
Rise of The Fallen

This is the story of Razjeel, Angel who lost everything and stood against God. He was the first angel ever created and also the first one to clash swords with his 'Father'. Follow Razjeel after he returned after 7 000 years of imprisonment to the world that completely changed but one thing stayed the same... His thirst for revenge towards those who took everything from him. ___________________ It's a DxD fanfic. It was my first ever idea for fanfic. I like the DxD universe and how many possibilities it has, almost endless!! I also never saw any fanfic where Mc is Angel or Fallen Angel so I tried to make one. It was created in my free time but still, I hope you'll like it! If this would be accepted by you, there would be no big harem, it's a drag to make one and keep all the personalities different and give each of the girls some screen time to not forget about her, so it would be 2-3 girls max. I don't own Highschool DxD and its characters except a few which I created. I don't own a cover either, I found it on Pinterest. Please, think of this as Parallel World and don't compare this to the original, it should make reading more comfortable.

ReeviN · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 2

She yelped but it was quickly muffled. He put his index finger near his mouth with his free hand and pressed slightly his forearm, signaling that if she scream he would crush her throat. Her frightened look slowly turned into serious and she slowly nodded her head. He reached his free hand and silently closed the door.

'So I'm in the Devil's territory huh?...' he thought while examining the girl in front of him. In his opinion, she is a beautiful girl with a good body, but what caught his interest is not her appearance but something else about her. 'I feel that she is a half Devil but the second half feels more like Angel but not exactly... And what's going on with her clothes? New fashion for Devils? Truly, strange and interesting...' he lost in thought while looking at her who wore her school uniform. For Akeno thought, it's looked like he was looking at her body which disgusted her but she started to fear that he will do something to her. She looked at him and tried to ask.

Akeno: W-what do you want from me?

She asked with difficulty because of the arm on her throat. But the lustful look she expected to receive never come. Instead, he responded with a surprised expression and a slightly tilted head. His eyes were clueless. '... I don't understand what is she talking about! No way. There shouldn't be a language I don't know!! Are Devils developed a new language to communicate? Damn it! Now I can't even properly learn about my situation... Maybe she will understand me?' again lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice Akeno looking into his emerald eyes absent-minded. Now that she looked clearly at him, she noticed how handsome he was. His body built his deep black hairs, his shiny emerald eyes. She was mesmerized by his appearance. She faintly blushed and shook her head. 'What am I thinking about?! I have to inform others quickly!'.

Her sudden movement snatched him from his thoughts. He slightly increased pressure on her throat in a warning manner. She looked at him and saw his lips moving.

Razjeel: Do you understand me? Nod if you do.

She nodded in response. 'Good, it seems that she understands me. Let's go with the next question' he thought satisfied with her answer.

Razjeel: Okay, now, are we in the Devil's territory?

Another nod

Razjeel: *Sigh* shit... Are there other Devils nearby?

He cursed at his bad luck quietly. Hearing his question Akeno hesitated and started to think quickly about the answer. If she confirmed, he might use her as a hostage and hurt others. If she denied, he may kill her right now or even r*** her. Seeing her hesitant he made a small, green flame on his hand and put his hand near her face. Despite its small size, the heat flame was emitting was unbearable.

Razjeel: Don't try to l- Ugh!

He tried to treat her but in mid-sentence, he felt powerful pain in his head. His eyes lost focus and he loosen grab on her. Akeno used this and made Magic Circle send yellow lightning at him. Still, in pain, he dodged to the side but can't do anything more in his state. Akeno used this opportunity and shouted.

Akeno: Rias!! He broke free!!

Razjeel: Tsk! Ugh!!

Although he couldn't understand her, he doesn't have to be a genius to guess why is he yelling. He clicked his tongue in annoyance but again clutched his head in pain. Suddenly, doors were kicked open and five Devils ran inside the room.

Rias: Akeno are you all right?? What happened??

Rias quickly approached Akeno and checked her condition. She looked at Razjeel and ordered her servants.

Rias: Yuuto, Koneko, knock him out, now!

The mentioned two moved with high speed toward their target. Unfortunately for them, Razjeel's headaches started to get weaker. Yuuto performed a slash aimed at his target's head with the dull side of the blade which he summoned earlier. After him, Koneko performed a half-spin kick at Razjeel's stomach. Razjeel bent his knees slightly, he felt blade passing above his head almost cutting his hair. Koneko hit him on the stomach, well she thought she did. To her surprise, he grab her by the ankle, made a quick spin, and throw her at Yuuto.

Issei: Koneko!

Yuuto seeing his teammate thrown at him, panicked and decided to dodge her. After he sidestepped, Koneko flew past him. Yuuto looked behind to see if she is alright and he was relieved when he saw her hit the sofa. To Koneko's confusion, she didn't feel any pain, even more, she felt like he was trying to be gentle.

Yuuto turned his attention back to Razjeel only to find him just in front of him. Blonde-haired teen flinched and tried this time to slash him across his chest with the sharp side of the blade. Razjeel frowned. He shortened the distance between them, because of that Yuuto tried to increase the gap between them which made his attack much slower. Razjeel sidestepped to his left, grabbed Yuuto's shoulder knocking him out of balance, and bend him backward, then, he sent a powerful knee using his left leg.

Yuuto: GAH!!

The kick was strong enough to knock the air out of him. Razjeel let go of his shoulder and kick him on the calf sending his lower body in the air and sending a front kick on his side, making him crash on the armchair. All this happened in mere three seconds!!

'... Well, I was prepared for something... More challenging? I guess I have to end this quick... But how to make them listen to me?'


Rias: Issei stop!!

'Our... I guess this will do'. He saw Issei charging on him with his arm wrapped in the strange red gauntlet, in position to make a straight punch.

Issei: *Boost!* Get rea- UCK!

He tried to shout something but Razjeel just shook his head and grabbed him by his throat, lifting him in the air. 'I can't believe... That was.. pathetic... What's with these Devils??? Am I in the nursery for retarded Devils??' he didn't notice that he grabbed him a little too tight for too long and Issei started to change colors on his face.

Rias/Akeno/Asia: Issei!

'Oops. I overdo' he loosened the grip on his throat and Issei fell on the ground clutching his throat gasping for air. Rias and Akeno prepared their Magic to attack but they saw something they didn't expect. 'Eeh???' both thought at the same time. What made them so puzzled is Razjeel who raised his hands in a surrendering manner.

Razjeel: ... Let's... Talk

He said in broken Japanese. Rias was surprised, honestly, she never thought he will surrender on his own. She looked around and saw Koneko walking towards her with Yuuto leaning on her to support him. He can barely breathe after those two powerful kicks, especially the one on his side. The white-haired girl looked at Rias and said something in low voice.

Koneko: President. I think we should talk to him.

Rias: What?! Why??

Koneko: You didn't notice but, when we were fighting him, he didn't fight to hurt us or to kill... Right there he could throw me at the wall or slam me on the floor but he throw me on the sofa. He didn't even throw with that much force as it looked like.

Rias was surprised at both what Koneko said about what that man did and even more surprised about the length of Koneko's speech. It wasn't a secret that she is a girl of a really few words. The most common response is nods or shakes of her head.

Yuuto: Haaaah... It's hurt to agree, but... I think Koneko is right. He didn't hurt Koneko nor me until I tried to slash him on the chest. I noticed how he frowned before he attacked.

Rias: But it doesn't mean anything. He may have a weak spot towards girls and that's why he trashed you around and Koneko is alright.

Yuuto shook his head and made a wry smile. Sweat dripped from his chin when he looked towards Razjeel.

Yuuto: President, I will be totally honest with you. If this guy want, he could kill us all with his close-combat skills and we wouldn't be able to do anything. I'm a swordsman and Koneko is a close-combat fighter so we can estimate more or less how powerful he is in terms of physical powers. He clearly stopped himself from killing me right there. He could break my spine or neck whenever he wanted... Also, his moves are too swift... It comes only with hard training and years of experience. To summarize this all, he was only toying with us and fought back only when I tried to kill him. President, it's better to talk to him and inform Sona President.

Rias: But-

Akeno: Rias, I think the same.

Rias looked toward her friend with a confused look.

Akeno: Don't look at me like that. He is powerful both physically and in terms of Magic. He summoned a strange green flame and though it was the size of a finger I felt like I would melt just for being close to that. And there is something else...

Rias looked at her with a questioning gaze.

Akeno: He seems to be... Lost? He didn't understand us although we use our Language skills, he didn't know where he is and his clothes looked out of the place. We should just talk to him.

Rias looked towards their talk subject, thinking of what they said and she slowly nodded her head.

Rias: Okay.

Razjeel: Thank you, but first, you should take care of your servants then we should talk properly.

Everyone was shocked. They looked towards Akeno with questioning faces. 'Didn't she say he doesn't understand our language???'. Akeno was also shocked but also a little embarrassed. 'I said something wrong?' Razjeel thought looking at their's facial expressions.

Akeno: Excuse me, but, you can understand us now?

Razjeel: Well, I couldn't at the beginning but I quickly grasped a thing. You can say I'm a fast learner.

He said while rubbing the back of his head with a small smile. Akeno blushed again at this side and even Rias has a tint of red on her cheeks.

'NOOOOOO!! My harem is in danger!! ' shouted Issei internally seeing what happened.

To those who are booing a this kind demeanor, Razjeel will be kind to those neutral to him or those close to him and cold and merciless to his enemies and of course Angels and Church are included (no offense to catholics etc. It just a fiction)

Should I make Akeno in his small harem? I'm hesitant because 99% fanfics included her, but I think that is a to common choice.

Serafall has a guaranteed place in harem or I would make a romance only with her. You may laugh bu I thin she is gergous!!

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