
Rise Of Evil God

A hero or villain let the fate decide - Witness the journey of a manipulative , narcissistic and scheming protagonist who wants his desire to be fulfilled no matter how. Li Chen beginning his journey from a mortal clearing his path to become at the top of everything eliminating everyone who comes in his way. _______________ Warning: Strong violence and mature content. -->Some scenes may not be liked by all people so just take those as air and move to main story. -->Love is just a waste of time so, no time wasted on those things to develop deep relationship with every female character. -->Our protagonist is an evil so don't consider it as a joke tag. Warning: This work is purely fiction, and it does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. Please read with caution. _______ Support and enjoy the Journey................................

Soul_Reaper_007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Working For Survival

Next day, Li Chen went to work his daily wage was fixed 70 yen, which add upto 2100 yen per month barely enough for survival in such a big city. Song wuhan told  Li Chen about work and he started working. Most of the days he worked overtime and also faced abuse almost everyday and occasionally beatings. After 3 months he saved some money and decided to go to a school so he enrolled in a school named "Xingxing international School". Mostly the people of workers used to study in this school so fees was not high.

Li Chen used to live with workers near the construction sites , in the temporary houses made for them. He only had one school uniform for almost 3 years. He ate very less, only sufficient for survival , was beaten and abused by contractor and other workers.

But he remain quite every-time , never resisted , never fight back but he always monitored people their behaviour towards him and others. He saw couples fighting ,children being beaten and abused , people throwing their parents away to old age homes and many other dark sides of world.

He started to develop a weird habit whenever he saw any bad thing happening in society he used to observe it, sometimes he would just smirk and walk away, sometimes he would just remain there feeling amused.

August, 2021

Years passed like this and now Li Chen was 18 years old , and can  be called a handsome man, due to his brilliant mind and  hardwork he got into "Shanghai University" and also got scholarship from government. 

Present day -August 3

Walking on the road Li Chen arrived in front of a large gate of his university, he was dressed in cheap casual clothes , he walked inside the gate and saw the large buildings of university ,he was also given male dormitory for living, so he decided to move in the evening. While walking he saw many rich students coming in luxury cars wearing expensive branded clothes but there was no expression on his face. He arrived in front of his class which was named as class 1-A, when he entered many students were already present inside , he glanced at everyone then went to the last row and sat on an empty bench near window and started looking outside.

After some time a girl came when she entered the class became quite, she had long black hairs , long face, white skin, and brown eyes, her face was very beautiful looking like a fairy , she was wearing a blue colored single piece which showed curvy body and her round tight butts. Her  dress was almost covering till her knees so her thighs were not exposed. Li Chen peeked at her for few seconds then again started looking outside. The girl came in and sat near another girl in the front row. Like this everyone came for the first class but no-one paid any attention to Li Chen ,mostly due to his clothes and weirdness. 

When the bell rang a female teacher came in who was also very beautiful mostly her breasts which were well developed, had long hairs and was in a formal attire which enhanced her beauty but she was carrying a cold aura around her. So after taking peeks at her, nobody tried to gaze for longer . 

She started by introducing herself, her name was Song Mengxin,26 years old, who will be teaching Finance in the future. She also asked others to introduce themselves , everyone introduced themselves. The beautiful girl was 18 years old named 'Xia Ningxue' from the one of the most powerful 'Xia family' in Shanghai there were also other second generation young children.

After this class began and like this the first day came into an end , in the evening Li Chen went back to collect his belongings and came back to his new room in dormitory. When he entered he saw a muscular young man was stretching himself ,seeing Li Chen he smiled and introduced himself as 'Zhong Zhao' Li chen nodded and also introduced himself. Li Chen arranged his belongings and when he was just about to relax Zhang Zhao told him to make an errand for him , when Li Chen not responded he picked Li Chen from collar.

Zhang Zhao- Bastard if i tell u to get up and do something you listen to me or i will make sure that you will not be able to get up for few days,

Li Chen just stared at him and remained quite

In response Zhang Zhao kicked him and punched on his mouth then threw him down 

Zhang Zhao- You damn bastard!!!!! move your ass out of here and bring me my things.

Li Chen got up and came out, there was a sharp glint in his eyes when he came out.

He came out of campus and went to a shop and bought 2 packets of cigarettes, cold drink and sandwich and went back.

He gave Zhang Zhao his things , Zhang Zhao lighted one cigarette after taking few puffs he lighted another one and told Li Chen to smoke.

Li Chen declined

Zhang Zhao became angry and forced him to smoke.

Li Chen Choked few times due to smoke but at last finished it due to this his mind became blanked for some time due to nicotine after few minutes he came back to his senses and after washing, he went to bed.

Days went like this , in between Li Chen also found new part time job in a cafe just outside his university which was run by a beautiful woman named 'Tang Shuang' who was 36 years old widowed woman. She had ample breasts and oval face and nice butt, she looked like a cute milf.

LI Chen also developed a hobby of smoking in this period .He used to run errands for zhang zhao often due to this zhang zhao's other friends also started treating him like this. His reputation was just like a bug who has no importance in their eyes. Students of his class also started to use abusive words toward him whenever they liked.

There was only one place in whole university where he used to go everyday in interval that was university terrace , where he smoked and used to observe surrounding.

He also observed behaviour of other students specially the couples how they treat each other.

It was like everyone was using others for their own good and Li Chen had realized this thing in very early part of his life and everything was same here. Girls used boys to entertain them and buy gifts , boys on the other hand used girls to show off and for other sexual benefits. This was like a give and take.

Li chen became bored of this, now he wanted something new so he can find some excitement.

Just like this 6 months passed.

February, 2022

Just like everyday Li chen came back to his dormitory smoked, took a bath and went to Sleep.

But something weird happened to him this day.

When he woke up from sleep his head felt heavy.

There was chaos of memories that were trying to settle in his brain, he hold head and took out a cigarette to clear his mind

But it didn't work this time.

Some words were echoing in his minds Like cultivation, fire, water, wind, light, dark, etc.....

After taking a deep breath he went to take a bath, after washing he went to his class.

His head was still heavy but the memories in his brain started clearing up, it was like a puzzle arranging itself.

he went to his seat and closed his eyes to digest those memories.

Hey bastard what are you thinking- A shout came from a boy and everyone looked at Li Chen.

Li Chen opened his eyes when he looked at the boy there was a sharpness in his eyes when the boy saw this he became quite, that looked like eyes of death of itself

But soon it became normal the boy who was also frightened for a second also composed himself and sat down silently.

The classes went like normally and after ending everyone came out , Li Chen was the only one who remained in class .

After some time he also got up and walked out of class.

He took out his phone and dialed Tang Shuang's number and told her that he will not be coming to work today. After ending the conversation he went to the university terrace locked the door. 

Then he lighted one cigarette while pondering. 

Just like this after smoking 3 cigarettes he sat down cross legged and started to look into his memory. 

It was like a whole new world that opened to him. 

Cultivation methods, cultivation techniques, alchemy, information of different herbs, arrays, qi, laws of nature, spirit beasts , spirit weapons, etc..

But there was something which looked like locked in his brain , like mist was covering what was behind it. 

Li Chen ignored it for time being and focused on what is available to him.