

Conversing with chi was surprisingly easy. They shared a lot in the short time they spent together. No soul lingered enough to grasp Joz's attention.

Until he came...

Fertio was accompanied by his four fanglings. He glanced casually at chi, but turned his attention to Joz.

"I heard my useless little brother didn't master feiro?" He spat out, not exactly making his words sound like a question.

"To what shameless lengths will you go fertio?"

"Ayy, talking back now I see. You are literally a waste to our bloodline. No wonder you murdered my mother on your way into this world!"

Chi's eye widened out of shock. How could blood brothers speak to each other like this?

This wasn't Joz's first time hearing this. But something still tugged at his gut and he ignored it. He purposely blinked to hold back his tears. He could never cry in front of anyone only Lai.

He balanced his weight on both feet and managed to say: "I appreciate the compliment."

"Welcome brother, you know I'm generous. Maybe you should also try to compliment me sometimes."

"I'd rather not crack my brain over over unsolvable puzzles. Let's go Lai." Joz said under his breath. Fertio stopped him by grabbing his collar.

Lips slightly parted, chi came between them to contain the situation. He intended to stay out of their business. However, he couldn't just stand by and watch.

"How dare you?!" Fertio fumed and slapped chi immediately.

Chi shut his eyes and folded his hands into a fist. In an attempt to calm himself down.


"BECAUSE..." Fertio yelled back. "Because this is how I am. Evil! This is how YOU are supposed to be. But you willnever understand that, will you? Lai!"

Lai fell at fertio's feet. "Yes master!"

"What is he here for?"

Lai hesitated. "He's..he's.."

"Answer me!"

"He's here for the firefish master!"

"You two!" Fertio called out pointing to two of his fanglings. "Bring me the dragon vase."

Was fertio doing what Joz was thinking? What is he going to do with the dragon vase??

"Hey! What are you doing?" Joz pushed fertio.

"Watch me!" Fertio hissed.

No sooner had fertio held the vase than he smashed it into a million pieces.



Joz and chi cried out.

"Now be an angel and save your little friend." He said to Joz, despite being aware that chi was watching him.

"This man has committed a grave sin. Seize him!"

Before chi could process what was happening around him, he found himself being dragged away by fanglings to chief hezra's courtroom.

Joz collapsed.

"Young master, you have to save him."

Joz blinked when Lai's voice reached him. Turning to look at him with teary eyes he began. "It's over Lai...it's over."

There was no way in hell that Joz could take the blame. For his father would end him.

Later that same day, chi was given the worst punishment. He wished he hadn't gone to fang peak in the first place.

"If you weren't Elias's son, I would have beheaded you by now. That doesn't mean I'll spare you either. Fertio says you kicked our dragon vase." The chief stopped to catch his breath then continued. "Break him! Never to walk again then take him back from where he came.

Chi kept pleading in his defense as he was being dragged away. "I swear chief, I didn't break anything! I have a witness..."

The chief gave a sign for the guards to let him go. Then asked about the witness.

"Joz is my witness chief! He saw everything."

Hezra demanded his son was brought to the courtroom.

A sigh escaped chi when he saw Joz. He knew he was saved. "Come Joz. Tell them I didn't break the vase. Please tell them that the truth.

Joz stood next to fertio.

"Come on my angel brother. The ball is in your court. Take the blame or let your friend suffer!" Fertio whispered to Joz.

"Joz! Did Chi son of Elias break the vase? Yes or no?" Hezra asked once more.

Joz swallowed hard but didn't answer.

"Please Joz..."


Joz hesitated.

"Answer me now!" Hezra was growing impatient. "Yes or no?"

"YES!" Joz yelled. "Yes father he did. Chi broke the vase." He answered with closed eyes. He couldn't face Chi after what he did.

"Take him away! And don't call me father, you're embarrassing me."

Chi continued to call out Joz's name as he was being dragged out.

"Joz! Joz!! Don't do this to me I thought you were different..."

Joz could still hear his voice after he was dragged out. He shook his head to get it out, but it didn't work.

Joz ran up to his room and slammed the door shut. He slid down the door and pulled his legs to his chest.

Finally he cried...