

Currently, Grand Elders, Clan Lord, Imperial Empress and others who are in the meeting room are not aware's of the dungeon raid.

"Sir, Someone saw that a Croc Guard was being mixed in the crowd of monster" Captain reported to Rosa.

"Okay, Get ready monster on the second floor are coming, thought same as the first-floor monster they will not retain their instinct so we are free to kill them but we kill them slowly to maintain our stamina so later when the third-floor monster we can fight them off" Rosa Shouted.

"Sir, so it's mean they will be not like those second and first-floor monster who was not able to maintain their instinct?" Someone from the soldier asked out of curiosity.

"Yas, but they can't bring their 100% attack power may be approximately 30% of their power that they can maintain because they have to also fight the "Monster Aura Wall" Rosa shouted with great enthusiasm.

"All hail young lord!" Soldier cheers with great joy.

"Don't call me young lord, I prefer sir," Rosa said while smiling.

"Yes, sir" Soldier salute.

"Okay, preserve your strength for later!" Rosa said and thought 'It's been a while that I check my stats, time to check it'



"What happened?" Rosa was confused then suddenly he feels a headache, he couldn't help to hold his head.

"D*mn, this f*cking hurt" Rosa force himself to walk up to the tent.

"Sir, are you okay?" Captain asked.

"Ya, a bit tired" Rosa smile forcefully and walk inside the tent, suddenly, he fainted.


"Rosa, wake up" Rosa the light suddenly emerged from his side.

"Argghhh, where are we?" Rosa asked while holding his head.

"We're back from your spirit world" Rosa the light said.

Rosa sat up and asked: "What happened to me?"

"There!" Rosa the light pointed.

Rosa turned his head and saw a corrupting ball.

"What is that?" Rosa stands up with great difficulties while asking.

"I don't know but your spirit books might know" Rosa the light said while smiling then disappears to Rosa's chest.

"Spirit books? giving me clues then disappeared, tsk tsk!" Rosa suddenly stops and thought 'if I can create something through imagination then I can also search through it.

Rosa focuses his thought on searching the right books that can tell him what is this thing that suddenly appeared.

When Rosa opened his eye, he saw that the library suddenly transforming like a puzzle, as if he was in time scenario that he was moving forward very fast until he reaches certain places.

Rosa looked at the cover of the book and thought 'It has a very intricate vein-like line with a chained that has a lock to its front spine, what is this' Rosa touched the locked then he suddenly feel a weak repulsion.

Rosa the light suddenly appears to his side while looking at the book.

Rosa turn his head to look at his companion and asked: "Why I feel repulsion whenever I touched the lock?"

"Maybe you don't have enough Spirit power" Rosa the light said while smiling mysteriously.

"How will I know if I have any Spirit power?" Rosa asked with a confused expression.

"Read that books" Rosa the light said

"This book?" Rosa asked while turning his head to Rosa the light but it's suddenly disappeared.

'He's gone' Rosa thought and bring back his attention the books.

"Cultivation books?" Rosa said with an amused expression.

Rosa started to cultivate in the way that the books describe him to cultivate. It was fast that he was already finished because the cultivation was more on absorbing the soul of monsters and spiritual power that the monster core has.

"First level: Spirit level 100 - Elemental Warrior

-Where you form a Core

Second level: Spirit level 1,000- Spirit Warrior

-You can maximize the usage of your spirit

Third Level: Spirit level 10, 000 - King Spirit

-You can Emit the Aura

Fourth level: Spirit level 100.000 - Emperor Spirit

-Your spirit begins to shape to your according to weapon choices

Fourth level: Spirit level 500,000 - Ancient Spirit

-You begin to comprehend the world and use it based on how high you comprehended it.

Fifth level: Spirit level 1,00,000 - God Spirit

-You become with the world and become God of the World

Six levels: Spirit level unknown - Transcender

-You already transcended the limit of the world

"Based on the books I must absorb the soul of a monster to strengthen my Spirit level, Interesting... Oh an incantation about how to know Soul spirit"

Rosa chanted the incantation with the last phrase "My mirror Release!"

Suddenly, there is a mirror show up, Rosa looks at it and he saw that there is a number that still increasing " 91,92... 99, Oh it stops increasing, based on this book I must form a core".

Rosa get excited because "The Core" gives unimaginable benefits if he continues to level up like the level system, he needs to become "Spirit as One" to form a core, but here he only needed to 100 level spirit levels and he was now stack to 99 spirit levels then it's mean he is ready to form Core.

Rosa tried to do what the cultivation books told him to do so, he sat up and cross his legs.

Focusing his mind on controlling his spirit power that flows to his vein to form his heart as his core.

He immediately feels unimaginable pain, not only in his heart, and also almost all over to his body.

He has a great will power that form of long solitude that he was alone in the spirit world for almost or greater than a hundred years.

His spiritual powers were almost depleted when he forms his core that makes him truly weak. After that, right away transports himself out of his spirit world and immediately commands the captain of the soldier to give him the monster core.

"Are you sure sir? Monster Core has unstable spirit power that might lead you to unstable spiritual conjugate with your spirit, I'm just concerned for your well being" Captain said with worry expression.

"I know, I just needed it for my experimentation," Rosa said exhaustedly while smiling.

"Right away, Sir!" Captain salute and commanded his soldier to bring many monster core to Rosa tent.

After Rosa get the monster core, he immediately absorbed it, he was not worried, because he had different cultivation systems compare to there soldier that has the support of the level system.

When he was done absorbing monster core, he walks out of the tent and chants the "My mirror release!".

Rosa saw that his spirit level that stocks at 99 was already 145, he couldn't help to become happy because he was improving faster than the expected.

He walks again to his normal position at top of the "Monster Aura Wall" and said: "What current situation? Captain." while looking at the battlefield or the monster massacre field.

Even though the Spirit world and Mysteria world have a different time, he already experiences it, that every 2 years to his Spirit world was equivalent to 1 hour in the real world, because he calculated the time he was gone in real-world was two days and approximately 8 hours while in the spirit world, he almost there for 100 or more years. If he was not bored reading books then he will not go out that let him learned something new.

"Sir, there is more Second-floor monster are coming out than First-floor monster but Third-floor monster currently there is none, that our soldier spotted." Captain immediately reports.

"Then, what about our supplies?" Rosa asked.

"Based on what you commanded us, we are just using arrows, so the numbers of arrows are currently decreasing fast," Captain said with worries.

Rosa nods and immediately commanded: "Soldier attentions!"

The soldier immediately turns their head to Rosa, the same with archers that killing the monsters.

"Preserve arrows for later, soldier get your swords and fight with me, goes down kill this monster, and remember you must instant kill them or they will regain their instinct though with their weak powers you can kill them like slaughtering lambs, and lastly, I'm expecting that there will be no casualty, Am I clear to you?" Rosa shouted.

"Yes, Sir!" The soldier shouted with all their might.

Rosa unsheathed his light sword and said: "Then, let's go slaughtered this pesky monster"


Mystery 12 - "Chained Books"

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