
Royalty Love Triangle

(part 1) Prince Leon Tsunatsu and Prince Andrew Lloyd Mia both are after Princess Sasuko Heartless Mia. Each are aware of such thing, so that leads to a complicated life. Sasuko is also aware of this, but acts as if she doesn't know to see how far will they go to claim her. Eventually, one of them is able to steal the princess's first kiss which irritated the other. How will this love triangle be solved? With or without bloodshed? Or would it result in someone's death? genre: romance, action, BL, supernatural ----------- Hello readers!!! Be aware, each story I'll ever make here are all going to be based on my ocs. Some of the ocs I use are not mine but a friend's. Since I'm using her ocs, it pretty much shows that she doesn't mind a bit. So, with that said, please rate, post a review, comments, and vote!! I would love to know what you think of this story and my other story "Can you really be the one?" !! Cover: credits belong to MissDangerousAnti

SasukoMia · Fantasy
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26 Chs

RLT (26)(final)

"I have a question, once it has an affect on her, what happens to the others?"

"Well, Levka, time would reset in a sense. Those that knew the heiress or were at the event would forget all about it. Of course, not all are going to be affected by it."

"I see..." Levka sighs a bit, feeling unsure.

Not that he had feeling for the young heiress, it's just that this felt quite.. wrong to him. But that isn't something he would tell his mother.

"Is that all you were wondering?" Silver asked.


"Good. Now, let's get ready."


For the next two days, different bloodlines who were going to attend the gathering were getting ready. The gathering was going to be held in Tokyo. Those that were invited included: The Mia bloodline, Vasiliev bloodline, Ackerman bloodline, Akihiko Bloodline, and Tsunatsu bloodline.

After a long back and forth text argument, it was decides that Andrew would have Sasuko as his date and Leon would have Andrew's sister - Ann Lusen Mia - as his date...

~gathering, location - Tokyo, time - three hours before midnight~

Upon arriving to their destination, Silver had Levka a small pill which he then puts it in his pocket before anyone noticed it. As the family entered the building, an announcer informed of their arrival.

Looking at Levka, Silver reminds him of his mission without saying anything. Slightly annoyed, he nodes in understanding before walking away. Shortly after, Sasuko and her family arrived along with Andrew's and Leon's family.

"It was quite nice of you to let Leon have your younger twin sister as his date tonight." Sasuko statement as she gently wraps her arms around her date's right arm.

"Well, if it meant having you for myself, I'd take the chance."

"Heh, my my."

Andrew gives her a warm, lovingly smile as he gently takes her hand and plants a kiss on it. Levka suddenly approaches them with a small smile.

"I see that the prince and princess of the Mia bloodline are very close. I'm really surprised due to what rumors claim."

Giving Levka a slightly curious look, Sasuko asks: "What rumors?"

"Well, there are many people - especially low ones - that claim you are a really picky female when it comes to getting a mate."

"Huh... that's interesting.."

"I don't believe such rumors are true. Besides, everyone basically wants certain traits in their future mates. Better that than just picking someone random and regretting it later." Andrew said with a dismissive look.

"Of course." Levka said with a coldness in his voice.

Turning away from them, Levka walks away.

"What's up with him?" Sasuko asked.

"I have no idea.. And I really do not care." Andrew answered.

"Wow.. I wasn't expecting you to say that."

"Hah! Anyways, I hope Leon doesn't do anything stupid with my sister."

"Like he would. Leon is a gentleman."

"Is that so?"

"Well.. yeah. As far as I can see at least."

"Riiiight. I still don't trust him despite whatever people say!"

"Oh my goodness! Okay, let's just put that to the side otherwise I'll leave you date-less."

".... Totally not what I want."


Smiling innocent, Andrew keeps Sasuko close to him and walks over to their parents. Ashley Scott Mia and Samuel Jean Mia - Andrew's and Ann's parents - turns their attentions towards them.

Bowing briefly, Sasuko greets them: "It's a pleasure to meet you two once again."

"Likewise darling. But, how long do you plan on being formal with us?" Ashley asked with a warm smile.

Standing up straight, Sasuko shyly smiles. "I'm sorry. It is just a habit I have. I grew up learning manners."

"Of course you did. Though, we are family one way or another."

"Of course."

"Anyways, I personally think you two look really cute together!"

"I agree!" Pakura claimed as she stood next to Ashley while their husbands silently nodded in agreement.

Blushing hard, Sasuko slightly looks away as Andrew shyly rubs the back of his neck.

"Anyways, Ann seems pretty happy with Leon." Ashley stated.

"I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid to her." Andrew said.

"Oh, Andrew. I doubt he would do something. I've known him since he was an infant!"

"But what if he changed??"

"Leon is just like his father. There is no way he could have possibly changed his way of being."

"If you say so. But I swear, if he does do something, I'm killing him."

Ashley lightly shakes her head in disbelief. Patting her shoulder lightly, Pakura dismisses Andrew and Sasuko. Andrew swiftly wraps an arm around Sasuko's waist as he started to walk away. Surprised, she quietly follows him as her face slowly starts to turn red.

"You okay?" Andrew asked, giving Sasuko a side glance.

"Do I look okay?"

"Uh... yeah?"


". . ."

"Just forget it. *slightly pouts*"

"Aww! Cute!!!"

"Shut it!"

Andrew chuckles wholeheartedly as he takes his attention slightly away from her. Looking around, it seemed all those who were invited has finally arrived. Waltz music started playing as conversations fired up. From one corner of the room, Levka stood near a window re-thinking what he was about to do.

He never had anything against the princess. Being honest with himself, he even believe that he has some sort of strong feeling for her.

Most likely: love.

But in what way?

A friendly way?

A sibling way?

Or... a couple way?

Shaking his head, Levka pushes his thoughts away. They were really disturbing him, but Levka did not have the guts to disobey his mother for many reasons - with fear being one of them.

Sighing deeply, Levka looks towards where Sasuko and Andrew are at, feeling very guilty.

"You seem stressed. What's wrong?"

Levka turns his attention to a young lady who had black hair and bronze eyes.

Her name is Destiny Yatsu. She is Sasuko's cousin, daughter of Gaara Ackerman who is Pakura's brother.

Levka forces a smile, "Oh, I rather not say. At least not yet."

Placing her hands behind her back, Destiny gives him an unconvinced look.

Looking away, Levka remains silent.

Sighing small, Destiny nodes small. "Well, if you want to talk, I'm here alright? Don't forget that Levka."

"I won't. Thanks."

"Anytime." Smiling warmly, Destiny walks away and disappears into the crowd.

As the forced smile disappeared, Levka headed to where the wine is kept. Pouring some in two glasses, he swiftly drops the pill into one of them. Taking the glasses, Levka goes to Sasuko hesitantly.

She was currently by herself, slightly leaning against the wall.

Looking at him, Sasuko gives him a small smile. "Hello Levka."

"Hey there." Levka looks around for a quick second. "Where's your date?"

"Oh, he wondered off to check on his sister. Just because she wasn't visible, his overprotected side of him escaped."

"Heh, I see. But I suppose it's... understandable. I'd do the same."

"Even if you knew who your sister had as a date?"

"Yeah. Just to be safe."

"I see."

"Anyways," Eventually he hands her the glass of wine, "what do you think so far of this gathering?"

Taking the glass, she slightly shrugs. "It's okay I guess. There is just a lot of people I don't know."


Nodding small, Sasuko takes a sip of the wine, not noticing that something might have been wrong. "What about you?"

"Hm... To be honest, I don't really like gatherings. If I was able to make such decision, I'd be home right now being lazy."

Nearly choking on the wine, Sasuko slightly laughs. "Heh, same here if I didn't have anything to do."

"Heh..." Levka guilty looks away as he takes a big sip of his wine.

"... Are you okay? Something seems to be bothering you."

"I'm fine. Just *sigh* a lot is going through my mind."

"I see.."

Eventually, Andrew comes back with a somewhat relieved look. "Well, everything is fine."

Looking at him, Sasuko slightly rolls her eyes. "Well yeah! Leon isn't that type of person!"

"Right right."

"Well then," Levka slightly starts backing away, "I'll leave you two alone now."

Not waiting for a reply, Levka rushes away.

"What's up with him?" Andrew asked as he got himself a glass of wine from nearby.

"I have no idea.."

"Whatever it is, it shouldn't have to involve us I hope. Let's just enjoy the gathering."

"Sounds good."

Smiling warmly, Sasuko wraps her arm over his. Returning the smile, Andrew starts leading the way to where the Vasiliev were at.

For the next three hours, there was plenty of conversations, announcements, and dancing. The prince and princess, along with their families, met new people from the Royal status. In the end, Andrew and Leon ended in good terms which greatly pleased Sasuko.

As the families returned to their rightful homes, Sasuko started to feel very exhausted and lightheaded. Avoiding her parents and siblings, she goes straight to her room. Closing the door behind her, Sasuko sighs deeply and changes into comfortable clothes before laying on her bed.

Sighing deeply, Sasuko closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Eventually, her entire body shut off...


It was around four in the morning. The birds were singing, the cool breeze was calming, and the atmosphere was really cheerful. I layed there on my bed, knowing I should get up now. Today was going to be a big day. My beloved parents arranged me a date with someone random. This would be the fifth one this month. All the others guys were either not my type or the opposite they claimed to be. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and cleaned up...

Wonder how the story continues? Check out the book: A Young Royal Couple: Love at First sight.

other books:

A Young Royal Couple: Trail Towards A Peaceful Life

The Forgotten Royal

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