
Rise Of The Shadow Queen

Once the daughter of the number one mafia family in the world, ruling the underworld of various countries. but one day a tragedy occurred, the other 4 mafia families joined forces and wiped out her family and trusted subordinates. From the grief and pain she committed suicide not after killing all those who betrayed her family. to her fate she was reborn into another body. in a whole different world where magical beast are rampant and humans able to use magic. follow Alicia in her new life journey to be the strongest of all and avenge her family. if she can... This is supremelord and this is my second book. if you like doomsday, Betrayal, system or games, you can check my first and third books. REBORN WITH A DOOMSDAY SYSTEM and SOLO LEVELING: I AM THE ONLY SUPREME WITH A CHEATING SYSTEM. Much love.

OP_Supreme · Fantasy
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33 Chs

26: Companion

"What is it?" Alicia asked confused.

Cassie observed everyone and walked toward Alicia and asked in a low voice.

"Are you till the same Alicia I knew?"

"Of course cas" Alicia said calmly and added.

"We can't avenge our village and families by being kind hearted so if you choose to be kind I will have to take this journey alone."

"What the hell are you saying Ali?!!" Cassie almost yelled at her.

"I left my heart behind when I escape the village, so am with you on this till the end, OK..?!" Cassie said sternly not leaving rooms for any question.

Alicia smiled and hugged her best friend, that was when she remembered they were not alone.

"What about them?" She asked slowly not separating from the hug.

Cassie broke the hug and turned to her once fellow captives and said calmly.

"You all heard what one eye said, my best friend here your savior is the abyssal king everyone is after, but let me ask you. If she's really as evil as the rumors said will she help us?"

The women kept silent, calculating her words, after a while a woman with long ears and green hair, which portrait a beautiful elf opened her mouth.

"You are right cassie, you are a wonderful person and I know all your friends will be as wonderful as you so when I leave here no one will know what happened."

"Thanks" cassie said with a smile.

"Yeah, we trust us."


"If anyone ask, we'll just say a higher class ability user saved us."

Hearing all the women Alicia and cassie smiled lightly.

"Come all of you" cassie said giving all the women a hug.

Alicia stood behind watching as her friend got swallowed by 19 women in a big hug.

"My queen, the shadows await your orders" blacknight said beside her.

"Tell them to wait, I don't want these women to know too much" Alicia said calmly.

Blacknight nodded and stepped back.

The hug last for two whole minutes before the women separated.

"Now can you all tell me where you are located?" Alicia asked walking toward them.

The women looked at each other and begin telling Alicia different kingdoms under the 3 land races at once.

"Calm down, one at a time" Alicia stopped them with a raised of her hand while cassie just giggled behind her.

After getting their location Alicia activated her new skill *Teleportation portal* creating a gate way which took each women to their destination.

[ Moment later ]

Finally, the last woman said her goodbyes and entered the portal, leaving only the two girls and blacknight behind.

Cassie finally turned to Alicia and asked the question that was in her mind from the beginning.

"How did you survive and who the hell is that guy?" She asked pointing at blacknight.

"And why is he calling you his queen?"

"Ok, OK, OK, this is what happened" Alicia said and started narrating a half truth story.

"After you left, I was defeated but my mother saved me"

"Saved you? But how...?"

"As far as I know, she is not a ability user"

Cassie said with a frown.

"Not my foster mother but my real mother"

"Real mother? You are confusing me here" cassie said sitting down on the floor preparing to hear everything.

Alicia sat down opposite her and started narrating everything, leaving out the part of the war, the four leaders, separation of her soul, and most of all the system.

After listening to Alicia half truth story, cassie nodded in understanding "so that why you are now the abyssal king, your father was the formal abyssal king. I get it now and he's your mother personal guard, let me say your personal guard." She paused and stood up suddenly, Alicia looked up at her a little surprise.

"You said you can rise and command shadows fighters right? they will be our army to have our revenge."

Alicia stood up with a smile. "I know, but we also need to get stronger" cassie nodded calmly.

"So do you want to join me for real now?" Alicia asked.

"Of course, we are sisters!" Cassie said happily.

{ Companion screen unlock.}

{ Do you want to add cassie as your companion? }

{ YES/NO }


{ congratulation, cassie have become your companion }

{ You have been rewarded with 1,000 SC }

'Hmm, 9,000 now. I till need to remodel my armor with 5,000, OK I will check the companion screen later.' Alicia thought.

"Oh I forgot someone" cassie hit her forehead with her palm.

"Who is that?" Alicia asked a little surprise.

"She's in the cell, she is to dangerous so one eye kept her in the cell." Cassie revealed.

"Then let go" Alicia said and turned to blacknight.

"You know what to do, absorb all the cores but leave one eye core. just take it out but don't absorb it!"

"Yes my queen" blacknight said with a bow and jumped down the balcony.


The two walked deep inside the manor and got to the Hugh room with countless cages inside.

Inside some of these cages, countless women lied motionless inside.

"What about them?" Alicia asked with a frown.

Cassie ground her teeth in anger and killing intent then said "they are all dead, they died of starvation and torture, one eye said he will throw them to his spirit beast as food."

"Spirit beast?"

"Yeah, one trial-six awakened beast. A big black wolf." Cassie said walking toward a particular cage.

Before Alicia could asked another question, blacknight voice sounded through their connection.

'My queen, we discovered a big awakened spiritual beast here, what are your order?.'

'Kill it.'

'As you wish my queen.'

Blacknight replied as Alicia disconnected the link.

"So who are we looking for?" Alicia asked her question.

"Her" cassie said stopping in Front of a particular cage.

Alicia looked inside the dark cage, because of the dim light she couldn't see anything or anyone inside.

"Are you sure she's inside?" Alicia asked observing the interior of the cage.

"Oh she is inside all right" cassie said with a mischievous smile.

Alicia looked at her then at the cage, she then activate her eyes of darkness. What she saw next made her speechless.

"What the hell...?"



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please check out my first book: REBORN WITH A DOOMSDAY SYSTEM.

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