
Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Helezar Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Beyond The World.

Qussai_H_Shah · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Episode 29: All Shall Be Out, Without Me Going All Out

"SLEEPING??!!" Yesdar's voice echoed with disbelief, his eyes wide in shock. "Are you telling me that Master Ehayor is sleeping while his own planet is under attack?"


Fheniz spoke, his expression one of calm resolve. "Yes, Yesdar. Master Ehayor is sleeping."

"Yesdar," Malaes said, trying to steady her voice, "are you sure you heard him right?"

"Yes, he said 'sleeping'!" Yesdar insisted. "I just don't get it, Fheniz. Why isn't he here to defend his planet?"

Fheniz sighed, a mixture of weariness and understanding in his eyes. "He trusts me, Yesdar. Master Ehayor has complete confidence that I can handle the Brighter Dark Army. This isn't the first time, nor the second. He has trained me well, and he believes I'm capable of protecting Ehayor in his stead."

Yesdar's eyes narrowed. "So, he did the same thing the last two times too?! Just slept through the invasions?! WHAT THE?!"

"Exactly," Fheniz confirmed. "There's no deeper reason. He simply trusts in my abilities. He believes that, as his successor, I am enough to fend off these attacks. Well that's what he can expect from a future God, he can sleep, resting assured."

Malaes shook her head in amazement. "I can't believe it. But why doesn't he at least stay awake to see how things go?"

Fheniz's gaze was unwavering. "He feels assured, knowing that I am here. Master Ehayor expects me to uphold his legacy, to protect this planet as he once did. And so far, I have proven him right. But there's no time to discuss this in detail now. Also why they attack and try to invade here has reasons, I'll tell you later."

Yesdar clenched his fists. "Alright, Fheniz. But once this war is over, you owe us a full explanation."

Fheniz nodded, his face set with determination. "Agreed. But for now, prepare yourselves. This is going to be a fierce battle, be ready, especially you Yesdar."



Griswa stepped forward, his face resolute. "I'm leaving Ferion with Yesdar and Malaes. The dragon is already prepared; I've commanded him with my mind to protect and fight alongside them while we handle the main force, Fheniz."

Yesdar glanced at the sky, "Are you sure about this, Griswa?"

Griswa nodded. He began with a non-serious tone, "Yes. Ferion is capable and ready. We need to focus on the larger threat. And as I have commanded, he will follow your orders, there will be no disobeying like how he usually doesn't listen to you."



As the tractor beams from the alien warships ceased. Among the front ranks of the enemy troops, a hooded figure with no legs, floated forward, a menacing presence that sent a shiver down Yesdar's spine. Even though there was a 1000 meters distance between the enemy troops and them, it was clearly visible that the man was not standing on the ground, the legs weren't visible either, he was quite big in size too. 

"Orngea, bastard!" Fheniz muttered under his breath, recognizing the figure immediately.

Malaes looked confused. "Orngea?"

"Yes," Fheniz confirmed, his eyes narrowing. "He's led their forces twice before. Every time they lose, he retreats, only to return with a larger army. Symbol of cowardice."

Yesdar's eyes scanned the horizon, which was teeming with enemy soldiers. The ground, stretching endlessly from left to right, was filled with grotesque, bloodthirsty beasts.

"This is...overwhelming," Malaes whispered, her voice trembling.

"Yesdar," Griswa said firmly, "stay focused. We've faced tough battles before. We can handle this."

"Yes, but look at them," Yesdar replied, gesturing to the enemy ranks. "They're like nothing we've seen."


Orngea floated in the air, his long hooded cloak trailing behind him and occasionally brushing the ground. His face was hidden in the darkness of the hood, giving the impression of a void where his features should be. Despite the distance, his voice carried over the battlefield, a pressured, echoing sound that seemed to pierce their ears.

Fheniz's expression was one of disdain. "Ignore what he says. It's the same nonsense every time."

But as Orngea spoke, his voice was impossible to ignore, thin yet insistent, whispering yet forceful.

"Listen, and understand the gravity of this moment. I speak not out of desire, but necessity. Each word carries the weight of countless burdens, the echoes of a shattered soul."

Fheniz rolled his eyes. "He loves to play the tragic hero."

Orngea continued, "You may find no joy in these tidings, no solace in the inevitability that I must convey. Know that I, too, am a prisoner of this destiny, bound by a duty I did not choose."

Malaes whispered, "Why does he sound so...sincere?"

Fheniz muttered, "It's part of his act. He wants to unsettle us."

Orngea's voice grew heavier with each word. "In this hour, as the shadows loom and hope seems distant, remember that the trials we face are not without purpose. Though my heart is heavy, and my spirit weary, I must fulfill what has been set forth."

Fheniz's eyes blazed with determination. "Don't let his words affect you. He's trying to make us sympathize with him, maybe that's why my conscious did not allow me to kill him the last two times. This time I don't wish to repeat the same mistake."

"Do not see this as a triumph, for there is no victory without sacrifice. Every step forward is marred by loss, every breath taken in defiance of an unforgiving fate. We stand on the precipice, not as conquerors, but as survivors, grasping for meaning in the chaos."

Malaes shivered. "His words...I understand, they are very hypnotic."

Yesdar said, shaking his head, "I feel sorry, not for him though, I feel it for myself, it's like a mixture of emotions. But I don't know why."

"So, heed my words, though they are spoken with a heavy heart. The path we tread is fraught with pain, yet it is one we must walk together. In the end, perhaps we may find a sliver of redemption, a fleeting glimpse of what once was, and what might yet be."

Griswa clenched his fists and thought in his mind with an intense look on the ground.

What is this? His words resonate with a haunting familiarity, stirring memories of pressures I have endured before but can't remember them. As he speaks, it becomes clear that he is a man weighed down by immense burden, a slave to the remnants of his long lost hope. His voice trembles under the weight of suppressed emotions, yet they seep into every syllable, intertwining with his speech inescapably.

This is not the voice of a proud commander...no, not at all, his tone is not like a commander from Gods who'd take pride to be one. Instead, it is the pained utterance of someone who has borne the scars of countless battles, both within and without. The anguish in his tone speaks of a profound suffering, Why am I feeling this?

He has learned to live with his pain, to let it seep into his being without allowing it to consume him entirely. Each word he speaks is a witness to this inner struggle, a delicate balance between despair and duty. 

"Endure, for this is our burden. Persevere, for this is our calling. And may we find, amidst the ruins of our resolve, a reason to rise once more."

As Orngea's words faded, a heavy silence settled over the battlefield. Fheniz's voice broke through, "Griswa, did you get the strategy I passed you with my mind?"

"Yeah." Griswa replied as his thoughts in mind were entangled by Fheniz's words.

 Griswa continued. "All shall be out, without me going all out."

"Yes, keep your power in limits." 

"I know Fheniz, very well." 

Orngea floated above the battlefield, his dark cloak billowing around him as he surveyed the scene. His vision extended beyond the natural limits, allowing him to observe the details with a supernatural clarity. For the first time, he saw Fheniz Wrings accompanied by allies. The last two times, Fheniz had fought alone, displaying an overwhelming godly strength that had earned him a fearsome reputation even in the outer worlds. Orngea's anger simmered beneath his admiration for Fheniz's power.

Fheniz Wrings, Orngea thought with a mix of bitterness and respect. You defeated me twice, alone. But this time, I have come prepared. This time, I bring more than just numbers.

His eyes narrowed as he focused on Griswa. He sensed a dark energy emanating from the figure. Who is this? Orngea wondered, intrigued and wary. There's something unusual yet familiar about him. This dark energy... it's powerful.

While Orngea pondered, Fheniz, Griswa, Malaes, and Yesdar huddled together, discussing their strategy. The urgency of the situation pressed on them, but they kept their composure. 

"Yesdar, Malaes," Fheniz said, his voice steady and commanding.

With their minds set and their strategy clear, they prepared for the imminent battle.

With their discussion concluded, the group stood ready. With sudden surprise, Fheniz sprinted ahead, alone. The others watched as he charged toward the seemingly endless army that stretched from east to west and the endless north, as far as the eye could see.

The enemy army, a vast sea of grotesque and menacing forms, began to move as well. Orngea, who had been hovering in the air, seemed to vanish, but Fheniz expected this. You won't escape this time, Orngea, he thought.

Fheniz ran at an incredible speed, his eyes fixed on the horizon. The scale of the approaching battle was staggering, an ant charging against a swarm. But Fheniz knew exactly what he was doing.

He stopped abruptly, planting his left foot firmly into the ground. "Sand Commanding: Super Stretching Walls!" he intoned, his voice carrying across the battlefield.

From a high altitude, the scene would be surreal. One lone figure stood against an endless tide of enemies, creating a moment that would give anyone witnessing it, absolute goosebumps. Fheniz's command caused the sand beneath his feet to surge upwards, forming an enormous wall in literally just one instance. In just one moment the barrier stretched rapidly from east to west, creating an impenetrable block between him and the advancing army.

The wall continued to grow, reaching high into the sky. The enemy troops were momentarily halted, their advance thwarted by the sudden appearance of the massive sand structure. Fheniz's eyes remained focused, his mind calculating the next move.

As the wall completed its stretch, it began to form additional barriers, creating a massive opaque cube. The sand stretched from the top of the first wall to the adjacent one, forming a rooftop. The beasts trapped inside the cube scrambled, some managing to escape through the openings before they could close.

The chaotic scene within the cube was a testament to the ferocity of the enemy. Some of the beasts, realizing they were trapped, began to attack the walls, while others attempted to flee. Fheniz watched, his expression calm but determined.

It's your turn now, Griswa, he thought, looking up at the sky where Griswa and the others were positioned.

Griswa, Malaes, and Yesdar were riding Ferion, flying above the sand cage. As the rooftop sand walls met, Griswa prepared for his next move. The plan was simple yet precise: Fheniz would create the giant sand wall cage, and as the rooftop closed, Griswa would break in from the top and unleash his Energy Releasement to deal with the trapped beasts. Malaes and Yesdar would hunt down Orngea with Ferion and continue flying towards the mountains where he would have probably hid himself. Fheniz had assured that he was quite weak, it was the reason why he would hide."

Griswa looked at Malaes and Yesdar. Then he smiled and said "This is gonna be fun. I'll handle the beasts inside."

"Yesdar," Malaes said, gripping her weapon tightly, "we need to find Orngea and take him down. Fheniz said that if we let him escape this time, he would keep on coming back. He is quite the nuisance."

"Yes," Yesdar agreed. "We'll hunt him down while Griswa and Fheniz take care of the main force."

It was a hard task as there were thousand of towering peaks, he could anywhere, plus the enemy troops in the mountains were another problem. 

As the rooftop began to close, Griswa leapt from Ferion, breaking through the sand roof and descending into the chaotic mass of enemies below. The beasts, realizing their predicament, roared and attacked. But Griswa was ready.

Griswa started descending in the darkness inside the sand cage, his body began to glow. Energy sparked around him, illuminating the interior of the cage. His eyes shone with an otherworldly glow, a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors swirling around his neon pupils. The uncountable beasts surrounding him were bathed in the multicolored light emanating from his body.

Focus. But don't lose your limit. Don't go berserk. He thought.

Hovering mid-air, he declared, "Energy Releasement: Beyond Shockwave!" As he spoke, his descent accelerated. Vibrant auras of 200 colors of lightning energy sparks formed a vast sphere, with Griswa at the center, each spark dancing in slow motion. The aura extended over a radius of 2000 meters, creating a breathtaking display of power and anti-gravity.

Upon impact, the ground beneath Griswa seemed to implode, and the resulting shockwave exploded outward with the force of a god's wrath. The sound was deafening,

A CATACLYSMIC KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💥

That reverberated across the landscape. The sand cage that once imprisoned the beasts shattered spectacularly, sending colossal fragments into the air. Each fragment exploded, creating towering clouds of sand that ascended beyond the highest clouds and dispersed at breakneck speed, covering the battlefield in a blanket of sand that extended for uncountable miles.

The ferocity of the explosions birthed massive sandstorms. These storms, combining with distant sandstorms, formed gargantuan clouds that descended like relentless tidal waves.

A Tsunami of Sand. 

Fheniz, fully prepared for this eventuality, braced himself against the incoming deluge. His ornate cloak, caught in the furious wind, streamed behind him, complete parallel to the ground, a visual testament to his future Godliness.

As a massive sand fragment, towering at least 3000 feet, barreled towards him, Fheniz stood firm. "Sand Commanding: Sedimentation!" he commanded, his voice steady. The colossal piece disintegrated into a whirlwind of smaller particles, forming tornadoes and whirlpools that swept across the battlefield before gradually settling, this happened everywhere the sand clouds were expanding to. The last remaining sand particles came down with splash. 


Once the final grains of sand fell, the battlefield transformed into a desolate wasteland more than it usually was, marked by the remnants of Griswa's attack. Fheniz, moving with unparalleled speed, sought out Griswa amidst the chaos. His eyes, sharp and focused, scanned the terrain until he spotted a small figure emerging from the exploding sand clouds. It was Griswa, standing tall despite the devastation around him.

The sight of Griswa amidst the ruins of their enemies was a powerful one. He had decimated at least 70 million of the enemy's 700 million, a monumental achievement that spoke volumes of his strength. Fheniz, his face a mask of determination and approval, acknowledged Griswa's feat with a single word,


Yesdar and Malaes saw this breathtaking, goosebumps giving moment from the sky, as they flew in the direction of the super large mountains. This was beyond awesomeness. This was what the actual power of a God looked like, real-time. 

And Griswa's beliefs spoke inside him that this wasn't even 1 percent of his ridiculously non-ridiculous power.

But the battle had not yet ended.


Orngea: [ON]+[JEY]+[AAH]

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