
Rogue Cultivator

[Fantasy Carnival Entry] Mo Shatian is a sheep herder who lives in a village in the middle of nowhere. The village he lives in turns out to have another side he doesn't know about, along with the arrival of someone from outside the village, things are bound to happen. With a phenomenon that has never happened around the village, he begins to know the secrets of the village he lives and its inhabitants little by little. In the middle of all this what will Mo Shatian do next? cover isn't mine

Guillotinecutter · Eastern
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12 Chs

Xiao Village (5)

With this incident, Xiao Ling had no choice but time and a good reason to tell the kid about everything. Looking up at the sky that made him wonder if all of this was just a coincidence or fate.

Of course, he was aware that the child would definitely feel alienated and isolated when he realized this incident, but that was a decision he had made at that time.

After noticing that everything was over, Xiao Ling took a deep breath and sighed, "The Heavenly Tribulation is over, it's time for us to return to the village."

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, everyone decided to return to the village.

The sun had already set and darkness had begun to replace the light, and the thunderstorm that had been visible on the Misty Mountain peaks had disappeared.

Mo Shatian, who was waiting in the square with the others, saw that Xiao Ling and the others had returned. None of the injuries or casualties that occurred in their battle with the beast made Mo Shatian unable to help but conclude.

'I guess... they really are amazing at being able to defeat those monsters without any casualties or injuries.'

"The Night Wolves that entered the barrier have been cleared, for now there are no more threats to the village. So don't panic and please return to your respective activities."

Hearing the words of Xiao Ling who was a village chief, all the villagers returned quietly. But there were some still living in the square such as Mo Shatian, Xiao Lin, and Xiao Ning along with the other hunting groups.

"Then, I'll tell you about the loot after we finish processing it." Yan Nansu went along with the rest of the hunting party as if he didn't want to be bothered by any other matters.

Seeing Yan Nansu leave, Xiao Ling fixed his gaze on the few remaining people.

"Well let's go back home, and Shatian come with us. There must be some things you want to ask, right?" said Xiao Ling.

"um… Yes, that's right, there are some things I want to know, and I think Uncle Ling is the most suitable person to tell them." Mo Shatian said while looking at Xiao Ling.

Smiling wryly after hearing his answer, Xiao Ling told them to hurry up, "alright, let's go back, the sooner the better."


They arrived at village head Xiao Ling's house which was made of wood. Mo Shatian followed Xiao Ling to a special room where there were only a few chairs and a table made of wood. In the corner of the room there was a bonfire to warm up the room, this was not the first time, mo shatian had entered this room but no matter how many times he entered it, he felt relaxed and calm.

"Sit down, like I always say make it like home." Xiao Ling sat while looking at the empty seat in front of him, as if asking Mo Shatian to sit across from him.

Accepting the invitation, Mo Shatian sat right in front of him, and also Xiao Lin who followed them also took a chair and sat beside him.

"This is going to be a private talk, so I hope you can leave us alone dear." said Xiao Ling speaking softly to her daughter.

Hearing his request, Xiao Lin only raised an eyebrow, and looked into his father's eyes.

Seeing no change after a few seconds, she sighed, "haah… alright."

Seeing Xiao Lin coming out of the room, Xiao Ling smiled and turned to look at Mo Shataian, "If there's something you want to ask, don't hesitate to ask. but if there aren't any, I'll start talking."

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Mo Shatian was tempted to ask everything in his heart, but decided to remain silent.

'I don't think it's wrong to ask everything after listening to uncle Ling's story.'

Seeing Mo Shatian not saying anything, Xiao Ling took it as his approval.

After taking a deep breath, Xiao Ling started to speak in a lonely and distant tone.

"I wonder where should I start…." Hesitating and confused after a while. Xiao Ling continued, "Yes, I think we should start with that... let's start by talking about your parents."

"Your father used to be the leader of a hunting group, he was my close friend as well as my rival. He is the strongest man in our village. On your birthday he decided to go looking for a nice gift. He told me that he was going to look for something in the Misty Mountains. Of course, I forbade it, I said it was too dangerous to go to that mountain just to look for good gifts."

Adding on, "I suggested to him to look elsewhere, maybe he can find something good in the village. He told me he couldn't find anything good in and around the village. Therefore, he tried to search the Misty Mountain."

Continuing, "Of course I said that I would go to accompany him, since it's very dangerous to go alone to the Misty Mountain. but your father refused, saying that he couldn't take me to such a dangerous place just to accompany him to find a gift for his upcoming child. However, your father is a brave person and can be a bit stubborn at times, realizing that I couldn't change his mind, I suggested taking a hunting party with him."

Taking a few breaths, "but of course all of that was in vain because he also didn't intend to bring his group just to find a present for his child. Since there was no other choice, I gave him some magic tools to save himself."

Looking at the window directly towards the Misty Mountain, Xiao Ling said in a tone filled with sadness and loneliness.

"...but after he finally left, he never came back."

A suffocating silence filled the room, the only sounds that could be heard were the breathing of the two people in the room. Not knowing what to say, Mo Shatian could only open and close his mouth repeatedly as if he wanted to say something but no words came out.

Not caring what kind of expression Mo Shatian made, Xiao Ling just took the glass of water that was on the table to moisten his dry throat from talking without a pause before starting again.

"On the day of your birth, we all waited anxiously… waiting for the news that your father will bring, perhaps your mother is the most expecting it. But as if he wanted to destroy everyone's hopes, your father never showed up on his happy day."

Continuing, "Knowing there's not been any news of his return, I also asked the hunting party to go look for him tomorrow, your mother is the one who wanted to go looking for him the most. But I tried to prevent her, after all her physical condition is still weak because it hasn't been long since giving birth and there won't be anyone to look after you."