
Rise Of The Shadow Queen

Once the daughter of the number one mafia family in the world, ruling the underworld of various countries. but one day a tragedy occurred, the other 4 mafia families joined forces and wiped out her family and trusted subordinates. From the grief and pain she committed suicide not after killing all those who betrayed her family. to her fate she was reborn into another body. in a whole different world where magical beast are rampant and humans able to use magic. follow Alicia in her new life journey to be the strongest of all and avenge her family. if she can... This is supremelord and this is my second book. if you like doomsday, Betrayal, system or games, you can check my first and third books. REBORN WITH A DOOMSDAY SYSTEM and SOLO LEVELING: I AM THE ONLY SUPREME WITH A CHEATING SYSTEM. Much love.

OP_Supreme · Fantasy
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33 Chs

25: Brutal

"Someone please give our king a weapon" Alicia said with sarcasm.

"Are you sure Alicia? one eye is very powerful" cassie whispered slowly to her.

"I know" Alicia Nodded and blacknight threw a sword in Front of one eye.

"Can't you hand it to me?" One eye asked with a frown but seeing blacknight glowing eyes he said with a dry laugh.

"No need I can pick it up myself." He said picking up the sword.

"Ok abyssal queen, if I kill you now, I will have coins that will last me for 5 generation and even a territory. Hahaha am going enjoy these."

"You are a fool, If you go to the king, he will kill you himself. Don't forget you are a bandit." Cassie said with a eye roll.


"Enough taking let dance" Alicia said and walk calmly toward one eye.

"Ha, you can never win me in a fare fight, prepare to die!" One eyes said getting on his fighting stance.

"And who said l'm going to face you in a fare fight?" Alicia asked with a devilish smile.

{ Abyssal Dark Space activated.}

Before one eye could react he was plunged into complete darkness, all his powers disappeared instantly leaving him defenseless and weak.

"What the hell is these?!!" He roar out loud.

"Welcome to my domain"

Alicia eerie voice sounded around the endless darkness, frightening one eye.

"W-What the H-Hell are y-you?!!" He asked, his voice shaking out of fear.

He couldn't control or feel his mana, he was just like a normal human with no powers.

'Is this another spell like the core barrier spell?' He thought to himself.

"No love, this is different from the core barrier spell you own." Alicia eerie voice sounded again.

"You can hear me thought?!"

"Everything in this world is under my creation so yes, nothing can escape my notice in this endless abyss." Alicia answered.

"What do you want?!" One eye finally submitted and asked.

"I want you heart and to show you the pain you made those women pass through."

As soon as he heard Alicia words, he saw countless 7 foot demons and monsters walking toward him, some armed with chains, some iron rod and most of them were naked.

Seeing their big size he shuddered and cried out loud.

"What is these?!"

"Stop this!! this is bad and disgusting!!"

"Please stop!"

"Stop? When those women asked you to stop did you, No, so why would I stop them" Alice finally materialized above him.

"You, AUGH..!!!"

Before he could say anything a demon slashed him with a black chain drawing blood.

One eye knelt on one kneel, grounding his teeth together.

"You are a monster!!!" He finally yelled.

"Oh it look like you forgot who you are talking to" Alicia said calmly and landed in Front of him.

One eye looked up and stared at those crimson eyes which made him shudder more, he almost forgot he was facing the abyssal queen herself.

"Please, forgive me" he cried out loud.



Another monster smashed him with his iron rod leaving a big wound on his back.

Alicia smiled and walked toward a couch which magically appeared and sat down watching as the demons and monsters of the abyssal flogged and fuck one eye, filling any hole they could find.

"This is lovely, I hope you appreciate the increased in pain?" she said taking a sip of wine, which also magically appeared in her hand.

"Aww, this taste bad!" She complained about the wine not caring about the screaming one eye.

With A wave of her hand a demon walked up to her and gave her a popcorn, she sat there enjoying the popcorn watching as one eye was raped and flogged to almost death.

"Don't kill him fools, if you do the movie will end quickly" Alicia said a little annoyed.

The demons nodded and continued on their task.

No matter how he screamed no one pay him mind, if he fainted a demon will wake him with a slash of it chain.

"This is just like gangbang" Alicia said eating popcorn and drinking juice, watching the show instantly.

The wine tasted bitter to her.

These go on for a whole week in the abyss space before the skill collapsed.

"I had more punishment for him" Alicia complained noticing her time was off.

"Oh well I think a week is all I can spend in here" she said standing up, after scratching her body she looked at one eye.

Who was lying on the ground like his soul have been grained.


The two appeared outside again, everyone stared at Alicia and the collapse one eye in shock, not knowing what just happened.

"What happened? you both disappeared and appeared again in a Matter of seconds, and what did you do to him?" Cassie asked staring at one eye who suddenly fell to the ground breathing heavily like he have seen a ghost.

"Just some payback" Alicia said walking toward one eye who was still lying on the ground.

"Time to die"

She said and her armor gauntlet fingers grew forming a deadly long sharp nails.


She plunged her hand into his chest, bringing out one eye still beating heart.

Some of the weak women present vomited seeing the still beating heart.

Alicia brought it to her mouth and bite a big piece off.

{ congratulation for completing the hidden quest.}

{ Rewards is being distributed }

Alicia heard the system notification and a small smile appeared on her face.

'Show me my profile"

{ Analysis }

{ Name: Alicia Lucian

{ Shadow cores: 130/10,000

{ Class: Child of shadows

{ strength: 11,500

{ Agility: 8,000

{ Endurance: 8,000

{ Hp: 2,500

{ Mana: 25,000 /25,000. +20,000 (Armor equipped)

{ Skill: PASSIVE SKILLS: healing speed +40%, pain resistance +50%, defense against magic skills and spells +50%.

{ ACTIVE SKILLS: Chains of death S-Class, Soul devourer S-Class, Abyssal dark space S-Class, The death door S-Class.

{ spells: Poison of instant death C-Class, teleportation portal A-Class.

{ Shadow army: 31/100

{ Shadow Crystals: 8,000

{ Bound weapons: black shadow S-Class (sword), Abyssal dark armor S-Class (Armor)

{ Inventory: Bag of coins, High mana potion, High health potion. }

Alicia Nodded calmly seeing her shadow cores, she then threw the remaining heart away and turned to the women who were staring at her as if she got two head.


How is Alicia?

ºHeartless and ruthless

ºToo Kind


ºDon't care


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