
Rise Of The Shadow Queen

Once the daughter of the number one mafia family in the world, ruling the underworld of various countries. but one day a tragedy occurred, the other 4 mafia families joined forces and wiped out her family and trusted subordinates. From the grief and pain she committed suicide not after killing all those who betrayed her family. to her fate she was reborn into another body. in a whole different world where magical beast are rampant and humans able to use magic. follow Alicia in her new life journey to be the strongest of all and avenge her family. if she can... This is supremelord and this is my second book. if you like doomsday, Betrayal, system or games, you can check my first and third books. REBORN WITH A DOOMSDAY SYSTEM and SOLO LEVELING: I AM THE ONLY SUPREME WITH A CHEATING SYSTEM. Much love.

OP_Supreme · Fantasy
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33 Chs

27: Matilda Emboss

In the dark cage lies a figure with two cat eyes which glowed in the dark, fixed on Alicia and cassie.

"Who is she?" Alicia asked.

"My friend" cassie answered placing her hand on the lock.

After murmuring some words Alicia didn't understand the lock magically snapped opened.

Before Alicia could react cassie had already walked inside the cage.

"Don't worry Matilda, it's just me" cassie said in a low voice walking toward the chained naked cat lady.

"Cassie? What about the others?" Matilda asked in mild surprise.

"They're ok, my friend saved us and the others had been teleported back to their homes." Cassie said stopping in Front of the girl.

"Is she the one?, your friend who saved us?" Matilda asked staring at Alicia with her yellowish cat eyes.

"Yeah" cassie nodded breaking the chains with her spell. "Come on now, let go" she held on to the weak girl and slowly placed her down.

"Cough, cough. Thanks again cassie" Matilda said sitting on the floor.

"What are friends for" cassie smiled covering Matilda body with clothes she took before coming here.

Matilda stood up calmly and walked outside followed by cassie.

All these happened in Front of Alicia, who stood outside the cage witnessing everything.

Matilda walked outside and stopped in Front of Alicia observing her closely, same with Alicia.

Matilda was a beautiful beast woman, with brown skins, big compressed muscles, two cat ears and lastly a white cat tail behind her.

"Why did you smell of The abyss?" Matilda asked a little surprise.

"What?" Alicia asked back equally surprised.

"Well, I have a very sensible nose in all my clan so I can smell anything from 10 meters away. I can surely smell you these close, these smell is not yet strong so others won't be able to detect it but I can."

"The abyssal have a very unique smell, you are surprised right?, don't worry my dad is a demon from the abyss that's why I can detect you so easily."

'A demon from the abyss?'

'System show me her profile.'

{ Analysis }

{ Name: Matilda Emboss.

{ class: high-Common class, assassin and warrior trait.

{ strength: 500/7,000

{ Agility: 1,000/7,000

{ Endurance: 2,000/8,000

{ Mana: 10,000/ 16,000

{ HP: 1,500/2,000 }

'Two traits ability user? That's shocking.' Alicia thought and said to her.

"Am the newly crowned abyssal king."

Matilda frowned slightly hearing Alicia words. "Newly crowned? As far as I remembered the demons are in the brink of extinction, All the four races are after them. They killed and captured them selling them to slaves traders and putting them through dangerous tasks. So how can they crown you?" Matilda asked.

"It looked like you know a lot about the demon race?" Alicia asked surprised.

"My father is a demon remember"

"Then where is your father?"

"My mother and father were murdered by the king of the human race when I was only 6 years old. I escaped and planned to get my revenge, fate was on my side because when I turned fifteen I awakened my ability. After Having powers I trained to be the strongest so I can have my revenge, but these fools attacked me unaware and locked me up here."

"You went through all that and you didn't say anything" cassie said in mild surprise.

"I don't know why am telling you all these, I think it's because of her." Matilda said staring at Alicia.

"You need to rest for now" Alicia said, turned around and walked away.

"I can't rest, I need to continue my mission" Matilda said, causing Alicia to stop on her track.

"And what mission is that?" She asked turning her head to the side.

Seeing Alicia red eyes and feeling her Aura, Matilda answered in a daze. "There is a power out there that can increase someone powers and rank."

"Ok, good luck with that" Alicia said walking away.

'Why did I felt like I was staring at a Hugh ancient creature?' Matilda asked staring at Alicia back.

"What's it Matilda?" Cassie asked a little worried placing her hand on her friend shoulder.

"How long do you know her?"

"Oh Ali, we grew up together, we are particularly sisters." Cassie answered with a smile.

"There is a powerful presence in her, and i hope she would be in control when that presence is released in this world."

Animals have a very strong instinct, ten time more than humans, and with her father bloodline she could fill the power of the abyss and something more in this red hair.

Cassie nodded slowly and said "Come on let me heal you, but first let get out of here."

Matilda nodded and followed cassie out of the room. The next moment a spinning portal appeared inside the dark hall and Alicia walked out calmly.

"Time to take my fighters" she said and walked towards the women dead bodies.

"You guys will be my assassins" she said and added.



Blacknight stared at the big black dead wolf in Front of him with a proud look. And turned to the other shadow fighters.

"You all did a good job, this is your first trial-six awakened beast You have killed, the queen will be please."

The shadows just nodded, while some jumped up showing how happy they are getting a compliment from their commander and also pleasing their queen.


"What is that noise outside?" Matilda ears picked up to the direction of the door.

"Oh that might be blacknight, you will meet him later but now stay still, am going to heal you now." Cassie said as a green light appeared on her palm and flew inside Matilda injuries healing her slowly.

The two were in a big bedroom, which by chance belong to one eye, Matilda was sitting on the bed while cassie knelt in Front of her, using her healing spell.

"So where are you heading now?" Cassie asked.

"I got a clue, but it lead me to the predators dimension and I don't know how to get there." Matilda answered.

"Predators dimension, those monsters are more dangerous then spiritual beast, are you sure about that?" Cassie asked looking at her friend with a worried expression.

Matilda smiled calmly. "Thank you for everything cassie, After leaving here I will head to the beast continent, I know they will be clue about the gate of the dimension."

Cassie nodded calmly not saying anything and continue healing her friend, while also praying for her inwardly.


Stay safe, much love.

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