royal crossbreed.. and a rare one at that."

"I'm aware of that. That's why is made the poison in a special way. When she does 'die' and later is 'reborn', I would have what I want.. maybe, and she won't be able to remember anything from her past. Imagine if she would, everything would turn into a disaster for me!"

"Yes, it would. And when she is reborn, let's let her start her new life. Once things go out of control, then I'll take that certain step you want me to do."

"Good, so soon there will be a gathering. When that time comes, do what you have to do with her."

"Of course, mother."

Silver smiles small as she turns around and walks away. Roxas Heartless Mia would definitely not help with this mission of hers. Levka, on the other hand, is a cold hearted as his mother right now.

Sighing deeply, Levka stands up from where he was sitting and sends a short text to someone. In seconds, he gets a reply back.

"... The gathering is in two days huh?..."

Smirking small, Levka places his phone to the side and walk up to a window. Looking out of it, he mentally curses the heiress before going to where his mother is at.