
Road to the Abyss

Lucas Karls arrives in the town of Carnsmoth after news of his uncle's death reaches him. Expecting to live a somewhat wealthy life with his newfound inheritance, he is thrust head first into a world he knows nothing about. With danger lurking about at every corner Lucas must do everything in his power to survive, understand what exactly is happening and most importantly... retain his sanity.

flowing_lightning · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Yellow room

After reading through the file Kingsley had placed upon the table. Lucas could not help but lean back on his cushioned chair, resting his left hand upon his armrest he rubbed his forehead with the other in an attempt to deal with his on coming headache.

Thinking back on it the lawyer might have said something about it all but he didn't realize the scope until now. Just yesterday he was barely making a living and now he apparently owned so many businesses that his head hurt just thinking about it.

"This is a lot" Lucas spoke out, "I'm starting to see just how uncle George managed to afford all of this." Lucas moved his eyes over the books neatly arranged in the shelves surrounding him.

The shelves were tall enough to touch the ceiling and each one was filled to brim with books. Lucas reckoned he could spend a whole year here and still not finish every book. "I am sure you will be up for the task sir", Kingsley spoke in the same calm tone he had addressed Lucas with since his arrival.

"And besides master George had capable people running everything requiring him simply to inspect reports which arrived promptly every month." Kingsley finished as he refilled Lucas' cup with tea. Lucas silently watched as the tea steadily flowed out of the teapot into he cup with steam rising as more and more of the tea filled the cup.

"Right Kingsley?"

"Yes sir" Kingsley responded as he focused his gaze on Lucas. "I know I haven't been here long, but how come you are the only other person I have seen. Surely a big place such as this would have some servants at the least."

"The master was a private person hence I was the only one in charge of the day to day running of the manor".

"Oh I see" was all Lucas said as he didn't know what to say next, the silence between them lasted for a minute as Lucas grew more and more awkward. Kingsley seemingly aware of this simply tidied up the files and prepared to leave "oh and sir."

"Your Uncle's funeral will be this weekend would you be handling the rites or would you want me too" "you do it" Lucas was quick to respond, "I wouldn't know how to begin anyway".

Kingsley gave a bow before stepping out, Lucas watched him leave before leaning back and resting his eyes.


Lucas found himself in a room, this room was painted a sickening yellow from top to bottom. This room had no windows with the only source of light being the torch that was lit above the door.

Confused as to how he got here Lucas began to examine his surroundings. His eyes soon narrowed as he realized there was something moving in the walls. Its movements were barely noticeable in the beginning but as the seconds passed Lucas began to see the features of what ever was behind the walls.

Its limbs long and wiry pushed against the paint as though they would burst out at any moment, but what truly got his attention the most was the face behind the wall. Whatever was behind the wall stopped abruptly causing the room to return to its previous calm.

Standing dead center in the room, Lucas was spurred on by his curiosity and began to walk towards the wall before him with slow and steady steps. Completely focused on the wall before him, Lucas failed to notice the light surrounding him dim. With every step he took the room was plunged further into darkness.

Soon Lucas stood mere inches away from the wall and leaned in to have a closer look, when a featureless face popped up against the paint.

Lucas screamed as he fell back on his backside, his eyes wide as the creature squirmed trying to free itself. Its moans... oh its moans, they sound like an amalgamation as though countless others were all wailing at once. Lucas did not understand the creature but he felt its pain.

His eyes began to water and as the streams of tears made their way down his face he screamed. The agony he felt was too much for his mortal mind to bare, he knew then and there that if he stayed to listen his sanity would not be guaranteed.

Covering his ears, he turned to make for the door only now aware of the darkness that made to consume. Sprinting he arrived before the door and attempted to open it, as he did so he could hear the moans getting louder as well as the sound of something ripping apart.

Having no intention what so ever to turn around Lucas managed to force open the door to rush out not forgetting to slam the door behind him.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm himself Lucas stepped back and looked ahead, only, the door was no longer and rather a brick wall stood in its place. Turning around Lucas realized he was on the streets of Carnsmoth albeit engulfed by a thick smog.

"Hello, is anyone there!" Lucas called out only to be met with silence.

Gathering his courage Lucas began to wade through the thick smog with the only accompanying him in the silence being the sound of his footsteps. Lucas continued his journey calling out, hoping someone would respond only to be disappointed each time, soon Lucas couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be an end.

He eventually came to a halt however, once he laid eyes on a lady. A smile involuntarily broke out on his face as he rushed to her. "Miss! Miss!!" Lucas called out as he drew closer, with the smog dissipating as well.

The woman turned to face Lucas allowing for him to really look at her. She was wearing the finest dress Lucas had ever seen, red as ruby and accentuating each and every one of her curves, she wore a red hat to go with it as well a bright red lipstick.

She smiled once she saw Lucas, revealing her pearly white teeth. Lucas parted his lips to speak with her but paused once he realized he couldn't see her face, or rather his mind could not process any features other than her bright red lips which began to bleed...

Bleed, Lucas was frightened as not just her lips but her hat and clothes as well. They all began to bleed fervently forming a puddle of blood beneath her feet that grew at an overwhelmingly fast rate.

Lucas thought to run but to his horror his feet would not move. Soon he was standing in the blood, a veritable river of blood had formed, encompassing the entire street and rising steadily to devour Lucas. As the blood reached his neck he tried to stay afloat but the blood refused dragging him to its depths.

All his eyes saw was red as the oxygen in his lungs began to run out, his body and mind overcome with extreme emotions. Then when he had finally given up he let out a silent scream as he drowned in a river of blood.

*Gasp* Sitting up with a loud gasp Lucas looked down at his sweat stained sheet before looking around and confirming his surroundings. "Rise and shine sir. You have a busy day today" Kingsley spoke as he pulled back the curtains.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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