
Royalty Love Triangle

(part 1) Prince Leon Tsunatsu and Prince Andrew Lloyd Mia both are after Princess Sasuko Heartless Mia. Each are aware of such thing, so that leads to a complicated life. Sasuko is also aware of this, but acts as if she doesn't know to see how far will they go to claim her. Eventually, one of them is able to steal the princess's first kiss which irritated the other. How will this love triangle be solved? With or without bloodshed? Or would it result in someone's death? genre: romance, action, BL, supernatural ----------- Hello readers!!! Be aware, each story I'll ever make here are all going to be based on my ocs. Some of the ocs I use are not mine but a friend's. Since I'm using her ocs, it pretty much shows that she doesn't mind a bit. So, with that said, please rate, post a review, comments, and vote!! I would love to know what you think of this story and my other story "Can you really be the one?" !! Cover: credits belong to MissDangerousAnti

SasukoMia · Fantasy
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26 Chs

RLT (23)

Upon arriving a underground hideout, Sasuko and Sasha are greeted by gang members of the Akumu Wolves Gang. The currently alpha of the gang was a male who was three months younger than Sasuko. His name was Fireheart Yatsu, he had red-brown hair with golden yellow eyes.

"So, what's going on?"

"Well," Fireheart walks up to Sasuko, "it seems as if one of our allies it planing on going against us."


"Unfortunately, it's the Dark Phoenix gang."

"... Wait!! My own sister is planning to go against us!?"

"Well.. no. Jewel doesn't know about this... yet. It seems as if her Beta is making his own decisions again."

"Tsk! In the meantime, try to come with some sort of agreement with them until Jewel finds out. I won't get into it... not yet."


After a small discussion, Sasuko and Sasha went back home.

~several days later~

"You're doing great. That's it for today. I'll come back again for us to train come more." Summoning away his scythe, Kronos gently pats Sasuko's head before walking away.

Sasuko sighs deeply and goes to her room to take a quick shower. In the meantime, Jewel was accompanying their sudden visitor - Andrew. Smiling cheerfully, Jewel sits near him.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm fine." He answered after taking a sip of tea.

"That's good to hear! Sis should be done training by now. She's probably taking a shower."

"I see."

Smiling slightly, Jewel stands up and goes to her sister's room. Fortunately, Sasuko just finished showering and dressing up. Grabbing her by her waist, Jewel started dragging Sasuko to the living room. Complaining, Sasuko tried to get released from Jewel's grip but went motionless when her eye sight met Andrew's.

"She's done!" Jewel exclaimed.

Andrew gives Sasuko a warm smile which disappeared quickly. "You should try your hair, otherwise you'll get sick."

Jewel let's go of her wrist before walking away, leaving both Andrew and Sasuko alone. Sasuko crosses her arms, and pouts cutely.

"I never dry my hair unless I have to. So far, I haven't gotten sick." She replied.

Looking away blushing, Andrew slightly stutters. "A-Anyways, how is your training?"

"Eh, okay."

"I've heard you are doing well."

"I am doing well, surprisingly!"

"Uh-huh... Have you heard the news?"

"News?? I never really listen to the news."

"Oh? Well it seems as if someone caught us days ago."


"Yup! Not that I mind."

"-3- Sure you don't. You were able to steal someone's first kiss after all."

"Steal?? I ask for permission before doing anything if you don't remember."

Sighing, Sasuko smiles warmly and sits to Andrew. "Oh, I remember alright."

Andrew smiles back as warmly, "I bet Leon got angry. After all, he seems to be after you as well."

"I don't doubt it."