
Rise Of The Shadow Queen

Once the daughter of the number one mafia family in the world, ruling the underworld of various countries. but one day a tragedy occurred, the other 4 mafia families joined forces and wiped out her family and trusted subordinates. From the grief and pain she committed suicide not after killing all those who betrayed her family. to her fate she was reborn into another body. in a whole different world where magical beast are rampant and humans able to use magic. follow Alicia in her new life journey to be the strongest of all and avenge her family. if she can... This is supremelord and this is my second book. if you like doomsday, Betrayal, system or games, you can check my first and third books. REBORN WITH A DOOMSDAY SYSTEM and SOLO LEVELING: I AM THE ONLY SUPREME WITH A CHEATING SYSTEM. Much love.

OP_Supreme · Fantasy
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33 Chs

24: Bandits annihilation 2


"Watch out!!"

"We are under attack!!!"

All the bandits stood up and picked up their weapons, forgetting about the chained women for a moment as they daze at the gate.

A lone figure putting on a dark armor with four darks wings behind her walked calmly inside the base. The most troublesome things is that this figure was putting on a dark skull mask, with glowing red eyes.

"Who the hell are you?!"

One eye roar at the intruder.

The red eyes behind the skull mask moved around the base and finally fixed on one eye.

"I grant one option, kill yourselves or l will."

'Arrogant' One eye thought staring at the red eyes of the unknown intruder.

'is this person a demon or what?' Before one eye could speak his men took the stage.

"How dare you threaten the king!!"

"Hey you are obstructing the party, get lost or you will die here today!!"

"No! he must pay for killing one of us."

"Quiet!" One eye yelled at them and looked at the figure.

"Are you the one destroying my camps?"

"Yes" Alicia answered flatly.

'Why did this voice sound like a woman?' One eye thought and asked:

"Can we at least see the face of our enemy?"

Alicia stared at one eye for a moment and walked up to cassie.

The bandits of course tried to stop her but was stopped by their leader.

'she's can't be the one who destroyed my camps and killed snake, which mean a more powerful ability user is close by.' One eye thought looking around seeing nothing but endless darkness.

"My lord are we going to stand and watch?"

Venom asked slowly, staring at Alicia with disdain. 'this brat is too arrogant, I can kill her with just a raise of my blade.' She thought.

"She's just a common class ability user, not powerful enough to kill snake, I think her partner is close by." One eye said with a frown.

'I didn't think of that.' Venom thought in mild surprise.

Alicia walked up to cassie and daze at her calmly without saying a word.

Cassie was a little confuse too. 'why is she staring at me?'

"Who are you please?" couldn't hold her curiosity back she asked.

A chuckle escape from the mark figure, with a thought the skull mask redraw back inside her armor.

"You look like a seductress in this outfit."

Coming to view was a beautiful red hair with blue eyes and smooth fair skin.

Cassie was more confuse now, she haven't seen this lady before but the smile on her face remind her of someone, someone close and special to her.

Without second thought she blurted out.


Alicia Nodded calmly and said "Am not surprise you recognise me even with my drastic change."

"How can I forget that smile of yours? And what happened to you?" Cassie asked surprise "I would have loved to hug you but..?" She stopped staring at the chains banding her.

"Oh sorry for that" Alicia said and with a slash of her sword the chains fell off.

"How did you survive..?" Cassie asked rubbing her sore wrist.

"These is not the time and place, let me deal with these fools first." Alicia said Turing to face the bandits who are staring daggers at her.

With A flash she disappeared from her location and appeared in Front of a shocked man, before he could register what happen his head flew off from his shoulders.

{ host have killed a mid-common ability user, host have been rewarded with +2 shadow cores and 200 shadow Crystals.}

"What the...?"

One eye and venom was dumbfounded seeing Alicia speed even cassie was frozen in place.

With the attributes of her sword and armor and the help of the night, she was much faster and stronger.

Seeing Alicia approaching them all the bandits came back to their senses and all charged at her.

These bandits are all ability users, all in common class. They might not be able to use skills or spells but they are all ruthless and fearless.

"Time to hunt"

Alicia said and her four wings spread and she shot into the air disappearing from sight stunning everyone present.

"I thought the wings were for showoff?"

"Me too"

"Where is she?"

"A common class who could fly, this is new" one eye said also surprised.

"My lord that armor look familiar" venom said calmly, she had been observing the armor from the beginning.


One eye stared at her and wave his hand the next moment.

"What am surprise about is why the core barrier spell isn't working on her"

"What if she's hiding her real strength?" Venom asked a question.

"If that's it, we're in for a night." As soon as he finished he noticed a presence behind him and swiftly turned around.

Standing still was a figure all in black with a bloody red scythe in hand staring at one eye and venom with his crimson red eyes.

"Who the hell are you?!" Venom asked drawing out her sword and got in a defense stance.

"Low-master rank? even higher than mine." One eye said in a low voice.

"Am not here to kill you both, my queen ordered Me to watch you two so you won't escape."

"Queen? Are you referring to that arrogant brat in black armor?!" Venom spat out.

Blacknight crimson eyes shone brightly hearing venom disrespectful words, he want to destroy this woman make her pay with her blood but... he couldn't disobey his queen order.

'You can kill her, I only need one eye.' Alicia voice sounded in his mind as she descend from the dark sky.

"As you wish my queen" blacknight said with a bow and fixed his daze on venom releasing an overwhelming pressure causing one eye and venom to sweat.

"My queen have given me a new order, you will have to die." With that said he moved leaving after image behind as he rushed to venom with his scythe glowing more intense.

"Fuck..." that was all she could say before her head flew downstairs.

She can't even resist for a second under the strength of a low-master rank.

Blacknight wiped the blood from his scythe and turned to the frozen one eye.

"Stand there silently"

"Yes" one eye nodded like a chick picking rice from the ground.


"Over here!!"



"Please No!!"

Alicia was like a predator, snooping from the sky and taking a life of someone without them even knowing how they died.

Some assassin trait ability users used their speed to lunged for the gate trying to escape the slaughter only to be cut down by countless shadows fighters standing outside.

All the chained women packed themselves to one corner, all trembling in fear. Cassie spend her time trying to calm down the frightened women, telling them they will be save.

It look like her words carried magic and slowly the women calmed down while cassie tried to heal the wounded ones.

One eye stood on the balcony watching as Alicia cut down his men one at a time without them even knowing.

He could detect when and where Alicia will appear from because of his rank but his men couldn't.

They were running around like headless chickens waiting to be picked up by the predator.

"No, No, No, please don't kill me!"

The last of the 40 bandits was on the ground crawling backward, scared out of his wit.

Alicia slowly landed before him and her four wings retract inside her armor, she walked calmly towards the scared man, her voice as cold as ice.

"When these women were pleading and begging for your guys to stop, did you listen?"

"This...." The man was at a loss for words, not knowing how to rebuked.

"That settled it" Alicia said and with a slash of her sword, the head of the man rolled over.

All the freed women sighed in relief and looked at Alicia with gratitude for saving them.

Alicia didn't say anything but walked inside the manor heading to the balcony.

One eye sat on the ground calmly, his eyes closed. hearing footsteps approaching he slowly opened his eyes staring at the red hair beauty walking toward him.

"So... did the Hunter Guild sent you or you are doing these out of friendship, abyssal king oh I mean queen."

Alicia stopped and stared at one eye coldly.

"You aren't surprise I know? Interesting." One eye stood up and looked at blacknight.

"is he your elite?"

Alicia didn't answer while one eye just smile and continue:

"You know all the kingdoms are after you right? If you leave me I can help you in many ways" one eye said calmly.

"Or do you think you can handle all these alone?"

"She's not alone" cassie said walking toward them followed by countless women, she stared at one eye with endless killing intent.

"Haha... What can these useless bunch do? Nothing! you heard, nothing!" One eye laughed out loud and turned to Alicia.

"I don't know how you nullify my core barrier but you won't live long, if I escape here I will make sure to expose and kill you" he said with killing intent all targeted on Alicia.

{ Host have been threatened by a mid-Awaken class warrior.}

{ hidden Quest triggered }

{ kill and devourer target heart }

{ reward: One high health potion and mana potion.

{ reward: +10 shadow cores ( NOTE: normal shadow cores par kill is +7 )

{ reward: +1,000 shadow Crystals

{ reward: A-class spell, teleportation portal.}

{ NOTE: failure to complete quest will lead to death of host and loss of both shadow cores and Crystals.}

'With these wonderful rewards I will gladly kill and devourer his heart.' Alicia thought as her blue eyes turned crimson red.

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Some of you might have got it, this novel was inspired by Solo Leveling.

I love that novel so I thought what if I write a novel about shadows with a female MC?.

that is how we get here.

stay save much love.

OP_Supremecreators' thoughts