
Rising of the Pet System

A young man who was a slave for as long as he remembers finally gets set free into the world by a powerful devil as her servant. As named by her, he took Hades as a name and a way of life. As her hellhound unleashed on the world, she gave him a contract. The more he sacrifices for her, the more power she will grant him. What to expect? The world of Alseria is a ruthless world so don’t expect people to be just after power or be evil for the sake of evil. Each villain I wrote has a legitimate reason for his action, and by legitimate I mean something good. The MC: He isn’t a good guy neither he is evil. He just wants to get by, and occasionally ends up causing a disaster. His sense of morality isn’t like other people’s due to his upbringing and this story is about him trying to be normal. The MC Powers: He has abilities granted to him by the system, not magic. Even though magic exists and is prominent in the world, our MC doesn’t have the patience to sit and learn it. By the end game, he will have a total of ten powerful abilities (Which are addressed in the ten-chapter prologue) I decided to take the HP, MP, and SP from the system concept since they aren’t good indicators of physical capabilities. Instead, I exchanged them for visual indicators, like if the MC is stabbed in the chest, his health is probably too low to stand. I will keep a review so you can contact me easily.

Alen_Tanor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Raymond Gamorian

Inside the church, Gabriella stood beside Hades. Eva and Cael behind them looked a bit worried. This could escalate quickly if Gabriella's father heard of it.

"Sister Gabriella, are you all right?" The head nun rushed at her with a terrified face. A bunch of other nuns can be seen peeking at them from behind the inner pillars of the church.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Gabriella replied with a big smile.

The head nun stared at Gabriella, she looked fine but her clothes didn't. They were scratched and damaged as if she was dragged into the ground. With Eva standing behind her, it was obvious. She was injured and was healed by Eva's [Heal].

"This is bound to draw your father's attention, we need to make sure you look…" BANG! The door got busted open. A tall muscular man glared at them.

The man looked in his late fifties wearing full plate armor and a red cape. A long sword strapped to his waist and a shield on his back. His expression quickly shifted from worry to anger as he unsheathed his blade glaring at Hades.

"You son of a bitch!" He roared shaking the whole church, BAM! In an instant, he charged faster than what Cael could react to. Swinging his blade with a thrust at Hades, he aimed for the heart.

Hades didn't even have time to lift his hands, he had to activate his skill from his chest to block the sword [Repulsion]

Hades' body got flung backward from his skill and the thrust's power. His body smashed into the god's symbol at the other end of the church. Hades dangled as he grabbed the cross-shaped object with his left hand.

"Father! You…" Gabriella tried to jump in but the head nun stopped her, the lord was dangerous in that situation.

"You! You...Favor…must be a lot!" Hades growled as he dangled from the shadow, his eyes seemed to glow faintly red as he imitated an aura akin to that of a wild beast.

"Humph! An ability holder, and a strong one at that. Who are you, to whom you belong?" The lord growled as he rushed ahead not waiting for an answer. "Die anyway!" He shouted, caring less about the life of the man who laid a finger on his daughter.

Cael rushed in to protect Hades, "Lord Raymond, please do calm down!" Yet, Lord Raymond never listened, he swung his blade at Cael without batting an eye.

Cael lifted his sword. CLANG! His sword went flying the moment they contacted, Lord Raymond kicked him immediately in the guts sending him rolling. BAM! He leaped over him to reach Hades.

At that moment, several knights who accompanied Lord Raymond reached the church door. They were unable to decide what to do as the guard captain seemed to have fought the lord. Was this a misunderstanding or an actual fight? They waited to know, as making the wrong move could get them punished later.

At that moment, the best they could do was get the other nuns away from the scene and let the lord deal with his problems alone, he was capable enough.

[Repulsion] Hades blasted himself toward the lord swinging a punch.

Lord Raymond stopped and lifted his shield up, Hades's punch landed there with a bang. The lord didn't budge an inch. "Naïve!" The Lord frowned.

Then, out of nowhere [Repulsion], A blast rushed from Hades's fist that the lord didn't expect, it was heavy, sharp, and quick. BAM! The shield went flying and the Lord had to take a step back. "Is that…"

Hades didn't let him talk and rushed in with a kick [Attraction]. The Lord took a quick step to the side to dodge but he noticed the kick following him, he was about to get hit no matter what.

He opened his palm and caught the kick, swinging his sword down to sever Hades's leg. [Repulsion] A blast exploded from Hades's knee and sent the Lord up in the air.

Before he could be blasted far, the Lord extended his hand and grabbed Hades by his hair. Silently, he swung a thrust at the neck.

Hades swung his fist up and hit the flat side of the blade before he could get stabbed [Repulsion] deflecting the strike away but still getting scarred on his forehead.

The Lord expected that and has already sent a kick toward Hades's guts with his Iron boots.

Hades didn't have time to block and took the hit directly, blood splattered from his mouth and nose as his body flew up and smashed into the ceiling. Bam! He fell back on the ground and a chunk of the wall fell beside him with a cloud of dust.

The lord lifted his blade up to sever Hades's head, this was the end. "Die, for laying a finger on my daughter."

As the blade drew near Hades, [Repulsion] Hades' body sprung up to the side, and the blade hit the ground.

[Attraction] THUD! Hades stomped the blade pinning it to the ground, in his hands he lifted the chunk of stone that fell from the ceiling as if it was his old hammer.

[Repulsion] behind to push it, and [Attraction] in front to pull it toward the Lord's head.

The Lord immediately lifted his blade to block the attack, he could sense the danger coming from that hit.

Thwack! The stone clashed with the Lord's blade yet the force never decreased, it was a constant massive downward force that tried to crush the Lord in his place.

Lord Raymond smiled, this was the first time in a decade that he faced such an attack. His iron boots dug into the ground, his old bones screamed and his heart beat with the fury of his young days.

GRWA! The Lord yelled pushing up, CLANG! In the end, the metal of his sword won as the stone shattered under the pressure released by them. CRACK! But it didn't last, the handle of his blade seem to have gotten loose so he threw the sword and swung a fist at Hades.

Hades as well swung his fist, "STOP!" Gabriella leaped between the two to stop the fight. She managed to push the head nun away and get free.

Lord Raymond immediately pulled his fist to not pummel his daughter's face. Hades was going to punch through her but he remembered the message from the system to not hurt her so he used [Repulsion] to cushion the punch.

Gabriella still ended up being pushed toward her father with the invisible blast. BANG! She smashed her head on his Steel chest blades leaving a bump on her forehead.

"You bastard…" The lord was about to yell at Hades but he saw him collapse. The hit to the guts finally took him down. Everyone stared in silence, even the guard who was standing at the door.

"Hades!" Gabriella rushed toward Hades to check on him, his inside was severely damaged from the kick.

"Look what you did father! After I spent all of that healing him, we're back to square zero!" Gabriella yelled glaring at Lord Raymond.

"What are you talking about?" He stared back at her confused as to why she was yelling at him.

Gabriella ignored him. This was bad, Hades was in a bad condition. That last bit of strength was probably his last drop. "Go bring my tools! Don't forget to prepare everything else."

She attempted to carry Hades but he was too much for her. She wasn't a fighter and lacked strength.

Lord Raymond Grabbed Hades by the shoulder and stared at her. He then carried him, "Where should we take him?"

She paused for a moment but then spoke. "To the uppermost left room, that's a good place." She said immediately hurrying behind her rushing father.

"I need an explanation later." Lord Raymond said as he stared to the side. Eva, the Ginis' daughter was healing the injured Cael.

"Yeah, but we heal him first!" She said with a worried face staring at Hades.

The characters' art chapter was added to the start. check it out.

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The City Lord is here.

Alen_Tanorcreators' thoughts