
Rise of the Volcanic Warrior

Lin Hao is a simple man, a late bloomer that never made it far in his life. At the peak of his failures, a mysterious notification appears on his phone. [Want to change your life? Just press this OK button!] And that's where it all went wrong. Stuck in a Mysterious world surrounded by strangers, familiar faces and an impractical power, Lin Hao resolves to be the man he never was in his original life. Currently doing bonus chapters weekly per set amount of Power stones + Collections Every 15 Power Stones I get, or Collections=an additional chapter for the week on top of 3x updates daily.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Savage World (1)

Lin Hao immediately recognized the sound of that voice. It was Fu Mei for sure. "Change of plans, we have to go in the direction of that voice Richie."

Lin Hao sprinted immediately in the direction of where it came from.

"Oh goddammit Lin Hao!" Richie ran over to catch up with him, struggling to keep pace. "Don't tell me you wanna play hero for some random girl! You don't even know what's over there!!!"

Richie ran in the most ridiculous manner possible, holding his arms back like a "ninja run" famously seen on the hit series Daruto.

"That's not just any girl Richie. I know her." Lin Hao felt a pain in his heart as he sprinted through the forest, ignoring all rhyme and reason.

He had been desperate to make it up to Fu Mei up to now, all his failures, all of his mistakes he had made.

"Oh boy we have another simp over here!" Richie snarked, following with Lin Hao. He couldn't believe Lin Hao was running over for some damsel in distress.

Lin Hao's mind meanwhile was a mess. He had to know if Fu Mei was really here, if she was...

This new world gave him a chance to fix his relationship. He couldn't let that slip away.

Navigating through bushes, branches and grass Lin Hao made his way to a clearing within the forest. Everything in it looked rather tranquil, the grass was neatly done.

There were even birds chirping happily in a branch above him.

In the clearing, Lin Hao saw Fu Mei laying back with one of her hands held out in front of her. "Get away from me!" She screamed at the creature in front of her, a large bear with a dark aura around it's body.

It's face was twisted and mangled, with scars all over its face and torso. It's eyes were a dark hue.

It attempted to swipe at Fu Mei, but she managed to roll over and dodge it's attack. Lin Hao watched the scene unfold from a distance, uncertain of his chances at taking that bear down.

Richie caught up to him, aggravated.

"Oh for fucks sake Lin Hao. You think we can take down that bear? That thing is freaking huge! I mean look at the size of that thing, it's like my ex girlfriends mother!"

"Be quiet. Unless you want it to notice us." Lin Hao was thinking of a plan, Richie only was able to make strange coin projectiles and he could barely channel his magma.

There wasn't enough time to think of something detailed, but Lin Hao felt his mind work much faster than normal.

'Is this the effect of my intelligence stat?' Lin Hao thought, as he began to clearly understand how to attack the bear. "Richie. When I run out, shoot your coins in the middle of the bear's legs."

It wouldn't be enough to kill the bear, but it would most certainly slow it down enough for Lin Hao's advance.

"That's fine and all Lin Hao, but what are you gonna-"

Richie's words were interrupted as Lin Hao immediately sprinted out of the bush to assault the bear, it's back was currently turned to them and focused on Fu Mei.

"Motherfucker. This better work or we're both dead Lin Hao!!!"

Richie wasted no time, consuming some of his Cubic Reservoir to prepare a batch of coins.

He started firing them one by one, successfully piercing the middles of the bear's legs. While Richie did this, Lin Hao had leapt in the air dramatically preparing his fist for a powerful strike.

[You are creating a new Skill!]

The Notification ran throughout his head, his fist starting to become covered in boiling hot magma. His hand shined radiantly with it as he came crashing down upon the bear's skull.

"Lin Hao!?"

His fist glowed with burning magma, as upon impact the bear's skull was instantly destroyed by the boiling hot substance.

The Magma went inside of it's head, exploding fiercely and burning the bear from the inside out.

[Cubic Reservoir:1/40]

He stood up, fiercely glowing with confidence. "Fu Mei. It's me." Lin Hao said, a weak smile on his face.

Fu Mei raised her hands to her mouth, astonished by what just happened. "Lin Hao.. I..." Their reunion was interrupted by a shout from Richie.

"Lin Hao you fucker, look out!!!"

"Huh?" Was the last thing Lin Hao said as a massive paw swiped at his back, sending him flying into a nearby tree violently. "Lin Hao!!!" Fu Mei shouted, rushing over to his side.

The bear's head was a mess of tar and black flesh, rapidly restitching itself together. It's paw had instinctively swiped at Lin Hao in rage to defend itself.

"Damnit, Damnit Lin Hao all of this over a freaking girl!" Richie began to rapidly fire coins at various parts of the bear.

However each hole in it's body quickly attempted to regenerate itself, black tar oozing out and repairing the make shift wounds. "I ain't got much left in me... You better get up!"

Lin Hao meanwhile was dazed from the attack against him, Fu Mei rapidly having dashed to his side. "Lin Hao! Lin Hao!" She frantically screamed, Lin Hao checked his status window quickly.

[Personal Details]

Name: Lin Hao

Race: Cubic Human

Cubic Power: Volcanic [0% Comprehension]

Unique Trait: Never Give In!



Cubic Reservoir:9/40

Strength:5 [Normal]

Intelligence:11 [Favored]

Dexterity:7 [Favored]

Wisdom :4 [Lacking]

Just one attack from the bear had depleted his health already.

The bear was now focused on Richie, attempting to attack him instead. Lin Hao worked his brain in an attempt to figure out a plan to counter attack.

That was when all time began to stop for him, a quest window appearing in front of him.

[You are at a crossroads for your Fate...What will you do?]