
Dungeon Entrance

At the meeting hall generals, family leaders, Elders, Clan lord, and the Imperial Empress were getting ready to plan the impending doom or upcoming war.

Scott stands up to his sit beside Via and announced: "Start the meeting"

Grand Elders immediately raise his hand and said: "I have a question"

"Proceed," Scott acknowledge him to proceed with his question.

"I was wondering, how can we prevent the enemy if we didn't know anything about it? I know that this thing is different from what generals and clan lord fought before so having prior knowledge is must" Grand Elders said

"You have points, does anybody in this group knows about him?" Scott looked around and feel ashamed that he as Clan Lord do not know such sort of thing.

"Iralgia" Via said that get all attention in the room.

"Iralgia 'The Doom Lord' known for its deadly legion, it well verses in conquering and war. So it's mean, while it is here it will summon endless of the demonic soldier" Via continues.

"So it's mean that we must repel it to stop or else were done?" Emma said.

"Good thinking, a young lady" Via said with a nod while Emma was blushing like a child being praises by its mother for good deeds.

"But as I said, we cannot do that with our power we need them..." Via said.

"The ancient warrior" Scott continues Via's sentence.


At the front of Dungeon

"Blocked them, the reinforcement will come in an hour," Captain Soldier commanded.

A soldier runs to his side and salutes "Captain"

"What is it?" Captain asked without turning his head.

"Second-floor monster is starting to emerge from the left side of the dungeon entrance" Soldier said seriously.

"D*amn, Bring the reserve to the left side of the dungeon" Caption shouted to the signal team.

Red guy raise shell looking hornet and blow it, and another red guy holding the red flag sway it to the left side.

"To left side of the dungeon!" The head soldier in reserve shouted while pointing his sword to the left side position and they started to march to the left side dungeon.

"Were getting overturned Captain?" his lackey asked.

"Yes, d*mn reinforcement, do they want us to be annihilated, F*ck" Captain couldn't help to curses out loud because of the pressure this monster coming to dungeon gives to them.

"Give me the command" He suddenly heard a voice at his back then he turn his head and immediately saluted "Young Lord"

Rosa look up to him and said: "I'm not your young lord anymore, anyway let me take over the command"

"Ah? Okay" Captain has many questions to ask but he keeps it to himself for now because it is not the time to chit chat they have many enemies ready to devour them with slight distraction.

'This is my first time commanding, I only read about this in books but there no time for hesitation' Rosa thought.

"Center retreat to the middle position, the left, and right side at once with center and form enclose position" Rosa commanded.

"Don't kill the enemies it will just bring stronger monster inside the dungeon, keep them at bay"

The soldier immediately feels lessen the burden to their body because they are not forcing themselves to immediately end the enemies but just keep them neutralize.

"Now enclose the position, push the body of monster to center, use them as blockage, make an enclosing wall of the monster body, achers neutralize enemies by hitting their legs or arm don't shoot the eye, they will become agitated and bring chaos to the formation." Rosa surveys the enemy's level and thought 'they are only level 3 - 5 we can do this'.

"Young Lord... ah no, Sir! I have a question" Captain asked with uncertainty expression.

"Proceed" Rosa replied without turning his head.

"Monster body was not stable if we made it as a wall if we ever encounter higher tier monster it will crumble," Captain said.

"You're right," Rosa said.

"Then sir why do you still ... " Captain asked without completing his question.

"Do you know master aura wall magic?" Rosa asked him while looking at him.

"Sir, do you mean we will build it, to sustains the monster at dungeon entrance?" Captain asked.

"Yes," Rosa replied.

"But sir we don't have sage to perform such high tier magic" Captain immediately said.

"I will do it," Rosa said with a serious expression.

'Was young lord serious, I know he was brilliant base on his strategic command but high tier magic? Sir Israel can't even do that his level much less young lord is low level' Captain thought.

"You think I can't do it because I'm low leveled right?" Rosa looked at him with an amusing expression.

"Yas sir, High tier magic must perform with enough magic energy level in our body" Captain replied.

"You're right, but we will do it with enough magic core, we can perform it, don't worry too much just listen to my command and everything will be fine," Rosa said while calculating how much time needed to prepare such magic.

"Yas sir," Captain said with a nod.

Because of the blockages of other monsters that currently disable the other monster are stocked inside the entrance dungeon. After forming the monster wall, Rosa immediately commanded all collected monster core was to stick it in the monster wall.

Rosa stand to the wall and said: "protect me for a while, don't let them disturbed my encantation"

Rosa started to chant the "Monster Aura Wall": "Almighty Chaos of Abyssal Realm, help us, protect us, we offer to you, a thousand impurity souls of the monster of the dungeon, bless us, guide us, let the chaos reign among us, let this monster wall, be our guide of chaos "Monster Aura Wall formed"

"Swiss" A dark shining light pierce to heaven and fall to the monster wall.

"Archers kill of the disable monster fast!" Rosa command while borrowing a bow and the first one to shut down the disable monster. With his command archer begone slaughtering monster until no one is alive. Immediately, a strange wind started to gather to the wall and the monster wall started to emit Monster Aura that put monster that coming out to dungeon to neutralized.

"Kill them all" Rosa shouted while continues shooting arrows. Those monsters are like sheep being slaughtered without awareness, because of Monster Aura Wall they stop moving.

"Don't let monster bodies file up, get down some of you, don't worry they will not attack you, just don't attack them with a melee weapon, and get their bodies, while archer continues firing arrows and don't worry that you can get exp, this is raid so you guys will share exp," Rosa commanded those soldier who currently who don't have work to do. While Rosa gained exp individually because he cast magic that every kill he made he will not share it to others but when others got kill it will immediately share to all.

"Yas, Sir!" Soldiers work enthusiasm because they cannot contain their joy that they can gain exp while they don't have to expose themselves to danger.

"You gained a level!"

"You gained a level!"

"You gained a level!"


Continuous notif that Rosa received added to the factor that he was low leveled and also he was the commander of this operation he gained bonus exp with "Solo magic Experience" cast.

"Ready for Second-floor monster, soldiers" Rosa roar.

"Yes, sir!" Soldiers shouted with all they had.


Mystery 11 - "Grand Elder"

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