
Rising Luna

I should run but the comfort that I am feeling has me settling in. His face moves closer to mine stopping only a few inches away. His warm breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. Bringing his hand to my face I flinch instinctively. He pauses for a moment clenching his jaw making the muscle bounce, before running his thumb over the fresh cut on my cheek. His touch is so light I barely feel it. If it weren't for the tingles that he leaves in his wake I probably wouldn't have. He breathes in deeply letting out a low growl from his chest. I study his eyes noticing they have gone from a Golden Hazel to black. A commotion from the Grand Hall snaps my attention from him, but the noise from his mouth has me looking back. "Mine," he grumbles almost noncoherent. ************* Ivory always knew that she was different from the pack, and didn't belong. Not just because she was an omega or that the Alpha used her as a personal punching bag for the whole pack. She stuck out like a sore thumb when she didn't gain her wolf at 18. Now at 21, her life is about to change forever when her pack throws a ball to celebrate the mating of the Alphas son. Wolves from the surrounding packs come, but one seems to have his eyes set on Ivory.

AASpence · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Lower than Omega

The sun rose to shine through my small window, hitting me in the face.

Stiffly rolling over, I push myself up to a sitting position; I suck in a sharp breath bringing my hand to hold my side. The beating that I took last night flashed back into my head. Alpha Damian was mad for some reason and called me to his office to take his anger out.

Ever since I came of age and didn't gain my wolf, he used me as his personal punching bag, as did everyone else. I can only assume because I couldn't fight back. I stand at five-foot-three and couldn't weigh more than 90 pounds. I was lucky he didn't break any bones this time, although if he did, I would at least have a few days to heal before the next beating.

Pushing off my bed, I shuffle to the small sink in my room to try and wash my face. Looking in the mirror, I sigh at the person staring back at me. My red hair is in knots from not getting to wash or brush it this week. The cut on my face is starting to heal with a purple bruise surrounding it. I brush my hair out quickly with my fingers as tears fill my eyes from them pulling on the knots. Finally, I get most of the knots out when there is a knock on my door. Putting it up in a bun, I pull the door open.

I'm hit with a wall of perfume that almost makes me choke. Vanessa, the soon-to-be Luna, is standing on the other side. She is to be the mate of Alpha Damian's son Craig. They had been bragging to anyone who would listen that they were mates and how happy they were that she would become the next Luna. Her blonde hair settled in long curls, framing her sharp features. As soon as she met my eyes with hers, she clicked her tongue and brought her hand up, examining her new manicure.

Not looking away from her hand, "Tonight is Craig, and I's mating ball, they are short on staff, and for some God awful reason, they chose you to fill in. I'm here to warn you that if you mess up this night for me, I will make your life a living hell! Got it?" She finished staring at me through narrowed eyes. I look down at the ground and nod.

"You are pathetic." She growls out before lunging at me, causing me to flinch. Then, laughing, she turns around and walks away. I look up, watching her leave, only to see the head Omega heading my way. Stopping in front of me, she grabs my elbow, pulling me out of my room and down the hall.

"You are to take a shower immediately. I will not have a rat serving for me tonight. We have multiple Alphas from other packs joining us, and we must be our best." she finishes as we round the corner to the shower room.

Standing in front of one of the shower stalls, she spins me to face her, strips me down, turns the water on, and shoves me inside.

"Wash up quickly; we don't have time for you to dawdle, understand?" She states.

I nod in agreement keeping my eyes downcast. "Good, meet me in the kitchen once you are done, and put these on before you come up." She finished pointing at a pile of folded clothes on a chair.

"Oh, and one more thing, you better have that bruise covered up before the party," she states, walking out the door and latching it behind her.

I am low Omega on the totem pole. No, I take that back. I am lower than the lowest Omega; since I didn't have a wolf. Causing even the other omegas to treat me just as poorly as everyone else did. Stepping into the stream of water, I cringe as the ice-cold water meets the small of my back. Bracing myself, I step back into it further and rinse my hair. I ran my fingers through it, trying to work out the knots I didn't get a chance to brush out before. After rinsing my body down the best I can, I shut the water off and step out of the stall, grabbing a towel to dry off.

Once dry, I grab the clothes, putting on the black pants and white button-down top. The stark color made my red hair stick out more and my skin a pasty white. Looking in the small mirror, I see that my bruise is now more prominent due to the contrast. As the woman said, I walked back to my room to get it covered. Pulling out the top drawer of my nightstand, I grab the foundation I had been given for this very instance. They liked to beat on me but didn't like anyone else knowing they did.

Working it into my skin, focusing extra on the area of the bruise. I covered my whole face, ensuring that it wouldn't draw attention. I do not like the makeup on my f. It makes me feel like my skin is suffocating.

Looking at the clock on my wall, I realized that I had spent too much time trying to cover up the bruise, and I was going to be late. Rushing out the door, I make my way upstairs to the kitchen. I turn the corner and run into Remi, one of the omegas on my floor. She stumbles and turns to look at who bumped into her. Her eyes soften when she sees that it is me.

Remi was the only person in the pack to show me any kindness. On the days that I would be beaten so badly I could barely walk, she would come to my room and make sure that I was okay and help me take care of the wounds I couldn't reach. Giving me a small smile, she opens her mouth to say something when the Head Omega cuts her off.

"The visiting packs will be here shortly. I want swift serving—no standing in one area for too long. Make your way around the room efficiently." she paused to look at everyone in the kitchen. Her eyes landed on me, and the slight smile disappeared. I looked down at myself to see if I had done something wrong with the uniform. Then, I look around the room at everyone else to see that I look exactly the same as them.

What did I do wrong?

Feeling pain in my heart, I look down at the floor and hold my elbow, pinching at the skin, trying to keep the tears that were building in my eyes from breaking free.

Clearing her throat, she continues to remind us that we will have a perfect night as long as we keep drinks and appetizers in their hands.

Dismissing us, we begin to tie on our aprons and grab our trays, loading half of them with drinks and the other with food. Then, with a clap, she signals for us to begin walking to the Grand Hall to serve our waiting guests.

Reaching the entrance of the Grand Hall, I see hundreds of people milling about, laughing, and talking in large groups. I panic and stop short of the two large doors, staring into the party. A bump of my arm snaps me back to attention. Looking over, I'm met with a pair of brown eyes belonging to Remi. She gives me a small smile and raises her eyebrows towards the room as a cue for me to move. Taking a deep breath, I follow her lead and enter the crowd.

Weaving my way through the hall successfully without bumping into a single person, I approach the first group I see without drinks. Clearing my throat, I greet them.

"Champagne?" I ask, almost a whisper from the noise in the room. They take the glasses off my tray without fully acknowledging me and resume their conversation.

An hour goes by, and I start to get in a groove. I am weaving in and out of the crowd, serving drinks and appetizers, feeling pretty confident. Then, I noticed a group of men that I hadn't served yet talking to Alpha Damien.

Making my way over to them with a fresh tray of champagne, a man bumps into me, knocking the tray out of my hand and to the ground. A loud crash fills the room, causing everyone to look my way. Suddenly feeling very seen, I try to make myself as small as possible and quickly clean up the mess.

Alpha Damien glares down at me, and a growl escapes his throat.

"I-I am so sorry, Alpha.." I say, quickly piling the broken glass on the tray.

The large man talking with Alpha Damien squats down and begins to help me pick up the pieces. Flustered, I grab the pieces faster, sucking in a breath as one slice's into my skin. Dropping a piece in his hand, he holds mine to look at the cut. Electricity shoots through my hand and up my arm. Startled, I pull back in shock and look up at his face. Eyes that are hazel with a hint of gold greet me, the pupils blown slightly. His gaze holds me, and I swear I hear a growl in his chest. I break the gaze, pick up the rest of the glass and quickly make my way out of the room.

Making it to the kitchen, I dump the broken glass in the trash and put the tray on the island. Smoothing my shirt, I grab a towel to wrap around my cut hand. Leaning against the island, I take a deep breath and prepare to head back into the hall and finish cleaning up the mess. Turning around, I am met with a slap across my face. Grabbing my now stinging cheek, Vanessa's blue eyes glare down at me.

"I told you not to make a scene!" she says

"I-I didn't mean t-" another slap cuts me off; this time, her claws were out, cutting open my cheek.

"Bull!" she yells. "I know you are just an attention-seeking whore! You saw that people were paying attention to Craig and me, and you were so jealous that you wanted all the attention to yourself!"

Just as she is about to hit me again, Craig walks in. "There you are; I have been looking for you." He says. "What are you doing in h-" he stops once he notices me standing pinned against the island holding back tears.

"Oh...." he says, looking me up and down with disgust. "Ness, don't waste your time. Let's get back to the party," he says, turning and putting his arm out for her to take.

As soon as they walk out the door, I wet the towel around my hand in the sink. Then, putting it up to my cheek, I suck in a breath from the pain that shoots through my face once the cold water touches the cut. I once again fight back the tears that are building in my now red and puffy eyes.

Enough wallowing; get back out there and finish cleaning up the mess. I think to myself.

Clearing my throat, I grab a clean towel and head back to the Grand Hall to finish wiping the champagne off the floor.

Finding my way back to the spot, I kneel down and start to dry the floor. A feeling of being watched overwhelms me. Looking around, I catch him staring at me. His hazel eyes are intense as he looks me over, locking eyes with mine once again. I shift uncomfortably and get back to work.

Why is he looking at me? I am just cleaning the floor.

I finish getting it as dry as I can and stand up. The feeling gets stronger, and I look back to where he was once standing to see that he is walking toward me. His muscles contract with every movement, making the suit strain around them. I am frozen, staring at this man walking towards me like a wolf hunting its prey.

A wave of power comes over me, just enough to know that it is Alpha Damien's. I drop my head in response, snapping me out of the trance I had been put in. Then, looking back up through my eyelashes, I look to see if he was affected.

What the hell? Is he still walking toward me?

The voice of Alpha Damien booms through the room, making everyone turn and look at him, bearing their necks to him as a sign of submission. Finally, the man pauses and looks over at him. I take my chance to escape. Making my way through the crowd, I finally reach the exit, only to have a large hand grab my arm and pull me into the hallway. The smell that overwhelms me is intoxicating. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The scent of pine and rain take over my senses. I almost melt. I have to know where this is coming from; I need more!

I open my eyes, look around me, and see two large arms on either side of my head, pinning me in between them and a wall. The warmth envelops me and makes me want to curl up in it and never return. Bringing my head up to look at the person making my world implode. The same Hazel eyes are looking back at me.

What the fuck!

I should run, but the comfort I feel has me settling in. His face moves closer to mine, stopping only a few inches away. His warm breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. Bringing his hand to my face, I flinch instinctively. He pauses for a moment clenching his jaw, making the muscle bounce, before running his thumb over the fresh cut on my cheek. His touch is so light I barely feel it. I probably wouldn't have if it weren't for the tingles he leaves in his wake, I probably wouldn't have. He breathes in deeply, letting out a low growl from his chest. I study his eyes, noticing they have gone from a Golden Hazel to black.

A commotion from the Grand Hall snaps my attention from him, but the noise from his mouth has me looking back.

"Mine," he grumbles, almost noncoherent.

My breath hitches, and my heart starts racing. He must have sensed it; he pushed away from the wall and turned to walk back to the hall. The warmth disappeared with him and left me wanting more. His absence clears my head back up, straightening my blouse when it hits me.

MINE!?.... Wait, what did he call me?

Chapter 1 in the books. No pun intended.

This is my first time writing a Werewolf novel so hold on with me.

Please let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you all.

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