
Rise Of Evil God

A hero or villain let the fate decide - Witness the journey of a manipulative , narcissistic and scheming protagonist who wants his desire to be fulfilled no matter how. Li Chen beginning his journey from a mortal clearing his path to become at the top of everything eliminating everyone who comes in his way. _______________ Warning: Strong violence and mature content. -->Some scenes may not be liked by all people so just take those as air and move to main story. -->Love is just a waste of time so, no time wasted on those things to develop deep relationship with every female character. -->Our protagonist is an evil so don't consider it as a joke tag. Warning: This work is purely fiction, and it does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. Please read with caution. _______ Support and enjoy the Journey................................

Soul_Reaper_007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Cultivator Journey begins

From now on we will see the true nature of Li Chen , this chapter has lots of information regarding cultivation so just digest the information.


According to his memories a cultivation realm was divided into following stages-

1.Qi Gathering Stage

2.Foundation Establishment Stage.

3.Core Formation Stage .

4.Nascent Soul Forming Stage.

6.Sage stage .

7. Saint Stage

8. Ascension Stage

9. Heavenly Tribulation Stage.

Each stage is further classified as -Initial, middle, late, Peak.

There were also body cultivation stages-

1. Tempered body.

2. Bronze body

3.Silver Body

4. Gold body.

5. Nirvana body.

6. Immortal Body.

7.Supreme Immortal Body.

8. Divine body.

9.God body.

10.Primordial body.

Each body stage is further classified as -Initial, middle, late, Peak.

There are also weapons and armors graded as follows-

1.Spirit Weapon/armor

2.Heavenly Weapon/armor

3.Divine weapon/armor

4.God Weapon/armor

Weapons and armors are classified into 3 grades- Low grade, Middle grade, High Grade.

There are also pills which are classified as-

1. Spirit Pill

2. Heavenly Pill 

3. Divine Pill

Each pill is also classified as -Low grade, middle grade, high grade.

There are different kinds of pill of each type which can be produced by combining different herbs by an alchemist.

After going through all the information LI Chen found a Cultivation method whose grade was not present in his memories.

The name of method was -Law of Elements of Heaven And Earth.

According to this method if cultivated properly one can control the following elements of heaven and earth.

These elements are- fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, dark, and light.

There are other laws which can be learned - Space and Time (High cultivation achievement required).

There are profound veins to store the energy and 54 profound entrances present to absorb the energy these entrances needs to be opened which helps in increasing cultivation speed of body.

There are  special types of profound veins which are god profound vein and primordial profound veins which can almost store infinite energy.

The profound veins are classified as-

1. Spirit profound veins

2.Heavenly profound veins

3. Divine Profound Veins.

4. God Profound veins

5. Primordial profound veins.

There are also individuals with mortal grade profound veins which are not suitable for cultivation.

Now Li Chen digested all this information and started to revolve His law of elements through his profound veins to open his profound entrances after almost an hour his entrances started to open , after sitting the for around 3 hours he opened his eyes.

Now his 36 profound entrances were often which was a huge surprise for him , he found himself in the middle stages of Qi gathering stage. His body was also being tempered unknowingly it was like a mysterious force was unlocking potential of his body and his body was now Peak Stage Silver body, only one stage away from gold stage body.

After exhaling air his body felt released , suddenly he felt as if someone was peeking at him , he looked towards the door but it was closed after looking around for a minute he threw these thoughts out of his head. He got up lighted one cigarette puffed and then walked down from stairs.

With his newfound strength he felt overpowered and wanted to try something. So he went backside of university and after confirming no one is around he channeled energy in his legs and sprinted he felt very light.

He was sure if he participates in Olympics he will surely win a gold medal.

After testing speed he went  toward a tree and punched it channeling energy he only felt slightly numb sensation but there was dip a fist mark on the tree feeling satisfied he tried other things like jumping, climbing etc.

After almost one and half hours he felt exhausted. He sat cross legged and restored his energy in 20 minutes and walked toward the University gate.

He walked away from university , he realized that it was almost 8:00 PM, he thought of eating something and then go back. So he crossed the road and walked toward a low class food restaurant, just as he was passing by a dark alley he felt some movement in the alley. He spotted some figures, as his curiosity increased he walked inside the alley. 

When he reached he saw 5 men who looked like gangsters were surrounding a women , when he looked closely he found that he knew her ,she was none other than Tang Shuang (owner of cafe).

There was a bald man with tattoos and was holding a life , looking lustfully towards her and was smiling mischievously .

man 1 to bald man- Brother Mo today we found a good milf we can enjoy for  amonth and then can sell her to other provinces as a slut.

men 2- She can fetch us good money look ate her face and breasts , she is a real deal.

Just as they were laughing maniacally they felt arrival of someone and looked back. They saw a man around 18 years with grin on his face looking towards them.

Brother Mo- who the fuck are you brat. what are you looking for , get the fuck out of here or you will lose you limbs.

Men 3- Brother Mo he also looks handsome we can also abduct him and sell him to people who can use him for their fantasies. He will become a good slave for gay people.


Entire group burst into laughter

Brother Mo- No need to go back now brat you will also get a good deal to us. Catch him he ordered his lackeys.

All the 4 lackeys moved towards Li chen who was quite, and looking towards them and was thinking something just as they came close to him Li chen threw One punch towards one man who tried to defend but before his hands moved Li chen's punch landed on his neck.

Before anyone could react Li chen moved with fast speed and delivered 3more punches to thieir necks and as for one man he kicked his balls with full force.

All the 4 men collapsed on ground before realizing what happened.

Bald man who was laughing earlier was horrified watching this he looked toward Li Chen and said in a trembling voice -

  you.,...you killed them fucking bastard.

Li Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at that baldy with chilling eyes. Baldy froze there and in second before he could react the Knife which was in his hands was now stabbed in his chest.

Last thing he saw was a knife stabbed in his chest with blood dripping and a devil who was looking closely his face with a smile .

His eyes started blurring and he heard few soft words just before his death-- Never learn Bastard word in your next life.

He dropped dead and there was a complete silence. Tang shuang who was looking at Li chen with complicated emotions and with half opened mouth.

Li chen you you.......- she wanted to say something but nothing came out from her mouth.

You want to thank me -Li chen looked at her with a smile.

Tang Shuang dazzled for a moment.

you killed them , police will put you behind the bars- Tang Shuang.

But who will tell them- Li Chen

He sat on his toes and took out Knife from bald man's chest.

he said, "You got a plastic bag".

Tang shuang nodded and gave him plastic bag, He put the knife inside the bag and wrapped it inside and then put it under his shirt.

Let's Go, -he said and started walking out of alley , she subconsciously followed him, they got out of the alley.

Li chen what are you doing here - she asked hesitantly.

I came to eat- he answered.

You have not eaten yet, what about you come to my house for dinner? - She asked.

He thought that it is good idea as he will be saving money so he said," Ok".

They began to walk after walking for few minutes they came near a apartment building.

After pressing 4 in Lift they just remained silent.

After coming out of lift she opened her house door and they walked inside.

It was a 2BHK house with couches placed in the hall and a table there was  TV also.

She gave him some water and told to wait while she started preparing dinner.

He sat on the couch and turned on the TV and started watching news. He became bored in few minutes and then started playing on his phone.

  In an hour the food was prepared and she told him to come to dining table. Food made by her was delicious, it was his first time eating such type of food .So he gulped down large mouthful without worrying about any manners.

They finished the food in about 15 minutes and after that she washed the dishes and then they both sat on the couches.

She spoke," Li chen why you didn't come to work today".

I was feeling ill- he answered.