
Road to the Abyss

Lucas Karls arrives in the town of Carnsmoth after news of his uncle's death reaches him. Expecting to live a somewhat wealthy life with his newfound inheritance, he is thrust head first into a world he knows nothing about. With danger lurking about at every corner Lucas must do everything in his power to survive, understand what exactly is happening and most importantly... retain his sanity.

flowing_lightning · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The lady with the red lips

Kingsley noticed Lucas's face which spotted a look of sheer terror and asked, "are you alright sir?". Kingsley tilted his head to the side with his concern clearly expressed on his face.

Gathering himself Lucas managed to force a smile on to his face, "yes, just... had a strange dream is all". Kingsley silently observed him with his countenance telling Lucas he did not believe him, "very well sir. I have prepared a bath and the clothes you would be wearing today sir".

"The caterers as well as most of the essential peoples have arrived and began to prepare. I advise you arrive early as this is not just your uncle's funeral but your introduction to the elite and upper society of Carnsmoth" Kingsley spoke once more before giving a slight bow and leaving.

Lucas followed him with his eyes his false smile still present, once Kingsley was gone his face lost his smile as his eyes focused on a portrait of his uncle which strangely enough seemed to be staring at him.

Lucas shook of the strange feeling and decided to get ready.


The service passed silently and uneventfully, his uncle's friends as well as some employees were present with the men garbed in outfits similar to his own. They wore a white shirt with a black waistcoat alongside a black tail-coat and trousers, with a black top hat to top it all off.

The priest who presided over the funeral, a priest from the church of the Mother of Life, the church George Karls belonged to, performed a hand gesture and said his last rites. "... our Lady, grant him your protection as he returns to earth. Guide him to your divine realm and grant him a place at your side to serve eternally under the service founded on the covenant of your love."

"Thy will be done"

""Thy will be done"" all present repeated after him. With that done the people filed out as the ones responsible filled the grave with earth. Lucas made his way down the verdant green hills filled with white tombstones towards his carriage to head towards his carriage.

"Mr. Karls." hearing his name called out he stopped and turned to the source. "Yes", the one who called out to him was a lady dressed in a fine black lace dress that clung tightly to her body. She seemed to glide over the earth leaving the grass barely disturbed.

Once she drew in close, Lucas attempted to have a look at her face but most of her face was obscured under the veil which extended down from her sun hat. The only thing visible to Lucas was her bright red lips.

Those bright red lips drew Lucas in, invoking a sense of familiarity, the lady gave of a near ethereal sense of beauty but her beauty served to create a wrong feeling within himself, "My carriage doesn't seem to be around. Do you mind if I join you?" her words brought Lucas back to his senses.

"Certainly my lady" Lucas took the hand she offered him and led her to his carriage where opened the door and allowed her in before following in after her. Lucas initiated conversation once the carriage ride began, "So miss... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth Sheerah. However you may call me Betty, as I find Elizabeth a tad bit too formal." Betty responded with her smile still present.

"Betty, well I'm sure you already know mine but it is still polite to introduce myself. I am Lucas Karls, you can just call me Lucas." Lucas responded flashing Betty a smile. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you know my uncle?" Lucas questioned his curiosity evident in his expressions.

"I didn't, not really. I met George Karls not long ago, three to two months before his unfortunate demise. We met due to our shared interests."

Lucas quirked a brow at that the information, subconsciously he took in her form once again. His actions caused her to let out a chuckle, seeing embarrassment as well as a touch of guilt marring Lucas features she spoke up.

"Nothing to worry about, you are not alone in those thoughts. I assure you however my relationship with you uncle is most definitely not the romantic sort. We merely shared academic inclinations is all" Betty finished with her smile never once leaving her face.

"Academic inclinations? forgive me but you don't look..."

"The sort?" Betty finished for him with her tone remaining the same, not revealing the slightest bit of the anger Lucas was expecting. "In recent years more and more learned women have made their marks, as the chase after higher pursuits. I naturally am one of those women."

"My apologies." Lucas apologized once again feeling quite awkward due to the amount of times he had apologized in this short period of time. "So what field of study had you and my Uncle working with one another?" Lucas questioned intent on steering the topic to something else.

This question finally caused a change in expression for the lady, the corners of her lips tugged upwards as her polite smile changed into grin, revealing her pearly white teeth to Lucas. "Oh a truly fascinating one. One that seeks to chase the secrets of the world and the answers to questions that have plagued mankind since the beginning."

Her manner of speech drew Lucas into a haze and he almost seemed to no longer feel the near subtle bumps of the carriage ride.

"The study of the higher mysteries".

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