
Rise of the Volcanic Warrior

Lin Hao is a simple man, a late bloomer that never made it far in his life. At the peak of his failures, a mysterious notification appears on his phone. [Want to change your life? Just press this OK button!] And that's where it all went wrong. Stuck in a Mysterious world surrounded by strangers, familiar faces and an impractical power, Lin Hao resolves to be the man he never was in his original life. Currently doing bonus chapters weekly per set amount of Power stones + Collections Every 15 Power Stones I get, or Collections=an additional chapter for the week on top of 3x updates daily.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Dawn (3)

Everyone stopped what they were doing, staring at the transcendent white figure in the sky addressing them.

"You all have been given a very lucky chance. Soon, I will release all of you into the world beneath of." The figure temporarily turned the ground everyone was standing on transparent.

Everyone looked down with awe, a fully developed series of civilizations laid underneath them.

It was like staring at a planet from above, deserts, castles, towns, forests and much more all registered in Lin Hao's eyes. It was a world developed in it's own unique way compared to Earth.

"I will drop all of you into random locations around this world, and you will all have 100 days to distinguish yourselves. You will have the opportunity to obtain legendary items, artifacts, armor, weapons and new Cubic Powers in the world beneath us."

Lin Hao felt funny about all of this, the mysterious person made them sound no different than looters. Did they want them to just rob and steal everything they saw?

Lin Hao grimaced at the idea of fighting random innocent people over treasure.

"You may all do as you please down there, in fact that will make it more entertaining for the rest of us. Be a hero, be a villain. Be whatever you want to be."

Lin Hao couldn't believe the words of the shining figure, it was like talking to a god that treated them like pawns.

Were they just puppets to be tossed and disposed of? Lin Hao knew something was up with all of this, whoever this person was...

They saw all of the humans being brought into this world as a source of entertainment.

"Now I know all of you may have some questions, and don't worry. When you open your system interface, everything has a small little question mark."

The figure's voice began to change from calm, de-attached and uncaring to a savage joker. "Don't worry, I've taken into account how dumb your species can be. Everything is as idiot proof as I could make it!"

Lin Hao's eyes shot up, was this figure just going to dump everybody into the wild without any information!?

"Time for you all to go! Don't worry now. Some of you won't last long enough to complain anyway!"

The strange figure smiled evilly as a gigantic white light shined over everyone it, causing them to teleport to random locations.

Lin Hao, in the midst of everyone being teleported saw everyone panic and try to run away.

Nothing could stop them from being sent far off though, as Lin Hao himself was bathed in the white light and sent elsewhere.

The world around Lin Hao shifted in the blink of an eye, going from the flat grassy plains he was sitting on to suddenly being stuck in the branch of a tree.

He tried to stand up on top of the branch, but banged his head on another branch above him. "Ow!' He screeched in pain, slapping the branch as if to take out his frustration on it.

Despite his average strength, the branch broke apart like a iron club struck it.

Causing the branch to de-attach and fall loudly to the ground beneath Lin Hao.

It appeared he had underestimated how strength works in this new strange world. He couldn't have ever dreamed of strength like this on earth, where he could barely carry a few bags.

Lin Hao attempted to carefully climb down from the tree, his 7 dexterity making the task somewhat easier than normal for him. A notification rang out in Lin Hao's head as he reached the bottom of the tree.

[Skill Unlocked: Climbing]

He opened his skills window to investigate the details.

[Skill Name:Climbing]


Description:Your ability to climb trees, mountains and various heights. Reduces chances of a lethal error or accident while climbing.

Lin Hao then checked his status window to confirm a theory, he had noticed using the previous skill he obtained granted a experience point.



Cubic Reservoir:40/40


Sadly, he didn't obtain any experience from climbing.

But he had obtained an experience point from his previous skill. Currently it was morning time, and Lin Hao thought about what he should do first.

"Hm...First I should probably secure my safety, I don't even know where I am."

Lin Hao looked through his system windows, and saw a new map function existed on it. When he opened it, it displayed a mini-map that revealed his current location.

He was in a Forest known as the Forest of Zara, where strange cultists and creatures often lurked within the woods.

Immediately, Lin braced himself for any sudden ambushes or attacks. If it was a forest full of evil people, then it was only a matter of time before one attempted to attack him.

The mini-map lacked a world map function, so Lin Hao turned it off for now. Perhaps if he found these evil people, he may run into good locals fighting them and get some directions.

Unfamiliar with navigating the woods in any way, Lin Hao picked the direction he moved in with only the smartest strategy possible.


He spun in a circle, and walked forward in the first direction he stood in, navigating through the treacherous woods with nothing but the clothes on his back.

While Lin Hao was walking through the woods, a loud shout rang out from his right.

"Coin Burst!"

On cue, a powerful coin projectile shot through a tree trunk near him.