
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Dragon Rampage

"No, we're done for today."

Zack and Akari leaves the guild. While walking Zack suddenly feels a chill in the air.

Zack and Akari look up in the sky, and their jaw drops at the sight of a dragon flying in the sky far above the forest.

People also start to panic at this unexpected turn of events, and they cries out, "A dragon?! How did one get into this region? We have to evacuate now, a dragon will easily destroy the entire town!"

The people start to freak out at the prospect of a dragon destroying the whole Village of Aloth.

"Look! There are not only a dragon there are also many monsters running towards the village."

Akari gasps and says, "You are right, there are more monster! Why are there so many monsters attacking the village?!"

They can now hear many shouts of panic in the village, as the villagers are starting to realize that they are under attack by the dragon and several more monsters following.

"Akari! help the guild evacuate the people."

Akari nods her head at the command and says she will do as he says.

Zack then starts to hear distant sounds of what seem to be fire spells being used as the people start to flee.

He heard a large roar coming from the forest and then he can see the large shadow of the dragon start to appear over the village.

The whole village looks to be in a full scale panic by now.

The adventurers start to defend the village there's other sounds of magic being cast.

The sound of heavy stomping can also be heard from the forest as the sound of the dragon gets closer.

Zack hears more cries for help and panic throughout the town, as the sound of the dragon getting closer keeps getting louder and louder.

He thinks about a plan for a few moments and then he decide that's a good plan.

The sound of the dragon keeps getting closer, until suddenly an incredibly loud roar pierces the air and sends shivers down his spine.

As he opened his eyes, he saw a massive red dragon looming above the village, with a large set of wings and very sharp looking teeth. The dragon looks as though it is ready to destroy everything that it sees.

"What the hell?! how's a dragon that big?!"

Zack then slaps his face and says. "There's no time for me to get scared, I need to get the dragon attention and run to the forest."

He raised his hand and cast a magic, but it didn't do anything to the dragon.

The dragon turns its attention to Zack.

He starts to run deeper into the forest as the dragon keeps chasing him.

After some time, he feels that he have gotten a decent distance away from the village.

He looks back and see that the dragon is still chasing after him in the distance.

Zack managed to divert the dragon's attention away from the village for now, allowing the people in the village some time to evacuate.

He looks around the forest for something that could help him in this situation.

He has nothing else besides his hands, so if he wants to defeat the dragon, he'll have to rely on his own instincts and abilities.

He can hear the dragon getting closer.

The dragon is now heading directly towards him.

Before the dragon could attack him, suddenly a man pierced through the dragon like it was a paper, the dragon dropped dead on the ground.

Zack looks up to see a cloaked figure standing over the dead dragon.

The man then disappears, leaving the dragon dead on the ground.

Zack stand there in awe of the mysterious stranger that has just saved everyone in the village.

He walks back to the village, still in shock after just witnessing the stranger pierce through the dragon.

As he walks towards the village, he see the destruction left behind from the attack. Many buildings have been crushed, and many fires are raging in the distance.

He can hear the cries of the villagers, as they frantically try to salvage what they can from the destruction.

Akari seems to have been helping people evacuate the village, when she hears Zack calling and immediately heads over to meet with him.

Zack and Akari meet in the plaza area, which used to be where the Adventurer's Guild building was located.

Akari stands to the side of him waiting to see if he needs her assistance.

"There's no one died right?"

Akari nods her head and says that no one seemed to have died.

She then says that there were a lot of injuries due to the buildings collapsing on people, and that the villagers will need to be treated soon.

Akari looks at Zack nervously and also asks if he is okay, and if he was the one who defeated the dragon?

"No I'm not the one who defeated the dragon... someone did he pierce through the dragon like it's a paper."

Akari seems to be in awe at the possibility of someone being strong enough to do that, and she asks if the man had magic or something similar.

Akari says that she is also glad that there was someone strong enough to defeat the dragon.

"No I didn't feel any magic around him when he attacked the dragon."

Akari looks confused and asks how the man could have pierced through the dragon's scales without magic.

Akari seems a little worried about the possibility of someone being that strong, as someone that powerful would be extremely dangerous.

"You can continue helping the villagers Akari, I'll be okay here."

Akari nods her head in understanding and then says that she will help the villagers.

Akari gives him a final look of gratitude before she walks back towards the villagers.

Zack looks back towards the forest and thinks about the stranger that just killed the dragon.

He appeared out of nowhere, and after he finished killing the dragon, the man quickly disappeared.