
Episode 14: Mengmeng Begins Learning Magic (Part Four)

On the fifth day, everyone dressed up in adorable outfits. Xinxin, Momo, and Jiajia all wore beautiful dresses, with shiny headpieces resembling bunny ears. Mengmeng didn't want to be outdone, so she put on her favorite blue and white butterfly dress. The boys dressed like gentlemen, wearing cute little bowties around their necks. Granny Meow, on the other hand, put on a white robe and silver-white hair, looking like a fairy.

Granny Meow laughed and said, "It's been about ten years since I last went to the 'Love School,' haha. Most of these years I've been confined in the pagoda. Mengmeng, later on, I'll take you to the place where your mom and dad used to go to school." With that, the group happily took off and headed towards the "Love School" in the northeast of the town.

As soon as they arrived at the Love School, everyone became excited. Mengmeng saw that the school gate of the Love School was a large white carved door, with exquisite texture and attention to detail. The words "Love School" above the gate were dazzlingly golden, shining in the sky. As soon as they reached the gate, under the blessing of magic, the gate automatically moved aside. Inside, there were rows of ancient osmanthus trees welcoming them on both sides, giving off a nostalgic charm. The road was made of wide crystal pebbles, looking transparent and textured. The shadows of the osmanthus trees and various colored flowers were reflected on the crystal pebble road, creating a dreamy and enchanting atmosphere.

After walking along the 100-meter long cobblestone road, everyone was immersed in the tranquil fragrance carried by the gentle breeze, feeling enchanted. They walked all the way to the end of the road, which led to an immensely vast green grass playground. Looking into the distance, they could see a fan-shaped white five-story teaching building directly in front of the playground. In the center of the playground, there was a white staircase with a long white pole on top. A white flag with a red heart fluttered in the wind.

Soon, the beautiful bell rang through the air, and many children came running out of the different floors. Led by their teachers, they all dashed and jumped towards the group of Miaowu Po and her companions. They quickly formed a bond. The children from the Love School were innocent and radiant, and they loved to jump and dance. They formed neat formations and jumped together. As they jumped, they sang, laughed, and shouted, "Jump, jump, jump, let's jump!" Various pleasant children's songs could be heard in the campus from time to time, and everyone followed the music, dancing and twisting. It was extremely joyful. Some mischievous children even jumped onto the white clouds. They also sprinkled shiny "red flower petals" from their magic wands. Wherever these petals floated, everything turned colorful. The white clouds suddenly became colorful rainbow clouds, and beautiful birds danced around them. It was a magnificent sight.

After a while, several white horses flew down from the sky and landed beside the children on the white clouds. When the children got tired of playing, they sat on the white horses and flew down. Then, in groups of tens, they held hands and spun in circles, jumping and dancing, having a great time.

Mengmeng saw that there was a large circular track around the edge of the playground, with a total length of over a kilometer. The children shouted, "Here comes the train, here comes the train!" As they spoke, a long cartoon train with heart-shaped patterns slowly approached from a distance. The children eagerly hopped on the train. The train started moving, accompanied by cheerful nursery rhyme music. The children sang along to the rhythm on the train. They also took out magic wands and scattered red flower petals along the way. As the flower petals floated down onto the grass, colorful little flowers immediately bloomed. After a while, the train passed through a circle surrounded by various flowers. Butterflies flew in groups, and bees flew in groups. It felt like a fairyland to anyone who saw it.

After a while, the teacher rushed over to greet Meow Meow Grandma and everyone, introducing herself as "Teacher Ti Ti". Then, she said to Cheng Cheng, "Our school has recently added dozens of new caring students. We need to apply for 5 white horses from Bao Ta." Cheng Cheng readily agreed, "Okay, I'll help you register later. The white horses will be delivered to your school early tomorrow morning."

Then, Teacher Ti Ti led everyone to visit the classroom. Meng Meng saw that the walls and ceiling of the classroom were filled with various candy wrappers and beautiful "plastic fruit balls". The students sat in cute desks and chairs, with the legs of the tables and chairs embedded in thin tracks on the floor. With a wave of her magic wand, Teacher Ti Ti made all the desks and chairs movable. In a class of 30 students, they could change their desk partners and seats at any time. Teachers could adjust everyone's seating arrangement 45 times in a 45-minute class. In one class, every student could have a chance to sit with their classmates.

Meng Meng also saw that all the words on the blackboard could move, stand up, and split or merge themselves with the help of magic. The drawings made with chalk on the blackboard could also stand up and move around. The facial features on the drawings could even express various emotions and have conversations with the children.

Meng Meng is attending the "Practical Magic Foundation Course" taught by the magic teacher. It can be said that the magic of everyone in the town is taught by the Love School. Otherwise, relying solely on Grandma Meow could exhaust people. The magic level of the teachers here is generally between levels 7 and 9. Some teachers have learned magic from Grandma Meow, while others have been hired from other towns. In any case, everyone gets along very harmoniously.

Teacher Ti Ti asked everyone to take out their magic wands. Since we are all children, we usually only use magic wands with two buttons at school. However, the teachers start teaching us using adult magic wands from first grade. So everyone has two sets of magic equipment, one for use outside the school and one for use inside the school. Although magic wands are magical and convenient, accidents can easily occur if we use an inappropriate wand that doesn't match our skill level. Teacher Ti Ti is currently teaching the third-grade students and the wands they brought out are for fifth-level magic.

Teacher Ti Ti reviewed the classification and levels of magic wands with the students once again before the class. Teacher Ti Ti said, "Our magic wands have levels from 0 to 10. We all know that level 0 has two buttons, one to call our parents and one to call the police. This is the magic wand that everyone is given when they are born."

Teacher Ti Ti continued, "The level 1 magic wand has 10 buttons with the following names: 'Spread Love', 'Call the Pagoda', 'Call the Police Station', 'Call Mom and Dad', 'Call the Mayor', 'Call the School', 'Light Repair Powder Spray', 'Call the White Horse', 'Call the 'Magic Bag'', 'All Switches Except the Pagoda in Town'. The level 2 magic wand adds 2 buttons: ① Control some small devices in town from the confinement room, ② Control some small devices on the school campus from the confinement room. The level 3 magic wand adds 2 more buttons: ① Adjust flight speed and direction, ② Control some large devices in town from the confinement room. The level 4 magic wand adds 2 more buttons: ① Adjust flight altitude, ② Control all automated devices except the Pagoda in town. The level 5 magic wand adds 2 more buttons: ① Program all devices except the Pagoda in town, ② Control large devices in elementary school from the confinement room."

The level 6 magic wand adds 3 more buttons: ① Lift the ban on magic operations from level 1 to 5, ② Thousand Hands Thousand Eyes button (automatically create clones to supervise the operation standards of magic wands from level 0 to 6), ③ Travel to the Milky Way button. The level 7 magic wand adds 3 more buttons: ① Open the Pagoda elevator button, ② Premonition button (predict if someone from level 0 to 7 will perform non-standard operations and automatically sound an alarm), ③ Open the Dream Ship button. The level 8 magic wand adds 3 more buttons: ① Program all automated devices in the Love School. ② Mobilize all resources in the Pagoda button, ③ Mobilize resources in most regions of the country button. The level 9 magic wand adds 3 more buttons: ① Call the Palace, ② Mobilize all resources and devices domestically, ③ Advanced premonition button (predict all non-standard operations from level 0 to 9, automatically sound an alarm and lift bans). The level 10 magic wand adds 3 more buttons: ① Mobilize devices along the Milky Way button, ② Mobilize the Stairway to Heaven, ③ Integrate and mobilize all Pagodas in the country."

Teacher Ti Ti then teaches everyone to recognize all the buttons on the level 5 magic wand, how to operate some of the buttons on the level 5 magic wand, and demonstrates the consequences of each button through animation.

After finishing the class, Mengmeng and the group followed Teacher Ti Ti and the caring principal to the Heroes Memorial Hall. Mengmeng watched all the pictures of the heroes who sacrificed for the loving country in the town's history. On one wall, Mengmeng saw the intense scene of the battle for the Loving Country against the Demon Country over 50 years ago. Mengmeng also saw photos of their own parents, as well as the parents of the six loving little magician siblings. There was also a group photo of Grandma Meow and eight fellow disciples, as well as the Dharma appearance of the "Traceless" ancestor before sacrificing themselves. Everyone's eyes were filled with tears, and they secretly vowed to seek revenge and seek justice.

Please watch how Moe Moe trains with the mobilized resources in Bao Ta on the sixth day. Stay tuned for the next episode.