
Rising Luna

I should run but the comfort that I am feeling has me settling in. His face moves closer to mine stopping only a few inches away. His warm breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. Bringing his hand to my face I flinch instinctively. He pauses for a moment clenching his jaw making the muscle bounce, before running his thumb over the fresh cut on my cheek. His touch is so light I barely feel it. If it weren't for the tingles that he leaves in his wake I probably wouldn't have. He breathes in deeply letting out a low growl from his chest. I study his eyes noticing they have gone from a Golden Hazel to black. A commotion from the Grand Hall snaps my attention from him, but the noise from his mouth has me looking back. "Mine," he grumbles almost noncoherent. ************* Ivory always knew that she was different from the pack, and didn't belong. Not just because she was an omega or that the Alpha used her as a personal punching bag for the whole pack. She stuck out like a sore thumb when she didn't gain her wolf at 18. Now at 21, her life is about to change forever when her pack throws a ball to celebrate the mating of the Alphas son. Wolves from the surrounding packs come, but one seems to have his eyes set on Ivory.

AASpence · Fantasy
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7 Chs


My mind is racing trying to wrap itself around the words that just left his lips.


"There you are!" Remi says, rounding the corner. "I have been looking for you. We have to go; Alpha Damien is making an announcement, and we need to be there." She finishes, pulling me behind her.

Entering the hall, I see everyone facing the front of the room. Alpha Damien is standing on the stage that was brought in for the band. Craig joins him and, of course, Vanessa, grinning ear to ear, no doubt enjoying the attention that she is receiving. The hushed conversations stop when he clears his throat.

"I want to thank everyone that made it here tonight to celebrate my son Craig and his Mate Vanesa." Claps fill the room, making him pause.

"But there is another reason I have called you here tonight." Murmurs spread through the crowd. "

"I am going to be stepping back in my role as Alpha. Craig is the next Alpha in line, and I feel he is ready to take on the responsibility of the pack." He finishes

Chatter fills the room, some are outraged yells, and some are people not understanding why he would be stepping back and allowing Craig to take over. I didn't understand either; Craig was not as strong as his father. He still acted like a child and would throw a tantrum over not getting what he wanted. Or if he didn't win during sparing, he would stomp off and pout. Not Alpha material, in my opinion.

I laughed, and it must have been out loud because everyone looked at me when I looked up. Startled, I move my eyes up to the stage and am met with heated glares.

I'm going to pay for that later.

Bowing my head and exposing my neck to them as a sign of submission, I step into the back of the room. Making my way to the door, I look at Remi as she gives me a sad look. She knew what was coming for me tonight. She has tried to stop it before, but Alpha Damien always used his power of being Alpha on her and made her submit each time. I don't hate her for it; she had tried.

Actually, I won't lie; I was a little hurt at first because I never felt the dominance from him like she did and didn't understand why she couldn't fight it. I always blamed it on not having a wolf. Besides having a great sense of smell and good hearing, you would never know I was supposedly born to full werewolves.

I never knew my parents, though. I was brought to this pack when I was only a few months old. My first set of adoptive parents were amazing to me, but Alpha Damien had them killed when they got too attached. My second set was cast out to be Rouges for the rest of their lives when they tried to stop him from beating me. By age 13, he felt I was old enough to be alone. On my 18th birthday, he called me to his office after finding out I had not gained my wolf and beat me until I blacked out. That was the first time I had received a beating of that force.

After that night, each beating I received, he would always tell me how worthless I was, that I would never amount to anything. And that I am so pathetic that even the moon goddess didn't deem me worthy of a wolf.

I initially rejected his words; I didn't ask for a life without a wolf. I wanted to be like everyone else. I wanted to go out on pack hunts and run under the moon; I wanted to belong.

But after three years of hearing the same thing repeatedly, I accepted it. I am nothing more than a worthless omega that even the Moon Goddess hated. I had thought of running away and becoming a Rouge like my second parents, but I never thought I would survive. I am skinny, small, and would be picked off in a few days.

Reaching the door, I quickly walk down the main hall towards my room. I get to the bottom of the steps and hear voices coming toward me. Craig's is the first I hear.

"How dare she laugh! Who does she think she is?" he exclaims.

"I told you she is just jealous and wants attention." Vanessa chimes in.

I am just about to reach my room when I hear Damien,

"Stop right there!" He yells.

I feel a slight wave of power try and wash over me. I want to ignore it, but I know it will worsen things. Stopping short, I turn to face them, making eye contact with Venessa first, a sneer across her lips, showing her canines. Craig has his arms crossed over his chest, a smirk plastered on his face. I finally land on Damien and lock eyes with him holding the gaze.

"How dare you!" he growls, stepping closer to me.

"You ungrateful.." one step closer.

"worthless..." another.

"selfish b*tch!" one more step.

He was towering over me now, his teeth bared. He raises his hand, about to hit me, when he pauses.

Standing there, confused about why I wasn't being hit yet, I feel a familiar warmth come over me like a blanket. I look to see where it is coming from and see HIM step out of my room. His hazel eyes quickly looked me over before shooting up to Damien. He steps closer to me, brushing his arm against mine, sending electricity shooting up it. Damien takes a step back and drops his hand. His canines retracted, and a smile replaced them.

"Alpha Stone.....w-what are you doing down here?" he chuckles awkwardly. Then, waving a hand, motioning to the basement.

I have never seen him get so flustered before. What does this man have on him?

Wa-Wait, did he say Alpha Stone? As in THE Alpha Stone?

I remember overhearing one omega mentioning that the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack would be here. Still, I expected him to be a lot older and intimidating. In the little schooling that I was allowed to have, I had learned about the Crescent Moon Pack and how their Alpha was a mean and unforgiving leader. It was said he would wipe out entire packs for not respecting him. They were the strongest warrior pack in the nation, and no one messed with them unless they had a death wish. After the party had started, I didn't see anyone who resembled him and had thought that maybe they weren't able to make it. But no, here he is standing beside.

I snap my head downwards with the realization and start studying the floor, wishing I could disappear. A low growl comes from his throat but based on how no one responds; I can only assume I'm the only one who heard it. He moves to stand slightly in front of me.

"I should ask you the same thing, Damien," he responds.

His deep gruff voice sets my whole body on fire. Then, my mind flashes back to him pinning me against the wall and his warm breath on my neck.

Nope, Nope, Nope!!! Stop it! He is the Alpha of Crescent Moon; he will eat you alive!

The lack of Alpha in front of his name makes me snap out of my thoughts and look away from the floor to see anger growing in Damien's eyes.

Clearing his throat, "We are just down here to speak with this young woman after her outburst earlier. It is just very out of character for her." he finishes.

Craig nods his head in agreement...

Gross; typical puppy behavior

"There will soon be some cake served up in the Grand Hall. I'm sure it would be an honor for Craig and Venessa to accompany you there." Damien says, forcing a smile.

"I am not much of a cake person." Alpha Stone shortly responds. "But, I am sure that the attendees are wondering where their hosts are." he finishes looking at Craig and Venessa.

Venessa fixes her hair and smiles. "You are right, Alpha Stone; we should get back."

All three turn to leave when he speaks again.

"No...." Alpha Stone says. They stop and turn to face him. "you two can go. But your father and I need to talk," he says.

Venessa laughs awkwardly, opening her mouth to object, but he shoots her a look that causes her to whimper and bare her neck to him. Then, he dismissed them; Craig and Vanessa quickly walked back upstairs to the party.

"Shall we head to my office?" Damien asks.

"No, This conversation can be held right here." Alpha Stone responds.

I take a few steps backward, dismissing myself, when he looks in my direction, holding my eyes with his.

"Stay right there." He says coldly

I freeze in my tracks. This is it; I'm dead.

Turning back to face Damien, he begins.

"I am down here because I had noticed that you had a pack member that did not have the full scent of a wolf. I thought it couldn't be the case because the Elders had not been informed. So I thought that maybe my nose had deceived me." he pauses, looking at Damien, who shifts uncomfortably.

"But to my surprise, I followed the smell to a room down here in the basement.... a room below, the omega floor. I told myself it couldn't be true that you; Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack, would keep this a secret; let alone hide it in the basement, like a prisoner." he stops. He releases a harsh breath and fights the urge to clench his fists.

"But yet here we are, at the door to a room filled with her scent." he finishes pointing in the direction of me.

Alpha Damien stands there for a moment before responding, sighing as if trying to sound sympathetic.

"When she turned 18, she did not gain her wolf. We had her on the omega floor for a few months, but the other omegas were not handling it well. So I moved her down here so she would be safe and not have to deal with the constant bullying.

Lies. It's all lies!

I want to scream! But I stayed quiet with my face downcast, fighting the burning in my chest that grew with frustration with each passing minute.

As if feeling my frustration, he steps toward Damien.

"Then explain the cut on her face." He growls at him through his teeth.

"She must have gotten it when the champagne fell earlier this evening." He replies, shrinking into the wall.

"I call bull sh*t." He hissed, getting within inches of Alpha Damien's face. "That is clearly a cut from a claw, not a piece of glass." He pauses and points at me again but doesn't look away from Alpha Damien. "And if you think that I am that stupid, you have something else coming." he finished and took a step back and straightened his suit. clearing his throat, he spoke again.

"As Alpha of Crescent Moon, I am releasing her from your care."

"What!? You can't do that! She is a part of this pack, and-" Alpha Damien is cut off.

"She will come with me unless you want me to bring the elders into this. I know for a fact that they will not be fighting me." he stops and turns to me, "Go pack your things; we will be leaving in 20 minutes."

Standing there with my mouth open, I watch them both walk away. It wasn't until Alpha Stone looked over his shoulder at me I snapped out of my shock.

Walking into my room, I look at the few items I have. There were only a few days worth of clothes and the necklace around my neck when I was brought here that I could truly call mine. So I grabbed my small backpack and put the items in it.

Zipping it up, I sat on my bed.

What is going on...am I really getting out of here?

My heart raced at the thought of leaving this place. But just as quick as it started, it stopped, and a lump formed in my throat.

I'm going to the crescent moon pack. Do I genuinely think that's any better?

They are killers! Who's to say I'm not the next victim.

I am weak and wolf-less. They will kill me!

"Screw that!" I say, standing up.

Throwing my backpack over my shoulders, I look around the room one more time and run out. Taking two steps at a time, I reach the top of the stairs. A noise from the right has me shrinking into the shadows, waiting for the couple to pass. Locking eyes on the front door, I make a run for it.

As I reach for the handle, a hand on my shoulder grips it, claws digging in, piercing the skin. Gasping from the pain, I am whipped around to face the perpetrator.

Vanessa...I should have known.

"Where do you think you are going?" Her voice was harsh and sharp.

Looking me over, her eyes land on the backpack straps over my shoulders. Her eyes narrow, and she steps in close.

"Ohhohhh, you aren't going anywhere, mutt!" She said, getting within inches of my face. Her hand clamped down on my shoulder again, squeezing on the wound, causing me to wince and shrink away from the pain.

A person walking by makes her release me and step back. She turns and smiles at them like nothing is going on. I snake my hand over the doorknob behind me and open the door. Sliding through the crack, I take in the fresh air. The crisp coolness and the smell of freshly cut grass invaded my senses. I am taking the front steps one at a time, just relishing the feeling of being outside again after eight long years.

The front door flying open snaps me back; I am about to turn and run when something hits me with full force, slamming me to the ground. Rolling over to see what it was, a fist connected with my face, white flashed in my eyes, and throbbing pain filled my head—another punch to my face, followed by a claw cutting into my chest. I try to cover my face, but the blows keep coming, one after another. Finally, I roll over and try to crawl away, yanking at the dirt and grass, but I am pulled back by my ankles. A kick to my side makes me scream as I hear a familiar cracking noise and the pain rushing in.

Enough!! A voice growls in my head. But it is not mine.

Get up and fight back! The voice chimes in again.

What the hell is this!? Crap, I've officially gone crazy! I say internally.

No, you haven't. I will explain later; get up now! Fight back! she said again.

Rolling over and pushing myself to my knees, I am met with another kick to the ribs. Yelping, I grab my side. Turning to face my attacker, I see Vanessa, her sapphire-colored dress covered in mud. Part of me is happy to see her less than perfect.

Could you stand up for yourself, for us? The voice in my head chimes in again.

I don't know how! I yell back.

Don't worry about that; you have me. She says as I feel a wave of confidence rush over me.

Squaring my shoulders in preparation to fight back, the door opens, and Alpha Damien steps out with Craig, Beta John, and Alpha Stone.

"What is going on?" Alpha Damien demands. Pushing a wave of dominance over us, causing Vanessa to Bare her neck.

Looking from him to Alpha Stone, I see a brief look of confusion. That is quickly replaced with frustration, and the confidence I had disappeared with it.

"I was out here enjoying fresh air when she came out of nowhere and attacked me!" Vanessa wines. "I had to defend myself."

Are they ever truthful? the voice scolds.

A growl escapes my lips, causing everyone to look away from Vanessa and look at me, their faces etched with surprise. I clap my hands over my mouth.

What the fu*k was that!? I think to myself in surprise.

A small smile creeps across Alpha Stone's lips, and it is intoxicating. The urge to claim his lips as mine is unbearable, a force drawing me towards him.

Mate! the voice chides.