
Rising of the Pet System

A young man who was a slave for as long as he remembers finally gets set free into the world by a powerful devil as her servant. As named by her, he took Hades as a name and a way of life. As her hellhound unleashed on the world, she gave him a contract. The more he sacrifices for her, the more power she will grant him. What to expect? The world of Alseria is a ruthless world so don’t expect people to be just after power or be evil for the sake of evil. Each villain I wrote has a legitimate reason for his action, and by legitimate I mean something good. The MC: He isn’t a good guy neither he is evil. He just wants to get by, and occasionally ends up causing a disaster. His sense of morality isn’t like other people’s due to his upbringing and this story is about him trying to be normal. The MC Powers: He has abilities granted to him by the system, not magic. Even though magic exists and is prominent in the world, our MC doesn’t have the patience to sit and learn it. By the end game, he will have a total of ten powerful abilities (Which are addressed in the ten-chapter prologue) I decided to take the HP, MP, and SP from the system concept since they aren’t good indicators of physical capabilities. Instead, I exchanged them for visual indicators, like if the MC is stabbed in the chest, his health is probably too low to stand. I will keep a review so you can contact me easily.

Alen_Tanor · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

A new friend?

Hades opened his eyes feeling numb. He started coughing after taking a deep breath and breathing saliva.

The knight who was standing guard by his head rushed with a cup of water, "Are okay?" He handed the cup to Hades.

Glaring at the cup, Hades tried lifting his arm. It was heavy, numb, and sluggish. The moment he grabbed the cup, he dropped it on the bed.

As water dripped by the bed's wooden frame. The knight quickly grabbed the cup and refilled it. He draws it near Hades's mouth "You're still numb, I will help you drink."

Hades emptied the cup immediately, "What… is this?" even his speech seemed a bit off.

"Post-healing numbness, I experienced it before. Albeit in my case, it was only my leg. I used to be an adventurer like you, then I got an arrow to the knee." The knight said staring out the window, "My friends are out there fighting monsters and what do I get? Guard duty."

Hades stared at him and not understanding what he was talking about. He tried to stand but the knight stopped him.

"Take it easy, you feel better in a few minutes. Just need to let the blood circulate a bit more." He pushed Hades back to the bed, "Look at your arms and legs, they were this reliable before."

Hades's arms and legs have gotten thicker and more muscular. Before he was a bag of bones and blood, now there was a bit of meat there. His severed hand was back in its place like nothing happened without even a scare.

"How did this…" Hades grabbed his wrist and felt it.

"That's the girl who really has talent. No, she is on a whole another level." The knight said looking at the door which still had a small drop of blood in the corner. "You need to thank her, never seen a healer like her before."

The knight stood up, "Rest here, I will get you some food. Will depart after you eat."

Hades watched the knight leave. After making sure he was alone, he stood up and stomped the ground with his feet to kill the numbness. As a tingling feeling ran through his arms, he banged them on the wall.

'Better, who was that? I don't remember his face…need to get out of here.' Hades opened the window who was much bigger than the last time. He stood in the window and looked down, they were about four floors above the ground.

CRACK! The door suddenly opened and Gabriella walked in with a big smile. "Master Hades, the…" She froze seeing him in the window, he started back at her.

"Hold…" She rushed toward him and he leaped out immediately.

'Who's that, how does she know my name…' as he leaped out with [Repulsion] he felt something heavy grabbing into his ankles.

As he looked down, he saw Gabriella clinging to his ankle crying her balls out. "It's too high! Please get me down!"

It then clicked to Hades, "You're that one who got in my way! Get away from me!" He tried to shake her off.

"I will die! I will die! Don't drop meeeee!" She clung tighter.

"Like I care! Let me go you…" He yelled but then heard the voice of the system.

"{Killing her will cause you to lose all the Favor you got up to now, as well as reduce the amount you get in the future. Letting her stay by your side will provide you with healing to be able to get more Favor.}"

'A…what?' Hades was surprised, this was the first time the system asked him to keep someone alive. But if it was all to get more favor he wouldn't mind.

"Fine, come up here!" Hades bent and grabbed her from her nun outfit and pulled her up.

She glared at his annoyed face and then stared down, they were flying. It was more of them falling and Hades propelling them back up with [Repulsion]

"Hades you idiot! Get down here!" Hades heard Cael's screams from the ground. As he looked down he saw Eva and Cael with some knights waving to them.

Hades slowly descended, and as soon as he approached the ground, he dropped Gabriella and turned his [Repulsion] off. He managed to land on his feet from that distance but Gabriella fell on her face in some bushes by the roadside.

Cael rushed toward Hades while the knights and Eva rushed to check on Gabriella.

"Do you know who that woman was? Did you kidnap her?" Cael started yelling. Gabriella was the daughter of the city lord, her father isn't going to sit silent about this. Eva's family is but a noble one that works under him, this was bound to cause a lot of headaches.

"She's staying with us," Hades said with a passive face. The system said it will be better to keep her around, and he will do anything to get more Favor.

"You…" Cael was about to snap. "He's right," Gabriella said standing up and shaking the dust and leaves from her clothes. "I will be staying with you. And about my father, I will deal with him." She added, clearly barely able to stand.

"We can't do that, you that we two don't mix." Eva glared at her.

"Eva is right, this is impossible…" Cael spoke and then stopped thinking, the cogs in his brain started spinning as he analyzed the situation to the best of his ability. He looked at Gabriella, and then at Eva. He then stared at Hades and then back at Gabriella. Hades, Gabriella…

"After thinking about it, this is probably for the best. Let her go with us." Cael changed his mind immediately and looked at Eva. "Hades seems to injure himself a lot, we can leave dealing with him to her." He said with a serious face.

"Captain, you just want to…" one of the knights was about to speak but Cael glared at him. He shut up immediately.

Eva sighed, "This can't be decided or talked about now. Let's go back to the church as they might be worried. We can finish this conversation later." She had no choice, if they don't hurry and report back Gabriella's safety, the lord might think the Ginis family kidnapped her or something.

They walked back toward the church as two knights rushed ahead to inform the head nun that Gabriella was safe. That was a necessary measure to avoid misunderstanding.

As they walked, Cael noticed the people staring at them from a distance. The city street wasn't that busy so it was obvious. "You drew a lot of attention," Cael said looking at Hades and Gabriella.

Eva turned around glaring at Gabriella who was walking with a happy face beside Hades "A man flying with the lord's daughter in the middle of the city, I doubt Hades thought about it but you should have."

"Let them think whatever they want. I didn't want to fly like that as well, it's scary." Gabriella replied while still focusing her gaze on Hades. "Why did you jump from the window?" She asked with a smile.

"Hate locked and unfamiliar places, especially faces I don't know," Hades replied. If he found himself in a place he doesn't know, he will try to run away.

"But the knight was with you, right?" She asked. Something on her mind.

"Don't know him, never seen his face before," Hades replied.

Gabriella smiled, 'So he isn't tied with the Ginis family. He didn't recognize the armor or the insignia on them after all.' She thought.

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Now this will be our team, four people total. Without counting the pets (We already saw two, there will be a total of four)

Makin Hades, Called Hades and the MC

Evangeline Ginis, Called Eva. The daughter of the Ginis family and a nun blessed with the ability [Heal]

Cael Vendetta, Eva's knight and bodyguard. He is also the head knight of the city guard as the Ginis family is responsible for them. He has the ability [Slash]

Gabriella Gamorian, Daughter of the city lord and a high priest. She has no ability but she is skilled with healing magic. Has a weird interest in Hades's existence.

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