

Joz couldn't get his head straight. Did his past come back to hunt him after all these years? He thought it was buried in the ditch. Fertio and chi, was a memory he never wanted to be reminded of... And now an encounter with Chi's sister.

What amazed him was that mohieazttha didn't seem to have a clue that, he's the major cause of Chi's predicament.

Could it be possible that chi didn't tell her about what I did??


Joz hurried to the temple for his training session. He was just five levels away from reaching his finals.

"Greetings priest."

"Greetings." The priest replied. "Have a seat child."

Joz had completed the fire loop. But he still had problems controlling his energy. The priest asked Joz for his vases.

"I brought four. Give it to me!" Joz ordered his little fangling.(little servant) They are elf like extremely strong creatures that every influential fang had. The chief's sons had four each. However, Joz preferred Lai, which he took around with everywhere he went.

"You should have brought ten! How on earth are you going to learn with four?"

"Don't worry priest. I assimilate things quickly. Shall we?"

The priest wrinkled his face, not quite pleased with Joz's reply. He placed the vase on the metal plate without giving it much thought.

Mastering feiro wasn't much hard. It was the art of gathering one's energy and controlling it. Many had mastered it within a day or two.

The priest asked Joz to place his hands on the vase.

Joz obeyed.

"First I want you to hold the vase slightly. Then add pressure gradually." He stopped and pursed his lips. While Joz did exactly as told.

"Now close your eyes..." He continued. "Gather all your energy at your finger tips, but don't break the vase!"

The priest's instruction sounded more like a command which Joz didn't like very much.

He opened his eyes.

"Close your eyes and concentrate!"

Joz continued to follow the priest's instructions.

The vase cracked slightly then broke. Joz immediately opened his eyes and frowned.

"Getting impatient?" The priest asked not really expecting an answer from Joz.

The red hairs were naturally impatient and had anger issues. But Joz clearly had little control over his.

The priest decided to try again. Unfortunately this time, the vase broke in less than a second.


Joz reached out for the vase. The priest stopped him.

"The reason the vase breaks is because you are omitting something."

Joz stared at the priest clueless and angry at the same time.

"Your mantra!" The priest pointed out.

YES, his mantra how did he forget?

Joz was really getting furious.

"My job is to guide you, not clean up your mess!"

Yeah of course he's the priest. He can say stuff...at this point he was totally over stepping his boundaries.

A scream ripped out of Joz's throat and he squeezed his face to hold himself back from breaking the priest's face.

A hand touched his warm bare neck. It was Lai. He bended over and mumbled something in Joz's ear.

Blowing out a shaky breath, Joz fixed his gaze on the priest.

"Shall we try again priest?"

He nodded.

Joz began with his mantra this time. "The fire within me does not consume me...The fire within me does not consume me...The fire..."

"Louder." The priest mumbled not looking up at him.

Joz swallowed and did as told.

Fortunately, it was a success this time. Third time's the charm! Despite all the energy gathered at his finger tips, the vase didn't break. Not even a crack.

A real genuine laugh escaped Joz. This made the priest's eyes widen.

"Lai! I did it!! I have mastered feiro!"

"You being like, always makes me doubt you're hezra's son!" The priest said almost disgusted by Joz's smile.

Joz didn't seem affected by the priest's harsh words. The priest was questioning his identity but he didn't even flinch.

It was not his first time hearing such. Joz was nothing like his father, not like his brothers or any red. Unlike all fangs, Joz truly had some good in him.

Sometimes, he actually wished he wasn't his father's son.

The hatred between them was far too deep.

"Don't get over excited child, fertio and lo mastered this on their first try. I sense you haven't mastered it yet. Try again!"

Joz confidently tried again but failed miserably.

The priest was now quite happy with himself. No more vases left.

The priest bad mouthed Joz and told him, he'll never be like his elder brothers.

"Go and wash your hands and face in the holy river. We'll continue tomorrow. When you finally master it, you'll touch the dragon vase."

Five minutes later, Joz is at the river outside the temple cursing his fate.

A dark haired stranger appeared out of nowhere, a slight smile on his face. His hair flowed messily down his shoulder. Dressed in a blue robe, he had the blue gem on his left arm. His brown eyes surveyed the area casually as if this wasn't his first time being there.

"Hello." He spoke. "I'm Chi."

Joz didn't answer but his fangling did.

"Greetings...what brings a clipper to our holy temple."

"I'm here for the firefish." He responded curtly. "It's for my training. Even one would do."

"You're not supposed to be here." Joz stated emotionless.

Chi searched his leather bag. He brought out a scroll. "Don't worry I have a permit. See?" He showed them hezra's stamp. "On the condition I go nowhere close to the dragon vase."

"Chi Elias..." Lai read out loud. "Oh! You're the great fisherman's son!" He mumbled something into Joz's ear.

"Uhmm..." Joz began, his voice smaller than he'd like. "I'm Joz." He offered chi a handshake.

Chi hummed with a smile. His humbleness radiated.

Chi seemed to hesitate as if looking for the right word. "...it's okay."


Heyyy guys happy reading!! Creation is hard but y'all make it worth it! Your support is my motivation. Support me!!! I would love to hear your suggestions about my book in the comments section. Like my book? Add to library!