
Road to the Abyss

Lucas Karls arrives in the town of Carnsmoth after news of his uncle's death reaches him. Expecting to live a somewhat wealthy life with his newfound inheritance, he is thrust head first into a world he knows nothing about. With danger lurking about at every corner Lucas must do everything in his power to survive, understand what exactly is happening and most importantly... retain his sanity.

flowing_lightning · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Redgrove Manor (rewrite)

"True rest is a privilege's of the dead..."

Lucas could not help but remember the words of his friend, Grover always had a strange sort of humor. When he had first received the letter, he had been confused and upon readings its contents he had only grown more so. A dead Uncle he had never known about.

However with the knowledge that said Uncle was quite wealthy, and had left his wealth to himself, Lucas' confusion had quickly morphed into joy. Informing his friends he quickly packed his things and caught a train to the town of Carnsmoth.

Standing in the morgue, a cold sterile place that seemed to echo with the finality of death. The stench of the dead and alcohol assaulted his senses, causing an intense battle to keep the contents of his stomach from spilling out. There was something disquieting, about standing in a room filled with the dead.

The mortician who had led them to the room, maneuvered through the room, arriving before a body under a white sheet.

"Ah this is it" The Mortician picked up a clipboard laid at the feet of the body with his gloved hand.

"Lets see a Mr. George Karls, died of a heart attack." At those words the Mortician turned to his assistant who gave a nod before proceeding to pull down the sheet to reveal the face of George Karls. 

George's appearance spoke of a life lived in luxury and excess, even in death. He was dressed in a tailored black suit, adorned with silver cufflinks and a silk cravat that spoke of aristocratic taste.

George's features bore the unmistakable pallor of death, his skin ashen and waxy under the harsh gaze of a gas lamp. His eyes closed, their blue depths hidden from the world forever.

Lucas approached the slab tentatively, his footsteps echoing in the quiet room. He couldn't help but feel a sense of disbelief tinged with curiosity. How could he have lived his life unaware of such a prominent figure in his family tree

As he drew closer, Lucas noticed the details that spoke of George Karls' wealth and status—a signet ring on his finger, engraved with a stylized K, a family crest perhaps? Another thing Lucas knew next to nothing about and a pocket watch adorned with intricate engravings dangling from his vest pocket.

His uncles lips were drawn into a stern frown. Lucas couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for never having known this man who was, in a way, a part of him.

As he stood there, taking in the sight of his late uncle, Thomas felt a mix of emotions—sadness for a life lost, curiosity about a past untold, and a newfound sense of connection to his family's history. In death, George Karls was a mystery waiting to be unraveled, his story now intertwined with Lucas's own in ways he had never imagined.

Lucas was led out of the dreary room to another room where his uncle's lawyer began to speak to him about the will and all his new assets before placing a few stacks of paper before Lucas asking him to sign. Soon after that was finished the mortician arrived to speak of said uncle's funeral rites.

The whole thing was a blur if Lucas was to be honest with his body present but his mind wandering. He was however awakened when he stood before his uncle's... his manor, Redgrove manor with his luggage in tow. With bits of the conversation he had with the lawyer flashing through his mind he knocked on the a massive oak door adorned with brass fixtures.

Taking a step back after knocking Lucas took in the sight of what was now his, the appearance of the manor was nothing untoward or strange. Not that Lucas had seen many manors.

It gave a homely feel, nothing like the oppressive feeling he had imagined when he first head of it, this however did nothing to hide its splendor. The door was soon opened and a man stood before Lucas.

The man was clearly far along in his years but looked surprisingly fit with his head of gray hair alongside the crows feet around his eyes being the only tell signs of his age. He was garbed in a fine black jacket with a white shirt neatly ironed, seeing his outfit Lucas could not help but glance at his person.

He wore a blue shirt which had quite clearly never met an iron with his favorite grey blazer atop of it alongside his black trousers which could quite honestly pass for grey.

"Can I help you?" The man spoke to Lucas as he held his gaze.

"Yes erhm... my name is Lucas Karls, my uncle was George Karls." Lucas under the gaze of the man hastily introduced himself. "Ah yes, the new master. You may call me Kingsley sir, let me help you with those" Kingsley introduced himself before picking up Karls' bags with ease.

As they stepped in Lucas could not help but gape at his surroundings, the entrance hall, bathed in the warm glow of crystal chandeliers, boasted a marble floor intricately patterned with mosaics depicting scenes of myth and legend. A sweeping staircase, its banisters carved with intricate floral motifs, curved gracefully upward, leading to the upper floors where the family's private quarters were housed. This was most certainly more than a step up from the dingy apartment he had back in Roden.

Your room is right this way sir, Kingsley spoke up as he led Lucas up the stairs. Arriving at the first floor Lucas followed after Kingsley taking in the artwork hanging on the red walls. The art depicted various scenes from idyllic farm scenes to knights in full armor riding into battle.

"Here we are" Kingsley opened the doors to the room allowing for Lucas to walk in. "I took the liberties to prepare some clothes as well as a bath when I was told you would be arriving today master Lucas".

"Thank you, Kingsley"

"It's a pleasure master Lucas. I have prepared all the necessary information at the study for you to view once you are done. The study is the sixth room on the left I will be awaiting you, do enjoy your bath." With a bow Kingsley stepped out closing the door behind him.

With a sigh, Lucas looked around. "I'm really rich huh, who would have thought. If only Theo could see me now"

"No. This is a new beginning for me I can't be thinking about that. From now on I'll live my best life." Done speaking to himself, Lucas walked into the bath to ready himself unaware of the pair of eyes watching him.

"whew" Lucas stepped out of the shower with a wide grin on his face as he felt absolutely refreshed. "a hot bath," Lucas thought back to his life in Roden where he had to suffer through the cold showers even through the cold. "I could really get used to this" Lucas chuckled to himself as he moved to the neatly folded clothes Kingsley had taken the time to lay out for him.

All dressed up in his new clothes, Lucas stood before his dressing mirror taking in his appearance and making sure he looked alright. He headed out pausing once he reached the door.

At the study Kingsley stood at the ready as Lucas walked in dressed in the clothes he picked out with his jacket atop of it. The jacket caused Kingsley to quirk a brow, but he quickly returned to his calm state after a second.

"I hope your bath was to your liking sir"

"It was pure bliss" a smile unconsciously formed on Lucas face once he recalled his bath. "I'm grateful to hear that" Kingsley moved to place a cup of tea on the table as Lucas sat behind it, "I took the time to prepare some tea, for when we go through all the necessary information and procedures" with that said Kingsley placed a folder next to the cup of tea.

Looking at the folder the smile on Lucas face vanished as a serious expression took its place.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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