
Rise of The Fallen

This is the story of Razjeel, Angel who lost everything and stood against God. He was the first angel ever created and also the first one to clash swords with his 'Father'. Follow Razjeel after he returned after 7 000 years of imprisonment to the world that completely changed but one thing stayed the same... His thirst for revenge towards those who took everything from him. ___________________ It's a DxD fanfic. It was my first ever idea for fanfic. I like the DxD universe and how many possibilities it has, almost endless!! I also never saw any fanfic where Mc is Angel or Fallen Angel so I tried to make one. It was created in my free time but still, I hope you'll like it! If this would be accepted by you, there would be no big harem, it's a drag to make one and keep all the personalities different and give each of the girls some screen time to not forget about her, so it would be 2-3 girls max. I don't own Highschool DxD and its characters except a few which I created. I don't own a cover either, I found it on Pinterest. Please, think of this as Parallel World and don't compare this to the original, it should make reading more comfortable.

ReeviN · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 3

In Victorian like room, Razjeel sat on the one of the sofas. In front of him was small table with tea placed on it and behind it, sat Rias with her servants standing behind her. Issei was glaring at him which made Razjeel raised an eyebrow at him. 'I know I may strangled him a little too much and they see me as enemy now, but...'.

Razjeel: Could you please stop looking at me like that? No, It would be better if you stop looking at me at all, it's sending me shivers.

He said with slight frown. Rias and her group said nothing and just looked at Issei and saw him gritting his teeth. He raised his hand and pointed a finger at him.

Issei: Shut up!! You don't ha-

Rias: Issei, stop.

She stopped him in mid sentence. It's surprised him but he still decided to be quite. Much to the Razjeel's annoyance, Issei started glaring at him even more intensely. He could only sigh at look at the Devil girl in front of him.

Razjeel: Thank you for agreeing to my request.

She nodded to show him that she acknowledged his thanks.

Rias: Now, let's start what we have gathered here for. Who and what you are? Why you attacked us? What are yours goals? What was that storm yest-

Razjeel: Whoa whoa!! Please, one question at time. I'm still getting use to this language, if you start throwing so much questions at me I will get confused. Also I will answer your questions but you have to answer some of mine too.

This take her aback. She forgot that somehow, their Language Skill isn't actually working at him. She quickly sorted her question in her mind, but before she could open her mouth, Issei suddenly spoken again.

Issei: Why the hell we should answer your question?! You are in our territory as a prisoner!!

Razjeel had enough his bratty attitude, he really didn't like when someone not included interrupted his conversations, especially some rude brat.

Rias: Issei! I told you t-

She couldn't even finish her sentence, when everyone in the room felt bone-breaking pressure. Whole world become darker in their eyes and they couldn't breathe. They felt whole building trembling and they fall on their knees, except Rias who was sitting on the couch.

Razjeel: You should just shut up when someone is talking, fucking brat. You only standing here on my whim. If I want, I can kill you here and now, and your friends wouldn't be even able to do anything. So just shut up and stay or get out of my sight, NOW!

His voice was getting louder and louder only to shout his last word. In that moment, floor cracked under Issei and he yelped in pain. Probably one of his bones snapped.

All of them turned their heads with difficulty to look at him. It was then, when they saw his eyes. Instead of mesmerizing emerald eyes, they saw red, terrifying eyes with slit pupils. They felt terrified when they look at him, especially Issei. It was the same feeling they had yesterday when they found him. Pure fear and hopelessness. All of them cursed Issei in their mind, 'Why the hell he provoked him?!'.

When he saw that they understand their position, which was that, he had theirs lives in his hand, not the other way around, he started to breathe deeply and he clenched his fists tightly. After a moment the pressure started slowly dispersing. Everyone felt lighter and they could finally breathe normally. All of them had pale faces, not as pale as Issei though. Rias quickly ordered to take Issei to another room and treat his wounds. Yuuto picked unconscious now Issei and left with Asia in tow who will heal him.

Koneko, Akeno and Rias looked at him with some fear in the eyes and they started to wonder just how powerful he was? Rias felt similar pressure only once, when her brother was angry at something and leaked his Magic out of his body. 'Wait, if he is much more powerful than High Ranked Devil like me, then maybe he could help me with engagement!! And if something go wrong, I will ask brother for help.' Rias thought. Although she felt insulted with how Razjeel treated them, she decided to play this nice and safely.

Razjeel: Sorry about my outburst, when something irritated me I can't hold my self back. But I give you an advise. I sensed that he is "young" as a Devil and I don't know how he become one, nor I care. But teach him how to behave or someone may do that instead of you.

Rias was at loss of words. She wanted to retord somehow, but she couldn't because she knew that he is right. If Issei insulted one of Gods or someone with similar position, they could lost their lives or even start a war. She really should work on his behavior later.

Rias: Yes, thank you for advice. And I'm sorry for my servant, I'm ashamed for him.

She slightly bowed her head as a sign of apologize but Razjeel only tapped the table to gain her attention. He then said that he didn't mind and she shouldn't bothered about this now 'cause it's not entirely her fault. He also show her gentle smile which made her blush a little, along with Akeno and even Koneko turned her head to the side to hide tint of red on her cheeks.

Razjeel: Well, we should start with introduction first, I think? My name is Razjeel, no surname. Oh, and by the way, I won't answer question I see as personal.

'Razjeel... He has Angel like name, so he is one or a Fallen. And I think it's rather nice name' thought in the same time everyone left from Rias group.

Rias: My name is Rias Gremory, from Gremory House of 72 Pillars of Underworld. Black haired girl behind me is Akeno, my queen and maid, and white haired one is Koneko, my rook. Pleasure to meet you, Razjeel.

Rias introduced herself in proper manner, placing her right hand on her chest while doing slight bow. Akeno, when mentioned, smiled sweetly and grabbed two ends of her skirt to make slight bow. Koneko just make "Un" sound and nodded as a greeting.

'Queen? Isn't she her servant? And "tower"? What the hell? She is weird...' Razjeel was confused and started doubting if she's senile.

Rias: Now, can you tell us about what happend yesterday? Did you caused that?

Razjeel: Emm... Yeah. I indeed was cause of that anomaly. I hope I didn't create any commotion. As for your first question, I don't know how to explain that. That was propably Heavenly Tribunal caused by breaking on of Laws. I'm still surprised I managed to escape from there...

He explained as simply as he could but he murmured last part to himself. What he say was true, he was really surprised. If he remembered correctly, he is the second one in history to escape from Purgatory, the place of no return.

'Heavenly Tribunal? Laws? What is he talking about? He's little weird...' now it was Rias's turn to be confused.

Rias: Wait, escape? Can you explain?

Razjeel: Yeah, escape...- he saw flashbacks of his fight with God and moment of his imprisonment- Someone once dear to me throw me into that cursed place... Sorry, but it's personal matter. Now, can you tell me where am I?

Hatred in his voice didn't went unnoticed by the three girls when he mentioned about that 'Someone', especially Koneko who was sensitive towards emotions.

'Personal matter, huh? Now I'm really curious.' Akeno thought with finger on her lips eyeing Razjeel.

Rias: I won't pry into yours personal stuff. You are currently in Kuoh High School, in Kuoh City on Earth*. This is the territory managed by me and my friend from Sitri House. My older brother is one of the Four Great Satan's. - she said with proud look on her face, visibly trying to intimidate him with her brother's status. But she didn't expect such a reaction...

Razjeel: Yeah, Yeah, good for you. 'You think I'm stupid? You're from Gremory House, there is no Satan from this House'. But where is this ''Kuoh City''? Judging by your appearance we are in Aldevan Kingdom, right? 'They always had strange fashion preferences and naming senses'.

Rias: Aldevan? Sorry but I never heard of this. 'Some sort of small realm?'

'Aldevan Kingdom... Aldevan... Aldevan... I think I heard this somewhere...' Akeno was trying to remember when she heard about this. This name was familiar.

Razjeel: Hmm? Then what country is this?

Rias: This is country called Japan.

She said looking strangely at him. 'How he doesn't know it? It's one of the most recognized countries in the Earth. Even little Devils know about Japan.'

Razjeel: Japan? Emm... Is this a new district of Cerseus?

He really doesn't know what was she talking about! 'Did I mess up and end up in Alternative Realm?!

Rias: Cerseus? Excuse me, but I don't know what are you talking about..

'Cerseus? Cerseus...' she started thinking and finally...

Akeno: Ah! If I may. It can be strange, but are you talking about Cerseus Empire?

Rias: You know what is this?

Razjeel: Yes! I'm talking about it. But why you said it's "strange"?

Akeno looked in his eyes and said with wry smile.

Akeno: Cerseus Empire was the most powerful Empire in history of Humanity. It ruled around 75% of world-

Razjeel: Wait. "Was"? - he started to feel strange.

Akeno: Yes. It was founded 8500 years ago and was destroyed 6000 years ago during 'Realms Tremor'.

Rias: How do you know all of this?- she asked looking surprised at Akeno's knowledge.

Akeno: I read this once in history book in Gremory Manor's library, during one of ours lessons.

Rias: Haha... I... I... Propably was absent that day, haha...

Akeno: Don't worry, It's my duty as your maid and queen to have enough knowledge.

During their small talk, Razjeel had conversation on his own with himself. He tried to absorb what he learned just now.

'What? Destroyed? How this could happened? And 'Realms Tremor'? What is this? Is this some kind of new anomaly? But what disturbing me is... 6000 thousand years ago?! When I was free, Empire had around 1500 years and since it was created 8500 years passed from now, this mean... ' his eyes opened wide in realization, tea cup slipped from his hand, breaking on the floor. Both girls looked at him surprised. But he didn't even looked at them, he was just staring at empty space before him.

Razjeel: Se... Seven thousands years... I was trapped for seven thousands years...

I made mistake and wrote that Koneko is tower, I changed it to rook. Thanks for pointing my mistakes.

Earth*- I will call realm of humans like that

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