
Rise of the Volcanic Warrior

Lin Hao is a simple man, a late bloomer that never made it far in his life. At the peak of his failures, a mysterious notification appears on his phone. [Want to change your life? Just press this OK button!] And that's where it all went wrong. Stuck in a Mysterious world surrounded by strangers, familiar faces and an impractical power, Lin Hao resolves to be the man he never was in his original life. Currently doing bonus chapters weekly per set amount of Power stones + Collections Every 15 Power Stones I get, or Collections=an additional chapter for the week on top of 3x updates daily.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Dawn (4)

Lin Hao turned to his right, expecting a fight or an ambush of some sort. Instead, a disheveled pale skinned Westerner was standing ahead of him.

"Oh sorry about that! Didn't know anyone else was around here." He began to walk towards Lin Hao, "Don't worry about me I'm not gonna attack you or anything Sheesh."

The westerner shot Lin Hao a offended look as he was analyzed by him. Lin Hao looked at the westerner strangely, his hair was brown and incredibly messy.

His eyes were too wide, and he had a unusual smile about him. He didn't look too tall, and had a lean body type.

Was it worth dropping his guard to trust the stranger? Lin Hao could only try and find out.

"Hello, did you get suddenly transferred here too?" It was a question worth asking, as the man was wearing standard western clothing.

There was no way he could have been from the land they were currently on.

"Transferred? Silly daoist, you cannot differentiate between Heaven and Earth!?" The westerner began to take a strange pose, as if dramatically shouting his words.

"You must pay respects to your senior! I have cultivated the sacred triple dao within my dan tian, and I-"

"Please shut up."

It had only been a few seconds, and Lin Hao instantly knew this man had read too many webnovels. "So. I take it you were transferred." Lin Hao asked a second time, the Westerner having stopped his mysterious monologue and talking more appropriately now.

"Yeah! I got a notification on my phone and just zooooooooooom. I was right there! I even got a power from that strange cube, watch this."

The man raised his hand, producing a golden coin in the palm of it. "I can make a bunch of these, watch."

The man fiddled with his hands, producing a myriad of golden coins that quickly vanished after a few seconds.

"I can't keep them for long though, but their like real gold." Lin Hao deduced this man had a metal cubic power of some sort, but he wouldn't know without asking forthright.

"Ah, my power is more explosive. I can't show it to you here so easily, or else it may start a fire." Lin Hao wasn't lying, all it took was the slightest mishap with his volcanic powers to start a raging forest fire around the two.

The western man simply shrugged his shoulders, "Well my name's Richie. What's yours?"

"Lin Hao, for now it's best we stick together." Lin Hao needed allies in this new world, and everyone was probably running around like a chicken without a head.

"We need to find a town or something. We won't last long if we stay in this forest, apparently there's cultists and evil people lurking around here."

Richie eyes shot up, "Oh! I've got a skill for that actually. Just a second." Richie began to concentrate, a bright yellow path illuminating in front of him that stretched further out.

"There we go. We can easily find our way with this!"

Lin Hao was astonished, this man had a path-finding skill of some kind? Despite having a powerful Cubic Power himself, it was nothing if he starved to death or got ambushed in his sleep.

A pathfinder would prove to be incredibly useful for the survival aspect of the next 100 days. He would need people to fufill various roles, as all he could do so far was just hurt whatever they ran into.

"Alright, lead the way then." Lin Hao allowed Richie to lead them forward, he didn't have a much better idea than following him along anyway.

The pair walked through the forest, silence the only thing they heard for the journey ahead of them.

The forest was unusually silent, making Lin Hao tense. "Why is it so quiet here? You think something's going down?" Richie asked him, "Let's just avoid anything dangerous. We can't take any risks so early on. Both of us are probably pretty weak."

It was a lie, Lin Hao was already above average in most stats compared to others from his first two Achievements.

"Hey what kind of stats did you get anyway?" Richie asked, "Apparently everyone gets a different fourth stat." Lin Hao was surprised to hear this, the tutorials didn't mention this to him.

"How did you figure that out?"

"Before we got transported, Me and another person compared our Status windows. I had a Luck Stat, and he had a Rage Stat. But everything else was the same."

Lin Hao couldn't believe this, "Do you think it's connected to our Cubic Powers?" He asked Richie.

"Maybe it is, Maybe it isn't. All of this is so weird man, why they'd just chuck us here with no information?" Richie pondered, it was like a game with no tutorial.

"What do you think is gonna happen when we go back? I can't imagine having these powers back on earth."

"I don't know either. But let's focus on getting through this. We can think about that later." Lin Hao didn't want to approach the topic, if the wrong people got powerful here and made it back...

It would potentially lead to chaos.

The pair's conversation was cut off by a suddenly loud female scream ahead of them, echoing throughout the forest.

"Damn whoever shouted is gonna bring everyone over there!" Richie said, Lin Hao stopped in place recognizing that sound.

'Fu Mei? Could she have come here too?'