
Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Helezar Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Beyond The World.

Qussai_H_Shah · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Episode 30: That's The God's Modus Operandi!

Orngea floated in an unpredictable, dark place, his hooded figure obscured by the shadows that enveloped him. He was contemplating the battle he had been observing through his mystical quirks. His thoughts raced, an amalgam of curiosity and dark satisfaction.

"Of course, as expected from you, Fheniz Wrings," Orngea mused. "But this other individual... who is he? The energy I sensed before.... no, not at all, it wasn't any mere misconception. This wasn't the typical life force of a mortal. No, this was something much more potent, something divine. A familiar presence, isn't he? I can bring the difference in the type of energy a normal being holds and a God does."

The realization dawned on him. "OH, OH, OH," he chuckled, his voice echoing in the void, blending malevolence with excitement. "I wasn't wrong, I wasn't wrong at all, I couldn't have been happier. Subarashi, Subarashii!!!" The darkness around him seemed to blend with his growing sense of satisfaction, a twisted elation that made the void pulsate with his exhilaration. The malevolent aura that once defined him seemed to wane, replaced by an eerie blend of admiration and sinister delight. 

"Yes," he continued in his thoughts, "this is indeed something extraordinary. To think that I would encounter such a being here, now, of all times. The energy, it's unmistakable. This is not merely a.... this is something beyond. A deity, perhaps? Or something even more... unique."

Orngea's thoughts swirled in a tempest of dark joy, his mind reveling in the implications of what he had discovered. "Fheniz, you have outdone yourself this time. And this new player... Ah, the possibilities. The delight of it all. Yes, this is truly a moment to savor."

Yesdar and Malaes flew towards the mountains on Ferion, their minds abuzz with the recent events. "Can you believe what we just witnessed?" Yesdar exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

"No," Malaes replied, shaking her head in disbelief. "The plan worked perfectly, but the scale of those sandstorms... and Griswa's Energy Releasement. It was beyond anything we could have imagined. This was clearly incredible."

"We were so far away, yet we felt the impact," Yesdar continued, gripping the reins of Ferion tightly. "It nearly knocked us off balance, and we already flew miles away at top speed, before he even unleashed his power."

Malaes nodded, her expression serious. "It was incredibly powerful, but I can't shake the feeling that we haven't seen his true strength yet. That display was awe-inspiring, but I think he has more to show."

"You're right," Yesdar agreed. "Even after taking down millions of those, probably, it felt like he was holding back. It's both amazing and terrifying to think about what he might be capable of. A true God's power beyond awesomeness and yet not peak."

As they flew towards the towering mountains, one of the memories of their training and past experiences flashed in. 

"Yeah," Malaes responded, as Yesdar questioned about that past event. "It feels like it wasn't that long ago. We were so naive back then, thinking we understood the extent of power and what it meant to fight for our world."

One particular never-ending day, Fheniz took the trio to a distant location in the south. "This is for training purposes," he had said. Fheniz flew ahead, while Yesdar, Malaes, and Griswa rode on Ferion. The journey took several hours, filled with idle chatter and the passing of varied landscapes.

As they flew, the endless desert finally gave way to an ancient city.

(The city was of old-world architecture, with structures reminiscent of ancient Turkish cities. Narrow, winding streets lined with stone buildings, domes, and minarets created a labyrinthine layout.)

Fheniz led them to a secret entrance beneath the city, revealing an underground world unlike anything they had ever seen. The rocky walls opened into a vast expanse, illuminated by an ethereal glow. The underground realm was dominated by large, clear white arenas, each one a colossal dome surrounded by infinite darkness.

As they continued, they noticed intricate patterns etched into the walls and floor, glowing faintly with an otherworldly light. These patterns seemed to pulse with energy, guiding them deeper into the underground world.

They walked, marveling at the architectural wonder before them. The arenas were connected by long, wide roadways made of the same clear white material. These pathways stretched out from alcove openings, leading to the entrance of each distant arena.

"This place is incredible," Yesdar whispered, his voice echoing in the vastness.

Malaes nodded in agreement. "I've never seen anything like it. The way these white structures are laid out.

"It's a network of training grounds." Fheniz said.

The roadways were meticulously crafted, their smooth surfaces reflecting the light that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. As they walked along these paths, they could see other roadways branching off to their left and right, each leading to identical domed arenas.

"Why did you bring us here, Fheniz?" Yesdar asked, his curiosity piqued.

Fheniz smiled enigmatically. "You'll see. This place was built for training warriors of extraordinary power. Each arena has been designed to test different aspects of your abilities."

The path they walked on seemed to float in the vast underground space, suspended over an abyss of darkness. Yet, it was cool and bright where the arenas were, an opposition to the infinite blackness surrounding them. The roadways were wide enough to accommodate large groups, but their pristine whiteness and the immaculate condition suggested that few had walked them in millennia times.

"The arenas," Fheniz explained, "are equipped with various mechanisms to simulate real combat scenarios. You will be tested to your limits, and beyond."

The trio exchanged glances, a mix of excitement and apprehension on their faces. They had trained hard, but this place felt different, more intense.

"This is where you will truly understand what you need to understand, your potential, what type is the best for you and what you'll excel in. The Ehayor race built and used these. Master Ehayor had brought me here many times." Fheniz explained. "Each dome you see is a gateway to a different challenge. The paths connecting them represent the system you must undertake, not just physically, but mentally too."

As they reached the entrance to one of the arenas, Fheniz turned to face them. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice carrying a weight that made the question feel monumental.

The trio's training in the underground arenas was rigorous and intense, each dome presenting a different command to master. Fire Commanding, Energy Commanding, Elemental Commanding, Lightning Commanding, Power Control, Observation and many more, were all part of their grueling regimen. For Griswa, there was an additional challenge and another arena for Dragon Commanding.

The training arenas were equipped with systems that analyzed their capabilities and statistics. For Malaes and Yesdar, the systems provided detailed feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement in each sector, and their potential percentage to go beyond limits. But for Griswa, the systems displayed a single word: "Inconceivable."

Malaes stared at the display in awe. "What does that mean?" she asked. Fheniz explained, "It means his power has no measurable limits, just one flaw, berserker."

Since then, they understood, more the power, the lesser it was.... more the madness, the lesser it was.💀


Fheniz and Griswa stood amidst the chaos, feeling the raw energy of battle coursing through them. As they met, Fheniz's eyes flickered with a sense of purpose. "They're coming," he said, his voice steady. "I'll take the right, you take the left."

With that, they burst into action, their figures blurring into near invisibility as they accelerated to speeds unfathomable to ordinary beings. Griswa wielded his sword, Mexileum, a preserved sword of the Ehayor race, a gift from Master Ehayor, and one of "The Paramount Swords of Gods." Griswa thought to himself, If I am not worthy to wield this, then who is?

With a single slash, Griswa cut through a hundred thousand enemies, his movements so swift and precise that gravity itself seemed to pause in reverence. Rivers and lakes of thick, lustrous blood erupted, suspended in mid-air as if time itself held its breath. The droplets and small streams danced around him in slow motion, creating a macabre yet mesmerizing display. As a God passed through, gravity ceased to function.

Fheniz mirrored his partner's deadly grace on the right. His technique, "Fire Commanding: Nature's Ignition!" unleashed a tidal wave of flame around him after an impactful deep aura released out of him. The fire blasted 4000 meters in every direction in just half a second. These were no ordinary flames; they towered 800 meters high, an unstoppable wall of destruction that consumed everything in its path. The flames spread like a monstrous circle, an inferno that turned the battlefield into a blazing sea.

Griswa, felt the gravity of the moment. I must control my power, channel it perfectly. I cannot afford to lose myself now or ever. His eyes glowed with a mix of gradient rainbow colors.

"Falchion Adroit: Ferocious Wave!" Griswa shouted, unleashing another devastating attack. The shockwave ripped through the enemy ranks, lifting bodies high into the air. Griswa continued his relentless assault, his movements a blur of deadly precision. Each swing of "Falchion Adroit: Ferocious Wave!" was followed by a stunning mixture shockwave of brilliant purple, red, and neon blue energy. The wave surged forward at an incredible speed, decimating a million enemies in one devastating super sweep. Bodies were flung into the air, and the battlefield became a canvas painted with the rivers of blood from the fallen in the air. The blood danced off his sword in slow motion as he swinged it, descending a "Rain of Bodies" that fell endlessly to the ground below.

Griswa stood still for a while as another troop of enemies was approaching.

This is what it means to be a God, and I haven't even used 1 percent of my power. This doesn't make me quite an interesting character, who is simply so powerful and his life has no weak to strong journey. HAHA, anyways, I have no match. And even if I do, my goal is not supremacy anyways, instead my struggle is disciplining it. Until, I achieve a 100% Power Control with my mind to use a 100% of my power without being a berserker.

That's the God's modus operandi!


Mexileum: [MEG]+[ZEE]+[LEE]+[UHM]

Yo! this episode is shorter 'cause it has more action, and action sequences fill up quite the length of an episode. (Am talking about visual representation) So if I write everything at once, it's gonna end too soon with less chapters/episodes.

Qussai_H_Shahcreators' thoughts