
Rogue Cultivator

[Fantasy Carnival Entry] Mo Shatian is a sheep herder who lives in a village in the middle of nowhere. The village he lives in turns out to have another side he doesn't know about, along with the arrival of someone from outside the village, things are bound to happen. With a phenomenon that has never happened around the village, he begins to know the secrets of the village he lives and its inhabitants little by little. In the middle of all this what will Mo Shatian do next? cover isn't mine

Guillotinecutter · Eastern
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12 Chs

Xiao Village (4)

To the north, right in front of the village border, you can see several people gathered. they are Xiao Ling and other villagers who are currently preparing to deal with several magical beasts who sneak into the barrier and try to approach the village.

"About another hundred meters, they will come here. There are less than a hundred of them, most of them are Night Wolves. I will prepare to set up the formation."

Understanding the situation, Xiao Lin prepared to set up a formation by spreading the talismans around fifty meters.

"Less than a hundred? That's quite a number, but if most of them are Night Wolves then they're not a threat." Yan Nansu said with a big smile on his face.

Night wolves are one of the animals that have developed a beast core and have magical powers.

The main uniqueness they have is their extraordinary speed and mobility compared to ordinary wolves. And their jet-black fur which is like night itself can blend into the darkness of the night.

Everyone seems to have prepared with weapons in their hands. They were just waiting for a signal from Xiao Ling.

"They're coming!" there was a scream from Xiao Lin to the others.

"[Formation: Earth Gravity Pressure]" said xiao ling.

Xiao Lin activated the formation he created by raising both index and middle fingers up to make a hand seal.

Earth's Gravity Pressure is a formation technique where the effect is gravity suppression in the formation area. This causes whoever it targets to receive a pressure ten times the normal gravity. Those without gravity immunity or those who were weak against gravity and those without spiritual energy to endure would be suppressed by this technique.

Among the many pressure-type technique formations, one could say that the Earth's Gravity Pressure is one of the most basic.

Upon entering the formation area, the Night Wolves that should have high speed and mobility suddenly slowed down as if an invisible pressure was weighing down on them.

The other villagers quickly started attacking as the night wolves started to slow down due to the effects of the formation.

"Hahahaha even the night wolves that have advantages in speed and mobility look like turtles now!"

Yan Nansu started to slash the night wolves one by one along with the rest of the hunting party. It wasn't long after the battle started that everything started to look like a sea of blood.

It didn't even take half an hour to clear out the magical beasts that had come to invade the village, especially the hunting parties that looked amazing. all of that is due to their usual experience and cooperation in hunting magical beasts that are seen in the village area.

And that also applies to Xiao Ling's technique formation, so that others can easily do it. However, pressure-type formation techniques are strong counters against enemies who only rely on speed and mobility.

Seeing a collection of corpses of night wolves and other magical beasts. They all started collecting and separating the beast cores and other important parts from the corpses.

For example, the corpses of night wolves besides the beast core they have, their fangs, claws and fur are very valuable.

After checking the village's barrier and confirming that no more monsters had snuck in, Xiao Ling turned her gaze towards the Misty Mountain and sighed, "It seems that the Heavenly Tribulation will soon end."

"So, aren't any of the others sneaking in?" Yan Nansu drew closer to him while looking in the same direction.

"No, I don't sense any more monsters entering the barrier." Answer Xiao Ling.

Adding on, "and it is also because the heavenly tribulation is about to end, that the number attracted by the spiritual energy waves is starting to decrease."

Yan Nansu, who was listening beside him could only shrug and sigh, "Unfortunately, I thought that this phenomenon would attract Demon Beasts as well."

"Of course, if there are Demon Beasts with a radius around the Heavenly Tribulation area, then they will definitely come over to them."

Continuing, "after all that means it is a sign of the birth of one of them or a sign of one of them trying to rise higher."

"Well, you're right, but it would still be a shame if not one of them came inside the barrier. After all, than a collection of Magical Beasts, they are much more valuable to us, right?" Yan Nansu said in a slightly disappointed tone.

Realizing the meaning of his words, Xiao Ling couldn't help but sigh, "That's right… but don't worry the Elder said he will go to check on the Heavenly Tribulation."

Hearing it made the corners of Yan Nansu's lips rise upwards, so that a pure white composition was visible inside.

"If it's him… there's no doubt that he'll get it right?"

"Yes… if that demon beast manages to pass through the Heavenly Tribulation and there are no other disturbances. Then the elders will be able to successfully obtain their cores."

"Speaking of which… what are you planning to do next?" Ask Yan Nnansu.

Confused by the meaning of what he said, Xiao Lin couldn't help but ask back.

"...what do you mean by that?" while looking directly at his face.

There was a bit of doubt in his eyes, but Yan Nansu continued, "I'm sure you'll know what will happen to our village when you talk about it with all of us when the Elder comes. But, you still haven't told us what we will do next, have you?" ask Yan Nansu.

There was a moment of silence between the two of them before Xiao Ling finally broke it. Turning his face in another direction, "I already know what we will do next... but before that, there is something else I must do."

Continuing, "and that's almost as important as this, also there's a kid I need to tell."

Slightly surprised, Yan Nansu said, "have you… still not told him anything?"

Yan Nansu knew which child Xiao Ling was referring to, after all that child was the only orphan in this village and at that time Xiao Ling said that he would take care of the child directly. So, everyone thought that at that moment he would tell everything to the boy.

Xiao ling just shrugged and said, "at that time I haven't found the right time yet. I'm sure now is the right time."

Yan Nansu could only sigh, "if you say so…"