

"Sir, next batch was coming" One of the soldiers reported to Rosa.

"Okay, stop attacking rest for a while, let them accumulate first before we strike" Rosa commanded while feeling gleeful because he feels that his spirit level was increasing fast.

"Yes, sir!" The soldier saluted and sheathed their weapon.

While Rosa was walking upward, the captain goes to him and said: "Sir, do you want another light sword"

Rosa looked at him, and look to his light sword, and saw that it was already out of shape. This sword was my first light sword, after this event, I will find someone who can fix this light sword.

"Okay get me another with the same weight," Rosa said while sheathing his light sword back to the scabbard.

"Right away" Captain salute and goes to his lackey and commanded it to bring another light sword to Rosa.

Rosa looks up to the dark sky and said: "I need more strength"


"We need back up plan just in case we failed to defend this city " Scott suggested.

"Should we go north and asked for help?" Emma asked.

"DON'T!, NEVER that old man gives me extreme anger, don't worry if we ever faced defeat at defending, I will bring you all to the lower dungeon" Via said while her face looks agitated.

"Lower Dungeon, grandmother, Can we survive there?" Scott asked while his eye opened wider.

"Of course, there is a very big city there almost like an empire and with my name, everyone will welcome you guys," Via said with smiling.

"Great, if I'm not Clan Lord, I already go there with Emma," Scott said with a big smile while looking at Emma.

Emma blushed and lowered her head.

While Via looks at the two and said: "There is between you two? Scott?"

Scott scratched his head and said: "Of course, she was Head General and my right hand, Whenever I go, she must come to aid me"

"That's not what I'm talking about, stupid" Via looks at him angrily.

"What are you talking about, then?" Scott looks at her while scratching his head.

"Muscle Head" Emma and Via exclaimed at the same, which makes them look at each other and laughed.

"Ehem" Grand Elder coughed.

"Stupid old man ruining the mood," Via said angrily.

"Talking about lower dungeon city, can you elaborate that to them Via? because even I don't have specific detail about that city, I'm always at wilderness, hehe" Grand Elder said while laughing.

"Hays," Via said with a helpless expression.


"Sir, here's your new light sword," Captain said while giving his new light sword.

"Thanks," Rosa said with a nod.

Rosa looked at his new light sword 'almost the same weight as my old light sword, and it is engraved with a dragon to the blade with citation "Live".

"Good sword" Rosa compliment while swinging it.

"Thank you, sir" Captain said while smiling.

"Captain, monsters are almost assembled" One of the soldiers reported to Captain while captain reported it to Rosa.

"Okay, get ready to work your bones boys, Let's go" Rosa commanded while unsheathing his new light sword.

"Clang, Clang"

"Yes, Sir!" The soldiers saluted while making war noise with their weapons.

Rosa looks at his first victim an Ant Warrior that was currently level 8, It has a powerful carapace and has a deadly claw, though that its mandibles are currently not developed fully.

Rosa swung his light sword to the left to give high momentum, positioning it to his upper head and then swung it down to chin of Ant warrior, it lacerates until he reaches its thorax or trunk.

After that, he immediately swung his light sword to the left side that aims its legs and he forcefully rotates his body with his sword to give powerful momentum and then slicing the Ant Warrior stomach "Swiss". Juices sprung to it immediately, though it's not acidic, Rosa still dodges it.

Rosa saw his next victim another Ant warrior, Rosa made a frontal stroke, and quickly, take out his light sword to its head. He swiftly dances with his light sword and positions himself underneath its node and slices it.

"Bang" the Ant warrior fall.

Rosa feels the Spirit experience that Ant warrior gave to him and make his cells jubilant and make him extremely happy.

"This f*cking feels good," Rosa said while laughing to his heart content.

He swiftly swung his light sword downward to clear his sword from stained and continues marching.

'This one' Rosa said while looking at it.

Crocodile Guardian brings back memories while he was still naive and weak, though he was still weak now.

Rosa jumped while bringing his sword up to slice it downward, to the enemy's chest but the croc guardian suddenly moves to protect its chest even though it was slow.

"Peng!" Rosa was repelled by the force of impact with his sword, which makes him rotate up in the air and safely landed.

"So, you are still conscious" Rosa smirk but not worried and immediately continues his attacks.

He rushes to its left legs, the Croc Guardian tried to move its legs but with its mobility, it prevents it from dodging Rosa's attacked. "Swiss" Its left legs were severed.

"Howl" the Croc Guardian howled from great pained, he received. Rosa take advantages of it and slice the other legs, "Swish" the croc guardian out of balance and immediately fall but while it's was falling, Rosa position itself to its necked and used his "Red Waxing Moon", a red moon shape sliced its head.

"Swiss" Fountain of blood spray to the air, Rosa smelled the blood in the air, which immediately make his blood pump faster.


Wild but alert, Rosa rampaged through the battlefield.

"Swiss" Rosa slices the head of Ant Warrior and looked at the field and saw that only the newcomer monster was the only alive.

"Sir," Captain said without saying anything further than that.

"I know, I'm just copped up with the adrenaline rush" Rosa looked at him and survey the other soldier.

Rosa turned around and said: "Carries the monster bodies and let's go and rest"

"Yes, sir!" The soldier said loudly even though they are tired, they couldn't help to gain more respect for their Commander.

They resume killing monster when the monster reaches a maximum number.

Rosa rests alternately so he has enough energy when the third-floor monster comes.

Suddenly, the captain came to him and reported that his soldier spotted a third-floor monster.

Rosa rose and said to himself' The time has come, Let the real battle begins..."


Mystery- Emma Feelings

makemesadcreators' thoughts