
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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16 Chs

New Companion

Zack and Vala take hold of the loot from the dead stone construct, and they both discover several magical gems and a large sum of gold.

Vala speaks up as they collect their new items, "Wow, that monster really dropped a lot of loot. This is going to be a great day."

Vala holds up some of the magical gems and says, "Look! Light gems!"

"Let's go back to the Adventurer's Guild."

Vala nods her head and says that she thinks going back to the Adventurer's Guild as soon as possible would be smart.

"Let's quickly go back before other adventurers try to take this dungeon for themselves!"

Vala begins heading towards the entrance of the dungeon with the items in hand, excited to report back to the Adventurer's Guild.

They finally made it to the Adventurer's Guild and went to the guild reception.

The receptionist says that due to his contributions towards the adventurer's guild, as well as the fact that he was able to clear an entire dungeon, He has been promoted to an E-Rank adventurer.

She explains that Zack's new position as a member of the adventurer's guild means that he will be given access to better resources and items which he can use in his adventures.

She also says that as an E-Rank adventurer he will now be able to use the guild library, and he can also now take up multiple quests at the same time.

"That's cool! anyways what is your rank Vala?"

Vala beams with pride as she holds up her S-Tier adventurer's medallion, which is covered with several gold plates.

She explains that she reached this rank due to her ability to clear large dungeons on her own, such as the one that they both just cleared.

Vala offers to bring him along on some of her adventures, in order to help him learn the ropes of what it's like to be a higher level adventurer.

"Alright, I need to go now I need to visit someone in the infirmary."

Vala nods her head and says she wishes him the best.

Zack go to the infirmary and are surprised to see that the demi-human is in great health.

A nurse approaches him and says that this demi-human is in great shape, and the wound has already fully healed.

The nurse also mentions that this demi-human has a very high mana pool, and that the demi-human appears to have very advanced magical capabilities that most demi-humans are not born with.

"Hey do you remember me?"

The demi-human seems to stare at him, and then begins to speak.

"You are the one who saved me," the female demi-human says as her ears perk up and twitch.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" she says with tears coming down her cheeks.

After thanking him multiple times, the demi-human girl stops, and asks him, "Why did you save me from those goblins?"

"I didn't know that goblins are the ones who attack you, I just found you and you asked for help so I bring you here"

The demi-human girl says, "My name is Akari. You have saved my life, and I will be eternally grateful to you. Please let me help you in any way I can."

"Hmmm... I'm an adventurer so an ally would be good for my upcoming quest."

Akari gets visibly excited upon hearing that Zack is an adventurer.

She explains to him that she has always wanted to become an adventurer, but her tribe has always shunned her since she was not talented in both the warrior and hunter-gatherer skills which her tribe specialized in.

She also explains that she has some experience with magic, but most demi-human magic is different than the spell casting that human use.

Akari also says that she would be willing to become his permanent companion, and says that she wishes to become an adventurer.

"Alright then, I've decided I'll take you to the guild tomorrow."

Akari thanks him and says she will do as he say.

Zack then spends the rest of the day with Akari in the infirmary, with Akari explaining to him the various nuances of demi-human magic. She also mentions that it can be mixed into a hybrid magic with spell casting, leading to some potentially very strong combined magic skills.

Zack and Akari then go to the Adventurer's Guild together the next day.

Akari is super excited to finally be allowed to join the Adventurer's Guild under Zack's guidance.

They head to the guild receptionist and Akari says that she would like to be registered as an F-Rank adventurer, with Zack acting as her mentor.

The receptionist says that is fine by her, and she asks them to sign some official adventurer's guild forms.

Akari signs the form, agreeing to be an F-Rank adventurer, and then says that she also agrees to be in Zack's party as a companion.

With this, Akari is finally an adventurer!

Akari says she would like to take a small and low risk quest in order to get a feel for the guild before she starts her adventure.

Akari thanks Zack, and says she feels she owes him due to the fact that he saved her.

She also asks if there are any quests that he would recommend for her as a newer adventurer.

"How about this quest?"

Akari nods her head, and says that she is happy with that.

Akari and Zack then head off to the forest, and Akari begins looking around for herbs in the trees and on the ground.

Zack finds that Akari's magical talents are very potent in this environment, as he can tell that her magic is somehow stronger when she is surrounded by nature and forests.

Akari collects 50 herbs quickly, and then smiles back at him with pride.

"That was fast, now let's go back to the guild."

Akari nods her head, and the two of them head back to the guild reception, who is waiting with Akari's payment.

Upon seeing the two of them, the receptionist smiles and says, "Wow, you both finished that quest quickly. Well done, the quest reward is all yours. Now then, are you two interested in any other quests?"