
Episode 15: Moe Moe Begins Learning Magic (Part 5)

On the sixth day of training, Moe Moe familiarizes himself with and masters all the magic in Bao Ta. Moe Moe starts by following everyone to the underground anti-aircraft bunker below the "Meow Tower". It was Moe Moe's first time seeing such a large bunker. Inside, it was pitch black, but with a wave of her magic wand, Meow Granny illuminated the entire bunker, revealing square iron lanterns scattered throughout. Moe Moe realized that this bunker was as big as half a town. Meow Granny told Moe Moe, "There are a total of fifteen entrances and exits in the bunker. Apart from one entrance that the Bao Ta elevator comes down, the other fourteen entrances are very well-hidden, known only to a few people in the town and some teachers from the caring school. Each entrance is usually protected by magic and guarded by dedicated personnel. Now, I want you to find the other fifteen entrances within one hour. The walls of the bunker are covered in orange soil layers, so you need to examine carefully, make a record of the discovered entrances, and this will train your observation skills."

MengMeng nodded eagerly and immediately started running inside the bunker. It took her about 10 minutes to find the first entrance. MengMeng knew that no matter how hidden a magic entrance was, the soil layer would feel different from the surrounding soil. Usually, the soil in frequently used areas appeared darker due to the winds blowing on the Love Ball, while the soil around entrances often experienced weathering, resulting in a reddish-brown color rather than orange. MengMeng used the same method to find another 10 entrances. Only 4 entrances remained undiscovered, and Moe Moe started to worry.

At that moment, MengMeng shouted to MengMeng, "Moe Moe, narrow down the possibilities based on direction and spacing, and use the process of elimination." MengMeng suddenly realized and immediately observed the positions and directions of all the found entrances. She quickly found 2 more entrances. MengMeng was surprised to see that these two entrances were actually from dried wells, which explained why their colors were not distinguishable. MengMeng had to make many circles in the bunker to discover that it was in the shape of a heart, with Bao Ta located right in the center. MengMeng guessed that the other two entrances would be at the ends of a straight line drawn from the center of Bao Ta. As expected, MengMeng found the last 2 entrances. Just as the time was up, everyone applauded for MengMeng. Meow Granny also looked at MengMeng with admiration.

Next, MengMeng followed Meow Granny to floors 1 to 44. She learned from Yang Yang and Cheng Cheng how to use magic to make beds, fold blankets, and organize folding beds. MengMeng saw that with Yang Yang's magic, in an instant, about 100 small beds on each floor quickly emerged from the wall cracks and automatically unfolded. Then all the blankets from the cabinets floated out and neatly landed on each bed in order. It was truly wonderful. Yang Yang said to MengMeng, "Although organizing beds and folding blankets may seem simple, it actually requires a lot of concentration and focus. I practiced for a year to achieve this level." Everyone applauded for Yang Yang.Cheng Cheng added, "Yes, it's not easy at all. There are 44 floors in total, almost half the size of the tower, and it's all up to the two of us. Even for cleaning, the stone robot can't help much. I also have to manage the transportation and registration of the white horses." Meow Granny smiled and said, "Every one of us in the tower has it tough. Even though everyone is still kids, they work just as hard as adults in the town." Everyone laughed heartily after hearing this.

Next, MengMeng followed everyone to the area of floors 45 to 50. This area is mainly related to magic wands. There are many stone robots here to assist humans. However, Xinxin and Meow Granny are primarily responsible for the work of the magic wands. The essential oil and aroma production area on floors 51 to 60 is managed by Jiajia and Momo, with Yang Yang also helping out. Jiajia loves flowers the most and often flies outside. Sometimes, Yang Yang accompanies Jiajia on flights to places like "Tianheng Mountain," the distant palace, and other towns.

Jiajia always goes to great lengths to find various types of flowers, and the variety of essential oils and aromas is also increasing. Jiajia deserves credit for this. Especially in improving the effectiveness of the extinguishing powder, after adding a kind of 'Light Repair Powder.' from Tianheng Mountain, the ability of the extinguishing powder to eliminate the demon light and repair scars has increased tenfold. The production and collection of various medicines on floors 61-70 are handled by Xinxin and Wenwen. Wenwen is also responsible for repairing some tools in sections 73-74. Xinxin also frequently flies outside, but she goes to less populated areas than Jiajia because Xinxin mainly goes deep into the mountains to collect medicinal herbs. Jiajia mainly goes to collect flowers. Wenwen is more introverted in personality and focuses more on indoor grinding of medicines and maintenance of various tools.

Then Grandma Miaowu led her companions to the area of 73-76. Although the space here is not the largest, it is one of the most important areas in the entire pagoda. It is also one of Wenwen's main workplaces. The Dreamy Ship construction project is one of Grandma Miaowu's greatest plans in the past decade and is currently being diligently implemented.

Grandma Miaowu said to everyone, "Last time when the 'Love Ray' came, I already received information from the light. The Yao Mo Kingdom is likely to launch a cosmic-level combat plan in the coming years. They want to dominate the universe. So the battle may not be limited to our homeland, which is why we need to build the cosmic Dreamy Ship. However, due to limited technology and capabilities, we have not made any breakthrough progress so far. I hope everyone continues to work hard." Wenwen continued, "The difficulty lies in the fact that the Dreamy Ship we originally built could only travel in the galaxy, but now we need to travel in space, where the components of dark matter vary, posing many obstacles that we cannot overcome. Grandma Miaowu said, "We need to spend more time in seclusion and find inspiration through meditation to build a space Dreamy Spaceship. This requires great inner strength and a thorough analysis of the components of various substances in the universe. We also need to gather anti-matter components to decipher them, which is crucial."

Grandma Miaowu then said to Mengmeng, "Mengmeng, you are now also one of the key members of our 'Pagoda'. I plan to assign the two most important tasks to you."

"Ah, what tasks are they? I am honored and grateful for your trust." Mengmeng asked excitedly.

"Meow, Granny brought a group of people to the 76th-80th floors. This is the storage area for various lights and energies. Currently, we know that there are 84 trillion types of lights and energies in the universe. However, we have only collected and harvested them on less than 100 planets. With these less than 100 types of lights and energies, they have become the core material for all magic operations on our Loving Heart Sphere. To fight against the demon lights, our magic wand needs to be upgraded, and the 'Super Dreamy Spaceship' requires at least 200 types of lights and energies to be successfully built. However, due to the limited speed and distance of our flying skills and the white horse, we cannot go further. That is the difficulty we face. But Mengmeng, don't forget that your parents' magical abilities were already at the top level among my disciples, the 'Traceless Master.' That's why I put all my hopes on you. I hope you won't disappoint me." Mengmeng nodded tearfully.

Finally, everyone arrived at the library in the pagoda. Momo enthusiastically performed the magic of organizing books for everyone, and then, with Momo's recommendations, everyone started reading their favorite books.

Mengmeng's magical training was left with only one day, the seventh day. Granny Meow would take Mengmeng to the Milky Way to learn how to collect and harvest lights and energies. Stay tuned for the next episode.