

Transcript from Coruscant Night Hour with Lyrax


"-News, this is your Host Lyrax Pentagure. Joining me today to discuss the revelation of the new droid commander 'Unit 711' is a panel of science and technology experts from across the Republic. We have Professor Nasdra Magrody of the Magrody Institute of Programmable Intelligence.

(A rather corpulent looking arkanian raises his head in acknowledgement, meaty paws clasped upon his belly as he reclines in a hoverchair.)

Nasdra Magrody: "Good evening."

Lyrax Pentagure: "Director Yaren Sho of the Ministry of Military Science."

(The camera pans to the right, focusing on a thin, almost skeletal woman with high cheekbones and in a military uniform. A thin puckered scar runs down her throat.)

Yaren Sho: "Evening."

Lyrax Pentagure: "And from the Techno Union Research and Development Wing, Doctor Bunt Dantor."

(A tall skakoan clad in an elaborate pressure suit and robes adjusts a dial on his chest while nodding in acknowledgement.)

Bunt Dantor: "Audio functioning."

Lyrax Pentagure: "Gentlebeings, I ask you: In your learned opinions are we, in fact, all doomed?"

(Crowd sounds astonished)

(Nasdra does not appear to be impressed with the human talkshow host.)

Nasdra Magrody: "... no. Not all. Apart from your sensationalizing, the idea of having a supercomputer do the work for you isn't exactly new. Considering that the current model of 'Tactical' droid commanders appear to suffice for most Separatist operations, in comparison to the backdrop of the war thus far."

(The Techno Union doctor interrupts with a high pitch squawk from his translator.)

Bunt Dantor: "Indeed. Consider the scale; when compared to organic commanders, Tactical droids are incapable of acting outside of programmed parameters. They are 'by the book' as it were. Inflexible. This variant of droid commander appears to be able to make leaps of logic as any organic can, meaning that it is equipped with a heuristic processor of exceptional quality."

Yaren Sho: "If I may interject, good professors-"

Bunt Dantor: "Doctor."

Yaren Sho: "- the idea of a droid commander that can learn isn't unheard of. But that it could orchestrate a multistage plan and execute it, along with adapting to unexpected variables one after another is another thing entirely! I postulate that this new droid is in fact a possible upgrade to the standard Tactical-"

Nasdra Magrody: "That would be almost impossible without an incredibly large processor. By my considerable estimates, such a unit would be almost as large as a capital scale corvette! That isn't including cooling units to prevent overheating, reinforcing processors, and countless support systems! To process so many signals, hyperwave transmissions, encrypt, decrypt, and simulate; it would require an enormous network-!"

Bunt Dantor: Perhaps a network of smaller processors to prevent total collapse?"

Nasdra Magrody: "It is certainly possible, but then again Separatists are notorious cheapskates..."

(Lyrax interrupts quickly before the two would take over the show.)

Lyrax Pentagure: "Director Sho, if you mind continuing?"

Yaren Sho: "Of course, Mister Pentagure. It is entirely possible that this 'Unit 711' is the result of collecting the sum experienced of specialized tactical droids in order to create an entirely new type of artificial commander. Tactical droids are rigid and unable to quickly adapt to the unconventional, so in order to work around it, the designers would have to create an entirely new kind of heuristic processor that can learn from these mistakes. Most of the actual engineering and science is beyond me, but I'm sure Mister Magrody can explain what I mean far better."

(Director Sho gestures to Nasdra Magrody, who inclines his head to her.)

Nasdra Magrody: "Thank you Director. To explain; a heuristic processor is a device that allows a droid to learn from it's mistakes. Most astromech droids, for example, have such a unit, so it can better repair and maintain machinery. However, combat automatons are not typically equipped with these processors due to the cost involved. Tactical droids do have a heuristic unit installed, according to Republic Military information packets. But the processors they are equipped are nowhere near the level needed to allow them to do more than short term gains. What Unit 711 has is entirely different. It is equipped with a processor of incredible power, which allows it to do what no other commander droid can; it can take risks!"

(Lyrax Pentagure frowns as the crowd expression audible confusion.)

Lyrax Pentagure: "Please, learned friends, explain."

(Nasdra Magrody appears somewhat uncomfortable)

Nasdra Magrody: "Well... Tactical Droids by design are unable to make illogical jumps nor are they capable of taking risks. They take all the information they have and processes it into a number of choices it can make. These choices are often rendered down by cost and benefits via percentages. These droids rely on those calculations. Judging by the tactics and strategy shown by 711 during the Battle of Kamino, it does not rely on that... at least not totally."

(A clip of the battle is shown on screen. The crowd murmurs as the Separatist dreadnought's forward hull explodes to reveal an enormous Ion Cannon and fires the weapon. The scene pans to follow the violently violet-white ring of energy envelop the newly arrived sector fleet and disables it. The clip ends and Bunt Dantor adjusts his vibro-projector.)

Bunt Dantor: "The Separatist strategy was thus: Send in starships with intent of losing them, allow them to drop down an enemy force that can attack from underneath Tipoca City. Use the [Subjugator] heavy cruiser flagship to draw in enemy forces with intentions of depleting fighter reinforcements via a killzone. Then when fighters are depleted, send in massed transports. While most the transports are destroyed, some do get through. Reinforce those with insertion pods of specialized units. Then proceed to draw the battle out by reinforcing forces transported from above by attacking from below. With the situation so dire and the Pride of the Core and her attendant fleet the closest at hand... what choice did the Republic have?"

Yaren Sho: "Indeed. But the crux of this is this: 711 was willing to risk everything to draw the Pride of the Core out; it did not have anywhere the amount of forces needed to take Tipoca City, let alone hold it. Its fleet was equal to the defense forces present, even with it's strategic weapon present; and that only allowed it one shot before our forces targeted it for destruction. That was incredibly dangerous gamble, but one that allowed it strike a cripplingly demoralizing blow to the Republic."

(There is booing from the crowd as it becomes unruly. They quiet down after a few minutes. Lyrax looks incredulous.)

Lyrax Pentagure: "Are you saying that 711's entire plan was to draw out the Pride of the Core so it could use the ship to destroy Tipoca City? At the cost of it's entire fleet?"

(Nasdra Magrody, Yaren Sho, Bunt Dantor all glance at each other. Nasdra and Yaren both look hesitant at the idea, but appear to agree with each other on the assessment.)

Nasdra Magrody: "It is certainly possible, yes."

Bunt Dantor: "It is the only logical probability."

(Lyraz looks extremely uncomfortable and the crowd are murmuring fearfully)

Lyrax Pentagure: "So how likely is it for the Separatists to begin churning out these fearsome droid commanders?"

Bunt Dantor: "Considering the possible investments required to create such a machine, the tests and redesigns required... it isn't possible to declare an exact date of possible deployment."

Lyrax Pentagure: "Please professor-"

(Bunt makes an indignant squawking noise.)

Lyrax Pentagure: "Doctor. An estimate is all that we can for."

Bunt Dantor: "... I haven't heard from my colleagues from the Techno Union since my group's departure from the main corporation. But considering the number of brilliant minds present within the Union... I can give a rough estimate of two to three months before prototypes for a mass production unit begin limited deployment."

(The crowd explodes into an uproar. Security is called as belligerents rush forward in an attempt to attack the skakoan.)

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