
Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Helezar Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Beyond The World.

Qussai_H_Shah · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Episode 31: This Ends Today

Yesdar and Malaes were still flying around the mountain range, their eyes keenly scanning the horizon for a suitable landing spot. The journey had taken over an hour and a half, and the peaks that lay before them were far beyond anything they had ever imagined. The mountain range spanned a vast expanse, with over a thousand peaks rising majestically into the sky. The task at hand was daunting: they needed to find Orngea amidst this vast terrain.

The plan was simple but required precision and coordination. Malaes would use her superior observation skills to locate Orngea, while Yesdar and Ferion would provide protection. Once located, they would telepathically communicate the information to Griswa, who would then hunt down Orngea, leaving the battlefield in Fheniz's capable hands.

During their intense training sessions in the underground arenas, Yesdar and Malaes had honed their abilities to improving levels. Each challenge they faced was meticulously designed to test their skills and push their limits. For Griswa, the system always displayed "Inconceivable," the definition of his limitless potential. However, for Yesdar and Malaes, the scores were a clear reflection of their hard work and perseverance.

System Scores:


[Fire]: 2116

[Energy]: 2430

[Lightning]: 1315

[Elemental]: 2024

[Observation]: 1975

[Dragon]: 0

[Time]: 0

[Power Control]: 98/100

[Limitations]: None


[Fire]: 2065

[Energy]: 2331

[Lightning]: 1315

[Elemental]: 2095

[Observation]: 3120

[Dragon]: 0

[Time]: 0

[Power Control]: 98/100

[Limitations]: None



[Power Control]: 8/100 (Berserker)

[Limitations]: None

System Calculation:

The system calculates scores based on several factors, including raw power, control, adaptability, and potential. Each score is derived from an intricate formula that takes into account the user's ability to harness and command their respective elements. The scores are out of 1,000,000 and scoring more than 2000 indicates a potential to become a great combatant. Power Control is calculated out of 100.

[Note: Systems can make mistakes and be inaccurate too. Scores shown do not limit or increase any user's own ability to go beyond limits or undervalue it.]

Fire Commanding: This score reflects the user's control over fire, including the ability to summon, shape, and wield flames with precision and power. Scores above 2000 indicate control over it, with potential for advanced techniques and greater destructive capabilities.

Energy Commanding: This score measures the user's proficiency in manipulating raw energy, mixing it or converting it. It encompasses the ability to generate, control, and direct energy of different kinds in various forms. Scores above 2000 suggest a high level of skill, enabling the user to perform complex energy-based attacks and defenses.

Lightning Commanding: This score gauges the user's control over lightning. It involves summoning, directing, and utilizing lightning in battle. Scores above 1000 indicate a solid understanding of the element, with potential for growth in more advanced techniques.

Elemental Commanding: This score represents the user's ability to command multiple elements. It combines the proficiency in various elemental controls. Scores above 2000 reflect versatility and adaptability in combat.

Observation: This score measures the user's observational skills, including perception, analysis, and awareness of universal energies. High scores, like Malaes's 3120, indicate exceptional talent in detecting subtle changes and anticipating enemy movements, making the user a formidable strategist.

Dragon and Time Commanding: These scores are currently at zero for both Yesdar and Malaes, indicating that they have not yet developed these abilities. These skills are rare and require specific training and innate talent.

Power Control: This score reflects the user's ability to control their overall power output. A high score, like Yesdar and Malaes's 98/100, indicates precise control, reducing the risk of uncontrolled power surges. Griswa's low score of 8/100 highlights his struggle to harness his immense power without losing control.

Limitations: This suggests if any of the user here has any limit to grow eventually powerful. For now, none of them had any limitations to go beyond their limits. 

Fheniz had often praised Malaes for her exceptional observation skills. "Your ability to see beyond the obvious is quite efficient," he had said. "And your commanding skills are impressive too. Lightning is a difficult element to master, but you and Yesdar have brought decent scores."

"For Griswa, I guess you already know, your capital shall not be liable." Fheniz turned his eyes towards Griswa.

"Yeah." Griswa replied in a serious tone with his head down, in realization of the disadvantage he was in.

Malaes glanced at the memory in her mind, feeling a surge of confidence. She turned to Yesdar, "Stay close and keep me covered. I need to focus entirely on locating this Orngea."

Yesdar nodded, his expression serious. "Yeah yeah, I know. Let's get this done. I am hungry."

Griswa's blade, Mexileum, cut through the air with a speed that defied comprehension. Each slash was a symphony of destruction, his movements a blur as he decimated the enemies before him. With each swing, a million foes fell, their bodies disintegrating into ethereal mist, unable to withstand the divine power of his strikes. The ground beneath him was littered with the remains of his adversaries, the definition of his rising Godhood.

Beside him, Fheniz stood, his eyes burning with determination. He raised his hands, and the air around him shimmered with heat. "Elemental Commanding: Fire Crystal!" he roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield. The sand at his feet glowed red-hot, transforming into molten glass. With a flick of his wrist, the glass shards shot into the sky, forming crystalline arrows of fire.

The first volley rained down upon the enemy ranks, each shard piercing through hundred-thousands of foes with deadly precision. The glass arrows exploded on impact, sending fiery shrapnel in all directions. The screams of the beasts mingled with the roar of the flames, creating a cacophony of chaos. Fheniz didn't pause. He drew in a deep breath, his chest expanding with power.

"Elemental Commanding: Fire Crystal!" he bellowed again. This time, the glass shards twisted and spiraled through the air, forming a deadly vortex. The vortex tore through the enemy lines, cutting down thousands in its path. The flames danced in Fheniz's eyes as he controlled the vortex, directing it towards the densest concentrations of enemies.

For the third time, he summoned the power of the Fire Crystal. The glass shards formed a massive wall of fire, advancing slowly but inexorably towards the enemy. The wall engulfed everything in its path, reducing soldiers to ashes in mere moments. Fheniz's control over the elements was absolute; the fire obeyed his every command.

"Elemental Commanding: Fire Crystal!" His voice thundered across the battlefield once more. This time, the glass shards rained down like a storm, each shard seeking out its target with unerring accuracy. The enemies fell like wheat before the scythe, their screams drowned out by the roar of the flames.

The fifth and sixth times, Fheniz combined the Fire Crystal with wind, creating a blazing tornado. The tornado tore through the enemy ranks, incinerating everything it touched. The heat was so intense that the air shimmered, distorting the landscape. Fheniz's eyes blazed with fury and determination as he directed the inferno.

For the seventh and eighth times, he created pillars of fire that shot up from the ground, impaling enemies on spires of molten glass. The pillars then exploded, sending shards flying in all directions. The battlefield was a sea of fire and glass, the enemies unable to escape the relentless assault.

The ninth time, Fheniz formed a dragon from the glass shards. The dragon roared, its body a swirling mass of fire and glass. It charged through the enemy lines, its fiery breath incinerating everything in its path. The dragon's tail lashed out, cutting down enemies with a single swipe.

Finally, for the tenth time, Fheniz raised his hands high, summoning a storm of fire and glass. The storm covered the entire battlefield, a blizzard of death that left no place to hide. The enemies were swept away in the inferno, their bodies reduced to ash in the relentless heat.

Griswa, meanwhile, continued his unabating assault, his sword a blur as he cut through enemy after enemy. His movements were a dance of death, each step perfectly timed, each strike perfectly placed.

As Griswa continued his persistent onslaught, a tremendous roar filled the air. The sound was deafening, shaking the very ground beneath their feet. Both Griswa and Fheniz looked up, their eyes widening in shock. A colossal monster, larger than anything they had ever seen, flew over the right half of the mountain range. Its body was shaped like a blue whale, but with a tiny pointed tail at the back. The creature's size was unimaginable, enough to gobble up 500 mountains in a single gulp.

Griswa's eyes were wide with shock. "What in the name of the goddamn gods...?" he muttered, his grip tightening on Mexileum. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. The monster's sheer size and presence were overwhelming. "How did that thing get here?" he wondered aloud, his mind racing. He knew that Malaes and Yesdar were searching for Orngea in those mountains. This monster was a threat they hadn't anticipated.

Fheniz, standing somewhere far, was equally stunned. "This is... some bloody creature, shit!," he said, his voice tinged with awe. He used telepathy to communicate with Griswa. "We have to deal with that thing! Now!"

Griswa nodded, his mind racing. "But how? We're already fighting a massive army. If we leave now, it'll be a waste of plan.."

Fheniz clenched his fists, his jaw set in determination. "We don't have a choice. If that monster reaches Malaes and Yesdar, they'll be in grave danger. It's fine, the plan doesn't matter."

Griswa looked up at the sky, his godly eyes focusing on the seven warships hovering above. Each ship was massive, that could contain millions of troops of enemies, but none were large enough to accommodate that monster. "How did it get here?" he wondered again, his mind reeling. The answer seemed impossible.

"Orngea must have some tricks up his sleeve," Fheniz messaged, his voice grim. "We need to find him and end this."

Griswa nodded, his eyes narrowing. "I'll deal with the monster. You handle the battlefield. I'll get there as fast as possible."

Fheniz gave a sharp nod. "Be careful. That thing is more than just a monster. It's a weapon."


In the same dark, unpredictable place, Orngea was still floating as he talked to himself, darkly whispering.

"Admire me."

"The monster... my trump card. This time, I didn't just come with large numbers. No, this time, I brought a weapon of unimaginable power. A creature so vast, so powerful, that not even Fheniz can take it down."

"This time, I will win. And I'll be free from one burden, at least."

"This ends today."