
Rising Luna

I should run but the comfort that I am feeling has me settling in. His face moves closer to mine stopping only a few inches away. His warm breath on my neck sends shivers down my spine. Bringing his hand to my face I flinch instinctively. He pauses for a moment clenching his jaw making the muscle bounce, before running his thumb over the fresh cut on my cheek. His touch is so light I barely feel it. If it weren't for the tingles that he leaves in his wake I probably wouldn't have. He breathes in deeply letting out a low growl from his chest. I study his eyes noticing they have gone from a Golden Hazel to black. A commotion from the Grand Hall snaps my attention from him, but the noise from his mouth has me looking back. "Mine," he grumbles almost noncoherent. ************* Ivory always knew that she was different from the pack, and didn't belong. Not just because she was an omega or that the Alpha used her as a personal punching bag for the whole pack. She stuck out like a sore thumb when she didn't gain her wolf at 18. Now at 21, her life is about to change forever when her pack throws a ball to celebrate the mating of the Alphas son. Wolves from the surrounding packs come, but one seems to have his eyes set on Ivory.

AASpence · Fantasy
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7 Chs


What!? What did you just say? I scream.

I feel a wall go up internally, and the voice in my head disappears.

"John, please escort her to her room; she is not feeling well." Alpha Damien commands.

"Alpha Damien, have you already forgotten our conversation? She is to be coming with me." Alpha Stone responds.

"She is unwell. Why don't we keep her here until she can safely travel?" Damien says. Snapping his fingers, Beta John starts down the steps towards me.

F that!

I turn and run towards the forest that borders the pack lands. My hard breathing drowned out the yells behind me; even if I could hear them, I sure as hell wasn't stopping. Weaving in and out of the trees, dodging the low-hanging branches. Finally, I could feel the push back of the border, signaling that I was nearing the edge.

Slowing down, I catch my breath; the burning in my throat and the faint taste of blood intensified with each ragged breath. I look around to take in my surroundings; the moon is hidden by the thick trees making it almost unbearably dark. I straighten up and push further into the forest until I reach the border.

The sound of a twig snapping behind me makes me turn quickly and hide behind a tree. Straining my ears, I listen for other sounds; the forest has gone quiet. Instead, all I can hear is my own heart beating and the slight rustling of the trees in the breeze.

Rustling in a bush next to me draws my attention to the ground. I walk towards it and bend down. I push some of the leaves aside, and a couple of rabbits scurry out and away from me. The quick motion made me jump.

"You are ridiculous, Ivory," I say quietly, standing up.

Readjusting my bag, I turn around. I take a step and run into what feels like a brick wall. Stumbling back, I look up and see Alpha Stone standing there. Hands in his pockets and a brooding look on his face.

Fear is the first thing that washes over me, but it is quickly replaced by comfort. The intoxicating smell coming off him makes me want to step closer, press up against him, and never move.

My body is telling me to submit to him. I have never felt this way before. I want to bear my neck to him, to do anything he needs from me. The unbearable urge to protect him. I lock eyes with him and give way to my body. Stepping back a few feet, I drop my backpack off my shoulders and move my hair to one side of my head: never releasing his stare.

The look on his face is stern but curious. I smile slightly and then bear my neck to him. Not just out of self-protection like I did with Alpha Charlie, but out of complete respect.

Closing my eyes, I stand motionless for a moment, taking in the buzzing on my skin. Suddenly two strong hands clasp on either side of my face. Opening my eyes quickly, I stare directly into his beautiful hazel eyes with blown pupils. He moves in closer and takes a deep breath, a low growl escaping his lips and a smirk forming on them.

The buzzing of my skin quickly vanishes and is replaced by fear, my heart starts racing, and I can't breathe.

I am going to die here and now.

Suddenly his pupils return to normal, and he releases me. Then, taking a few steps backward, he clears his throat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he says

His voice, like honey, soothes my nerves.

"It's...it's okay," I respond, trying to mask my quivering voice.

"You don't have to do that around me." he retorts.

"Do what?" I ask

"Pretend," he pauses, taking a step closer

I drop my head and stare at the ground. Fidgeting with my hands. He takes a few steps closer, places a hand under my chin, and pulls it up, making me look at him. His face is softer now; the stern look he seemed to always have is gone. His eyes look over my face, stopping on the new cut on my lip. His thumb traces it lightly once again, leaving tingles in its wake. His head falls closer to mine, leaving only inches between my lips and his. My breath hitches at the electricity that is surging between them. I lick my lips quickly before he envelopes them in his.

I feel like I am drowning, the vibrating in my body pulling me in. My knees give out a little, causing him to wrap his other hand around my waist, pulling me closer. His kisses become more frenzied as he explores my mouth and I explore his. Then, releasing mine, he trails his way down my neck, stopping right before it meets my shoulder. He nips at the tender spot, sending electricity down between my legs.

"Alpha Stone," I protest breathless.

"Aries," he replies between kisses before he nips again.

The pleasure that comes from it makes me moan, "Aries..."

A deep growl escapes his throat, and he pulls me into him a little too hard, causing me to gasp in pain. The attack from Vanessa flashed into my head again.

He stops, quickly releases me, and steps back again; his eyes flashed between pain and anger before it was quickly replaced by his distinctive stern look. My heart sank. I didn't want him to stop; I should have just been quiet.

He clears his throat and smooths his shirt.

"We are ready to leave. Please gather your things and meet me at the front of the house...." he paused, "and if you pull this again, I will not be as nice next time." He said before walking away towards the packhouse.

I felt so empty, confused, and a little hurt even. After the last few minutes, how could he just be so cold?

He is the Alpha of Crescent Moon. What more do you expect? I think to myself.

Yes, but he is ours... the voice in my head appears again.

Okay, who the Fu*k are you!? I am not playing anymore! I reply back.

You will understand soon. She retorts

Rolling my eyes, I start heading back to the packhouse without asking any more questions. Even if I was going crazy, at least I wouldn't be alone anymore.