
Episode 16: Mengmeng Starts Learning Magic (Part 6)

Mengmeng heard that the last day of training would be in the Milky Way. She was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night. She remembered the first time she went to the Milky Way, which happened a year ago. Time on the Love Sphere passes slowly. Although Mengmeng has only been back on the Love Sphere for 7 days, it has been almost a year on Earth. She thought that after all the training was over, she would quickly return to the "Strange Kingdom" to visit her mom and dad, as well as the King and Queen.

Early in the morning, after Mengmeng and everyone had breakfast, Chengcheng happily pulled Mengmeng and the others to the 76th floor to see the white horse he managed. Mengmeng arrived at the 76th floor and was surprised to find that the white horse flying outside was actually just a wooden horse.

However, after being blessed by the "Love Magic," the white horse will automatically walk out from individual slots and then dash out through a large window. In no time, it will fly freely and agilely. But after the white horse returns, it will automatically be placed back into the slot, transforming into a stationary wooden horse again. Chengcheng said, "In our beautiful town, we have a total of 200 white horses, with 120 of them out on missions or being borrowed and claimed by organizations or individuals. They usually don't come back unless there are issues. So currently, there are 80 white horses in the tower."

In a moment, "Meow Grandma" slowly walked over with a cane and said to everyone, "Everyone, get on your beloved white horses. Mengmeng, you choose a white horse and give it a nice name. It will be your designated ride from now on, always ready to come at your call."

Mengmeng chose a white horse with green eyes and blue hair and named him "Tie Xin" (which means "Thoughtful"). From then on, Tie Xin and Mengmeng became inseparable best friends.

Mengmeng asked Meow Wo Granny puzzledly, "Why do we have wings to fly, but still ride white horses?"

Meow Wo Granny smiled and said, "If we were just moving around in the Loveheart Ball, flying on our own would be sufficient. But in the Milky Way, the elements in space are too complex, and our bodies need to adapt to many challenges, which could easily drain our magical power and concentration. Having a white horse allows us to channel more energy and magic into studying and practicing magic."

"Oh!" Meng Meng suddenly realized and everyone burst into laughter.

Speaking, everyone happily rode their white horses, and the white horses flew steadily in the sky. When they were halfway there, Grandma Meow waved her magic wand and shouted, "Accelerate!" In no time, the white horses carried the magicians to the edge of the Love Ball.

Meng Meng asked again, "Grandma Meow, I remember that both times I went up to the Love Ball, the white horses signaled me to climb the 'stairway to heaven.' What does that mean? Why didn't the white horses take me directly to the Love Ball and make me climb on my own? But climbing the stairway to heaven is not tiring at all, it's very comfortable. I wonder why."

Grandma Meow smiled and said, "The stairway to heaven is a protective shield. Once a person stands on it, even if the demon's light sweeps over, it cannot hit you. Additionally, there is a special 'love light protective shield' above the Love Ball. It is not easy for the demon's light to penetrate the protective shield of the Love Ball. Over the past hundred years, I have led my fellow disciples to spread love magic everywhere, making the 'love light protective shield' of the Love Ball thicker and stronger than before. However, I'm not sure if the magic of the demon country is also upgrading. Because the demon country is far away from us, we have been unable to explore it and find out the truth."

Grandma Meow sighed and continued, "I could only see in my meditation that there is a plant called 'Suihua grass' in the queen's harem of the demon country that can cure your godmother's illness. But later on, no matter how hard I meditated, I couldn't see the entire demon country anymore. I suspect that they already knew that I had used my supernatural powers to visit there, so they used some sort of illusion to hide the entire demon country. That's why our biggest task now is to speed up the construction of the 'Super Dreamy Spaceship'. However, how to fly to farther places and collect light and energy is still a problem."

Meng Meng comforted, "Don't be discouraged, Grandma Meow. As long as we all work together and find a solution, there will always be more solutions than problems."

"Yes, Meng Meng is right," everyone agreed unanimously.

After a while, the white horses finally landed on the dreamy and beautiful Milky Way that resembled a ribbon. All seven children lay on the warm and soft Milky Way, happily singing the national anthem of "Love Ball". The lyrics are as follows:

Who gave me so many beautiful stars

They twinkle and blink in the sky

They are so fragile and need the care of love

Let Love Ball protect you for a lifetime

Believe in the power of the sword of justice

Let the light of kindness sweep across the universe

Let the love angels spread love to the world

Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~ Ah~

Let the light of kindness sweep across the universe

Let the love angels spread love to the world

Everyone sings the national anthem passionately, and even the Milky Way sways along with the melody. Everyone feels extremely happy! Then, a purple shiny "crystal fantasy ship" slowly approaches, and the ribbon-like Milky Way turns into a sparkling flowing river. Everyone gets on the "fantasy ship" in front of them and it starts moving slowly. Grandma Meowmeow asks everyone to take out the prepared meals from the luggage compartment and start eating.

Xinxin happily said, "I love coming to the Milky Way the most, Mengmeng, did you know? Today, we are going to a very far away place."

Meow Meow Po Po said, "When my children used to accompany me to collect light and energy, we would sit on the ship for 10 days or half a month. We would usually visit 30-50 planets along the route, and Xinxin has been to even farther places. Of course, there are places even farther that only myself and my fellow disciples have been to. But so far, the farthest place we have been to is less than 100 planets. Moreover, it is limited to the vicinity of the Milky Way. Breaking through this limitation and reaching farther places has always been a challenge."

Jia Jia comforted Meow Meow Po Po and said, "Meow Meow Po Po, you have mentioned this issue many times. Let's eat first. People are made of iron, and food is made of steel."

" Meow Meow Po Po said calmly, "Hmm, let's eat first. Today is Meng Meng's first long-distance trip with us. In order to ensure that we return to the starting point on time tomorrow, let's just visit the five nearest planets along the way."

Yang Yang said happily, "Meow Meow Po Po, I know the five nearest planets along the way, and they are so fun! They are called 'Catnip Planet,' 'Linglong Planet,' 'Diamond Planet,' 'Black Basket Planet,' and 'Green Dress Planet.'"

Meng Meng asked in surprise, "Huh, why are they named such strange names?"

Mo Mo said, "Meng Meng, you should come to the library more often when you have time. There is so much we need to learn, but I can only give you a rough idea for now."

Mo Mo continued, "The 'Catnip Planetl' means that the humans on this ball all speak in meow-like voices. The Ling Long Ball looks very small and delicate, only less than half the size of Beautiful Town, but the rocks on it are all shaped like flowers, which is especially beautiful. The 'Black Basket Tennis Ball' looks dark, with only a slight blue light on both sides, but there are many net-like plants on the ball. It is a ball made of water. The 'Green Dress Ball' is green, and there are often large amounts of green light and gas floating on the ball. The wind on the ball is particularly strong, and the green light and green gas are blown up, just like floating dresses."

Mo Mo sighed again and said, "Our magical abilities determine that we can only watch from a distance around the ball and cannot approach the ball itself. However, the magic of our magic wands and the inner strength can allow us to see the general situation of the ball in the vision, thus analyzing which lights and energies we have not collected before."

"Oh! It's such a great knowledge. It seems like I need to study hard," Meng Meng said earnestly.

Meow! Grandma continued, "Let's first teach Meng Meng how to collect light and energy. I know Meng Meng is a bit homesick, so I think we'll let Meng Meng go home for a while when we return to the original point in the galaxy tomorrow. Then, when we come back, we'll work hard to build and research the 'Space Fantasy Spaceship.' Meng Meng won't be able to return to the Strange Kingdom anymore. We have to be prepared for battle with the Demon Kingdom at any time."

"Hmm, thank you Grandma Meow, I will definitely work hard." Everyone said in unison, "We will definitely work hard. Let's go!"

So, moving on, how will Moe Moe collect light and energy? Stay tuned for the next episode."