
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Second Floor Dungeon

Tons of magical gems fall onto the creatures body and shatter its corpse.

"Wow, that was quite the loot explosion," you hear Vala say.

She quickly runs up and starts gathering the loot from the creature. The gems seem to be of extremely high potential value.

"This type of magical gemstone can be used in several ways. It can be used to imbue a weapon with a magical elemental affinity," Vala says, as she picks up one of the magical gems.

"What is the use of this magical gems?"

"This gemstone has an affinity for elemental light magic, so when it's absorbed into a weapon it will change the damage type of the weapon to magical light damage.

This can be great for bypassing various types of magical defenses or just in general strengthening your attacks. It can also be used for a variety of magical spells," Vala says, as she holds up the gem.

"Then I can make my own weapon using these gems?"

Vala nods her head as she walks over to Zack, "Yes, that is correct. You could use a few of these gems to imbuing any weapon of your choice with a magical element. This specific magical gem is able to be absorbed into your weapons to permanently imbue them with magical light based spells. Any weapon that you imbuing with a gem like this one will be enhanced beyond what is possible otherwise, due to the magical nature of this gem."

"Can I imbue this on my cloak?"

Vala nods her head and smiles, "That's a great idea actually. You can imbuing these gems on armor or clothing of your choice. Having a magical cloak can be very useful for both increasing your defensive capabilities as well as providing you with a variety of new skills and powers."

"It will allow you to harness the power of light magic in order to protect yourself against any attackers."

"Alright then, give me one gem."

Vala hands one of the magical Light Gems over to Zack.

He can feel the power of the magical gemstone as he take hold of it, and it almost feels like it may be sentient or alive.

He place the magical gem onto his cloak, and nothing happens at first.

Then he see the edges of the gemstone start glowing with light.

The magical gemstone quickly expands, and it completely engulfs his cloak, covering it in magical energy.

The magical cloak is now completely covered in light, and it seems as if the cloak has now been permanently imbued with light-based magical power. It now emits a faint golden glow from within the hood, as well as the sleeves.

It seems as if the light-gem has greatly enhanced the cloak from a defensive perspective and has given it a new ability.

"This actually looks cool!"

He can feel the magical power in the cloak. It seems like the cloak can now create light magic, and it seems like it can also use the powers of light magic which are within it's gemstones.

It seems as if the cloak has been greatly enhanced from its previous state.

"Interesting, it seems that the magical gemstone which is now imbued within your cloak has given it unique magical properties," Vala says.

"Wait I feel like I can use a light magic."

You try and cast a light-based spell from your cloak, and it seems to work!

Zack cast a magical light spell at a nearby empty piece of wall, and the wall instantly explodes in light.

"Wow that's quite impressive, a light magical spell of that magnitude is normally only possible if the caster has the first level of the Light elemental magic skill. Clearly this magical gem has allowed you to cast much more powerful magic without having the required light-based magical skills!"

"Well then let's continue exploring the dungeon."

Vala nods her head and says she is ready to continue.

She also mentions that she can tell they are now in the second dungeon tier due to the significant boost in power and difficulty of the monsters.

"Be on your guard, these monsters look to be a lot stronger than before," she says and then she smiles excitedly.

"Let's press on, I want to see what we find in the next floor of the dungeon!"

"Let's go!"

The two of them enter into the room, and they are faced with their first monster of this new floor dungeons.

The monster that faces them appears to be a massive stone construct, which towers above them and they can see that it is carrying a giant hammer.

Zack and Vala stare in awe at the creature, which is clearly much more powerful than the previous enemies which you have encountered.

"Oh wow, that is one big enemy," Vala says as she is also visibly shook by the sight of this massive monster standing in front.

"This is a good practice for my new magic."

Vala nods her head and smirks, "Yes, you can certainly try your light magic on the monster. It is quite a large creature though, so it may take a lot of light magic to take it down."

Vala also adds, "It does look like it is quite slow for a monster, so you shouldn't have too much trouble avoiding the monster's attacks."

"You can sit back and relax while I take down this monster."

Vala smirks as she says, "Ok then, you are the master, it's all yours." she sits down and watches Zack fight.

Zack cast his light magic at the creature, and it seems to have quite the effect on the monster.

The creature seems to be stunned by the magical light, and it lets out a groan of pain.

"This feels good! let me try something different."

He cast a new Light-Based Magic with all of his might, and it hits the creature directly in its chest. He can see that the creature's body immediately explodes from the sheer amount of light-based power unleashed upon it.

Vala says in awe, "Woah, that was an incredibly powerful attack, you completely annihilated that stone construct!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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