
Rise of the Mages

Zack always play games in his room he usually never come out of it and just play all day, one day Zack fell asleep while playing his new game, he woke up and find himself all tied up and many goblins are around him. He is in a new world, a world where magic exists. And let's just say his luck is 0 percent in any quest he takes there seems to be many monsters lurking in the area. There are different races like elves,orcs,goblins,demons, and many more. Come and join me in this journey.

RizzlelTSU · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chaos after Chaos

They walk and walk until they reach a large yet suspicious building on the corner of the kingdom. There's a hyena insignia on top of the entrance, they come in and see many people sitting each on the table they're all hooded.

They approach the counter and ask if they know where the adventurer guild is, the man at the counter says that he doesn't know where it is.

They're about to leave when a hooded man stops them, he pulls a dagger out of his cloak and attacks Zack with it. Zack dashed out of the way, Akari tried to kick the hooded man but the hooded man dodged it.

Zack looks around and sees Leslie fighting another hooded man.

He stands up and another hooded man is running towards him, Zack casts a fireball and launches it towards the hooded man.

The fireball hits the hooded man, he sprung to another hooded man who is sitting at the table. Zack said that they need to leave this place before things get out of hand, the two nod and stop fighting the hooded men and start running towards the entrance.

The two hooded men tried to stop them but Zack released a light magic to blind them. Zack started running and made it to the entrance.

"Let's keep running away from this place." Zack said.

The two girls nod at Zack and they start running. They ran through many alleys and finally made it to Vala's house.

He knocks on the door and Ivar opens it, Zack asks Ivar where Vala is. Ivar answers that Vala leaves the kingdom and heads to the Village of Aloth.

"Alright then how can we leave this kingdom?" Zack asked.

"Just head north, there's an exit there."

Zack thanks Ivar and they run to the north of the village, there are many hooded men that are following. Ivar grabs one on the feet and slams it to the ground, he asks the hooded man why they are following Zack.

The hooded man didn't answer, Ivar knocked him unconscious and headed inside the house, he grabbed a black coat and put it on and he grabbed the hooded man sword and put it on his shoulder, he jumped from roof to roof to follow Zack and the two girls.

On his he knocked many hooded men and grabbed their belongings, after a while he finally caught up with them.

He shouts at Zack and says that he will come with them. They run towards the exit and make their way towards the village. They run to the forest.

"Now that we're away from the kingdom maybe you can tell me why there are many hunters following?" Ivar ask.

"I don't know! we just came inside a shady building with hyena insignia on top of it."

"Fool! don't just come in on every building you see!" Ivar said, He then said that building is hunter guilds no one can come inside there unless you have business with them.

Ivar stopped and said, "were being tailed..." they all stopped and hid in the bush.

They saw a cloaked girl, Zack asked Ivar if that girl is a hunter too. Ivar said no and says that unlike the hunter this girl moves like an assassin.

Ivar said that he'll get the girl's attention and signal them to run. He stands up and follows the girl to get her attention, the girl notices it and turns around to throw a dagger at Ivar. Ivar blocks it with his sword and jumps towards the girl, he tries to hit the girl with his sword but the girl blocks it with her dagger.

The girl dashes backwards and casts a fireball towards Ivar. He blocks it with his sword and slashes the branch where the girl is standing, Ivar shouts, "Now!" Zack and the two girls run to escape.

The girl falls from the branch but she casts an air magic to float, she casts a fireball in the direction of Zack, Ivar dashes in the way and uses his body to block the fireball. It explodes with Ivar in the air.

Zack wants to go back but Leslie stops him and pulls him. The girl tries to follow them but Ivar grabs her feet and says, "I'm your enemy here."

Zack and the two girls are still running towards the village. Zack questions Leslie about stopping him to save Ivar.

"I didn't stop you because I want to, it's because Ivar ordered me to protect you from danger." Leslie said.

"Why did he want you to protect me? I don't need to be protected, so what's the reason?" Zack said.

"The reason, sorry but I cannot tell you what the reason is." Leslie said, she looks down.

Zack gives up because whatever the reason is, it won't come out of Leslie's mouth, he needs to ask Ivar directly. They finally made it to the village, many houses are still being built but it looks good now.

They head to the Adventurer's Guild and find Vala sitting on one of the tables, they walk towards Vala. Vala asks them why they're here.

Zack explains why they are here and he also said that Ivar is fighting an assassin. Vala looks in horror and says that Ivar is in no condition to fight, she also said that Ivar's body won't hold up much longer if he keeps using magic.

"What are you saying? Ivar is strong right?" Zack said.

"Yes he's strong and that strength comes with a cost, you see... if he keeps using magic his body will destroy itself." Vala said.

"But he's not using any magic, he's only using his sword." Zack said.

"That's his magic, Sword Magic." Vala said.

Vala asks Zack where Ivar is, and packs her things, she also said that they will come with her because there is a chance that an assassin will call for backup. They run back to the forest again, but this time Vala is with them.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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