
Rise of the Failed Idol

Raj Morningstar was trainee Idol who was about to debut with his group. However before he could debut as an Idol he was kick out of the company. The reason? He can't dance well enough to be debut. He can sing, He has very handsome face that would made other jealous of him but he can't dance. And because of that he was kick out of the company, The company that he spend his 6 years of life. Just when it's seems that everything is over Raj a miracle happened. A miracle that changed Raj life. “I will become a star that shines brighter than anyone else.” Terrible dancing skills are no longer a problem. Finally, a ready idol with everything. Now, a monster rookie appears in the entertainment industry! ____ [Note:- Every Place, name are fictional. please do not take them seriously] ______ Note: The cover is mine and also this cover is made by Author A4KL.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


A white sedan was speeding like crazy on the side road near the school.

The driver may have been drinking and his movements were unusual.

And the direction the car is heading is clearly... .


In the path of the car driving angrily, an elderly man from earlier had parked his car and was talking on the phone.

I shouted urgently.

"Old man!"

But the other person had no reaction.

Perhaps because of his old age he couldn't hear anything from long distance l.

Meanwhile, the car was speeding towards the cart car, and my heart began to beat nervously.


There was no time to think or do anything.

Feeling as if time had stopped, I ran with all my might to old man.

Meanwhile, the car was rapidly closing the distance.

"Be careful-!"

When the license plate number came right in front of me, I pushed the old man away.


The car instantly destroyed the rear car and broke through the window of the hair salon.

"It's okay-"

Fortunately, the old man who fell to the floor was in good condition.

The problem was me.


My feet, which I had run with all my might to push the old may, were in vain.


What's this?

Stepping on the ice was the cause of the problem.

In an instant, my center of gravity shifted to my back and my body fell into a temporary state of weightlessness.

It feels like a grim reaper was coming to get me.

What happened next was an instant.


My body hit somewhere and rolled down the hill.

When the rotation stopped, I saw a blurry image of trees and rocks before everything went black.

The impact had knocked me unconscious, and as I lay there, the sounds of distant voices and sirens faded in and out of my awareness. Minutes or hours later, I couldn't tell, I gradually regained consciousness to find myself surrounded by concerned faces.

"Are you okay?" someone asked, their voice sounding distant and muffled.

I groaned, trying to sit up, but sharp pain shot through my body, causing me to wince.

"Easy now, don't move too quickly," another voice advised.

I blinked, trying to clear my vision, and slowly the faces around me came into focus. Paramedics were kneeling beside me, assessing my injuries.

"The ambulance is on its way," one of them said reassuringly.

I nodded weakly, trying to piece together what had happened. Memories flooded back: the speeding car, the old man, the ice... I remembered pushing him out of the way just before everything went dark.

"What about... the old man?" I managed to ask, my voice hoarse.

"He's shaken up, but he'll be okay," someone replied. "You saved his life."

Relief washed over me, mingled with the lingering shock of the accident. Despite the pain, I felt a sense of gratitude that the outcome hadn't been worse.

...And just like that I lost my consciousness again.


When I regain my senses I was already on hospital.

The time is 10 o'clock, in a morning.

When I heard that I couldn't take the test because it was long past check-in time, I felt like my world was falling apart.

If there is a God, I want to ask.

Is there something wrong with me?

It's like this every time.

They say that every time you want to know if your life will turn out well, you screw up like this.

When I was 7 years old, my parents passed away.

I started practicing to enter the piano competition, but my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer so I had to stop playing piano and started to helping her in the shop.

Just before debut, I was eliminated from the debut group.

Now, when I was about to take the college entrance exam, and they say they that i can't take the exam.

What will I say to my grandma?

I feel at a loss when I think of my

Grandmother must praying at a temple, saying that her grandson's college entrance exam was a big success.

'What will I tell her?' I couldn't help but exclaim inwardly as I grab sheets of my bed.

I was still for moment, thinking about my current situation.

Fortunately, I was able to quickly recover mentally, perhaps due to years of misfortune.

Actually, it was a better axis for me this time.

Other times, it was a misfortune that came without end or reward, but this time, it was rewarding because I saved a person's life.

The problem was that it really only saved his life.


There was an elderly man lying in a bed next to the emergency room, and every time he coughed, he curled up as if he was in pain.

It's must because I pushed his so hard, he might broken his ribs maybe that's why he is in so much pain.

Feeling apologetic for no reason, I opened my mouth.

"I think you're in a lot of pain because of me."

"Oh, don't say that."

A good-looking woman who came as a guardian waved her hand.

The man who appeared to be husband of the woman also nodded.

"If it wasn't for Raj Morningstar, my father wouldn't have been able to lie in bed like this."

"I would appreciate it if you thought so."

The people who visited the hospital were said to be the old man's son and his wife.

The man handed me his card and as I read his card I get to know that he's a typical office worker.

His name is Adwin Gupta, While the old man is Willes Gupta.

I handed back him his card as Adwin opened his mouth, "How are you feeling?"

"The Doctor said that lucky I'm fine and there is no ingery on my body aside from few minor scar. I would be fine if I take one or two day rest."

"I see. How about taking a break in hospital we haven't able to say thank you properly and we'll also pay the hospital bill too"

"Nah, it's fine. I didn't do this for reward anyway."

I waved my hand as I said those words.

In fact I didn't have any intention of saving him but at that moment my body moved it's own and everything was blurred after that.

So I should get out of here quickly before they said anything else.

"So I'll be-"

When I was about to say goodbye to husband wife, the old man, who was lying in the hospital bed, grabbed my wrist.

I turned my head towards him as well his son and his wife did too

"Young Man ..."

The old man voice was rather weak, it must because his ribs are broken.

"...I'm sorry."

The old man said as single drop of tear escape from his eyes.

The old man was crying.


That's all I could say as I was in shock by the secen in front of me.

After taking a deep breath the old man continued,

"I committed a great sin. You had to take a important exam but because of you couldn't take it...I-Im r-really...S-Sorry."

At the end of his word the old started to cry again.

"Please don't say that."

He seems to be full of guilt and said as he held my hands.

With kind smile on my face, i said,

"I can take re-exam next year but one person life is gone it's gone. So it's fine don't worry about it."

"But still..."

"It's really okay."

When I smiled and reassure him, the old man wiped the corner of his eyes and nodded slightly, seemingly comforted by my words.

Adwin Gupta, the old man's son, looked at me with gratitude in his eyes. "Thank you," he said softly. "For everything."

I nodded in response, feeling a sense of closure and relief wash over me. Despite the unexpected turn of events, I was grateful that I could alleviate the old man's guilt and reassure him that everything would be okay.