
Rogue Cultivator

[Fantasy Carnival Entry] Mo Shatian is a sheep herder who lives in a village in the middle of nowhere. The village he lives in turns out to have another side he doesn't know about, along with the arrival of someone from outside the village, things are bound to happen. With a phenomenon that has never happened around the village, he begins to know the secrets of the village he lives and its inhabitants little by little. In the middle of all this what will Mo Shatian do next? cover isn't mine

Guillotinecutter · Eastern
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12 Chs

Xiao Village (3)

While Xiao Ling was thinking, he suddenly heard someone talking to him.

"Ling, what about the village barrier, is there a problem?"

Looking at him, he was Yan Nansu, the leader of the group guarding the village.

He was a man with short black eyes and hair, wearing black clothes with a tall and muscular body full of scars, he looked like a veteran who had a lot of experience in fighting.

"Nansu, don't worry since the barrier has been strengthened by the elder it will be impossible to be destroyed by the energy waves of the heavenly tribulation."

"However, since we don't know how many monsters will come maybe some of them will slip into the barrier by mistake."

"I only hope that there are no wandering cultivators within ten kilometers of the heavenly tribulation." Xiao Ling finished his explanation.

Hearing his words, Yan Nansu was a little relieved because he didn't even want to imagine that every monster in the ten kilometer area suddenly entered and attacked the village, but as for cultivators, he was a little sure that there were no cultivators in this unknown region except for those who were very strange and very strong roaming far from human settlements.

However, in this age of chaos where monsters roamed freely, it was rare for humans to wander away from the settlements due to the danger.


"Some of them seem to have made it in." Xiao Lin sensed that some monsters had slipped into the barrier.

"Children and those who can't fight are gathered in the village square. The rest come with me to kill the monsters that sneaked into the barrier!" Xiao Ling said to the entire village.

"Everyone get ready, we will be harvesting beast cores today!" Yan nansu cheered on his members excitedly then went with Xiao Ling to hunt magical beasts.

Mo Shatian with the other children and those who couldn't fight lived in the village square.

The Xiao Village is square in shape with a ditch that is fed by water from the river for irrigation purposes. It surrounds the village with a bridge as a border for the village. The village square is located in the center of the village which connects each street from the four sides with a fountain in the middle as a marker.

There was a woman with brown hair and hazel eyes, her skin as white as snow and her delicate and perfect face with a slender and ideal body not showing a single flaw from her gentle and graceful movements.

With just one glance, one could tell where Xiao Lin had inherited her beauty. The woman is Xiao Ning, wife of Xiao Ling and mother of Xiao Lin.

The woman was leading those in the square in place of her husband.

Mo Shatian turned his head to see Xiao Lin beside him.

"Xiao Lin, I have something to ask you." Shatian said.

"Hmm... what's wrong?" Xiao Lin replied with a smile on her face.

"D-do you also know anything about cultivators or something?" Mo Shatian finally asked the question that had been on his mind ever since he heard Xiao Ling's story. Therefore, he wanted to confirm the truth by asking Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin was the only child of Xiao Ling and Xiao Ning, so he was sure hers father would have told her about cultivators or something if he hadn't taught her to become one.

"Yes, I know and even I am also one of them." Xiao Lin replied as if it was the strangest question she had ever heard.

Hearing her answer which seemed to be the most natural thing in the world, Mo Shatian turned his head away from Xiao Lin.

'Am I the only one who doesn't know anything?'

Mo Shatian felt a little isolated and aloof after hearing Xiao Lin's answer.

He realizes that everyone has their own secrets. He also thought that even though his relationship with Xiao Lin couldn't be called very close, it didn't mean that their relationship was far enough that she had to hide something that everyone already knew from him.

If you compare his relationship with everyone in the village, you could say that his relationship with Xiao's family is quite close, especially with Xiao Lin. therefore he thought Xiao Lin would tell him if it was something that was common in the village.

Like when Xiao Lin told him when someone from outside the village came for the first time, even if it was Xiao Ling's important guest who was the village head.

'Why… why didn't anyone tell me if everyone already knew about this.'

Seeing that Mo Shatian turned his head away and was slightly agitated after hearing hers answer, Xiao Lin asked with worry in her voice.

"What's wrong... don't you already know that too?"

"I'm not going to ask something that you think is the most natural thing if I already know it, right?" Mo Shatian replied with a wry smile.

"W-what… do you really not know this?" Xiao Lin, who was surprised to hear Mo Shatian's answer replied nervously.

"Do I seem to clearly know all this in your eyes?" Feeling slightly annoyed, Mo Shatian turned his head and looked into Xiao Lin's eyes firmly.

Seeing Mo Shatian looking at her with a serious face, Xiao Lin could only look at him with a slightly regretful face as she said apologetically.

"Sorry… I think everyone already knew about it, when dad first told me about this. I asked him if everyone knew about it, dad said 'of course, everyone knows about this'''.

After hearing her explanation, Mo Shatian tried to calm down his mind and heart which was raging because of holding back the anger that was almost overflowing in his heart.

His mind told him that was the most reasonable explanation, but his heart was having a hard time accepting it because of his current turbulent feelings.

Taking a deep breath, can only sigh and look away, "it's okay… you don't need to apologize. It wasn't your fault."

'If it was Uncle Ling, I'm sure he had his reasons, and after what happened just now, he decided to tell everything. I guess, I just have to wait until all this is over and ask him directly.'