
Royalty Love Triangle

(part 1) Prince Leon Tsunatsu and Prince Andrew Lloyd Mia both are after Princess Sasuko Heartless Mia. Each are aware of such thing, so that leads to a complicated life. Sasuko is also aware of this, but acts as if she doesn't know to see how far will they go to claim her. Eventually, one of them is able to steal the princess's first kiss which irritated the other. How will this love triangle be solved? With or without bloodshed? Or would it result in someone's death? genre: romance, action, BL, supernatural ----------- Hello readers!!! Be aware, each story I'll ever make here are all going to be based on my ocs. Some of the ocs I use are not mine but a friend's. Since I'm using her ocs, it pretty much shows that she doesn't mind a bit. So, with that said, please rate, post a review, comments, and vote!! I would love to know what you think of this story and my other story "Can you really be the one?" !! Cover: credits belong to MissDangerousAnti

SasukoMia · Fantasy
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26 Chs

RLT (24)

~in the Tsunatsu mansion~

As soon as the rumors met the Tsunatsu, only one person was boiling with anger. Walking back and forth, Leon was mumbling to himself as his father watched him from a distance.

"You should relax, son. Just because he got a kiss from her doesn't mean you still don't have a chance to get her." Leonardo Tsunatsu stated.

Freezing for a split second, Leon looks at him father and sighs deeply. "I suppose so."

"Your father is right, Leon. Besides! If you don't success, we can always ship you with someone reliable." Rosa Tsunatsu said with a warm smile as she gently hugs Leon.

Staying quiet, Leon hugs back his mother.

Rosa sighs deeply, "You really are like your father. I'm glad I made you his junior."

"Big bro is a junior!?" Xie asked, surprised.

"Yup! We call him "Leon" because it was the easiest way not to get your brother and father confused."

"Oh!! Now that makes sense. Hehe!!" Xie hugs Leon tightly after Rosa let go of him.

"Eep-! Don't kill me!!" Leon exclaimed dramatically.

"Hehe!!" Xie smiles innocently but doesn't let him go, making him to suffer a bit longer.

"Oh I see the light now.." Leon dramatically lays on the floor as Xie let go of him.

Going on her knees, Xie starts shaking Leon. "No!! Don't go to the light my bro!! You are too young to die!!"

Rosa walks up to Leonardo with a warm smile planted on her face. "No doubt they are still young, huh?"

"Yeah. Let's let them be."

With a node of approval, Rosa and Leonardo walks out the living room leaving behind the two dramatic siblings alone.

Just then, the two Shiba Inu the family owns runs up to Xie and Leon, tackling them playfully.


"Get off Sweetheart! You too Rain, be a good boy!!" Xie pleaded.

Sweetheart and Rain starting barking as if they were making fun of their young masters. Eventually, Xie was able to push them both away and stand up. Leon sits up but gets attacked with kisses by Rain.

Xie giggles small and pats Sweetheart's head. "Such a good girl!"

Sweetheart barks once and wags her tail quickly. Rain stops giving Leon kisses and sits down, giving him a demanding look of: "Pet me!!"

Chuckling small, Leon pats Rain's head gently.

"To be honest, I don't think you need a mate bro." Xie said, leaning against him.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! I mean, having a heiress as a wife would be very cool! Besides that, I don't think you need anyone but your family and these two adorable doggies!"

"Heh, well if things between Sasuko and I don't advance, I suppose I'll just give up."

"You mean, "I will give up.""

"Okay, fine. I will give up... and stay single."

"Now that's a promise right?"


"Yeeee!! That's what I wanted to hear from my bro!"


Giving Xie a warm and lovingly smile, Leon pats her head gently.