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2018-11-05 JoinedUnited Kingdom



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I (really) Am The Eggman (Sonic IDW Self Insert)

This story is brought to you from [Stupid the Ork] Author You know the stories, where a R.O.B wants to be amused and turns/reincarnates/throws someone into a world of fiction to see what happens? Well, that was what happened to me, and in my case, my conscience was transferred to good ol' Dr. Eggman. One the one hand, I was Eggman. Eggman, the only scientist in the entirety of fiction who could boast of being smart enough to not just understand, but also be an equal to Rick Sanchez. On the other, he also nearly destroyed his onw planet by sheer stupidity several times, and in the same continuity. And on the other other hand, aside from the general premise of the comic (a follow-up of Forces) and it's current arc (a zombie-robot apocalypse), I literally knew nothing else. I think that was what R.O.B wanted, watching as someone that didn't know a thing about Sonic handled himself as his archnemesis. Well, I decided to simply... not to. I WAS the smartest being alive, but also no longer compelled to conquer Mobius due to an excessive ego, destroy Sonic because of my intense hatred of him, or otherwise being as assholish as possible for the sake of being 'evil'. Best of all, I didn't have to feign amnesia because I really didn't know what happened on this universe! Screw conquest or being the villain, or the damn canon, I had a golden opportunity to redeem Eggman, myself, whatever! Hell, I even had a good alibi for my change! 'Course, that was only after I woke up as Eggman himself after apparently surviving an explosion. I'll tell you more later. -///- Read for your enjoyment, I just want to spread the good works of talented people. Follow the links and support the creators. This novel I bring to you from forums that not so many had visited and it's hard to find constantly updated stories. Forum stories of origin: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/i-really-am-the-eggman-sonic-idw-self-insert.869305/reader/ All right for sonic and etc are reserved by their respected owned, this is work of fanfiction and made by [Stupid the Ork] Author

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