
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Ivar's True Power

"Why is it normal? that's human trafficking it should be illegal." Zack said.

"I don't know about that either, but if the king allows that then you can't complain."

The girl inside the cage looks at Zack and Ivar, she looks at them hoping that they would help her get away. The slave merchant notices them, and walks towards them.

"Are you here to buy this slave?" The merchant asks.

"Maybe, can we take a look at the girl?" Ivar said.

"Oh sure," They walk towards the girl. Ivar asked the merchant how much for the girl.

"10,000 gold coins."

Ivar then walks up in front of the girl, and looks at the girl, Ivar's face turns black and smiles at the girl menacingly. The merchant and Zack feel Ivar's aura, Vala and Akari who are far away from them feel the aura.

"What is that? that feels like a monster is close." Akari said, she looked at Vala and saw that Vala was sweating.

"Are you okay Miss Vala?"

Vala snaps out of it and says to Akari that she's okay and they need to continue their training.

Ivar's aura was felt throughout the kingdom, some passed out, some were scared. The guards around the kingdom ready all their weapons as if they're waiting for someone to attack.

The slave didn't get scared at all and looked at Ivar like it was nothing.

"Hahaha, I like this girl I'll buy her."

"Very well sir, let me get the slave seal."

Zack is just standing there like he has seen a monster, he's shocked, this is the first time he felt something like that. The merchant comes back with the slave seal, he puts a seal on Ivar's hand, and then puts a seal on the girl's neck.

"Alright sir you're good to go."

Ivar tapped Zack's shoulder and said that they're good to go. They walk back to Vala's house. Vala and Akari see them with the girl.

"Ivar! who's that girl?!" Vala shouts, she walks towards Ivar with an angry look.

"No one Zack brought her!" Ivar said, he looked scared.

Zack looks at Ivar and says that he didn't buy the girl. Ivar hides on the back of Zack.

Vala started casting magic, both Zack and Ivar run Vala is chasing them while casting magic at them. Akari walks towards the girl and asks her name.

"My name is Leslie."

The girl said, Akari shakes hands with her, and says that it's nice to meet her. It's already evening and they all went into the house.

"I'm going to cook." Ivar said, he walks to the kitchen, Vala follows him.

"What do you think those two will do?" Zack ask.

"I don't know, maybe she will help him cook." Akari said.

They stop thinking about it and Zack turns its attention to Leslie, he asks her, how she's unfazed when Ivar releases a large amount of magic.

Leslie said that she had seen many people release that kind of magic and it's not new to her, she also said that the 18 Demon Lords magic is far more stronger than that.

"18 Demon Lords?" Zack looks confused.

"Yes, have you not heard of them?"


"Alright then let me explain. There are 20 Demon Lords in total but someone killed the two Demon Lords no one knows who killed them. There are 20 moons orbiting around the earth, but only one is visible, each Demon Lords live on each moon."

"Demon Lords... one of them destroyed Tiara." Akari said.

"Tiara? isn't Tiara one of the largest kingdoms and it's full of demi humans." Leslie said.

"Yes that's where I live."

"Are you sure? the demon lords swear to the God of Light that they will not attack any settlement on Earth."

"I saw it with my own eyes, Magnus destroyed it with his army."

"If that's the case then someone must have broken the seal."

Leslie is about to speak something more but Ivar and Vala come back, they put the food on the table and say that it's time to eat.

Ivar leaves the house, Zack asks Vala where will Ivar go. Vala said that Ivar needs to do something and he will not eat with them.

After a while of eating it's time to head to bed, Vala said that Leslie and Akari will sleep with her in the bedroom while Zack will sleep on the sofa. Zack didn't argue with them because he's too tired and just headed to the sofa and slept. He woke up, and head towards the bathroom, one the way he saw Vala and Ivar cuddling in the kitchen.

Zack walks back and hides on the wall and looks at them, Akari sees Zack and asks what he's doing, Zack covers Akari's mouth and pulls her to his side.

Leslie walks up to them and asks what they're doing. Akari pulls Leslie to her side and Zack's head hits the wall making a loud noise, they quickly hide. Vala and Ivar notice it, Vala makes loud moans.

Zack quickly looks but Ivar's face is in front of him, and asks what they're doing.

"What are you guys doing spying on us like that?"

"Us spying? no we're just walking around hehe." Zack said.

"Really? alright then." Ivar punched Zack, "As if I believe that!"

Vala stopped Ivar and said that it's okay, Vala prepares the breakfast but Ivar said he already ate his breakfast.

"What breakfast did he eat?" Zack asks.

"It's nothing you should start eating before Akari eating your breakfast." Vala said, she is blushing.

"Why is your face red?" Leslie asks.

"D*mn Ivar! It's nothing!" Vala stands up, and walks out. Zack, Akari, and Leslie eat their breakfast silently.

After eating, Zack heads to the shower and puts on his cloak. He, Akari, and Leslie will go shopping and look for guilds that will give them a quest, because they're short of money and Zack still wants to find who's the man who killed the dragon in one shot without any magic.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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